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Lonesome Beds and Bumpy Roads (Beds #3)

Page 6

by Cassie Mae

  “You could’ve made a sound, you know,” I say, beating heart going back to normal as I crawl in next to her.

  “I was enjoying the show.”

  “It’s dark.”

  “My eyes have adjusted.”

  “Still impresses you, huh?” I say, playfully grinding up against her. She laughs and puts a hand on my hip to stop me. Her laughter dies slowly, and I reach up to run a sleepy thumb over her cheek. “Did you need me tonight?”

  “I always need you.”

  “Well, yeah. But I mean…” I purposely push my hips into her again, this time being serious about it. I’m beat, but I can scrounge up energy for that.

  She stops my movement again. “I actually just need to cuddle tonight.”

  “I can do that.” I adjust to my back so she can rest her head on my chest. She plays with the bottom of my undershirt while I draw lazy circles on her shoulder. I’m nearly out when my sleepy mouth mumbles, “I think my bed feels really lonely without you in it.”

  She leans up and kisses my lips, and since I’m so tired they delay on kissing her back. I can tell she needs me for reasons other than just cuddling and sleeping, but my brain’s jumped ship, and we can talk all about it when it’s climbed back aboard.

  “Mine does too,” she whispers. Then she squeezes me tight. A grin touches my half asleep lips. This is how it’s gonna be. For the rest of our lives. Crazy days and lazy days, we’ll always end up in our bed together. Not a bad thought to fall asleep to.

  Chapter 9


  There’s nothing in the world that feels better than Ryan’s arm wrapped around me as my head rests on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Especially after this week of craziness. Somehow no matter what happens, being here with him makes everything better. I needed this. Needed him. Needed us.

  I cuddle into his side and smile when his grip on me tightens. Even in his sleep he’s aware of me. and not in a weird possessive way, just a sweet and caring Ryan way. His chest rises and falls and I know I should get up, but I’ve never been so comfortable. So content.

  A groan slips from my lips when the first hint of daylight shines through the window and interrupts my happy place. I pop an eye open and what the! Oh God. A squeal flies from my mouth and I rip the covers from Ryan and dive under them, knocking him off the bed in the process.

  “What the hel…lo Grams,” Ryan says from his new spot on the floor.

  We are so busted. I push my fist into my lips to keep from laughing.

  “Grams, it’s not what you think,” Ryan exclaims.

  “So you two weren’t makin’ bacon?”

  Mmm. Bacon. My stomach decides it’s the perfect moment to howl to the rising sun. I clamp a hand over it and hope to all that is holy Grams keeps her attention on Ryan.

  “No we weren’t…What did you just call it?”

  “Don’t you get smart with me boy.”

  “You can’t hit me with a bible! That’s like sacrilegious.”

  “Don’t you talk to me about sacrilegious when you’re in here sticking your dipstick in her oil.”

  Ryan’s weight shifts and he dives over to my side of the bed. A loud thunk echoes and Ryan yelps. “Ow! Grams, what the...”

  “Watch that mouth or I’ll get you again.”

  “What’s going on in here?”

  Oh God. Not Pop-pop too.

  “They were churning butter in here.”

  Mmm. Butter. Okay this is ridiculous. Nothing happened and I’m so hungry I’m about to start munching on the sheets.

  “May, put the bible down.”

  I flip the blankets from my head and catch Ryan’s eyes. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. I know what he’s thinking. It’s about time, Lex. My gaze drifts up and I bite my cheek to keep from laughing at Grams holding her bible above her head.

  Before she can take a swing, I throw my arms up. “There was no butter churning, bacon making or any other kind of food related activity going on in here.”

  “Alexis,” Pop-pop says and when his eyes land on me red hot flames of embarrassment flicker up my neck into my cheeks. “We’ve talked about this.”

  My head falls in shame. Grams and Pop-pop are like my own grandparents and I hate that I broke their one rule.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, needing them to know I would never outright disrespect them.

  “I hate to break it to you, but I just used the last piece of toilet paper,” Brett says from the hallway and I pray he stays there. We already have enough of a crowd. Plus I don’t need any comments from the Peanut Gallery that is Brett.

  “What’s going on?” Brett says, sidestepping Pop-pop and entering Ryan’s room. “Oh snap!” he laughs out. “Can you say awkward?”

  Ryan throws a pillow across the room, missing Pop-pop by an inch and smacking Brett right in the face.

  “What the fu—”

  Grams turns her glare to Brett and he clears his throat.

  “What about that fudge,” Brett says with a cocky grin, “you promised me?”

  Grams arches an eyebrow, and he holds his hands up in front of him.

  “Okay. Okay. I’m going.”

  “Now back to you two. I don’t see any wrappers around. Does that mean you…Oh please tell me you used protection?”

  What? Why did I ever come out of these sheets? I slouch, wondering if I could get back under them without anyone noticing.

  Ryan stands up from the floor. “Like I said, it’s not what it looks like.”

  “I wasn’t born yesterday,” Grams says.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Pop-pop says with a snort.

  “If we were doing what you think we were doing, don’t you think we’d be wearing a little less clothes?” Ryan asks and points to his boxers but even I know that’s not a good argument, especially considering the slit is dangerously close to revealing all.

  I throw the blanket off of me completely and reveal my t-shirt and leggings. “I’m fully dressed,” I say. “Because nothing happened, honest. I just didn’t want to spend the night alone.”

  Pop-pop and Grams look at each other, then back at me. “How’s your mom?” Pop-pop asks and it’s obvious he really wants to say is your mom still sober. For so long this was my safe house. The one place I could go to get away from my alcoholic mother. They never sent me away. Always had their door wide open for me. I’m forever indebted to them because of that.

  “She’s good,” I say. “Three months sober.”

  “I’m happy to hear that,” Grams says, hugging her bible to her chest.

  “If it’s not your mom then what is it?” Pop-pop asks.

  I bite my lip and try to force the tears from falling. They’ve known me long enough to know when there’s something wrong. I’m not even sure if they know my dad is back. Ryan tells them everything, but I’m not sure he’s had the chance to tell them the newest bombshell in the life of Alexis Boggs. I’m like a never ending soap opera.

  I swallow the human size lump in my throat and force out the words, and not because I feel obligated, but because they deserve the truth. “My dad’s back and…he’s dying.”

  Grams eyes shoot wide then she smooths out her apron and hauls me into a hug. “I’ll make brownies,” she says, taking my face in her hands for a moment. She turns to Pop-pop, wraps her fingers around his arm, and pulls him from the room.

  Ryan sits beside me, taking my face in his hands and gently runs his thumbs under my eyes. “Are you okay?”


  “You sure?” he asks.

  I place my hand on top of his. “Positive. I just have to pee.”

  Ryan laughs and I pinch his side. “That was pretty funny, wasn’t it?”

  “Oh it was, but that’s not what I’m laughing at.”

  “Then what are you laughing at?”

  His lips curve up in that adorable way. “We have no toilet paper.”


  Over a plate of brownies, I tell Grams an
d Pop-pop about my dad while Ryan and Brett run to the store for toilet paper. When they return I can’t grab the roll fast enough. Then I say my goodbyes and head to school.

  Ryan walks me to every class, and the hours go by pretty fast for a school day. I meet up with Ryan out in the parking lot, catching him leaning against his car.

  “You busy this afternoon?” I ask, pressing into his chest and resting my head in the crook of his neck.

  “I…um…promised Brett I’d help him with something.”

  “Okay then. Call me tonight.”

  “Of course.” He pulls me tight, kisses my forehead then steps back, taking my hand in his. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I say and lean in pressing my lips to his cheek. “See you later.” I walk backward, refusing to let go of his hand. Our arms stretch wide and when I can’t go any farther without letting go, I blow him a kiss and let my fingers slide out of his. Just as my arm falls to my side, he grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him.

  “I forgot something,” he says then captures my mouth, causing my legs to go all wobbly. I claw at his chest to keep from going down and his arms tighten on my waist.

  He rests his forehead on mine and smiles.

  “That was hot,” I say.

  “Can’t deny my mad skills.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.”

  His eyes narrow and his fingers snake around me. “Let me demonstrate again.” He hitches me toward him then opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue in a slobbery mess.

  “Don’t you dare,” I scream and push at his chest, breaking free of his hold. He runs after me and like always catches up, scooping me up off my feet and swinging me around.

  “Ryan!” I yell around my laughter.

  He places me back on the ground. “Call me if you need me.”

  “I will,” I say, kissing him one last time before slipping into my car and driving off.

  I have a few errands to run, and do so before heading home. I’m surprised when I walk in Mom is nowhere to be found. Usually I like the apartment to myself, but today I don’t feel like being alone. Ryan is busy, but maybe Kaylee is free. I pick up my phone and tap her name.

  She answers on the fourth ring. “Hey Bestie. What’s up?”

  “What are you doing? Want to go see a movie or something?”

  “Oh. No. I mean not no. I can’t. My uh mom’s in town. We’re going to lunch.”

  “I didn’t know she was in town.”

  “Me either. Total surprise. I mean shock. I didn’t know. Coming Mom! Sorry Lex. I got to go. Call me later?”

  “Yeah sure,” I say and before I can get out another word, Kaylee hangs up. That was strange even for Kaylee.

  Now with no Ryan and no Kaylee there’s only one person left. I tap on Nate’s name and send him a text.

  Lexie: You around?

  Nate: Yup. Everyone seems to be too busy for me.

  Lexie: You too!

  Nate: :(

  Lexie: I’m not too busy for you. Want to grab a burger at Skippy Lee’s?

  Nate: How’s a half hour?

  Lexie: Sounds good. Meet you there.

  I toss my phone in my bag and do a quick check in the mirror to make sure I don’t have raccoon eyes. All good. I have some time to kill so I grab my That’s Hula-rious and paint a nice coat of pastel green on my nails.

  Once they’re dry I grab my stuff and head out. Nate is in front of Skippy Lee’s rolling his hat down his arms and bumping it from one to the other. A little boy points to him as he walks by, watching in awe. I bet if he put out a cup he’d make some money.

  He spots me and bumps his hat onto his head. “Hey,” he says as I approach.

  I nod to the boy. “I think you have a fan.”

  Nate walks over to the boy, and pulls out a deck of cards, and I know he’s about to wow him with his cool card vanishing trick.

  Nate shows the card and then it’s gone. The boy’s eyes widen and he tugs on his dad’s jacket. “Dad did you see that? It disappeared.”

  “How’d he do that?” the dad asks his son.

  “Magic,” the boy says.

  Nate reaches behind the boy’s ear and holds the card up to him.

  “Wow,” the boy exclaims, taking the card and examining it. “That’s so cool.”

  Nate puts the card back in his pack and holds them up in front of the boy. “You could do magic too.”

  “I can?”

  “You absolutely can. Here. Take these cards and practice, and I bet one day you’ll be able to make one of these cards disappear.”

  A smile spreads wide across the boys little face and he scoops up the cards. “Dad, look what he gave me.”

  The father shakes Nate’s hand and Nate joins me.

  “You’re a good guy,” I say as he holds the door open for me.

  “Just a nerd trying to make more nerds.”

  I laugh and pat his back. “I knew there was an evil motive under the suspenders and fedora.”

  We walk into Skippy Lee’s and I ignore Sean Dixon, who has his tongue down Marcy Hasting’s throat. His newest play toy. I can’t believe I dated him. Well not really, but almost.

  That ski trip took so many unexpected turns, and I’m thankful for the most unexpected one of them all, because that’s when I fell in love with my best friend.

  “So where’s Ryan?” Nate asks as we approach the register.

  “Helping Brett with something. Kaylee said her mom’s in town.”

  Nate’s eyebrows turn down in confusion. “She is?”

  “That’s what she said.”

  “Huh. She told me she was helping her dad buy a new suit.”

  “She said her mom showing up was a surprise. She probably hasn’t had a chance to text you.”

  “Probably. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it tonight.”

  We place our orders and head to an empty table. Nate digs into his two orders of fries.

  “Two orders,” I say. “You must be hungry.”

  “I’m just happy Ryan’s not here so you two won’t be using them as weapons.”

  “Next time your fries are on me.”

  “That’s nice of you, but it’s okay. I’m used to it.”

  I take a huge bite of my bacon cheeseburger and cock an eyebrow when I see Brett making his way toward us.

  “Looks like we had the same idea,” Brett says, plopping down in the seat next to me.

  I’m just as confused as Nate looks.

  “Where’s Ryan?” I ask.

  “Beats the hell out of me,” Brett says.

  “But he told me he was helping you with something today.”

  “That’s news to me,” Brett says and tosses one of Nate’s fries into his mouth.

  Nate sighs and pushes his tray over to Brett.

  “So you had nothing you need help with?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Then what the heck was your brother talking about?” I demand.

  Brett takes another fry from Nate’s tray. “You sure he said me?”


  “Maybe he meant Pop-pop.”

  I look to Nate and he shrugs. “I’m sure it was a mix-up. Ryan would never lie to you.”

  “Yeah maybe,” I say, but I have this weird feeling in my gut and it’s making me not so sure.

  Chapter 10


  And… done. Last pre-test before finals, and I’ve still got twenty minutes to spare.

  I flip the papers upside-down on my desk and shove it to the corner. With a giant yawn, I crumple my hoodie and stuff my face into it. Feels like I’ve just fallen asleep when the bell rings. Of course.

  Mrs. Caldwell swipes the test from the desktop as I stretch out my limbs. Four more weeks and I’m done with tests and grades and bells. Hopefully then I can juggle all the crap going on. After last night’s training, I slumped down onto my empty bed, wishing Lexie was there because I wanted to ask her how she did it. How she took care of h
er mom, held three jobs, went to school, and had time for me. So after I heard Pop-pop’s grizzly bear snores, I snuck out and slept in her bed. She was mostly asleep, so I didn’t bother her with my time-managing drama.

  I shove my pencil into my backpack and head toward Lex’s locker. I’ve got training again in about an hour, so I’m going to make the most of my free time.

  Half of her body is hidden in the depths of her locker as she fishes around for what she needs for the night. Her sexy butt wiggles back and forth, knocking the door into her locker neighbor. I laugh to myself, jog up, and grab her from behind.

  “Hey,” I say and press a kiss to her warm neck. Her hands smooth over my knuckles briefly before she reaches up for one of her binders.


  “You got an hour to kill?”

  “Do you?” she teases, smiling at me with those damn cute dimples.

  “Gotta be at the garage at four. I’m all yours till then.”

  “A whole sixty minutes! I’m so lucky.”

  I laugh, but my brows pull in as I turn her around. “You mad at me?”

  “Where were you yesterday?” She hugs her binder to her chest and swipes a finger over her forehead to move her long bangs out of her eyes. “And don’t lie to me. I swear I have to ask you not to lie all the time. And damn it, I shouldn’t have to. You never lied before we became…” She waves her hand between us, and I grab it and twist that ring I put on her pinky finger.

  “I’m sorry.” She’s right… she shouldn’t have to deal with the lying or secrecy anymore, even if it is just a surprise party. I can still be honest… without pissing off Kaylee for spilling the beans.

  “Last night I was working. Before that… I can’t tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because someone will have my hide if I do.”

  She sighs and looks down at our hands. “Is it anything I should worry about?” Her cheeks blossom pink, and I realize… she suspects I’m cheating.

  I can’t help it. I laugh.

  “No, you goof.”

  “Don’t make fun. You’re sexy and funny and I know lots of girls who want a piece of it.”

  “Trust me. I can barely handle one of you.”

  Her eyes narrow. “Thanks. That’s so comforting.”


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