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Royal Savage

Page 10

by Victoria Ashley

  I stick my cigarette between my lips, releasing it with my hand and take a long needed drag. I’m on edge today, and if I don’t relax soon I’m going to lose my shit on the next fucker that even breathes in my direction.

  Blaine rounds the corner and pulls a smoke out of his pocket, taking a spot next to me against the building. “I just heard some shit, man. You’re not going to like this.”

  I grab my cigarette and pull it away from my lips, exhaling. “Then don’t fucking tell me,” I say stiffly. “I can’t handle shit right now, man.”

  “It’s about that dipshit Brian.”

  My ears instantly perk up at the sound of that fucker’s name. “I’m listening.”

  Huffing, he shakes his head and stomps out his smoke. “I was tatting the back of Gage’s big ass dome when Pete started running his fucking mouth, saying that fucktard was coming back to town next week. His ass stopped talking as soon as he saw me listening. Fuck! I walked away so I wouldn’t scare his ass off before you got to him.”

  My heart starts racing as adrenaline pumps through my body, my blood boiling. I’m fucking heated. There’s nothing I want more right now than to rip that fucker’s heart out and feed it to him.

  Tossing my cigarette down, I crack my neck and breathe in deeply, preparing for the explosion that I know is coming. “Yeah. Well this motherfucker better be ready to talk, ‘cause his ass ain’t going nowhere until he does.”

  Brushing past Blaine I rush inside the bar, stopping at the door to look around for Pete’s dirty ass.

  “Fuck,” he mutters and stands up from the bar when our eyes meet. He points at me. “Blaine is a little bitch. He has no idea what he heard. He’s been smoking reefer all fucking morning.”

  “Is that fucking right?” Anger overtakes any rational thought that I have left and before I know it, I’m rushing at Pete, flipping over the table in front of me, sending beer and shot glasses flying everywhere.

  One of the guys from his MC tries stepping in front of me, but I pull out my knife, flipping it around and holding the blade to his throbbing neck.

  His fists clench at his sides, but he steps away, keeping his eyes on me the whole time.

  “Put that shit away, because I’m not telling you shit about my cousin.” Pete stands up straight, tensing his jaw as I slide my knife away. I don’t plan on using the shit unless I have to. I won’t hesitate to kill a motherfucker for the lives I’ve lost.

  Stopping in front of him, I swing my elbow out hard, connecting it with his jaw. Then I grab the back of his head, slamming it into the side of the bar.

  I rotate my shoulders in anger as I look down at him, waiting for him to get up. “You’re not going to tell me shit, huh, Pete?”

  Standing up, he looks down at the blood on his leather vest, before wiping his thumb under his nose. “Fuck you. You really want to do this?”

  He swings out, his fist connecting with my nose. With all the adrenaline pumping through me, I don’t feel shit.

  I wipe my nose off and tilt my head, tensing my jaw at him. I no longer give a shit about anything. That’s not a good thing for him. I don’t give a shit who he rides with.

  Grabbing him by the jacket, I throw him across the top of the pool table, before wrapping my arm around his neck and squeezing as hard as I can without killing the fucker.

  He grabs at my arm, fighting me off, before reaching for a ball and attempting to swing it at the side of my head. I dodge it and swing my right elbow into his nose twice, before releasing him.

  “I called the cops,” a woman yells out from the door, holding her phone up for us to see.

  I nod my head at Blaine. “Get her the fuck out of here.”

  Blaine shakes his head at the woman and backs her out of the door, shutting it behind her. Then he leans against it. “Proceed, brother.”

  Running my hand through my bloody hair, I reach for the nearest beer and slam it back, before tossing it across the room.

  “We’re not done, Pete.”

  “Fuck off, crazy motherfucker.”

  I let out a slightly crazy laugh, while reaching for my knife and rubbing it across my palm, before running my thumb across the blade as he walks away. Maybe the fucker is right. I’m a crazy son of a bitch and I stopped caring a long time ago.

  I nod at Blaine to move and wait until Pete is right in front of the door, before throwing the knife as hard as I can and watching as it sticks through the door, grazing his fucking ear.

  He grabs his ear and quickly dodges out of the way, cussing as he looks up at the knife. “Fuck! You’ve lost your shit.”

  I start walking at him fast, eyeing down his guys on the way to him. Kane, the biggest one, stands up straight and flashes his gun at me. “I’d be careful, Royal. Don’t make me fucking use this. You know I got that asshole’s back no matter what kind of shit he gets in.”

  Blaine pushes away from the wall and opens his jacket, flashing two guns, before grabbing his dick. “I’m packing everywhere, motherfucker. Don’t test me.”

  Our attention gets drawn away as police sirens blast right outside the door as a warning.

  “Fuck!” Blaine yells out. “Everyone be cool.”

  Knowing that I’m fucked on getting any info from Pete at the moment, I walk behind the bar and pour a shot of Jack, before slamming it back right as Officer Knight walks through the door.

  He turns around and looks at my knife sticking out of the door, before turning to me. “Did you lose something?”

  Flexing my jaw, I watch him with distant eyes as I pour another shot and bring it to my lips, just wanting a way to escape.

  Mark pulls his eyes away from me and looks around, stopping on Pete when he sees the blood covering his face. “Get the fuck out of here before I have to arrest someone. Shit.”

  Pete points at me, while wiping his hand over his face. “Another time.” Then him and his guys gather up their shit and exit the bar, leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth and not just from the blood. I have a feeling they’re going to get in my fucking way when it counts.

  Mark examines the messy bar; looking around quietly at the broken glasses and splattered blood, not stopping until we hear Pete and his bitches pull off on their motorcycles.

  He just shakes his head in disbelief and walks over to the bar, taking a seat across from me. “Are you shitting me? It’s not even five yet and you’re already throwing knives?”

  I slam my empty shot glass down and grip the edge of the bar to keep my shit in check. I want nothing more than to storm out that door and get the info I seek. “What can I say, Officer Knight. I’ve had a shitty fucking day. I wanted to play and have a little fun.”

  He leans over the bar to talk quietly, even though the only people that remain are Blaine, two older regulars, and myself; none in which could care less about the drama that just went down. They see that shit and worse, every other week.

  “One day it’s not going to be me that they send. It’s going to be some asshole cop trying to be brave and prove a point that puts you in cuffs. Remember that shit before you end up in a cell.”

  I release my grip on the bar and stand up straight, rubbing my middle finger over my left eyebrow. “I’m in hell no matter where I’m at,” I say stiffly.

  Mark gives me a somewhat sympathetic look and stands up to leave. “Just don’t make me come back here again today. I’m going to get my ass handed to me if I don’t take someone with me next time. Got it?”

  I lift a brow at him. “You know it, Officer.”

  He turns to walk away.


  He stops walking and turns around.

  “How’s the new ink?”

  Smiling, he lifts his arm, showing off the eagle I put there last week. “It’s as good as it was when you put it there.”

  I nod my head. “Alright. See you in a few weeks for the next one?”

  He laughs. “No one’s better than you. That’s why you better keep your ass on the outside world. I c
an’t finish this sleeve with you behind bars, taking out every asshole that looks in your direction.”

  I give him a half-ass smile. It’s about all I can manage right now. “Good. Now get the fuck out of my bar.”

  “On it. I’ve got other shit to do anyway. Real criminals to deal with.”

  Blaine pats him on the back and nods at him as he walks past him and out the door.

  He waits a few seconds before turning to me and pulling out a cigarette. “What the fuck you going to do about Brian?”

  I walk out from behind the bar and take a seat on top of one of the tables, bringing a bottle with me. “What I have to do.” I tilt back the bottle of whiskey and then hold it between my legs, clenching it as tightly as I can. “As soon as I find the fucker . . . he’s dead.”

  I LOOK UP FROM MY uncle Mark’s huge TV when I finally notice him leaning over the couch above me, repeating my name.

  “Huh? Were you saying something?” I look up with wide eyes and shake my head as I take in his amused expression. “What?” I ask again.

  He laughs and walks around to plop down on the couch next to me, nudging me with his elbow. “It’s your day off, kid. Why in the world are you here on my couch, eating my chips?”

  I smile back at him and try to pretend to act normal. “Oh . . . no reason. It’s just been a while since we’ve hung out. That’s all. I figured you could use the company.”

  “Seriously? More like I could use some sleep. I feel like I haven’t seen my pillow in days.” He grabs the bowl of chips out of my hand and starts digging in, eyeing me over curiously. “Have you heard from your mom? She said she was going to call you when she got back from California.”

  Annoyed, I shake my head. I don’t even know why he bothered with that question when we both already know the answer. “Does she ever really call? Come on. She’s too busy dealing with her perfect little life and current fuck to worry about her only daughter.” I roll my eyes and grab a handful of chips, eating out of the palm of my hand. “I could be dead in a gutter for all she knows.”

  “I would never allow that to happen. She knows that.” Mark gives me a look of sympathy. “She’s always been selfish, Avalon. It’s nothing personal towards you. Trust me. I dealt with her for fourteen years, until the day she moved out of your grandparents’ house. She wasn’t easy having as an older sister.” He stands up and hands the bowl back to me. “Why do you think she can’t keep a guy around for longer than a few months? The woman is annoying as shit.”

  We both smile.

  “And because she sucks at communicating,” I say matter-of-factly. “Very much.”

  “Exactly.” He pulls out his phone when it goes off in his pocket. “Shit. I should take this. I’ll be back.”

  “Alright.” I turn back to the TV and try to get back into my show when Mark disappears into the hallway to take his call.

  The real reason I’m here is because Madison is at work and I didn’t want to be alone in my thoughts all day. I tried for a few hours this morning and all I could think about was picking up my phone and messaging Royal to ask him why he was such a dick. Yes, things got a little sexual between us. We were both drinking and vulnerable. That’s it. There’s nothing to be mad about.

  I haven’t spoken to him since he dropped me off at my car the other day and for some reason, that bothers me. I’ve gone days without talking to Colton before and have never felt this way.

  I figured if I spend most of the day at my uncle’s that he could at least keep me busy so I won’t give into this silly temptation to make a fool of myself. I don’t even want Royal to know that he’s crossed my mind since the other day.

  Mark appears back in the living room about ten minutes later, looking more exhausted than he did when he walked away. He looks down at me on the couch and rubs his hands over his face, clearly tired. “I need sleep. Lots of it. You’re welcome to stay here until your dinner with Colton tonight, but if you bother me I’ll cuff your ass and shove you in the back of my police car until I wake back up.”

  A small smile appears on his tired face and I can’t help but to smile back.

  This man is who I take after. He’s the one that I’ve grown up with since I was fifteen, and he’s more family to me than my mother ever will be. I love him for that and am lucky to have him around. I don’t know where I’d be without him.

  “Just go to sleep, Mark. I know you need it.” I look up at the clock on the wall and grunt when I notice the time. As much as I don’t want to see Colton, it has to be done, and I’m the lucky lady to do it. “I have to meet Colton in less than an hour anyways. I’ll clean my mess and lock up on the way out.”

  “Good luck. Just do me a favor.”

  I stand up and wipe my hands off on my jeans. “Yeah?”

  “Make sure you get it on video if he cries. The guys at the station would get a kick out of that.”


  He nods his head. “Dead serious.”

  “Why does everyone think he’ll cry? Does he really come off as that much of a pussy, Mark?” He nods again. “That’s it. I’m done with pretty boys. No more.”

  “I’m surprised you dealt with that one for as long as you have. I just hope this guy on the Harley that Madison was talking about isn’t bad news. You’ve been so good for the last couple of years and I’d hate to see you mess up because of some guy. I’m up for you having fun and dating a tough guy instead of that pussy, but if he hurts you, I’ll have to kill him. Arresting him might not be enough.”

  My heart instantly flutters at the mention of Royal. He’s definitely bad news; every single inch of his beautifully tattooed flesh, and I want nothing more than to run my tongue across it.

  I clear my throat and close my eyes, mad that I’m letting my thoughts go there. “There’s nothing going on with Harley dude, so there’s nothing to worry about. Ignore Madison. She’s crazy and we both know it.” I wave my arms at him to move him along to his room. I suddenly don’t need his company anymore and can’t wait to escape him. “Now, get your beauty rest. You look a hot mess. I’ll be fine.”

  “Better be,” he says while crinkling his forehead. “Don’t forget to lock the door. I’m passing the hell out while I have the chance.”

  “Got it,” I mutter. “I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know what happened.”

  I wait until my uncle disappears into his bedroom, before cleaning up my mess and locking the door on my way out.

  Jumping into my car, I toss my purse into the passenger seat and look over at it. Then I start my jeep and look back over at it again, losing my will power.

  “Ah . . . screw it.”

  I reach into my purse and grab my phone out, typing out a quick message to Royal.

  Avalon: Your cold attitude wasn’t necessary yesterday. No worries . . . I plan to keep my distance.

  Letting out a long breath, my shoulders relax a bit as I look down at the message being sent. As soon as it goes through, I toss my phone back over to the passenger seat and head home.

  I don’t check my phone again until after I take a quick shower and throw on my favorite pair of holy jeans and a thin, black top that hangs off my right shoulder. I don’t have to impress Colton anymore and it feels so good showing him that.

  When I unlock my phone, my stomach does flips at the sight of Royal’s name along with three missed texts.

  Royal: It was more necessary than you know, Avalon . . .

  Royal: I almost lost my shit with you and I’m not sure you can handle it.

  Royal: Where are you at right now?

  Swallowing, I hit the box to his last message and stare at my phone, going crazy inside, as I try to come up with a response. Just the thought of replying has my heart racing so hard that I can feel it pulsing in my fingertips.

  I let out a small breath when my phone starts vibrating in my hand to a call from Colton. That’s when I realize the time. Colton has never been a patient man.

  “I’m on my way,”
I say quickly into the phone. “Walking out the door now.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” he responds. “I’m already seated at a table so try to hurry so I don’t look like a lonely idiot, please.”

  “I’ll try my best,” I mumble. “Gotta go so I can drive.” I hang up before he can respond.

  Feeling anxious, I decide now is not the best time to reply to Royal’s messages, so I lock the screen and quickly shove my phone in my purse.

  Plus, I still have no idea how to respond, but his words definitely have my heart going crazy with curiosity. Everything he does and says does.

  THE LAST TWENTY MINUTES HAVE been nothing short of awkward, as we’ve sat here making small talk. I decided to wait until after we order our food, so I can at least get some delicious food inside my stomach before ruining our little dinner date. We just got done placing our orders about five minutes ago.

  “So . . .” Colton says over the top of his water glass. “Did it feel good to have my brother’s fingers inside of you at my parents’ dinner?”

  Slamming my glass of soda down, I look him in the eyes. “Yes,” I admit. “Did it feel good to fuck your partner the other night and probably many other nights before that?”

  His body stiffens and he anxiously fixes the collar of his black shirt. “There is nothing going on with Misty.” He tries to sound convincing, but completely fails. His guilty blue eyes give him away.

  “Let’s not sit here and pretend that we have a chance of us working out, Colton.”

  We both smile up at the waitress as she drops our food off and asks us if we need anything else. She walks away when we both shake our heads.

  “And why is that?” He watches me with hard eyes as I dig into my chicken alfredo. “Because you’re fucking my filthy brother and probably getting gangbanged by his tatted up, biker friends? Is that the kind of shit you like now?”

  Taking Royal’s approach, I do my best to stay calm. That seemed to really work Colton up at dinner a few nights ago, and pissing him off as much as I possibly can has just become my fucking goal now. I was going to play it as nice as I could. “Not yet.” I look up and flash him a smile, before taking another bite of my food. “I’m waiting until I can get Royal, Jax, and Blaine at the same time. The other boys were busy the other night.”


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