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Irreparably Broken (The Broken Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Heather D'Agostino

  "More," I moaned as his lips left mine and began trailing down my neck. They brushed lightly over my collarbone before latching onto my right breast. "Oh god," the words slipped out without me even knowing it, and Cole chuckled against my sensitive flesh.

  “You’re a greedy little thing,” he teased before moving to the other breast.

  As tingles began to spread over my entire body, I lifted my hips to press them against him, only Cole had other plans. He growled against my breast as his hand pressed my hips down, "Not yet."

  "No more teasing," I begged. "I can't take any more teasing.

  “What do you want then,” he lifted his head and smirked at me. His eyes were dark and smoldering as he watched my face.

  "You," I gasped as I wrapped my arms around him and tugged him flush with me. "I want you now!"

  He chuckled as he gave me a quick kiss before standing to remove his boxers. When he pushed them over his hips, his erection sprung free and stood at attention as his eyes darkened even more. His abs flexed with barely restrained desire as he licked his lips and scanned my body. He leaned forward, grabbed the edges of my panties, and slid them down my thighs. The moment the cool air from the room hit me, I sucked in a breath. This was it. I was really doing this, and as much as I thought I would be scared, I wasn't. I wanted him…all of him, and as he slowly crawled back onto the bed, my body began craving his touch.

  He rolled to the side slightly, opened a drawer on the bedside table, and grabbed a foil packet. After ripping it open with his teeth, he quickly sheathed himself. I couldn’t help but stare as his cock jutted straight out wanting me. I’d never felt desired before, and it was obvious that Cole desired me.

  Once he was finished, he leaned forward and covered my body with his once again. The warm heat was as much comforting as it was a turn on. His knee burrowed between my legs as his lips sealed over mine. I couldn’t help but let my eyes roll back as his fingers dipped down to where his knee was and lightly ran across the sensitive flesh. I shivered when he pressed a finger inside and swirled it around probing areas that hadn't been touched by a man in years.

  “So perfect,” he muttered as he dipped in again stretching me. He shifted his weight, and aligned our bodies before breaking the kiss to stare deep into my eyes. "I'm gonna try to go slow, but I don't know if I can."

  "It's ok," I reassured him as I rocked my hips up trying to force him to slide in deeper.

  “Maddie?” his voice was strained as he pushed forward. It had been so long since I’d had sex that I winced slightly as my body stretched to accommodate him. Cole was large. Larger than Richard, and with the time that had passed since I’d last had sex didn't help.

  "You're so tight," he ground out as he paused and let me relax.

  “I’m ok. Keep going,” I coaxed as I wrapped my arms around his waist and tugged at his hips. I pressed my mouth to his and opened allowing his tongue to plunge in. Cole responded willingly as he rocked his hips forward causing himself finally to sink in completely. When I tighten my grip on him, he finally accepted that I was ok and began moving.

  "Oh, fuck you feel good," he growled as his hips began to piston into me. It was like no experience I'd ever had. Cole knew exactly what to do to bring pleasure to the encounter. With Richard, it had always been about him. Whether he got off or was enjoying what was happening. He chose the when, where, and how. With Cole…he was making it about me.

  His arms flexed as he hovered over me, his eyes pinched shut in pleasure. His lips slightly parted as he rocked forward. I reached up and ran my palms lightly down his chest admiring the way the muscles bunched and jerked under my touch.

  “Cole? Oh god,” I gasped when his hand left the spot where it had been perched by my hip to rub circles on my clit.

  “Come on Maddie…let go. I want see what you look like when you come for me,” he growled as he increased the pressure.

  “Cole?” I panted as my entire body jerked and quivered as the mindless pleasure started at my toes and rushed up my body consuming everything in its wake.

  "That's it," he coaxed. "Let go!"

  Every muscle inside me tightened as he sped up and squeezed his eyes shut. With one last thrust of his hips, Cole released a feral growl as his entire body shook while he exploded. “Holy Fuck!” he roared as his cock swelled inside me. His arms gave out as he collapsed on top of me, trapping me against the mattress.

  We laid there for a few minutes each coming down from our individual highs before he lifted himself off of me. He rolled to the side, removed the condom, and tossed it in the wastebasket beside the bed. "You ok?" he turned his head to the side and stared at me.

  I nodded without answering as I rushed to pull the covers over my naked body. "Don't," he clasped his hand over mine. "You're beautiful, don't be embarrassed."

  "I'm not," I shook my head. I wasn't so much embarrassed as I was nervous. The heat of the moment was over, and now reality was slowly sinking back in. The scars on my body that were usually hidden by clothes were now on full display, and I wasn't sure I was ready to explain all of them. Richard had always told me that no one would want me that way. For years, I'd believed him, but now after sharing what had just happened with Cole, I wasn't so sure anymore.

  “Will you stay the night?” he propped himself up on his elbow. “I’ll take you home in the morning with plenty of time to get to work,” his eyes pleaded with me, and as much as I wanted to hide at the moment, I just couldn’t.

  I nodded slowly as I watched a smile tug at his lips, "I'll stay."

  "Come here," Cole stretched out an arm beckoning me into his embrace, and I went willingly. He pulled the covers up to wrap them around us as we snuggled together in the darkness. "I don't know what's happening here, but I like it," he murmured.

  “Me too,” I yawned as I burrowed deeper into his side. I closed my eyes and let exhaustion over take me, but not before hearing his whispered confession. “I think I’m falling in love with you.” It was quiet, and not meant for my ears. I knew he thought I was sleeping, and that’s why he said it. I knew it might be awhile before he told me if ever. We were both fighting demons, and Cole’s seemed to be buried deeper than mine. Who knew if I'd ever get him to open up, but after what we just shared I hoped it meant we were on the path to finding peace with each other.

  Chapter 18


  For the first time in years, I actually slept all night and didn't dream. The nightmares that had plagued me for longer than I could remember didn't creep in like they usually did. At first I thought it might have been the fact that I was exhausted, but then I remembered where I was. The warm body at my back shifted and groaned before settling back down into sleep.

  I rolled over just as Cole was getting comfortable, and noticed the sheet that had been bunched at his waist had slid down exposing his erection. I couldn’t help but stare. He was beautiful, every part of him, and watching him in this relaxed state was like a dream. I could stare this way, and not worry about coming across as stalkerish. His dark hair was tousled, and his jaw had a little more scruff than usually. One arm was tossed above his head, and the other was lying across this middle. As I laid there, his nose scrunched up as his lips pursed. I figured he must have been dreaming about something, but I didn't want to wake him. I lifted myself up on my elbow careful not to rock the bed, and glanced at the alarm clock on the other side of the room. It was only six a.m. I didn't need to be to work until nine. When I slumped back down in the bed, I slid closer to Cole's side. I could look, right? He shouldn't mind if I didn't wake him. Mornings with Richard came flooding back the longer I laid there. I couldn't remember how many times I'd been hit because I woke him up when he wanted to sleep late, or I forgot to wake him when he had a meeting. It seemed that most mornings I was nursing an injury of some sort for a reason that I didn't understand.

  "What are you thinking about?" came a mumbled voice from beside me.

  I whipped my head in Cole's direction and froz
e, "I'm sorry." I was starting panic. What if he got mad that I woke him?

  “Sorry? Don’t be,” he turned his head to the side as his eyes fluttered open. When he saw my face, his expression went from playful to concern, "Hey…what's wrong?"

  “Nothing,” I swallowed. “I wasn’t sure what to expect here. I was trying not to overthink the moment. I just wanted to enjoy this time, and here I was turning it into something entirely different.

  “Do you regret last night?” he rolled onto his side, and propped himself up on his elbow.

  "No," I slowly shook my head. "It's just…" I looked away. I knew it was silly. I knew I was probably driving him nuts with the way I kept bringing the past up.

  As if he could read my mind, he reached up and cupped my cheek, "I'm not him," he murmured "and if I ever have the pleasure of running into him, I'm gonna beat the life out of him."

  And just like that, I melted. The tension that had been radiating off of me fell away leaving nothing but what should have been there in the first-place…happiness. "I'm sorry…I'm trying…it just might take me awhile."

  "It's ok," he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "What time do you need to be at work?"

  "Nine," I smiled softly. "You?"

  "I don't," he grinned. "I have the day off."

  “I have to take Zeb to the dog park when I get in this morning…wanna come?” I watched is face light up, and then a smirk slid into place.

  “I’ll come with you,” his grin broadened as he rolled and began to crawl towards me. “I’ll come right now,” he quickly scrambled to where I was, and had his body pressed to mine before I could react.

  “You’re a naughty boy,” I giggled as he lowered himself, letting me feel every inch of his body against mine.

  "I can be," he teased as he pressed a kiss to my neck, and then moved lower to nip at my shoulder.

  "Cole?" I gasped when I felt his cock rooting around on top of the covers.

  "Hmmm?" his hands began skimming down my sides, taking the sheet that was between us with them.

  "I have to get cleaned up for work," I panted. My brain was saying one thing, but my body…it was craving him, and he knew it.

  "Can't you be a little late?" he mumbled against my heated skin.

  "No, Hannah will kill me," I pushed against his shoulders lightly causing him to look up at me.

  He huffed and then sprung to a standing position, "All right. Come on." He held out his hand to help me off the bed.

  "What are you doing?" I wrinkled my nose as I let him lead me into the bathroom.

  "Finishing what I started and letting you bathe," he grinned as he reached into the shower, and twisted the knob.

  I knew at that moment I was in for a morning I wouldn't forget. I liked this side of Cole, the playful unrestrained one, and as I followed him into the warm water, I knew I could easily get used to this.


  "Morning," Hannah smiled as she breezed into the office.

  "Good morning," I grinned back. I was in the process of getting Zeb out of his crate to take him to the dog park. After the morning I'd spent with Cole, I was on cloud nine.

  "What's got you so chipper?" Hannah stopped what she was doing and turned on me.

  "Nothing," I glanced away. I was a terrible liar, and I knew if she studied my face long enough she'd figure out what I'd been doing the night before.

  "Nothing huh?" she popped her hip. "You seem awfully happy for nothing. I think you met someone…am I right?"

  I could feel my face heating as I felt her stare on me, "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "That's fine…you don't have to tell me," she stood up straight, "but if it's that fine specimen waiting in the parking lot…well, you did good."

  "I'm going to take Zeb for his exercise. I'll be back later," I scooted around her with Zeb in tow. "That's Cole, by the way."

  "He's hot," Hannah called from behind me. "Better not let Jo see him. She's going to hammer you with questions when she finds out," she called after me as I pushed through the door and out into the morning sunlight.


  “So who’s this?” Cole smiled as we began making our way over to a bench under a tree.

  “This is Zeb,” I smiled as I released the leash and patted Zeb on the head, signaling that he was free to go. “Hannah found him in a ditch several months ago. I’ve been bringing him here for exercise each day."

  “Doesn’t he have a home?” Cole lowered himself on the bench as he stretched his legs out in front of him.

  "No," I blew out a breath. "Hannah takes him home on weekends, but she really doesn't have the space for another animal. She and her husband already have two dogs of their own, and two kids…" I trailed off.

  "So where does he live?" Cole stared out across the lush grass watching Zeb roll and play in the sunshine.

  “During the week…in a crate in the office,” I twisted the leash in my hands and placed it on the bench beside me. “I feel bad for him, but I can’t have pets where I live. I'd take him home in a heartbeat if I could. He's a sweet dog. Doesn't really bark, he's good with everybody…just had a bad run of luck of guess."

  “Kinda like us huh?" Cole murmured as he shifted and lifted his arm to place it across the back of the bench.

  "I guess. I never really thought of it like that," I cocked my head to the side. "He just doesn't deserve the life he was given. We're hoping to adopt him out now that he's ready."

  "Ready?" Cole turned slightly, and his knee brushed against mine creating an awareness that had been hovering just below the surface since our morning in the shower.

  "Yeah," I lifted my arms and shrugged lightly. "You know…ready to be around other people?"

  “I haven’t had a pet since I was little,” Cole contemplated quietly. “You think my place is big enough?”

  "What?" I gasped as I shifted to face him fully. "You want him?"

  "Maybe…I haven't wanted a dog in the past, but he needs something more than what he's got."

  “He’s house trained,” I smiled as excitement built inside me for both Cole and Zeb.

  “You could help me,” Cole cocked his head. "You know…if you wanted too,"

  "I'll have to talk to Hannah, but I don't think it'll be a problem." I leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his mouth, "Thank you!"

  “Don’t thank me yet. I have to dog proof my apartment now, and talk to my landlord. This might not go as well as you want it to."

  "That's ok. Just the fact that you want us is enough for me," I smiled.

  "Us?" Cole lifted his arm from where it was resting behind me and gripped the back of his neck.

  “Yeah…Zeb and me,” I muttered.

  I watched his mouth drop open and then snap shut. “I don’t know why you’re having such a hard time believing this, but I'm the lucky one here. I'm waiting for you to wake up and realize that I'm not good enough for you, not the other way around," he gasped. "Any man would be lucky to have you in his life. Now…stop thinking I'm going to run. It's not happening…understand?"

  “Ok,” I could feel tears rising to the surface, and I blinked furiously to push them back. I was determined to be happy, and knew that accepting the way Cole saw me was a step in the right direction.

  After letting Zeb have his time to run and play, Cole and I made our way back to my office. The entire walk there we discussed him adopting Zeb. I made sure to tell him that it was a process, and would take a little time on my part, but I would discuss it with Hannah that day.

  When we reached the door to the animal clinic, Cole gave me a quick hug and kiss, and promised to see me later. I was planning to meet him after work at the gym. He smiled one last time at me before turning to head to his Explorer.

  Once he'd gotten in and pulled out of the parking lot I turned to enter the building, but just as I placed my hand on the door, I froze. Something felt off, and I couldn't explain it. The hairs on my neck began to stand up, and I felt the st
are of someone. It was almost as if I was being watched. Zeb felt it too, and when I reached down to pet his head, he lowered his ears and emitted a soft growl.

  “Its ok boy,” I cooed as I turned us to scan the parking lot. I didn’t see anyone, but I could still feel them. Whoever they were, they were there, and they were definitely unwanted. Slowly I turned back towards the door and quickly shuffled inside. I didn’t want to hang around and see who it was. My instincts had told me to run, and I was going listen.

  After calming Zeb, and putting him back in his crate, I went into my office to call the local police station. I wanted to verify that my restraining order was still in effect. Richard hadn’t tried to approach me in the last eighteen months, but I wouldn’t put it past him.

  As the phone rang, my brain began churning. What was causing me to feel this way? Was it Richard? Was he out there watching me? Was he crazy enough to try something again? Was it because I finally let Cole in? Was I in danger? As the line connected on the other end,, and I heard a voice come over all I could think was that Richard was right. I didn't deserve Cole, and he was the one out there trying to remind me.

  Chapter 19


  When I left the office that afternoon, the first place I went was the gym. I was still feeling rather jumpy, and needed to be somewhere I felt safe. Still dressed in my scrubs from work, I grabbed my gym bag and burst through the doors into McKay's. I knew I must have looked crazy. When I turned to face the front desk, I watched both Cole’s and Wes’s heads snap up to meet mine.

  "What's wrong," Cole's expression held concern and worry. "Did something happen after I left today?"


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