Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6)

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Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6) Page 3

by Valerie Twombly

  “It is true. While I’ve never used this one due to its age, I do have a more modern version that I’ve played with. Perhaps when our mission is over, you would care to try it out?”

  “Are you kidding? I would love to!” She might have guessed he was a lover of ancient weapons. Handing the piece back to him, she suddenly wondered what it would feel like to be curled up on the leather sofa. A cold winter’s night with heavy snow falling outside. A fire crackling in the hearth, and Tegan would have his strong arms wrapped around her, his lips locked with hers. She shook the thoughts away, finding the idea flamed her skin.

  Could he be my mate? It was silly to think that, and she shoved the thought away. Rhea was merely attracted to a handsome angel and nothing more. Matter of fact, this wasn’t the first time a man had entered her thoughts like this. She was lonely and knew she had denied herself the attention of the opposite sex for far too long. It was to be expected that her desires would stray from time to time. Only problem was, she was commanded to follow those carnal urges and go home carrying this man’s child.

  Something she still wasn’t sure she could follow through with.

  Tegan left Rhea in the guest room to freshen up while he whipped together some sandwiches. As he slathered mustard on a slice of bread, he wondered what had prompted him to bring the angel here. This house was his private retreat. The place where he found solace when he needed it most, and he hadn’t even thought twice about allowing her into his private sanctuary.

  He looked up to find Rhea coming toward him, now dressed in dark jeans and a tee that matched the blue of her eyes. Her brown hair flowed freely over her shoulders. Pulling out a stool on the other side of the counter, she sat and dropped the file they had been given onto the granite surface.

  “Our home in the city is a four-bedroom penthouse in Brooklyn Heights. Are you familiar with that area?”

  “Yes, let me see the address.”

  Rhea handed him the piece of paper then dug through the folder.

  “This is across the river. Should have a nice view of the city too. That particular neighborhood is high scale. Do we have a profile in there?”

  She flipped papers. “Here we go. Tegan Ferrow made his money from real estate. Apparently you’re a tycoon who buys and sells big buildings.” She went silent and continued reading.

  “What about Mrs. Ferrow?” It seemed weird to think of her as his wife, though it shouldn’t. Mortals didn’t hold the same regard for spouses as angels and even many demons did. To them mating was eternal. A binding of souls that could never be broken.

  She looked up. “Seems we met at a charity function. You sponsored the building of a new animal shelter, and that is my life passion.” Her full lips formed an O. “Oh, I love animals, can we have a cat?”

  “Tuna salad or ham?”

  “Tuna, please.”

  Tegan placed a plate in front of her with a tuna salad sandwich and some fresh melon. “I know nothing of cats, but I suppose if you are a lover of animals then it might seem odd if you had no pets. Perhaps you should get two cats. We can visit a local shelter once we get acclimated.”

  Her mouth settled into a grin that lit her beautiful features and it pleased him. This was a female who should always carry a smile.

  “We are newly married and decided to move to New York from Los Angeles, it says here.”

  Tegan stood at the counter rather than sitting and took a bite of his sandwich. Being newlyweds would mean they needed to act as such. He had observed enough couples in love––had been one himself once––he knew how to act. As he watched Rhea turn the folder upside down and dump out its contents, he realized she was a beautiful female any man would be pleased to have on his arm. However, he wasn’t most men. The thought of Ana kept creeping into his mind, followed by Ashley’s words. No, he knew Ana would never want him to mourn her this long. He should have moved on long ago, but something held him in the past. He was brought back to the present when a gasp came from Rhea’s parted lips. Lips he suddenly wondered if they were as soft as they looked. What would her kiss taste like?

  He blinked and realized she stared at two rings that had spilled from the folder.

  “I guess we should follow the mortal custom and wear our rings.” She slipped on a diamond-encrusted band that held a large, square-cut diamond in the center. The thing was near blinding. “Pretty.” She held her hand up and admired the ring that looked way too big for her slender finger. He supposed it was appropriate for a man who had as much money as his identity stated he did.

  Picking up his own band, he gave it a once over. Black with a thin line of gold around the center. Simple yet elegant. He was thankful they hadn’t given him some flashy thing full of stones. As he slipped it on his finger, his eye caught a photo.

  “Who is this?” He scooped up a picture of a couple. The woman looked to be in her mid-twenties and he maybe thirty. Blonde hair framed her face and dark brown eyes. The man was clean-shaven with well-groomed, short, brown hair.

  “Says here, they are in the same building as us. It is suspected they may be part of the new species or at least he might be. Mark and Erica Copper, he’s a shipping tycoon and she’s a yoga instructor. Seems they have been married only a year.”

  “Why are they suspected?”

  She looked up from the piece of paper she was reading. “He was seen with a female’s fangs in his neck.” She dropped the paper and sifted through the pile on the counter, finally pulling free more photos. “Umm, this doesn’t look good.”

  Tegan stepped around the counter to stand behind her. The first photo showed a dark-haired woman with her mouth on Mark’s neck. His head tipped back, eyes closed. While Tegan couldn’t be sure, he suspected she was drinking from him. The next photo showed the two naked and in a position he was positive Mrs. Copper would not appreciate. “Are there any more?”

  Rhea dug through the pile. “No.”

  “So, we know the woman with Mr. Copper is likely a vampire. We need to determine if he and his wife are as well.” He looked to Rhea. “Seems we are about to make some new friends. Best get some rest, we leave at sunrise.”

  Rhea hadn’t slept a wink. Not that she really needed it. She was filled with too much excitement at the new adventure in front of her. Then there was the man in the room next to hers. Her sensitive hearing told her Tegan hadn’t slept either. Every rustle of the sheets indicated he was restless, and when his feet had finally hit the floor, she knew for certain he was awake. The slide of his jeans over his skin brought visions she was positive were most inappropriate. Then again, they were to play the roles of husband and wife.

  The soft click of the door as he slipped outside and took flight had her contemplating getting up herself and joining him. A flight in the skies of the mortal world was exactly what she needed right now and might even clear her head. Instead, she remained in bed figuring he wouldn’t appreciate her company. He was still mourning his lost love, there was no doubt about it, and she had to appreciate a man who was so devoted. However, it did make her wonder how she was going to crack his shell. Did she want to? Rhea was not a fan of deception, didn’t like the thought of it with him or anyone else for that matter, but as she saw it she had two choices.

  Deceive him or choose him as her mate.

  She picked at her covers, realizing either decision would change both their lives forever and required extensive thought. It would also mean giving up the notion that her true love was out there waiting for her. Was she willing to sacrifice that?

  Tossing the quilt aside since she wasn’t going to sleep, she slipped from bed and padded across the thick, plum carpet. The house had a faint glow from a few, small lights, so she made her way to the sliding, glass door and stepped into the cool, night air. The sky was littered with hundreds of points of light, and the breeze carried the scent of pine. Rhea summoned her wings and spread them wide, catching the cool wind on her feathers. Nothing had ever felt more soothing.

  “You are goin
g to catch a chill.”

  Rhea snapped her eyes open. How had she not heard him land in front of her? He truly was an ancient if he was able to come in under her radar. She couldn’t stop the shiver that slithered across her skin when she stared at him. Clad in jeans that hung low, his bare chest had surely been chiseled from granite. When she managed to pull her eyes from his packed muscles, she noticed his hair was all tousled, and damn if she didn’t find it sexy.

  “See, you’ve already caught a chill.”

  While it took extreme temperatures for an angel to take notice, her nightwear did consist of a thin tee that molded itself around her hard nipples and a pair of shorts. She wasn’t cold by any means. It was he who caused her to shiver, and she swore there had been a flicker of desire in his eyes. Brief as it was.

  “I’m fine,” she managed.

  He folded in his wings and then they vanished. “I hope I didn’t wake you.” He started for the door.

  “No. I guess I’m too excited to sleep. I don’t want to miss a thing.” She folded in her own wings, disappointed she’d not be taking to the sky, but they did have to leave in a few hours. Instead, she followed him inside.

  “Perhaps when this mission is over, you can fly and we can practice launching darts.”

  She tried to ignore the fit of his jeans over his backside as he strode away from her, but it was difficult. The way his entire body moved. That of a hunter with superior strength. She liked the fact he wanted to fly with her. “Why do I have to wait?” She nearly bumped into him when he stopped suddenly and turned to face her.

  “You are young and unable to cloak against a powerful demon while in flight. We can’t risk being discovered.”

  “Of course. I’m sure you have far more power than I do.” He was right. While she could hold a glamour and pretend to be human, once she exposed her wings, her ability to hide fell away. It would be at least another century before she grew into that special power.

  He simply nodded. “We should go. Get dressed and grab your bag, and I’ll get us to the airport. Once in Chicago, we’ll take a flight to New York.”

  “Okay.” She hurried up the stairs to change, not missing his heated stare as she climbed the steps. Rhea couldn’t help the little grin curving her lips. It seemed the angel’s sexual desires were not dead after all.

  Chapter Four

  Tegan’s patience was being tested every step of the way. Rhea was like a little girl when she entered the plane in Chicago. Thankfully, they were in first class so less people would notice her. Most of the other passengers in their area of the plane were too involved in planning their day of business in the Big Apple to worry about one of the passengers. Others likely figured she hated flying.

  He slipped into her mind. For the wife of a wealthy man, you should be used to flying. Stop fidgeting like a child.

  Sorry. I’m not used to flying and not being in control. I find it...distasteful.

  He tried to remember when he had been a fledgling then figured he better act like the loving husband, so he reached for her hand and laced his fingers in hers. Her heartbeat slammed into him. She really was frightened, and he suddenly felt bad for berating her. It was difficult to remember in many ways she was like a child. Everything was new to her. Tegan, on the other hand, had been around for so long he looked at the world with boredom. The only time he had ever appreciated the world and its beauty was when he was with Ana. Otherwise, he had seen far too much bloodshed and ugliness. It had made him hard, but that’s also what kept him and his brethren alive.

  Rhea’s wide, sapphire eyes met his and gratitude reflected back at him.

  Unfortunately, you will likely find many things distasteful in the mortal world. However, there are things you will enjoy. You simply have to remember that people will be watching you, so you must keep your front up.

  I will not let you down. I promise.

  He felt the conviction of her words and hoped she followed through on them. As the plane began its descent, he moved his seat upright and prepared for the next leg of the journey.

  “There will be a car waiting to drive us to our new penthouse.” He figured dropping this information out loud might be beneficial if anyone inquired about them.

  “I’m excited to see our new home.” Rhea followed his lead.

  He raised her hand to his mouth and kissed it, not missing the zing that traveled through his body. Again. Seemed this female had an effect on him because every time he touched her something inside him warmed just a little.

  When the plane finally stopped at the gate, he rose from his seat and reached overhead for their carry-on bags, allowing her to exit in front of him. While still early morning, the airport was already buzzing with activity. Tegan opened his senses while keeping his power cloaked and searched for anyone not mortal. They passed a couple of demons in a terminal heading to Florida, but he didn’t sense anything off about them and assumed they were a couple of the many thousands that lived among the human population. He also kept an eye out for the female who had started the vampire threat. Taking the memories Cade had shared with Ashley, Tegan now had a mental picture of what the vampire looked like. He suspected she was being hidden by those she created and could very well be in the city right under their noses.

  Half an hour later they were in their limo, heading to Brooklyn Heights and their new penthouse. Tegan watched the angel beside him stare out the window at the skyline, and he prayed this mission was over quickly. It wasn’t that he disliked Rhea. On the contrary, he found her refreshing. She looked at everything with fascination, while he with the eyes of an ancient hunter. If he was being honest with himself, he looked at her with desire as well and that frightened him more than any war he had ever faced.

  Rhea marveled at the tall buildings but remembered Tegan’s words about not acting as if this was all new to her. It was difficult, but she wasn’t about to let him down. She had to prove that the Almighty had made the right choice in sending her on this mission. Didn’t matter she had been given a completely different one. She shoved that to the back of her mind. There would be plenty of time for her and Tegan to get to know each other better, then she could decide what to do. Forcing her gaze from the city skyline, she looked over at him. How would a wife react in this moment? Probably snuggle into him as her instinct was now telling her to do. The thought made her wonder what his hard muscles pressed against her would feel like, so that’s exactly what she did. If he was surprised by her moving closer, he didn’t let on. Instead, he lifted his arm and placed it over her shoulders, pulling her to him before pressing a kiss to her temple.

  Holy father. She wondered who was seducing who when heat flared in her sex. Was this normal as well? She had little to gauge her reaction against. Oh, she had kissed and been kissed by a few of the angels in her world. But that was as far as things ever went. She forbade anything more. Pulling up memories of each kiss, she realized none had made her body sizzle. Staring up at Tegan, she studied the dark shadow along a strong jaw. How his hair fell and curled at the collar of his shirt as well as how the light played with the colors of mink and caramel. He looked down at her, and she couldn’t help but notice his full lips. Naughty thoughts entered her mind of what they would feel like spreading kisses across her body. Her nipples hardened at the realization this man would be sin in bed. She knew this fact like she knew she was drowning in the pools of emerald that stared down at her.

  Heaven help her. She was way out of her league.

  Thankfully, the limo slowed then came to a stop in front of a large building. She waited while the driver came around and opened the door to help her exit. Another man in uniform stepped from inside the building and pulled their bags from the trunk while Tegan moved in beside her, his arm slipping around her waist.

  “This way, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrow.” The man with their bags spoke as he led them through the glass doors and to a bank of elevators. Rhea tried not to be obvious while she took in every square inch of glass, chrome, and leat
her furniture. They rode the elevator to the floor marked 10. The doors opened into a short hall with a door on either side.

  “Yours is penthouse two.”

  “Who lives across the hall?” Rhea asked.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Copper live in penthouse one.” He opened the door to their new home while she and Tegan exchanged glances. How convenient the couple they were to spy on lived on the same floor.

  “Will there be anything else, sir?” He set down their luggage.

  Tegan addressed the uniformed man. “No, thank you.”

  The doorman gave a nod to Rhea. “Enjoy your new home.” Then he made a hasty exit from the room.

  Rhea walked across red, oak floors to the bank of windows on the other side of the living room. “Wow. The view is spectacular.” The towering buildings of the city sat on the other side of the river. This new place both excited and frightened her.

  “We were being watched as we entered the building.” Tegan lifted the bags and headed up the stairs. Rhea followed, realizing she hadn’t detected anything unusual. Tegan was a hunter however, it would stand to reason his senses would be sharper than most.

  “Do you suppose it was the Coppers?” she asked, her fingers trailing the smooth, wooden banister.

  “Hard to say, but I would suspect any vampire would want to know about the new residents moving in. Scope us out.” He stepped into a large room and she followed behind.

  “This is nice.” The slate carpet against a pale gray wall gave the room a cool, modern feel. In the corner, a cream-color loveseat sat near the large windows that showcased a balcony.

  “This seems to be the master. We’ll use this room.” Tegan set the bags down.

  Rhea stared at the king-sized bed then back at Tegan, her heart pounding at the thought of sharing it with the man who filled the room. “There are four bedrooms, I can take one of the others.” She must have misunderstood him. Certainly he didn’t intend for them to actually share a room.


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