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Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6)

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by Valerie Twombly

  She was untouched and that had kept him at bay. Rhea deserved soft touches and a slow introduction to the world of pleasure. He was not the one to give it to her, so he would have to find another way to sate his darkened soul.

  “You should come with me to the club sometime. It’s very exclusive,” Mark prattled on.

  “Sounds like a good time. I’m free next weekend,” he offered, not bothering to mention he’d already visited the club.

  “Excellent. I’ll stop by Saturday night.”

  Rhea began picking up dirty dishes and tossing out trash when Tegan stepped in front of her. He’d been distant since the other morning when he’d come back from visiting Ana’s grave and had kissed her with a hunger she didn’t think him capable.

  “We should probably have a maid to do this kind of stuff.”

  “I enjoy it. It keeps me busy.” She placed a plate in the dishwasher. “What did you think of Mark Copper?”

  “I have been invited to his exclusive club.” Tegan set crystal goblets on the counter to be washed. “Next Saturday he’s stopping by to pick me up. How are you and Mrs. Copper getting along?”

  “I like her, but I get the feeling she’s not...” Rhea stopped loading the dishwasher to look at him. “I can’t place my finger on it, but something is not right with her.”

  “Well, stick with it until you find out.” His eyes dropped to her breasts before he quickly looked away.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Why do you ask?” He picked up a plate of leftover mushroom caps and scraped them into the trash.

  “You’ve been distant the last few days.” Would he confide in her? Doubtful considering they barely knew each other, yet she felt like she had known him forever.

  “I’ve a lot on my mind. I have a bad feeling about this Mark Copper.”

  “Hmm. I suppose. You looked upset when talking to him earlier.” She pressed the start button on the dishwasher and closed the door.

  “Probably because he was paying far too much attention to your breasts.” He lifted a brow at her. “Shouldn’t a husband be upset by that?”

  For some reason, she wished he really had been upset. “Oh. Yes that would be an appropriate reaction.”

  He tossed down the towel he’d been using to dry his hands. “You do look beautiful tonight. I didn’t tell you that earlier.”

  “You think so?” She ran her hands down the front of her dress. Rhea had picked it out while shopping with Erica, in the hopes he would notice. After finding out he had visited the grave of his long dead love, she wanted to do anything to help him forget. Ease the loss he apparently still felt.

  “I have no reason to say otherwise, Rhea. Yes, the dress suits you.”


  “Oh, I nearly forgot. Tuesday night my daughter will be coming for dinner. She is excited to meet you.”

  Rhea’s heart stuttered. “Umm. Oh my. The Angel of Death wants to meet me?” She tried to force down the panic that formed a ball in the back of her throat.

  “Why so nervous? Ashley is harmless.”

  Right. The Angel of Death, who had the power to take out any immortal, was coming to meet her. There was no reason in the universe she should be nervous. “What if she doesn’t like me?”

  He laughed. “Ashley likes most everyone. Besides, it’s not like you plan to become her step-mother.”

  No. No she didn’t. She was only ordered to seduce the girl’s father then run off with her half-brother. Sure, they would become the best of friends. Suddenly she wondered if Ashley could reach her in the Otherworld.

  “What should I make?”

  “Nothing. We’re ordering pizza. It’s a casual dinner.” He looked at the clock. “It’s late, you should head to bed and I’ll finish up here.”

  “You’re not coming?” Tegan had also avoided their bed since his graveside visit.

  “I’m not tired.”

  She simply nodded, but rather than going to bed, Rhea stepped onto the balcony and stared at the lights. The city took on a life of its own at night. It was like a giant beast covered in glittering diamonds that awoke at sunset. While she found it had its own beauty, she leaned more toward nature. Living in this environment for an extended period would not suit her, but she would love a place like Tegan’s. Buried deep in the forest with mountains on one side and water on the other.

  She sensed him behind her, but when his arms wrapped around her waist and his lips caressed her neck, she nearly came out of her skin. “Are we being watched?” She didn’t sense anything, but he was much older and more powerful.

  “No, but I must ask your forgiveness,” he whispered in her ear.

  “For what?” She nearly choked on the words. The reaction her body was having to his made it hard to speak or think.

  “I’ve been harsh of late and I’m sorry. It is nothing you have done.” He still didn’t step away, not that she was going to complain. They fit together nicely. Like they belonged. Suddenly a thought came to her. Could Tegan be her mate? Her body did react to his, but that wasn’t enough to go on. Even though there was one man destined for her somewhere in the world, it didn’t mean she couldn’t have relations with others. She simply wouldn’t fall in love and bond with them. The real kicker was, her mate might not even want her.

  Rhea’s warmth seeped into Tegan as he pressed against her. He told himself he did it only for show, but deep down he knew he needed the physical contact. Was he finally letting go of Ana? He wanted to. It had never been his intention to hold the grief for so long, but he had loved that woman with every fiber of his being and he had let her down. The nightmares had been his punishment. A reminder of what he had lost.

  However, in this moment he just wanted the comfort of a female. He had been alone for a long time, without the warmth and soft touch of a woman. He buried his nose in Rhea’s hair. The scent of coconut made him want to whisk her off to a tropical isle and lay her naked in the sand.

  “Tegan, I hope you won’t be angry at me, but I understand why you’ve been distant.” She turned to face him, and he thought of letting her go. Instead, he loosened his grip and slid his hands to rest on her hips.

  “Go on.”

  “Obviously I know about your past. Perhaps being with me has made things more difficult?”

  “Again, it’s not you, but I think you might be right.” This time he did step back, needing room to breathe.

  “You’re not being untrue to her. I’m sure she would want you to be happy.” She gave a nervous laugh. “I’ll be the first to admit, being in close contact with you stirs desires.” She wet her lips and he stifled a moan. Rhea had just opened the door to a sexual relationship. Did he dare walk through it? He didn’t mind admitting to himself that it scared the hell out of him.

  “I find you desirable as well.” A thousand pounds of weight lifted off his shoulders. Damn, that actually felt good to admit.

  She offered a sexy grin. “How about this? We let happen between us whatever will happen. If it goes no further than this, fine. If we decide to take it to the point of sex, then we both realize it might never become more than that.”

  He thought for a moment before replying. “We will both be in agreement on whatever happens?”

  “Of course.” She stepped closer until he felt her heat. When she reached up and laid a palm on his chest, he fought carnal urges. Now was not the time to think about sex though.

  “Yes. We will be in agreement.” She leaned in and kissed him.


  Chapter Eight

  “Master, I have friended a new man, who I think will make an excellent vampire. He is strong and young,” Mark stated.

  “Come closer, you imbecile!” There was that scent again, but this time it was stronger. “Touch the box,” Lucifer demanded.

  “Yes, master.” Mark Copper stepped cautiously forward and placed his hand on the box. Even though Lucifer was now imprisoned in a small box, his energy still saw everything around hi
m, including the idiot he had chosen to be his slave. When the man finally placed his hand on the outside of the container, Lucifer took a deep breath.

  “It can’t be.” He quickly conjured an image and shoved it into Mark Copper’s head. “Is this the man you saw tonight?”

  “Yes. That’s Tegan Ferrow. He and his wife only moved into the building a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Wife? He has no wife. I need to know who this woman is. Bring me a strand of her hair.”

  “I... Of course, master. Who is this Tegan?”

  Lucifer laughed so hard, he nearly shook his box off the table. “You dumb shit, Tegan is a fucking elite angel. A hunter centuries old, and I’m willing to bet my lovely sister is behind him being here.”

  Mark stepped back, horror etched on his face. “I had no way to know, master. Please don’t be angry.”

  “Listen up. Now that I know he is only floors above me, I will see to this matter. You just get that female’s hair. I’m willing to bet she is also an angel and might prove useful to us as well. Now, get to work!”

  Mark scurried out the door as commanded. Lucifer was willing to bet if he could get his hands on the female, he could draw Tegan in as well. The only issue was the angel was neither weak nor stupid. Lucifer would need to be clever if he was to lure the elite angel into his trap. An idea sprung in the back of his mind. Had his father become aware of the vampires? There was a high probability he had, and if that were the case, he may very well send one of his own to investigate. Could the female be an angel from the Otherworld?

  Lucifer laughed with glee. “Oh, Father. You might have just done me the biggest favor ever.”

  His plans changed and his focus now moved to the Gate of the Gods.

  Rhea couldn’t breathe and her heart beat so fast she would worry about a heart attack if she were human. Tegan admitted he found her desirable, and she wanted to kiss him so badly but had only given him a quick brush across the lips. She knew if she pushed too fast, he would run like a scared rabbit.

  He had to come to her.

  What would she do if he did? Father had told her she would conceive and that presented a new set of problems. Looking up at him, she decided she did not want to lie to him. Rhea would not become pregnant with Tegan’s child then run off to raise their son alone in the Otherworld. But what to do? She wanted him. Desperately.

  Before she could think further, he cupped her face with his large hands, bent his head, and slanted his mouth over hers. She opened on a moan and his tongue speared her. Slid over her own in an erotic dance that caused heat to flare in her sex. She was so hot, she was surprised her clothes didn’t combust. With a soft nip to her bottom lip, he released her then stepped back. There was no mistaking the desire in his eyes.

  “I’m not sure I can be gentle with you. At least not yet, and you deserve that much your first time. Go to bed, sweet angel. I find myself in need of some air.”

  She sensed his cloak slide over him and then he lifted into the sky. As she watched him leave, she touched her swollen lips, realizing nothing was going to subdue the ache between her thighs. Might as well go to bed. It had been a long day and she was exhausted. The sun would be coming up in a few hours, and it would be time to start another day. Heading to the stairs, the doorbell rang.

  “I wonder who that could be.” The hour was late, but her curiosity sent her to the door. She touched the button on the wall, and the screen flashed on showing Mark Copper.


  “Hi, Mark. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I seemed to have lost my phone. Can I take a look around? It has all of my business contacts on it and is very important to me.”

  Rhea knew damn well his phone wasn’t in their penthouse, but she was curious about what he was up to. “Absolutely.” She unlocked the door and stepped aside so Mark could enter.

  “Thanks for letting me in.” He blinked rapidly, an indicator he was nervous.

  “You might want to check the couch cushions.”

  He moved in jerky motions to the couch. “Of course.” Then he started digging. “Tegan already go to bed?”

  Rhea hid her grin beneath a facade of feigned ignorance. The man was fishing, and she would play along. “No. He actually went out for a walk. You just missed him.” Seed planted.

  “Oh. Too bad.” He straightened and walked back to Rhea. He stopped in front of her. “Wouldn’t you know, my phone was in my pocket all along.”

  She pretended surprise. “Really? Well that’s good news then.”

  Mark’s pupils dilated. “You want to kiss me.”

  His power pushed against her mind. So, the vampire was trying to use compulsion on her. Well, she would just have to play along then. He had no idea an angel’s will could never be taken from them. At least not by a weakling such as he was. “Yes, I want to kiss you.” She stepped closer and immediately Mark grabbed her by the arms and jerked her to his body. His mouth slammed down with brute force on hers, and when he pushed his tongue against her closed lips, she had to force herself to open for him.

  His kiss was sloppy and wet, and the only desire it stirred inside her was an urge to punch him in the throat. However, duty made her comply. When he ran his fingers through her hair, she felt him tug a strand and knew he was taking some for himself. Why? She had no idea. When he finally let her free, he flashed his fangs.

  “Damn. I want to fuck you while I drink from that lovely neck of yours. I bet your blood is as sweet as your kiss.” He grinned. “Not yet though but soon. Soon you’ll become one of the chosen ones.”

  What the hell did that mean? She dared ask. “Chosen?” Even tilted her head in mock confusion.

  His grin widened into that of a predator who only preyed on the weak, and it made her want to throw up. “A chosen one is a female who both fucks and feeds the vampires. I shall make you my personal slave.”

  Well, this asshole was cocky enough to be stupid. Worked for her. “That sounds divine. How do I get to be a chosen one?”

  “You can volunteer or be forced. Choice is yours, but the vampire species will grow. It is Lucifer’s plan.” His pupils dilated further. “I best go before your husband comes back. Forget I ever came back here.” There was his wimpy push again.

  She tried to feign a blank stare as he backed to the door then disappeared. As soon as he was gone, she wanted to brush her teeth. The fact that her body didn’t respond one bit to Mark Copper had her once again wondering if Tegan could be her mate. She needed to fill him in on what happened.

  Tegan flew so high into the sky, the air iced his lungs. It was the only thing that was going to shut down his throbbing erection. If he had thought he could take things slow with Rhea, he would have carried her to bed this very night. He didn’t have that strength. Not yet, but he would work on it.


  Her voice slammed into his mind, and it was laced with concern. Are you okay?

  Yes, but I just had an encounter with Mark Copper. Will you be back soon?

  Why did the word encounter make his blood boil? I’m heading back now. Did he try something?

  Yeah. He shoved his tongue down my throat.

  Every muscle went stiff and his wings stopped mid-flap. He wanted to tear out Mark Copper’s heart and watch it beat in his palm. Before Rhea could say more, Tegan ripped open a portal and landed right in their living room. Fuck it if anyone felt his power.

  “Explain,” he demanded, now standing in front of the angel who had his emotions as well as his dick twisted in knots.

  “Mark came back pretending to have lost his phone here. He tried to compel me to kiss him, so I pretended it worked.”

  A red haze dropped over his vision while he ground his molars. The thought of her kissing that vampire had him on the edge of destruction. He shouldn’t feel so possessive over her. But he did. His old wounds with Ana were mending, and he found he wanted to explore this relationship with Rhea.

  “Well I thought playing along would gain information and it did. First off, he took a strand of my hair. For what purpose I’ve no idea.” Her sapphire eyes focused on him and threatened to drown him. “Then he said I would soon become a chosen one.”

  “What’s that?”

  “A female who either volunteers or is forced into becoming a slave to feed and have sex with the vampires.”

  He rubbed his chin. “Then those are the females I saw in the back of the club. I wonder how many volunteered?”

  “He also tried to use his compulsion to make me forget our encounter.” She grinned. “We have an in. If I play along, I can get behind the scenes.”

  Not a fucking chance. “You can’t let a vampire drink from you. You’re a pure angel, and who knows if they will detect that in your blood.” He stepped closer. “We can assume he took your hair for some kind of DNA test. I think we are about to be discovered.”

  She twisted her bottom lip through her teeth. “I didn’t know he was going to steal my hair when he came back here. Crap! I’ve messed things up.”

  He thought for a moment. “Maybe not. Can you get into his mind?”

  She nodded. “No doubt about it. He is weak.”

  “Perhaps then we can turn this to our advantage. I’m sure you can persuade him to forget anything he has learned. Tell me, did you enjoy kissing Mark Copper?” Why the hell had he asked that question?

  “It was repulsive.”

  His mouth twitched. “I see.”

  She licked her lips. “I was hoping you would wipe it from my memory.”

  This female was wicked. “If I kiss you now, I don’t think I can stop there.”

  She leaned into him. “Who said anything about stopping?”


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