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Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated Book 6)

Page 13

by Valerie Twombly

  That it wonderful news! I can’t wait to see you both.

  Tegan severed the connection. “What troubles you?” His mate was already pulling on her clothes, and he suddenly despised the fabric that covered her lovely body.

  “I have all of Ana’s memories, including carrying Ashley and giving birth to her, yet I cannot claim to be her mother. It would be wrong.”

  He jumped to his feet and pulled her into an embrace. “Start by being her friend and see where it goes from there. I think you will find our daughter a smart and caring woman. I, for one, am very proud of her.”

  She kissed his jaw. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Time was up and Rhea and Tegan were back at the temple awaiting his punishment. Finally, they were both summoned and now knelt before the brilliant light that was their creator.

  “Rhea. You will continue the work of monitoring the vampires. My daughter has assigned her hunter Eli to assist you,” the Almighty spoke.

  “If the world is ending, why are we concerned about the vampire species?”

  “Because they are now a part of the evolution, thanks to my son and his interference. I still wish to know more about them. You will stay until it is time for you to give birth when you will return here. The child must be born in the temple so his power is equalized.”

  Now it made sense to her. With her and Tegan’s son being both of the light and dark, her father would make sure the baby’s powers were tempered, so the child had a chance to develop each side of himself equally. She glanced over at her mate, surprised he remained so calm.

  “Do you intend to separate me from my mate?” she asked, lifting her chin defiantly. That was not going to happen. Not ever again.

  “No, daughter. Now that you and your mate have finally bonded, I will not pull you apart. Tegan, your punishment will be a public display of the removal of your wings.”

  “No!” Rhea cried.

  “Until such time that they grow back, you will be banned to the mortal plane.”

  “As you command.” Tegan bowed his head.

  “The punishment will begin immediately.”

  The room grew dark and they were left alone. Rhea got to her feet and rushed into Tegan’s arms.

  “I can’t believe he is doing this,” she sobbed.

  He stroked her hair. “It isn’t that bad. I am strong and my wings will recover quickly.” He ushered her to the door. “At least we will be together.”

  Yes, there was that but it didn’t lessen her panic. She couldn’t imagine having her wings torn from her body. Being grounded and unable to experience flight was a terrible fate for an angel and she despised the thought of her mate in pain.

  They stepped into the sunshine and a warm breeze carried the scent of oranges. It was one of Rhea’s favorites, and she suddenly realized she was about to leave the only home she had ever known to start a new life. Yes, she would be back. Her son would be born here, but she would miss her friends.

  “You may come and visit anytime you wish. I’m sure your father will allow it,” Tegan whispered in her ear as a guard led them to the courtyard.

  A crowd had already gathered. Word spread fast in the Otherworld when an angel had broken a rule and was about to be punished. Matter of fact, attendance was a requirement. Tegan dropped to both knees on the ground and spread his wings. Rhea stared on in horror, chewing her knuckles as the guard approached.

  Tegan didn’t wince when his wing was grabbed, a boot placed against his back and the tearing of flesh and tendon burned like wildfire through him. The pain was blinding. Worse than when he had taken the fiery lashes back on Semyaza to save Eva’s life. Now he understood how Eli had felt when Tegan had taken Eli’s wings. The first one gone, the second was gripped and ripped free. Blood trickled down his back and black dots swam in his eyes. Suddenly the ground was gone from beneath him, and he was spiraling through a black funnel, his body in agony. It ended when he hit the ground with a painful thud, landing on his already throbbing back. A female cry was heard and then soft hands were upon him.


  “Rhea.” It was the only word he could force from his aching lungs.

  “Lie still. You landed just outside your home, on the other side of the hill. I have us cloaked so no one will know you’re here.”

  He gasped for several seconds before he forced himself to sit up. He tested his power, while still there he was at half his normal strength. Damn, he hoped his wings came back fast because now was not the time to be weak. He was not able to protect his mate. He also didn’t have any communications with the rest of his brethren.



  “Just checking to make sure you could hear me.” He pushed to his feet.

  “You’ve lost your connection to the others?” She slipped her arm around his lower waist, careful to avoid his back.

  “Yes. I’ve also lost a good deal of my power.” He turned into her, his soft mate. “I know you’re a strong angel, but things have changed in all of our worlds. Lucifer now holds a key that is detrimental to us.”

  “Do you suppose he will try to use it again?”

  “I don’t know. He’s managed to open the gate. Maybe he is otherwise occupied. There is no way to know his plan, but whatever it is, I can guarantee it will not be good.” He tried to relax his shoulders, but damn his back burned. He hated the emptiness inside him; the place where his power normally resided was now a vast hole. Well, it mattered not. He still had something that needed taking care of and he could still break a vampire’s neck with his bare hands.

  Mark Copper had to die for what he did to Rhea.

  “Let me help you inside.” Rhea still held his arm.

  He bent and kissed her, taking her mouth and laying claim to it. “I am fine. You go inside, I have something I need to do.”

  She scrutinized him. “You are going after Mark.”

  “I cannot allow anyone to think they can harm you without retribution. If I thought I could take Lucifer down right now, he’d die as well.”

  “Then I go with you.”

  “No. I will not risk you or our son. You will stay here until I return. Actually, I’d much prefer you go back home. At least I would not worry for your safety in the Otherworld.”

  She sunk her fingers into his biceps. “I will not leave you to fight alone.”

  The panic in her eyes pleaded with him and tore him up inside. “I promise to return to you.”

  “She can come back with me,” a soft voice spoke in the growing darkness.

  “Ambriel,” Tegan growled.

  The goddess moved closer, her gown dragging on the grass. “Tegan, I have come to help.”

  “Shouldn’t you have turned your back on me?” After all, he had told her to go to Hell.

  “No. I understand your pain and it was deserved. I also understood you were trying to save your mate.”

  Tegan set Rhea behind him, ignoring her protest. “Lyzander was trying to save his mate too, yet you turned your back on him. Why would you want to help me now? Have you and your father not done enough to me?”

  She pushed out her chin. “I did what had to be done to bring your daughter into the world. Ana was not ready for this life or for you, but Rhea is. As for Lyzander and the others, they are where they should be.”

  He didn’t want to admit it, but his new mate was a strong angel where Ana had been mortal. Still, if the Seven had only given Ana the mark, he could have mated with her, and she would have become an angel. Ambriel sensed his confusion and pressed on.

  “Ana would have become a guardian.” Ambriel focused on Rhea. “Believe me when I tell you that you were not ready even for that task at the time. Now look what you have become. A creation of the Almighty himself with the knowledge of our past. Even our future.”

  Rhea stepped from behind Tegan, much to his displeasure. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  “You simply need to tap into your ability.”

sp; “I don’t understand. Why don’t you just tell me what you mean?”

  “Father will already be angry with me for coming here to interfere. Trust me and dig deep. You hold the knowledge needed for this very moment.”

  Rhea let out an exasperated breath. “Riddles.” Then she closed her eyes. Her mouth contorted and her brows scrunched. When Tegan began to worry for her health, her beautiful eyes flew open. “Ohhhh, I can’t believe it!”

  “What?” Now he was really concerned.

  She slapped her palms on his chest and looked up at him. “The visions Ambriel showed Ana before Ashley was born, those were of now. Our daughter needs to help you.”

  “I don’t get it.” Suddenly a soft, white light came from Rhea’s hands and seeped into him, warming him from the inside out. His back burned, but not in a painful way like when they had torn off his wings. Suddenly he became aware of them. They spread wide, feathers bursting free at a rapid rate, and seconds later his wings were once again a part of him.

  “How?” He looked them over, testing them with a gentle flap. No longer was there a sign of any black. The feathers were back to their soft gold and his power restored. He grinned at the woman in front of him. “You are amazing.”

  “I am your other half, therefore had the energy to restore you. I also carry lots of knowledge.” She seemed nearly giddy. “The vampires may be susceptible to Morbus because of their human DNA. You and Ashley might have to give them an inoculation, using your blood to save as many as you can.”

  He shook his head as if to free cobwebs.

  “She is right. Because you and Ashley hold blood from both my brother and I, it will hopefully keep the vampires from contracting whatever plague Morbus spreads.” Ambriel moved closer. “We can’t save all of the human race, but you can help a new species evolve. Not even I know what will happen in the end, but this may be the only way to preserve the mortal gene.”

  “So Ashley and I are to become donors?” He rubbed his neck, not liking the idea of a pair of fangs embedded in his vein.

  “Don’t think of it like that, and they can drink from your wrist. It won’t take much, only a sip,” Rhea replied. “Besides, I’m not fond of another female sucking on your neck.”

  “Why are my wings no longer that of a fallen?” Not that he minded, but he hated mysteries.

  “Holding a piece of both of us you can never truly fall. You are a son of both worlds.” Ambriel wrung her hands. “You could always enter Lulerain had you really tried. The only difference is now you will keep your link with angels on both sides. You are the glue that holds them all together.”

  He liked that idea. Had hated being disconnected from Lyzander, Cade, and Raze. Still, this was one fucked up situation and he wasn’t sure he was ever going to wrap his head around it. His beautiful mate rubbed his chest.

  “Hell was never meant to become the vile place it is. It was simply another realm, but my brother turned it into what it is now. Lulerain was meant to contain those who deserved punishment. At least that he held in check until recently.” The breeze lifted Ambriel’s hair. “Hopefully, Logan will restore some sense of hope for the demons who live there. That is if he can defeat my brother.”

  Tegan held his hands up. “Fine. I think I understand, but I have one important mission first. Mark Copper dies and no one will stop me.”

  Both women took a step back and nodded. At least neither of them was going to try and stand in his way.

  “There is one more thing,” Ambriel began. “I have spoken to the current Tribunal, and it has been decided that we must accept volunteers for marking. The Tribunal is meeting right now to figure out the logistics.”

  “Oh, dear. I hadn’t even thought about the loss of potential mates. What about the nephilim out there now?” Rhea asked.

  “Many of our records were lost with the old Seven. Those that we know of will be taken now, but the numbers are few.”

  Tegan rubbed his temples. Things just kept getting worse.

  Chapter Nineteen

  With Tegan on the hunt for Mark Copper and Ashley called away, Rhea was left with Eli to comb the city for vampires.

  “Do we have a plan?” Eli asked.

  She looked over at the mate of her daughter. “We need to locate as many as we can and convince them to come with us.”

  He cocked a dark brow. “Walk in the park. So, you’re Ashley’s mother, the one Tegan had me watch over long ago?”

  She might as well get used to everyone being weirded out by it. She was still having a hard time believing it herself. “Yes.”

  “Huh. So, the others have a secure location for these vampires?”

  “Yes. The same location they will use for the women.” Her heart broke, thinking of all those who would be left behind, but it was necessary for the survival of angelkind. With no females, there would be no more children born, and there were many ways for an angel to die. The fact that the world was entering a dark phase would claim many lives. Lucifer had found their weakness and he would use it again.

  “This is bullshit. Convincing anyone to follow us will waste precious time,” Eli stated.

  “What would you have us do? Kidnap?” They stepped into the club Tegan had been in earlier. The one with the secret backroom. The room vibrated with music and writhing bodies. Rhea found the flashing lights annoying.

  Eli stormed to the stage where the DJ played and girls danced. Leaping past the steps, he took center stage and released his wings, letting them snap wide, arms crossed over his broad chest. The music screeched to a halt, and the room took on a deafening silence.

  “Well, there’s a way to grab attention,” Rhea mumbled under her breath as she made her way to the stage, looking up at Eli. “Way to fly under the radar.”

  He looked down at her with the grin of a cat that had just snatched a bird mid-flight. “I’ve never been one for rules. Ask your mate and he will confirm.” Moving his focus back to the gaping onlookers. “Listen up. We’re looking for any young, single women who are interested in becoming part of angelkind. To be blunt. You will leave your world and live in ours. Certain things will be expected of you, but if you wish to learn more, then be at Central Park tomorrow noon. Spread the word.”

  “Are you available?” a female shouted.

  “Sorry, love, but I’m taken. However, there are plenty of others who are not.” He jumped from the stage and faced Rhea. “Done. Now on to locate the vampires.”

  She knew she must look like a complete idiot staring at him. “I’m surprised you didn’t ask them where the vampires are hiding.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I didn’t want to start a riot. If they know about the vampires, it might freak them out. Seeing us is freakish enough.” He started to walk through the crowd. “Come on, my fun isn’t over yet.”

  Rhea followed Eli to the back of the establishment, until they came across a tall, broad-shouldered man in front of a door. Rhea sensed he was demon and was sure Eli did too.

  “I’m thinking this is our door.” Eli flashed a dagger under the big guy’s nose. “We want to see the man in charge.”

  The guy never flinched. “Who shall I say is calling?”

  “Depends. Might be his best friend or his worst nightmare. I’ll let Mr. Big decide.”

  There was a moment of silence before the demon finally responded by opening the door and stepping aside. “End of the hall, door on your right.”

  “Smart choice.” Eli stepped in then waved Rhea in behind him. “Stick close.”

  “You do realize I am capable of fighting.” She flashed her own weapon.

  “You might well be, but if anything happens to you, not only will I have my mate hot on my ass but her father as well. No, thank you. I’d rather piss you off than the two of them.”

  Rhea laughed. “I can see your point. I’ll endeavor to stay out of harm’s way.”

  “See that you do.”

  They walked through a room with a bar much like the one out front. Couples min
gled and Rhea had a hard time telling who was mortal and who was vampire without direct interaction. As they continued down the hall, they passed closed doors and her excellent hearing told the story of sexual adventures.

  “These must be the private rooms used for other activities,” she said.

  “I would agree.” He stopped in front of the last door. “No sense in knocking.” Eli turned the knob and shoved the door open with enough force to break the hinges.

  “Way to go, tough guy.” She patted his arm as she swept by and into the room.

  “Well, you must be the angels seeking an audience.” The man at the desk stated.

  Tegan had kissed Rhea goodbye, hating they had to separate but they both had a job to do. At least he could take comfort in the fact his best hunter, Eli, was with her. Eli took no shit and it was a bonus Rhea was not only Tegan’s mate but Ashley’s mom, so to speak. It was still going to take some time to get used to that, but for the first time since Ana died, Tegan felt peace. His soul was finally content. This time he would be part of his son’s life as the boy grew up. That pleased him immensely.

  He had last tracked Mark Copper and his wife to Mexico City where he currently prowled the darkened streets. He suspected the vampire was somehow using portals, courtesy of Lucifer. Hell, who knew what abilities the vampires had, being they held Lucifer’s blood.



  Are you guys in?

  Just walked through the door.

  Good. Find out what kind of powers these vampires have. We need to know what we might be up against. I’m already suspecting they may be able to use portals.

  On it!

  Tegan let the link slip away, confident Eli and Rhea would learn everything they could. Meanwhile, Copper’s trail had gone cold and as Tegan was attempting to pick it up again, an idea came to him. A grin curled the edges of his mouth. “Time to see if I really do walk on both sides still.”



  I need a nose. Can you cloak yourself in the mortal realm?


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