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Page 17

by Charity Ferrell

  I threw my hands out in front of me and shook my head. "It's not like I planned on it. If I knew this shit was going to happen, I would've kicked her out of my room that night."

  "That’s a lie," he corrected.

  I let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, you're right. But I would've done something differently." No, I wouldn't have. There was no damn way I would've ever been able to turn Gabby to go away. He raised a questioning brow, and I stopped my machine. "This girl, she's getting to me. I feel the constant need to be around her and when I'm not, all I do is think about her. Or what she's doing. Or how I can get her to come hang out with me. It's like she's taken over my damn mind."

  "You're falling in love with her."

  My head whipped up, fully alert. "What? No."

  "Don't try to bullshit me. I know a love-sick fool when I see one, and you, my friend, are a love-sick chump." He jumped off his treadmill and slapped me hard on the back. "And you're also fucked because you can't love her. You need to fix that shit."

  "And how do you suppose I do that, genius?"

  "You’ve got to do it the hard way like a fiend. You have to cut her off. No communication, nothing. Tell Dad you can no longer work with her. Shit, tell him you don't like her anymore. He'd be thrilled to hear that." We began walking back toward the locker room. "And make sure you fix the squinting the eye shit before you do. He’ll see right through your twitching ass,” he added, laughing and I jogged down the stairs.

  "Screw you, asshole," I said, scanning my card to open my locker and dragging my bag out. Even though we worked out at a five-star gym, I still showered at home; public showers weren't my thing. I snatched my bag out of the tiny compartment, unzipped it and fished out my phone. Leo began to complain about his wife as I slid my finger across the screen and tapped on Gabby's name before I began typing.

  ME: What are you doing?

  I was already sucking at the whole cutting-her-off thing. A few seconds passed before my phone beeped.

  GABBY: Laying out by the pool at Cora's.

  I grinned.

  ME: In a bikini?

  GABBY: Nope. Nude.

  I blinked and re-read the message before replying.

  ME: Send me a pic.

  GABBY: No, perv. If I learned one thing from my ridiculous job, it's to never send naked photos. Can't have you blackmailing my ass.

  ME: You suck.

  My phone vibrated again but instead of another text, there was a photo. I opened it up, enlarging it and I felt my cock instantly twitch. I licked my lips as I studied the photo. It was a shot of her body wearing only a barely-there black bikini. Her head was chopped off, but I’d still recognize those tanned skin, hourglass curves from anywhere. I coughed, readjusted myself in my thin shorts and silently prayed I didn’t get a hard-on where other men were showering.

  ME: Tease. Come over.

  GABBY: Can't. But you can come over here. The boys just got here.

  ME: Boys?

  My fingers grew sweatier as I typed that last message. Was she hanging out with other guys?

  GABBY: Keegan and Lane.

  I breathed out a rush of relief that it was just two guys but was still worried about Keegan. I knew Keegan through my sister and he wasn’t the guy you wanted the girl you were falling for around. I swear that guy could snap his fingers and girls would fall down at his feet, ready to do whatever he wanted.

  ME: Be there in thirty.

  "You’re texting her, aren't you?" Leo asked, peeking over my shoulder at my phone screen. He grunted as I elbowed him in the stomach and tossed my phone back into my bag before he had the chance to catch a glimpse of Gabby’s picture.

  "How do you know I'm not texting Eva?" I ask, dragging my car keys out of the side pocket and sliding my sunglasses on.

  He smirked. "I've seen you talk to Eva for years. You don't smile like a giant cheesefuck when you talk to her. Your face doesn't melt or light up when you look at her pictures."

  I stopped, and my head swung back to look at him. "Did you just say my face doesn't melt? Where the hell did you hear that was a sign of love?"

  He laughed, grabbing his own bag and hoisting it over his shoulder. "Kelly's been leaving her romance novels in the bathroom. A man’s got to have some entertainment doing his business, so I just grab one of those bad boys. They’re actually pretty good.”

  I followed him out and headed toward our cars parked side by side. "Dear God, I need to get you away from her," I commented, banging on the hood of his Bentley before getting into my car.

  "Hey there, cherry-popper," a high-pitched voice screeched when I walked through the iron gate into Cora's massive backyard. Her family had money, but I wasn’t sure how. I knew of her since she was Lane’s girlfriend, but her parents never hung out in our social circle. That didn’t surprise me though, because Cora was a snarky little shit, and I was sure that would’ve been frowned upon by parents in our clique. She grinned, tossing her fiery-red hair over her shoulder and smearing tanning oil on the top of her arm.

  A small group of people was spread out over lounge chairs that surrounded the large pool area. I spotted Lane in the corner, manning the stainless-steel grill with his head bouncing up and down to the music in the background.

  “Cora!” Gabby shrieked, jumping up from her chair and smacking her on the arm. Cora yelped as Gabby brought up her oil-covered hand, curled her upper lip in disgust and wiped it down Cora’s face while Cora jerked around like a fish out of water, attempting to block her.

  My eyes burned on Gabby, still wearing the black bikini she’d sent me a photo of. The strings to her top were tied tight around her neck, pumping up her cleavage, and my mouth watered as I licked my lips. Fuck, I wanted to swipe over those bottoms that half of her ass was hanging out of and sink myself into her warm pussy.

  Cora finally managed to push her away, and Gabby fell back onto her lounge chair, her feet rising up into the air. "What?" Cora asked, laughing hard. "Everyone knows he's the one who swiped your sweet little v-card and maxed it out."

  I couldn't hold back my laugh as Gabby stuck her fingers into a glass and flicked Cora with water. "I told you to be nice to him," she warned.

  Cora threw her hands out my way. "I am being nice. I'm letting a Douglas step into my yard without shooting him or setting him on fire.” Her eyes shot my way. “No offense, Douglas, but you got to let me have a few jabs in.”

  "You're good," I replied, walking closer to them. I knew Cora had beef with my sister, so it wasn't personally against me.

  Gabby grinned and gave me a tiny wave. "Please excuse my friends," she commented, her cheeks blushing. Damn, she was adorable.

  Cora snorted. "Excuse us?" Her green eyes angled back at me. "No, be very afraid of us, because I will personally stick your ass in my torture cheating device if you hurt her," she warned.

  I blinked, tilting my head to the side. "Torture cheating device?" I questioned, instantly regretting it. Anything with the words torture and cheating in it couldn't be good.

  Gabby's hand shot out, and she grabbed Cora's arm in the chair beside her. "Don't do it."

  "You better do it, girl," a dark-haired girl to the other side of Gabby egged on. I didn't recognize her, but I did recognize the guy whose lap she was sitting on. Keegan Montgomery. I knew my sister had a thing with him in the past, and I’d busted her a few times sneaking out to meet up with him. I was just thankful he wasn’t there to visit with Gabby.

  Lane appeared at Cora’s side, sitting down at the edge of her chair and resting his hand on her thigh. “I’m with Daisy on this one, babe. I’ve got to let another man hear this so he feels me.” His attention turned my way. “Plus, you won’t be too afraid to nark on Cora when my ass goes missing someday.”

  Cora took that as a go because she leaned forward and grinned. “I’ve kind-of-sort-of invented this pretty little device in my head.”

  "And on paper," Lane added.

  Cora smacked his shoulder. "You see, if Lane ever che
ats on me, I'm going to tie him to a chair in his garage and set up this entrapment device that can only be removed if he cuts his penis off. I haven't completely configured the logistics of it, but it's in the process."

  I felt my cock instantly ache and my arm reached down to cover it. "Damn, girl, you're fucking brutal," I said, wincing.

  "Why don't you tell him the best part," Keegan laughed, pointing to Cora.

  "Oh," she grinned, flipping her hair back behind her shoulder. "Then I set the garage on fire, leaving him with two choices: either he burns to death, or he cuts off his own penis."

  Lane fell back against his girlfriend's legs and looked up at me. "I told you, man. You’ve got to feel for me."

  I scratched my temple and set my attention on Cora. "Has anyone ever told you that you might need professional help?" I asked, my eyebrows scrunching up.

  She grinned. "Nope, my parents just tell me I'm creative."

  "Creative enough to write for the next Saw movie," Lane retorted.

  She slapped him hard on the shoulder. "Anyways, the conclusion of this discussion is that if you make Gabby cry, I'll basically kill you," she added, shrugging.

  "Noted. If I want to live and keep my penis intact, I'll be sure to not piss her off." God, I was so hiding from Cora if Gabby found out about Eva before I figured out a way to break it off. I'd planned on talking to my dad when I got back to the office and telling him I wasn't going through with the wedding.

  Lane clapped his hands together. "Now that we've gotten the threats out of the way, it's time for some grub." He shot up from the chair and slapped me on the back before heading back to the grill.

  I strolled over to Gabby's side before bending down and kissing her straight on the lips. "Hi, baby," I whispered, allowing my mouth to linger on her lips for a few seconds before breaking away.

  "Hi," she breathed out, and I noticed her body tense up. Scooting over, she made room for me on her chair and I noticed why she'd clammed up. Everyone's full attention was on us, and they were all sporting huge-ass grins on their faces.

  "You two are seriously so adorable," the girl they'd called Daisy squealed, clapping her hands together. My hand rested on Gabby's thigh and she stretched her legs out, resting her feet on my lap while everyone else got up to eat.

  "Is everything okay?" I asked, massaging her feet.

  She nodded, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah, it's just strange."

  "What is?"

  "Having you here with my friends, hanging out. I hope you're not completely terrified of them. I don't usually bring too many guys around; they can tend to be overprotective at times."

  I gripped a hip with my free hand and kissed her forehead. I was glad she had friends that stuck up for her and had her best interests at heart. "The dark-haired chick named after the flower, not so much. Cora, though, I think she might be out for blood," I laughed.

  She moved up and rested her head on my shoulder. "She'll get used to you. You’re going to need to suck up to her, though.”

  I pulled her away from me and kissed her again. "I'm glad she's backup for my girl, and I'll go buy her some shoes or shit, that'll get me on her good side."

  She grinned, slapping my side. "Don't get too cheesy on me." Her hands went to the edge of my shirt and looked up at me mischievously. "Did you like my picture?"

  "Oh, I loved that picture," I replied, raising my hands up so she could slip my shirt over my head. She tossed my shirt down on a pile of clothes beside us and ran her fingernails across my chest. A smile built across my face and I bit my lip. "Babe, you better quit before I take you right here in front of your friends, and I'm sure that’s not going to keep me on their good side.”

  “They’d love a good show,” she said, her tone serious. I froze up, blinking as I gazed down at her.

  She slapped my stomach. “I’m kidding!” I blew out a breath.

  “You sure? Because I’m good with ripping off your clothes right now.”

  "They'd probably be happy I'm getting laid," she joked, kissing my chest right above my nipple before grabbing my hand and dragging me to her friends to fill our stomachs.

  "Are you having fun?" Gabby asked. I was treading water between her parted legs while she sat at the edge of the pool.

  I rested my hands on her palms and brought myself up to eye level with her. "Anytime I'm with you, I’m having fun."

  Her smile grew wider. "I like to hear that," she said, biting the edge of her lip.

  "Who wants to see me do a cannon ball?" Lane yelled, and I turned around to see him running straight for the pool.

  "I'd rather see you get hit by one," Cora shrieked, throwing her hands up to block her face when he smacked into the water, sending a giant splash her way. Her mouth fell open and she pulled wet hair away from her face, giving her boyfriend a murderous look.

  I nibbled on Gabby's cheek before kissing her. I loved being able to touch and kiss her freely without worrying about someone going and tattling to my parents. She moaned, grabbing my hand and moving it higher onto her thigh, just inches away from her core.

  "Mmmm, you want to play?" I asked, rubbing my thumbs across the inside of her thigh, moving it closer to where she wanted. She nodded and I leaned in closer. "Answer me, baby. You want to play in the water? You want to get wetter?" She nodded again. "You have to tell me what you want."

  "Damn it, Dalton, I want-" My free hand grabbed her around the ankle, and I pulled her into the water quickly as she screamed, kicking her feet.

  "I'm going to kill you!" she screamed, gasping for air when she shot up from the water and ready for revenge. I laughed as her hand shot out to splash me, but I whipped around and dunked her head back under the water. When I released her, I dashed across to the other side of the pool. She came back up, gaining control of herself before swimming my way. She gripped my shoulders when she reached me, pressing down onto them roughly and attempting to dunk me but failing miserably. I was stronger and over a foot taller; there was no way she was taking me down.

  "Nice try, babe, but it's not happening," I chuckled, wiping water out of my eyes and taking in her plump breasts in my face as she continued to try and take me down.

  "Oh, watch this," she yelped, her fingernails going into my shoulders as she jumped up again. I froze when a second pair of cold hands landed at the top of my head. Oh, shit. All of a sudden, before I had the chance to fight back, I was pushed under the water and held my breath. I spat out a mouthful of water when I resurfaced.

  "Cheater!" I shouted at the two cackling girls high-fiving each other across from me. I pointed a finger at Daisy. “You’re not allowed to help. That’s against the rules.”

  Daisy splashed me. "We make the rules around here, Douglas." The girls giggled until Keegan grabbed Daisy around the waist from behind while she shouted expletives and threats before he dunked her under. She attempted to push him away, but he kept his hold on her and kissed her when she got back up for air. I swam Gabby's way and she dashed to the other side of the pool, afraid I was out for vengeance at the same time Lane threw Cora in. I held my hands up in surrender and grabbed Gabby so she couldn't run from me.

  All of us stayed in the pool for the next hour, laughing and playing games until Gabby looked down at her wrinkly fingers and proclaimed it was time to get her ass out. "You staying at my house tonight?" I asked, wrapping a towel around her shivering body and kissing her bare shoulder. She tasted like vanilla and chlorine.

  She shook her head, wrapping her arms around my dripping-wet chest. "No, I have to stay home tonight."

  "I'll stay there with you," I informed, rubbing my hands down her soaked hair and her bright emeralds gazed up at me.

  "That's probably not a good idea. I told Asher I'd hang out with him and talk about everything that happened. I feel bad ditching him all the time to hang out with you." She was right. I didn't need to piss off Asher so he'd go and tattle before I had the chance to break things off with Eva.

  I groaned, frowning;
my bed was going to be lonely as fuck without her. "Fine, you go hang out with the other guy who’s obsessed with you," I said, running my hands down her cold, quivering arms.

  She pushed my side, laughing. "Asher isn't obsessed with me."

  "Baby, he is. But I trust you." I'd never dealt with the feeling of jealousy before, but it was boiling inside of me every time I thought about her with someone who wasn't me.

  "How very sweet of you," she giggled. "I promise you are the only guy on my mind.”

  I raised an eyebrow. "No one else?"

  She shook her head. "No one else but you, Dalton Douglas." Her hand went up to her mouth. "I can't believe I'm falling for a damn Douglas."

  "Believe it, baby, because there's no taking it back."

  "You wanted to see me?" I asked, my arms wide as I entered my office and fell down into a chair. I hadn't talked to him since I left his sorry ass at the restaurant so I could chase after Gabby. He'd warned me before I did it, threatened me not to go after her, but his words went through one ear and out the other. Just because he wanted to live up to being the world's biggest asshole alive didn’t mean I wanted to follow in his brooding footsteps.

  "We need to talk about your little stunt you pulled. I expect you to never disrespect me like that again. I'm your father," he retorted, falling into his power pose and giving me a smug look. I scoffed at the mention of disrespect. If you ever went against anything my dad said, you were immediately pegged as being disrespectful, no matter what the circumstances were.

  I pulled at the tight collar around my neck. "Then maybe you should stop being such a disrespectful prick yourself," I threw back, grimacing. I wasn't in the mood for his shit that morning. I was sleep deprived and groggy. I'd been on the phone with Gabby all night and ended up having to jack off afterwards. Even on the phone, her sweet and tantalizing voice made me hard as a rock.


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