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Page 23

by Charity Ferrell

  "Baby, talk to me," he breathed out, his eyes searching mine.

  "Did you know?" That was the only thing I wanted to know.

  He ran his hands through his hair. "Fuck no." I scoffed. "I wouldn't keep something like that from you."

  "Or you could've just forgotten," I replied, letting out a hard laugh. "You know, like how you fucked me, told me you loved me and forgot to mention the fact that you're getting married!"

  "Please, let's just go to my place and we'll talk about this. You need to cool down, and you can't be driving like this." I was still shaking so hard I could almost feel my teeth begin to chatter.

  Dalton attempted to grab me when the elevator doors swung open, but I pushed him away. "All of you need to stay the hell away from me," I said, walking out and turning to look at him. "Nothing good comes from being around you, any of you." I whirled around and sprinted out of the building, not slowing down until I made it to my Honda. I hit the remote button, unlocking the doors and throwing my bags inside before jumping into the driver's seat. It took me a few tries before I managed to shove the keys into the ignition.

  I swiftly put the car in reverse and sped out of the parking lot. I didn't need Dalton coming after me. I pulled out into the heavy traffic, nearly side-swiping a car and losing control of the steering wheel. Dalton had been right; I shouldn't have been driving. The tears began to burn, falling down my face faster, and I wiped them away with my sleeve.

  A month ago, I never thought about Dalton. I didn't think about who my dad was. I believed the words that came out of my mother's mouth. Now, all I could think about was Dalton. I knew who my dad was, and it was someone I despised. And I no longer trusted a word that came out of my mother's mouth. Three people had completely changed my life, and I had no interest in seeing them ever again.

  [I was a fucking idiot.

  That was the only reasoning I had for my stupidity. I just fucking stood there and watched the girl I cared about more than anything in the world walk out of my life for the second goddamn time. She was hurting and I didn't go after her. I was the world's biggest piece of shit. I lied, I hurt her and I still wasn't man enough to go chase after her.

  I didn't blink until the silhouette of her body slowly faded away from the lobby and she left the building. The ding of the elevator doors snapped me back into reality as they slid shut, alerting me it was all over. I'd fucked it all up and there was no going back now. My face burned, and I pounded my fist against the numbered buttons until the one I was aiming for lit up. I shuffled backwards to the wall and my body went limp against it with regret. Regret; such a small word but the meaning was astronomical.

  The lift dragged up, and the elevator dinged again as I hit my destination. I sprang forward through the opening doors and darted toward my target. I twisted the doorknob with sweaty hands and swung the door open, causing it to smack into the wall as I barged into the room. The two men stiffened at the sight of me when their heads turned my way.

  I charged toward the man sitting across from my dad, grabbing the collar of his expensive shirt and pulling his body up from the chair. "Why the fuck would you blindside her like that?" I screamed, my throat burning like fire. He winced as the spit flying out of my mouth landed on his flushed face.

  "Dalton! Let him go right now!" I heard my dad's sharp voice order from behind me. I tightened my hold on John; I was done taking orders from that jackass.

  John held his hands out. "Let me explain," he choked out, his voice shrill. "Please," he begged, looking apologetic. "I didn't mean to hurt her. I swear." My hands loosened, letting go of him, and he fell slack back into the chair, breathing heavy and wiping his face with the sleeve of his shirt.

  "You need to get the hell out of my office. You're fired," my dad screamed, his voice menacing. He didn't even bother getting up from his seat. Good fucking riddance.

  "Thank God," I said bitterly, anger flashing through my insides. I didn't bother turning around to look at him; that man didn't deserve any reaction from me. I was certain he knew what John was going to tell Gabby. He was probably sitting in his office giggling like a damn schoolgirl while her whole world was getting ripped away from her. I knew Gabby wouldn't take John being her dad well; she despised the man.

  I needed to get the hell out of there before my dad was the next one getting the wrath of my anger. I bent down and grabbed John's face in my palm. He tensed up and his chest hitched. He was waiting for my next move but he wasn't fighting back. That surprised me. He gave me a pained stare and I noticed the muscles in his jaw ticking. "You leave her the fuck alone," I demanded. "Stay the hell away from her." I opened my hand and his head fell down, his chin hitting his chest.

  He sagged into his chair. "I just want her to talk to me. I'm her father."

  "A little too late for that. You should've tried that when you deserted her," I snarled, walking around his chair and leaving my dad's office. I hustled through the lobby, ignoring Summer's pleas to talk to her, and kicked open the stairway door before thundering down the stairs. My pace quickened when I heard someone behind me.

  "Dalton, please talk to her for me,” John yelled, running after me; I could hear his breathing labor as he tried to keep up with me. He leaned down the stairway above me, making a grab for my arm, but I turned the corner and whipped around to dodge him. He cried out before falling down a few stairs and landing hard on his side.

  Shit! I glanced down at him nervously. I couldn't leave the damn governor lying in an empty stairwell. He held out his hand for my help, and I did a quick sweep of his body to check for any serious injuries. Nothing; he was just having trouble getting up.

  "Are you really her dad?" I asked. I was at an advantage and I wanted all my questions answered. I wanted to be sure my dad didn't set the entire thing up to hurt Gabby for being with me.

  He nodded. "I am."

  "Did you know when you came to us for help?"

  He shook his head. "I had no idea until the party. I saw Shelia and put two and two together. Please talk to her for me; I want to know my daughter."

  "Why couldn't you just keep that shit to yourself?" I asked, my voice raising. "You knew she wouldn't want anything to do with you." There was no way Gabby was going to come back after that. I'd kicked her, making her sore, but John’s confession had broken her.

  "I might be a terrible person and a bad husband, but I love my children. I regret walking out of her life every day of my own. It eats me alive to know I neglected one of my own. I was young and dumb; I listened to my parents and let them manipulate me."

  His words sounded too familiar, and a hot lump wedged itself into my throat. "Too late," I croaked. "She doesn't want anything to do with you."

  "Talk to her for me. She'll listen to you."

  I snorted. "Quick tip, Gabby doesn't listen to anyone. She doesn't let assholes like us or my parents control her."

  "She will with you. She loves you; I can tell. She looks at you the same way her mother used to look at me. Just don't mess it up like I did." Thanks for the delayed advice, old man. My arm shot out to help him up. I wasn't having that conversation with him. He gripped my hand in his, and I leaned backward while he moved forward until he got to his feet. I smacked him on the back before running back down the stairs.

  My finger began hitting Gabby's number on my phone screen as soon as I made it back to my car. She hit the ‘fuck you’ button each time, ignoring my call. I didn’t blame her but I needed to find a way to convince her to hear me out.

  I scrolled down to another name. I needed to use all my resources.

  ME: Do you have Cora's number?

  PIPER: Hell no. But I have Lane's.

  I dialed the number as soon as she sent it to me.

  "Wadddupp," the voice answered on the other end. I could hear voices screaming in the background. Was Gabby with him?

  "Lane, it's Dalton."

  I heard him take a deep breath. "Dude, why the hell are you calling me?" he asked, his voice lowering
to almost a whisper as the screams in the background dissolved. He didn't want anyone to know he was talking to me.

  "I need to talk to Gabby," I insisted, my voice almost pleading.

  "The fuck you do. You need to stay away from her, you heartless bastard. How could you not tell her you were getting married?"

  "It's complicated," I said, starting my car. I needed to get out of this place.

  "It's always complicated when you're trying to play two girls at the same time," he fired back. I admired Lane's loyalty.

  "Please, tell her I'm not going to marry Eva," I said, hopeful he would change his mind and talk to her.

  He groaned. "Look, I know your parents put you in some messed-up position, but that ship has sailed with Gabby. You lied to her and asked her to practically be your mistress. That's a deal-breaker for her, and you should know that."

  "Just please tell her to call me."

  "I'll relay the message but I can't make any promises that she'll do it."

  "Thanks, man."

  "I'm not doing this shit for you," he screeched and the other line went dead.

  "I know," I sighed heavily to myself in the empty air of my car.

  My phone rang when I walked into my house, and I dropped everything in my arms to fish it out of my pocket. Thank God, she was calling me. I grabbed a hold of my phone, almost dropping it from my sweaty hands, and looked down at the caller ID. Fuck. I wanted to throw my phone into the damn trashcan, but I was too afraid she'd still try to call me.

  "What?" I barked into the other line.

  "Nice to talk to you, too, sunshine. My parents are having a thing tonight. Can you come?" Eva asked, her voice chipper.

  "Nope," I answered sharply, picking up my keys and all of the other items I dropped down onto my marble floor.

  "Seriously?" she snapped back. "My entire family will be there and they keep asking about my fiancé who’s never around. Since you didn’t go after that girl at the party, I thought our marriage was still on. Everyone thinks I’m dating Casper the ghost.” I groaned, wrapping my hands around my head. I still needed to break things off with Eva, but I had more important things to take care of first.

  "Tell them I got fired and couldn't make it," I threw back, semi-telling the truth.

  “Funny,” she said, mockingly.

  "I'm being serious."

  She scoffed. "How do you get fired when your dad's the boss?"

  "Long story."

  "It always is. I'll let them know you can't make it." Eva was a good person, and she deserved marrying someone who loved her, not someone who was just doing it to get a big bank account and appease his parents.

  "I appreciate it."

  "And Dalton?" She said hurriedly before I hung up.


  "I hope everything works out for you." I could sense her smiling through the phone.

  "Me too," I muttered, falling down onto my couch and hanging up. I turned my ring volume on high before letting my eyes drift closed.

  With each phone call, my nerves began getting more aggravated. I wanted to forget about them, and seeing his name on my screen every three seconds wasn’t helping. I knew the only reason he kept calling was that I’d skipped out on Eva’s parents’ event and didn’t make an appearance to make them look good. Fuck appearances; I was done being their pawn.

  The calls began to slow down then stopped together. Thank you, Jesus. I fell back into my bed and inhaled the scent of Gabby still lingering on my sheets. Clutching my phone in my hand, I double-checked I didn’t have anything from Gabby before propping my head back onto my pillow and staring at the ceiling until my eyes began to close.

  My phone ringing waked me up, and I immediately grabbed it, praying her name would show up. But nothing. My dad’s name had been replaced with Leo’s.

  “Now’s not the damn time,” I growled into the phone. I needed to go back to sleep or I was going to go fucking crazy. I needed to find a way to stop my mind from racing and the urge to go chase down Gabby like a fucking mad man.

  "You need to get your ass back to the office," my dad's voice snarled on the other end. Fuck me, Leo had set my ass up.

  I laid my head back down on the pillow and sighed. "Last time I checked, you fired my ass."

  "Ivy's dead and Gentry is MIA. You were the last person seen with him, Dalton. Quit playing games and get your ass here before it turns uglier." I jumped up from my bed and stumbled around as I tried to slip my shoes on and run out my door at the same time.

  Fuck, this was not good.

  "Were you ever going to tell me?" I seethed, throwing my bag onto the floor and stomping into the living room.

  My mom was sitting on the couch next to Kenneth, laughing with a glass of wine in her hand. She was laughing, having the time of her life while her daughter was hurting. It pissed me off; it shouldn't have, but it did. When my mom had hurt in the past, I'd hurt. Every single damn time. Every break-up, I was there for her. When she dealt with the aftermath of Kenneth's demon family, I was there for her. But now that she was happy and I was growing up, she'd forgotten to reciprocate.

  She looked over at Kenneth, suddenly nervous, sitting her glass down on the table. "He told you." I wasn't sure if it was a question or a statement.

  "Oh, so you knew about that asshole blindsiding me at work and telling me he's my dad?" I screamed, my fists clenching tight, my eyes burning.

  "He called me last night and wanted me to tell you. I was going to, I promise. I was just trying to figure out the best way to do it," she answered, shakiness in her voice. I shook my head like I don't believe her. "Gabby, sit down," she breathed out. "Let me explain."

  I walked around the couch and took the chair across from it. She grabbed the glass of wine and chugged it like she needed alcohol's help to tell me the story of her deception. "John and I met when we were young. We dated in high school for a while until I told him I was pregnant on the day of our graduation. He said it ruined his plans. He wanted nothing to do with the baby or me. His parents despised me and told him to insist I get an abortion. I was trash from the trailer park. But I couldn't do it; I couldn't get rid of my baby." My head flew up. On every ad I'd seen, John said he was pro-life. Pro-life, my ass. It pissed me off that people had such strong views about something until they're the ones in the predicament.

  "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

  A single tear fell from her eyelashes. "I didn't want you to try and contact him.”

  I scoffed. "I'd never try and contact him. I hate him."

  She shook her head. "You don't know that. He's a public figure. All you had to do is tell one person, that's it, and the media would've been on our front door step. I didn't want you, or myself, in the public spotlight like that. I was trying to protect you."

  I gulped. "Protecting me by lying?" I gritted my teeth. "And how does he know all these things about me? He knows my birthday. He knows about my damn birthmark!"

  "He came by the hospital on the day after you were born. He wanted to meet you and say goodbye. He told me he couldn't have the story leaked and offered me money. I wasn't going to take his hush money."

  "How very honorable of both of you," I huffed. My mom was too damn stubborn to take money we needed, and John thought forcing money down people's throats so they wouldn't talk was generous. What a great pair of procreators I had.

  My attention turned to Kenneth, who was sitting silently on the couch. "Did you know, too?"

  He shook his head, pushing his glasses up his nose. "I didn't. I would've never allowed him to walk through our company doors. I know we aren't that close, and I have a feeling you're not my biggest fan, but I do love your mother. And you. I know our relationship hasn't been the easiest with me being married when we met. Now, I understand this information isn't the best news, but you can do one of two things." He held up a single finger. "You can try to establish some type of relationship with him. I'm assuming since he's told you, he doesn't mind it being in the public eye, which i
s surprising." He held up another finger. "Or two, I can tell him to leave you alone."

  I got up from my chair, walked a few steps closer to the couch and leaned forward. "I want you to tell him to leave me alone." I pointed a cold smile at my mom. "I also want you to tell her," I pointed a finger straight at her face, "to leave me alone, as well."

  My mom's mouth fell open and she whimpered. I was being unfair, but I was so angry. So freaking angry. I grew up hating this imaginary man, someone my mom led me to believe didn't exist. I had never expected to face him and now I couldn't. The young girl inside of me yearned to know her father, but the wise woman who'd been pained told me to run. Just because he was my dad didn't mean he would actually become a real father; he'd only hurt me more.

  I grabbed my bag and headed upstairs. "Gabby!" my mom called from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder; she was still sitting on the couch, not coming after me. She wasn't trying to console me like I'd done with her. I slammed my door shut when I reached my bedroom and dragged my suitcase from under my bed. Walking into my closet, I grabbed an armful of clothes, tossing them into the suitcase with the hangers still attached. I opened my underwear drawer, grabbed a handful of panties and threw them in the case, as well. I leaned across my bed, zipping up the suitcase and not caring when the zipper snagged some fabric while doing it.

  The suitcase bumped along each stair as I held the handle walking down. "Where are you going?" my mom asked, meeting me at the end of the stairs.

  "Out," I answered, my voice sounding almost robotic.

  She tried to grab the suitcase from my hand but I pulled away from her. "Gabrielle Nicole! Quit acting childish and talk to me about this!"

  I bit back a laugh. "Oh, now you want to talk about it? You've had eighteen years to talk about it. Ding, ding, your time's up."

  I noticed the hurt in her eyes. "You're not leaving."

  Kenneth stepped between the two of us, grabbing my mom and pulling her back away from me. "Honey, she's probably going over to Cora's to cool down. Just give her some time." My mom sighed, defeat lining her features. My mom and I rarely fought. I wasn't one of those girls who complained about her mother. We were each other's backbones, until I realized she'd been lying to my face from the very beginning.


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