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The Custodian

Page 5

by John Olafenwa


  In Destiny Valley, no one else as young as Robert had so much wealth in his possession. At the young age of twenty one, he already had his own car. He was a young millionaire and many envied him. His wealth was due to the assets he inherited from his dead parents and his excellent business management sense. In addition to the soccer viewing centres from which his father made so much money, Robert had established a cyber cafe in the city. About four months to his final examination, Robert began to dispose all his assets. Everyone that heard about it was shocked to the bone marrow. Robert explained to those close to him that he was planning to relocate to Ghana where he would establish various business ventures. Most of his business ventures were managed by a few people he trusted because he was still a high school student. Robert’s intention was to further his studies in Ghana, where his parents came from. He was a computer wizard who acquired much knowledge through various online courses he combined with his high school studies, but his interest in justice made him determined to pursue a university course in Criminology.

  Everyday had been bliss for Robert, as his friendship with Jane and David had grown so much. They were a family to him. Jane who was an orphan just like Robert was also very glad to have the two guys around her. Apart from Robert and David, the only person that she had in the world was her uncle; an uncaring bachelor was about the age of forty. Despite Jane’s great happiness, one thing always made her very sad, but she always hid it from everyone including her two friends. About two months before she met Robert, she was forced to join the deadliest cult group in Destiny Valley. The Dragons, as they were called, were directly responsible for the death of Robert’s parents. Having known that fact, she never made it known to Robert that she was a member of the dragons. With every tick of the clock, she desired to leave the cult but doing so would mean death for her. Jane was confused about what to do but she knew she had to be fully concentrated on her final examination. The examination began soon and after a month, it was over. Many of the students were glad that they were through with high school. Those who had been well prepared were optimistic about the possible result of the examination but many lazy students were scared of the possible outcome of the examination. On the day the examinations were completed, Jane felt the love between her and Robert had grown much more than she hiding things from him, therefore, she decided to tell him the truth about her. David had gone home immediately after completing the examination but Robert had to stay behind because Jane told him she had an important issue to discuss with him. As soon as David was out of the school compound, Jane handed a paper note to Robert. Robert patiently read the contents, after which he threw the note at her. Anger could be seen in his face, remembering the death of his parents as a result of the evil activities of the dragons. Robert found it difficult to come to terms with the fact that Jane was one of them and she hid it from him. In annoyance, he told her their friendship was over, as he picked up his bag to go home, almost speechless, feeling the whole world was crashing on her, she managed to utter a few words, “Robert, you once told me you love me and no matter how bad I am, you would do your best to make me good. I need your help, I want to be free from this.” Robert was moved almost to the point of shedding tears. He felt sorry for his rash reaction, he realized it wasn’t her fault as she had explained in the note that she was forced into it and he remembered his promise to always do his best to make her the best she could be. He apologized to her and explained that the death of his parents through the activities of the dragons was the reason why he reacted rashly. Looking into her eyes, he continued speaking, “I am sorry Jane, I also have something to tell you, I should have told you all the while but I was only sceptical, the truth is...” He paused, with his hands shaking, Jane whose face was covered with tears told him she was ready to hear the truth no matter what it was. Gathering some courage, he finished his statement, “I am the custodian.” “You are!” Exclaimed Jane, who was stunned to know that Robert was the famous, secret fellow that changed the school and he never told her about it. Robert felt sorry for not trusting her with his plan, but he assured her that he could help her gain her freedom from the cult, if she could cooperate with him. Jane did not doubt his ability to do so, based on the manner he was able to restore justice to the school. They both spent the next few hours discussing on a new plan. Robert wanted not only to free Jane, but he was keen on putting an end to the threat of “The Dragons.” They both decided on what to do.

  The next day, Jane left home early. Her uncle never bothered to know anywhere she went to at any time of the day. She headed to Robert’s house. Robert was pleased to see her but was not surprised as it was part of their plan. For the first time, she sat in Robert’s car. Soon, he drove off to the police station. The policemen were surprised to see Robert. They all knew him well, as he was very famous in the city due to the wealth he had at such a young age. After exchanging greetings, they asked him the reason why he came and he told them he needed to see the Divisional Police Officer. He was allowed to see him but before he left, the policemen at the gate, they asked him if Jane was his wife. Laughing, he told them she was his sister. Shy and smiling, Jane affirmed he was her brother. The policemen who knew that Robert never had a sister or brother burst into uncontrollable laughter, after which they allowed them to go inside the police station. Robert explained to the DPO that Jane was forced to become a member of the dragons and she wanted to help the police to arrest all the members of the cult group. The DPO was happy to hear this but was reluctant to send his men to arrest them. He complained to Robert that the dragons had charms which made them immune to bullets, a factor that had made it impossible for the police to put an end to their menace. Robert acknowledged that it was true but he told him that he had a solution to the menace. Robert explained to him that Jane would help him to plant a small device at the point where they held their meetings, the device would be remotely controlled from a distance using wifi and when activated, it would release a gas that would make them all sleep instantly. With this, the police would have no problem arresting them. The DPO was greatly impressed. He asked Robert how he got such a device but the young man simply told him that he loved buying the latest gadgets to secure himself from criminals. Robert was given permission to go ahead with the plan.

  Two days after, the dragons were to hold a meeting. Jane’s uncle often spent his nights in some bars, hotels and many other places where he met with various irresponsible women. This often made it possible for Jane to sneak out at night to attend the meetings of the dragons. At about 10 pm in the night, Jane sneaked out of the house, she took along with her the small device Robert had given her and got to the meeting place much earlier than anyone else. The place was an uncompleted building. As soon as she got to the place, she dug a shallow hole in the middle of the room they used and covered it up with sand. At about 11 pm, all the rest of the members of the group arrived. Robert, who had been well informed of the times they usually began and ended their meetings stayed at a far range from them, yet, at a distance where the wifi could still operate. He had informed Jane that the device would be activated at 11:30 pm. As their meeting proceeded, Jane kept her eye on her wristwatch. By 11:28 pm, she told the rest that she needed to defecate at a bush nearby and she was allowed to leave the room. Two minutes after she left, at exactly 11:30 pm, the device was activated and the whole room was filled with a sleeping gas. They all slept off immediately, with their various weapons beside them, none of which was able to save them from the effect of the sleeping gas. Robert, who was now confident of the state of the dragons, ran close to the meeting room. As he got closer, he met Jane, who assured him that the plan had gone well. Immediately, he called the DPO who came with a team of 10 armed policemen to the scene. It would have been impossible for them to locate the meeting place of the dragons if not for Jane’s help. The policemen were pleased when they saw all the dragons and their weapons sleeping on the bare floor. All their arms were seized, and they were all carried into the van. Rob
ert and Jane accompanied the policemen to the station where the members of the dragon woke up. They were all put in the same cell as they wondered how they all ended up in the police net. Inspector Daniel, the DPO was very glad that night. He thanked Robert and Jane abundantly for their help. For many years, the police had tried so much to arrest the dragons but all their efforts were in vain. Robert, who was very glad to have put an end to the threat of the dragons, asked Inspector Daniel for a help. He explained to him that he had already concluded plans to travel back to Ghana with Jane because it would be safe if Jane could also leave the city, as a few other cult groups in the city might attempt to assassinate her. He promised to take Jane with him to Ghana where he would sponsor her to further her education. Mr Patrick agreed with him that it was no longer safe for Jane to continue living in Destiny Valley. However, he reminded Robert that her uncle would have to make the final decision regarding his intention. Robert agreed and he planned to visit Jane’s uncle the next day to explain everything to him. Inspector Daniel agreed to accompany him.

  Early in the morning, Jane’s uncle, Mr James who came back home at about 5 am, was outside his house walking up and down, expecting to see Jane. Often, before Jane’s uncle returned home, Jane would have returned from the meeting, but on this particular occasion, she slept in the police station. Jane’s uncle was wondering where she had gone to, as he walked up and down, Robert packed his car near Mr James’ house. Robert, the DPO and Jane alighted from Robert’s car. Mr James wondered if he was dreaming as he saw the three of them alight from the car. He greeted them and with fear asked them what was happening but the DPO assured him that all was well. They all went inside Mr James’ house. He remained confused. The DPO explained everything to him. His anxiety vanished. He was happy all was well. He was also excited that the dragons had been arrested. Robert then explained to him his intention to take Jane with him to Ghana for her safety. He also promised to sponsor her university education in Ghana and take good care of her. Mr James was short of words. Robert had been the richest young man in the city for some years. It was like a dream to him. Being a poor man, he did not have the financial capability to send Jane to school and he was happy with Robert’s decision to help his niece. Robert promised to send money to Mr James every month. Jane’s uncle thanked him so much and agreed to the plan.

  David was not unaware of all the happenings between Robert and Jane. Robert kept him posted with an up-to-date information about everything. Four days after Robert’s meeting with Mr James, he came in his car to take her to Ghana. Jane was fully prepared. Her uncle was so happy to see her step into the bliss of a new, better life. Before they finally took off, Mr James talked with Robert for more than an hour, after which Jane packed all she needed into Robert’s car. Soon, Robert zoomed off. On their way to begin a whole new life. Robert had many challenges but he conquered all that stood in his way and his legacy was that of justice.


  This book is dedicated to the glory of the Almighty God and to the Son, Jesus Christ. To Him be glory for ever and ever more. Amen.

  Other books by John Ishola Olafenwa

  The Promise

  Voice of The Knight

  The Concept of Love

  Sin No More

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  John Ishola Olafenwa is a young man blessed by God with the gift of writing. Beyond writing, he is a computer programmer with skills in Java programming, mobile application development and web technology. He is also a poet.


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