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The Fervor: A Sinful Supes Story

Page 8

by Xandrie Kovak

  I gaped as his feral healing fought the damage. After a few seconds, the nasty wound eased away and onyx fur grew back in its place.

  Lucas growled and launched an all-out assault against the witch, but it was clear the girl and her broom had the upper hand.

  “That’s right doggy,” she taunted. She extended her hand and a molten gold whip snapped next to the wolf’s ear. “Follow me, you big stupid mutt!”

  As she darted and dove, luring Lucas away from me, I got to my unsteady feet. I almost didn’t trust the witch to be real, didn’t trust that I was being saved.

  “You should be running now,” whispered an echo on the wind.

  Yes, I should be.

  I tore into the parking garage, taking the steps two at a time, then leapt off the last three. I snagged the keys from my pocket and rounded the corner my car hid behind.

  My blood ran cold.

  The hyena feral was back.

  And he was leaning against my car.

  After a moment’s hesitation I walked toward my car with determination. I’d gone through the wringer tonight. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this fucker and nothing was going to keep me from hopping in my Honda and putting the hellhole that is Fort Lawrence College in my rear view mirror.

  The feral stood up straight and began walking toward me, hands up as if to express how innocent and harmless he was. I noticed he hadn’t been infected by the fervor, but it was only a matter of time considering the blue mist that followed me like my own fucked up rain cloud.

  “Hey, I—” he began.

  I interrupted him by kicking his knee in. I wasn’t sure if I could attack before he could defend, so I summoned the last of the stolen vampire energy to move faster than a human.

  And a feral, apparently. He fell to the ground screaming, leg inverted. I clicked the car fob and my piece of shit car chirped happily at me.

  “You bitch,” the hyena screamed. I reversed the car and peeled out. The feral scrambled out of the way, but I think I got his foot because the car acted like it went over a minor speed bump. His yells also reached a higher pitch.

  My hands shook on the steering wheel. I breathed hard, just concentrating on getting the fuck out of dodge.

  When I got to the Boulder Turnpike, I pushed the gas pedal to the floor. My Honda hit its limit at 97 mph.

  A warm tendril of lust wrapped around my innards.

  I shook my head and concentrated on not causing a pile-up.

  A sharp pleasurable pang speared my abdomen. My hand jerked on the wheel, almost hitting a Prius. I corrected my path to the serenade of honking.

  “Fuck!” I yelled, wiping the sweat off my brow with my forearm. Another dose of orgasmic agony lanced through my belly. Not again…

  I pulled over on the shoulder, signaling my hazard lights. I pressed my head to the steering wheel and screamed in frustration. I hit it a few times.

  Why the fuck was my body doing this? I couldn’t escape without it shrieking at me to get it on with crazed Supernaturals.

  It physically hurt not to have sex right now.

  “Fuck!” I screamed again. My body desperately begged me to turn the car around and go back, get some more of the vampire essence. Or even better, some Lucas Masters.

  But he was a truck sized wolf, and I didn’t care how much my inner succubus wanted it, there is no way I’m ever, ever going to have sex with a fucking wolf.

  Ugh! I felt desperate, this was so wrong.

  I slammed the gearshift into drive and pulled back into the turnpike. I left my hazards on, just in case I veered into someone’s lane again. Any surrounding people should know not to get near me. Not even in their car. No one was safe from this hunger.

  Angry pulses generated down below, desperate for someone to touch me. I needed it.

  When I pulled onto my street, another sharp hit of ecstasy rocked me so hard my toes curled, complete bliss. When I came to, my car was parked on top of some trashcans on my landlady’s front lawn. Shit! That could have been a kid. I needed to get out of this car pronto.

  I swung the door open and flopped out onto the lawn. After a breather, I staggered to my feet and wobbled toward my shed—could barely stand in the face of all this need. My legs were Jell-o. I must’ve looked like a goddamn baby deer taking her first steps.

  I slid the key home, carelessly slammed the door shut behind me and collapsed onto the cot. I curled into the fetal position, clutching my stomach. I just had to ride out the desire. I began to sweat and shake.

  I sent a longing glance at the bedside table where I knew there was something that could ease this tension. I shook my head. What the fuck was wrong with me? Besides it wouldn’t even fit. Or would it? I’d somehow become sopping wet, unnaturally so. It coated my thighs.

  I felt so slick and gross down there. I needed a cold shower. God, and I was still wearing the crotchless jeans and torn up tank top. I pulled them off me, disgusted by the sight of them. An instant replay of Capshaw tearing my jeans open played in my mind. I tasted bile at the back of my throat.

  But then I started salivating at how good it felt to kill him, to eat him. Soon my frazzled brain drifted to Lucas, to his scary hot body and how I wouldn’t mind eating him.

  The inner walls of my vagina clenched. I bit my lip to contain a moan.


  I ogled the bedside table again, where the mammoth sized dildo beckoned me.

  “No. That’s nasty.” I berated myself. “Don’t do it. It’s not even yours.”

  Oh God what was wrong with me? I had to slap myself to clear my head.

  I felt better for a moment then the pleasurable pain slapped me back.

  Ugh! I ripped the tie out of my hair. I needed to take a shower, but the only one I had access to was in the main house. One of my housemates worked graveyard shift as a security guard and the other was probably staying at her boyfriend’s. My scattered brain couldn’t recall if there were any other cars in the driveway.

  I bit my lip and stared back at the drawer.

  “No,” I told myself firmly. In that tiny window of self-control, I jumped off the cot and stalked toward the kitchen. I shuddered at the bead curtains’ erotic caress. It felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. I steeled myself against the inanimate objects’ seduction and snatched a pair of tongs. I viciously shoved the beads away from me on the return trip. I yanked the drawer clear off it’s tracks, upending an incredibly thick twelve inch (veins included) silicone schlong into the air.

  Using my newfound agility and dexterity, I used the tongs to pluck the flying penis out of the air and tossed it in the trash.

  I then grabbed a large plastic bowl and placed it beneath the spout of my water jug. I sat on the ground, hugging my knees to my chest as I waited for the makeshift water basin to fill.

  I almost didn’t recognize myself in the reflection of the water. I was so filthy and scared looking, yet untamed and wild with my hair down. I looked savage.

  Not wanting to see what I’d become any longer, I flicked the spout and dunked my face in the bowl of water. I stayed under until my lungs burned, and even then considered staying. When I finally came up for air, I grabbed a rag and soap for my sponge bath. I simply couldn’t risk the shower.

  I feared the main house—if Mark, my fat housemate in his fifties was home, it would be too much of a temptation. Anything that moved was a temptation. Even the fake penis in my trash.

  I continued scrubbing the vampire ash and blood off me. When I went to scrub at my vagina, it was slick. My body had never produced so much… lubricant before. Was it some sort of defense mechanism for the fervor?

  I dried myself and slipped on an old t-shirt and sweatpants.

  Painful need ripped through my body and I convulsed. I caught my reflection off the glass of the small picture frame of me and my family together. My eyes positively glowed blue.

  I rushed to the sex drawer and grabbed the handcuffs. I looked around for anything to cuff myself to. A
nything to keep me sequestered here and not out hunting for my next victim. There was nothing stationary so I decided to cuff my right hand to my cot and my left to my desk chair. It wasn’t the optimal form of restraint, but if I tried to get out of the little door of the shed, it would sure make it more difficult.

  I laid down on the cot and fisted my shirt. The clothes irritated me, I wanted to tear them to tatters and luxuriate in my naked skin. I clawed at the cot mattress—anything to distract myself from going outside and bending over like sacrificial sex lamb to any passerby. After a few minutes of trying to battle my hormones I groaned, pulled the small desk chair onto the cot and rolled over on my side, hugging it like a teddy bear. I stared at the hideous wall painting.

  Unfortunately, in my haze the abstract swirls started taking on the shape of people. People fucking in any and every position. It was like those medieval battle pictures with angels and demons, except it was a writhing, unnatural orgy.

  I closed my eyes and shuddered.

  I was going crazy.

  I shivered and leaked more of that slippery lubricant out of my body. I wanted to cry, needed release. Instinctively, I knew my hands wouldn’t do the trick. It had to be a man. Or a woman. I didn’t even care at this point.

  There was a scratching at the door, then there were a couple of loud sniffs… followed by a dog’s whining? Was I so desperate I’d settle for a dog? I felt sick. I needed to get through this fervor without more damage, without more death. I just needed to wait it out here, away from any unsuspecting bystanders. I concentrated hard on the wall, on not going crazy. Or digging through the trash.

  The scuffling stopped outside. I heard the creaky hinges of my door swing open.

  I closed my eyes, could sense someone looming above me. My legs rubbed together of their own volition, spreading the cream. Even my thoughts weren’t my own. Suddenly the chair was ripped from my clutches. Still handcuffed to it, I rolled onto my back, splayed like a sacrifice. My eyes remained closed. I didn’t want to know who it was, didn’t care. All that mattered was tending to this need.

  “Just do it,” I whispered. Tears leaking from the corners of my closed eyes. “Please.”

  I felt a small jerk on my wrist and heard the snapping of chain. Then a thud of the chair being tossed aside. Next thing I knew, my body was being positioned on my hands and knees, facing the wall with my right wrist still shackled to the cot. He jerked my underwear and sweatpants down to my knees. Suddenly I was lifted by my thighs, ass in the air as I felt him nestle his face in my exposed sex, purring in satisfaction.

  My eyes widened when I felt his tongue on me, lapping up my juices. I moaned and writhed, jerked on my shackle, wanting to be free to run my hands all over him. I snuck a glance under my lifted body at the man between my thighs, eating me out from behind. I fluttered my legs a little to get my sweatpants to fall to the ground.

  The man growled at my movements and yanked my thighs further apart, stretching my blue polka dotted panties across my knees. I tried to bend my legs inward but he wouldn’t allow it. The warning nip on my inner thigh was enough to still my movements.

  Even though I was incredibly turned on, the sharp points of his teeth so close to my femoral artery sent a strange bolt of erotic fear through me. And with it, the knowledge that there was no escaping this if I changed my mind. Not that it was possible to change my mind. I was desperate.

  From the narrow window of vision between my breasts and the cot, I could tell that he wore no clothes. He had a heavily muscled torso and an extraordinarily tall frame even in his crouched position. His elbows rested on the tops of his thighs which were splayed open to reveal a massive, jutting erection.

  A flush of heat pooled between my legs. My eyes practically rolled back in my head as he licked a certain bundle of nerves in earnest. Oh fuck, his tongue was dexterous, and so quick…

  My legs began shaking. My breathing harsh.

  He must have sensed how close I was because he retreated to long languid licks. I groaned in frustration and looked over my shoulder to glare at the man who was torturing me. Instead, I could only see the top of his head. His massive clawed hands roughly forced my legs open; strong biceps and broad shoulders showed no sign of fatiguing anytime soon, despite hoisting most of my weight.

  Whoever it was, the elongated fingernail digging into my thighs confirmed he wasn’t human—if I were thinking clearly I would have realized that sooner.

  He reminded me of Lucas in his hulked out battle mode. My mystery man could be any brown-haired feral caught in between human and beast form. Or maybe only Alphas could do that? A spike of lust stabbed me at the thought of Lucas eating me out.

  Truthfully, it didn’t really matter who it was. All I knew is it felt so good. My body craved this, needed it.

  My arms burned from holding my upper body up, but it didn’t matter. I’d hold this position for as long as his tongue flicked along my clit, wouldn’t dare readjust myself at the risk of losing the building pleasure. Pushing me closer and closer to the cliff.

  The pressure grew and grew and I couldn’t hold back my moaning and nonsensical mutterings any longer.

  He shoved his tongue inside me, causing me to spasm and careen over the edge.

  “Oh God!” I moaned. My inner walls clamping down with every pulsing wave of ecstasy. Holy shit, that was intense…

  My arms gave out. The only thing that kept me from swinging right toward his dick in a 69 position was my tethered wrist. It clanged sharply against the metal of the cot.

  I blinked sluggishly, half my face pressed to a blanket. My entire body had turned to pudding, relaxed, loose. I felt deliciously sated and ready to go to bed… until I was suddenly jerked up by my t-shirt. The fabric rode up my body and bunched near the base of my neck. Was he biting the back of my shirt?

  I had somehow been maneuvered onto my hands and knees again, except this time he mounted me from behind, hovering over me, even in front. I felt so tiny in comparison, entirely engulfed in his shadow. One large arm acted like a pole that my entire right shoulder braced against—making it impossible to flee forward, away from the insistent pressure of his over-sized penis slowly pressing into my entrance.

  My adrenaline spiked. I was about to be ravaged by a feral with a tenuous grasp on his humanity—something closer to a beast than a man.

  “Please be gentle,” I whispered, eyes shut tight, praying that the extra lubricant from the fervor would protect me. The man above me made no indication that he heard the request. He probably couldn’t even comprehend it.

  He drove his hips forward. A stunned whimper escaped my throat.

  I was completely fucked. Literally.

  I jolted forward, springing upward like a jackknife. I hissed and clutched my shoulder at the sharp pain. Why had I slept on the floor? I pulled the collar of my shirt forward; it was covered in old blood and fell down my arms. I frowned in confusion.

  The back of my shirt was missing.

  I pulled the cloth back up to cover my chest and tentatively felt along the edges of the pain where my shoulder and neck met. I tried to get a look at the damage, but ended up wincing when the movement pulled against the crusty scabs. I gently felt around the puncture wounds instead.

  I stared at my index fingertip, part of a scab had broken off and coated it in a small red smear.

  And then I noticed the handcuffs on my wrists. My left wrist sported half a set that had snapped at the chain, like an ugly bracelet with a tail. The set on my right hand was still whole but didn’t connect to anything allowing the empty cuff to flop open, like a waiting maw ready to ensnare another wrist. I stared at it like it was an alien object. What the fuck happened last night?

  I took stock of the room and my gut sank. Strange scorch marks splattered the walls of my shed. My little cot had been completely destroyed, practically torn in half with twisted metal and bits of mattress shrapnel strewn about.

  Oh yeah, and there was a naked guy on the floor.

>   Suddenly last night came flooding back to me in a torrent of flashes.

  A large man pinning me down, thrusting into me over and over again. Mercilessly.

  Being hoisted up by my shirt. Him shunting his huge cock inside me.

  Screaming, but liking it. Good screams. Moans. Begging.

  Forced to take every thick inch.

  Should have hurt but didn’t. Felt so good, so primal. Filled to my limits.

  A blue lightning storm striking the room, making it glow. Bright currents of lust sizzling and sparking between our bodies.

  Head thrown back. Shirt ripping.



  He’s biting my neck…

  Real scream.


  I clutched my chest breathing harshly; I needed my inhaler! After a few seconds I realized I wasn’t having an asthma attack, in fact I’d never felt physically better in my life minus the whole neck mauling business. There wasn’t even any residual soreness from losing my virginity—which should be impossible considering the size of that guy’s genitalia.

  I frowned at the smaller version of the naked man lying on the floor. A shredded sheet covered his head and upper body—revealing partial buttocks and a bare leg.

  Never in a million years would I have thought I’d seduce a feral. Or at least it felt like I seduced him… somehow I’d initiated it. I knew that much.

  Or maybe I was drugged?

  While trying to replay the events of last night, everything hit me at once. Not just the sex, but being saved by Lucas, even setting off the fervor…

  “Oh God,” I gasped, horrified that all those people had died. Killed because of me. I’d broken the hyena’s leg, murdered that professor, put everything in motion...

  I scrambled over to the trashcan just in time to vomit. I wretched and ejected bile and stomach acid over what appeared to be a giant penis. Oh fuck, had I castrated him? What kind of monster rips off someone’s dick?!

  I closed my eyes, not wanting to deal with any of this. After a few failed attempts to convince myself this wasn’t happening, I opened my eyes… and realized it was just the novelty dildo.


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