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Octavious: Andino Crime Family: Social Rejects Syndicate

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by Eden Rose


  Social Rejects Syndicate

  A Andino Crime Family Novel

  Eden Rose


  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Octavious Copyright © 2020 by Eden Rose. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews. For information contact Eden Rose.

  Octavious © 2020 Eden Rose

  Cover design by Sweet 15 Designs


  Andino Crime Family

  Social Rejects Syndicate

  Greece Novel

  Eden Rose



  The hair on the back of my neck is standing straight up. I know they are watching me as I leave the ski lodge. I feel their eyes watching my every move.

  I walk quickly to my brand new Mercedes SUV that Octavious gave me and I play with the keys in my hand. I’m fingering the driver’s key fob in between my pointer and middle finger to use as a weapon when the inevitable begins.

  I know my time is up but I’m not giving up without a fight.

  People all around me are having the best time of their lives at the ski lodge. Octavious and his men have done an amazing job of turning the ski lodge into one of the most prestigious vacation spots in northern Greece. I love it here.

  I just hope I’m not going to die here.

  My new SUV is sitting in the middle of a group of cars surrounding it giving me the protection I need. At least that is wishful thinking. All of these cars surrounding my beautiful new car only means there could be men hiding under the cars. There could be people waiting to pounce on me.

  I grew up living in a dangerous world. I grew up knowing that at any moment, I could be taken and held for ransom. I knew that at any moment, I could be killed just because someone was mad at my father. I also knew the risks of leaving my home without a bodyguard. I knew that I could be a casualty of a war between two families. With all of those evil thoughts roaming through my mind, I still decided to fall for Octavious.

  Actually, I couldn’t even remember falling for Octavious. The man has captivated my whole heart and mind. The enigmatic man has captured me. I couldn’t stop myself from falling in love with him.

  This is what led me to Mount Olympus on the day that could possibly be my very last day on earth.

  My fingers squeeze the keys to quickly unlock the car. My salvation and my safety are all in the car. I just have to get in the car and leave.

  I quickly open the door and jump into the car. The seat is a lot higher than the Mini Cooper I had before this car. The jump inside is quick and effortless. In seconds, I have started the car and am pulling out of the parking spot.

  I look behind me to see the ski lodge and then I see the shadowed figure of the devil himself.

  My father sent him to me? My father sent him after me?

  The “Devil” is one of the most lethal men in the underworld. He’s the one that comes to get shit done and the reason why many don’t live long in this life.

  The Devil is also someone I grew up with. Baron was like the brother to me I never had and now he’s been sent here to kill me. I couldn’t believe it.

  I know what this means. I know that I need to get to safety before it is too late.

  I’m speeding out of the driveway and onto the main road. There is a semi-truck blocking the main road causing me to panic.

  I go to slam on the breaks but they don’t work. “Shit!” I cry. I do my best to veer off the side of the road and into the mounds of snow.

  My brand new car is smashing into the semi before I can do anything to stop it.

  Chapter One


  It was two weeks before our wedding when I found out everything fell apart. I found out that the man in front of me, the one I was supposed to be marrying in two weeks, is probably the dumbest in the world.

  I was just coming back from a very business trip when Baron, one of my father’s trusty men, called me and told me I had to come over right away. Being that I’m the only daughter of one of the most feared men in all of Greece, I have done my best to separate myself from my father’s organizations- which is the exact reason why I operate my own business dealings.

  After getting off the plane and into the town car waiting for me, I was quickly driven to my father’s building on the side of the town when my life got twisted. Imagine my surprise when I found the man I’m supposed to be marrying tied to a chair looking like he just went rounds with a boxer.

  What the hell is Servos doing here and why does he look like this? What happened to him?

  I’m about to drop everything on the ground to run to him but something inside of me stops me. The worst part about being part of my father’s family is knowing that violence can happen at any moment and it is usually warranted.

  “Vera,” my father’s deep, baritone voice cuts through my questioning. I look over at my father who has a 9 millimeter in his hand and watch as he loads it. He does it swiftly just like the professional he is.

  My father’s olive skin is glowing from the light of the room. His signature balding head glistens from the same light. But it is the anger and hatred which radiates off of him that springs me into action.

  I have never romanticized what my father does for business. Many other children who grew up in this life have done that to help them cope with who their father and/or family members actually are. I have known from the beginning that my father ran the Baros Crime Family in Greece. One of the heaviest hitters in the country and the world. Everyone knows who he is and what he can do to them.

  It is The Devil that sparks immediate fear for those that don’t know who my dad is. Baron has started taking over most of my father’s dealings since his heart attack last year. Baron is just as ruthless as my dad, but he has the energy my dad is missing.

  “Dad!” I cry out and drop my purse to the ground to go to Servos.

  The man I have been dating since my sophomore year of college is strong. He wouldn’t have gone down without a fight. Servos is a beautiful man with his thick blond hair, light blue eyes, a light tan and an athletic body, I thought I hit the lottery. Now, he’s unrecognizable.

  Servos never made me feel like the outsider I was at college when I told him where I came from. I loved the fact that he didn’t care who my father is nor did he treat me like trash. Many others have made me feel like a rat because of my father. Servos loved me, at least that’s what he used to say to me.

  “Care to tell my angel what we caught you doing?” My father’s voice echoes through the building.

  This is one of his favorite buildings as it is so far away from the public. The privacy this building has is unbeatable.

  “What happened?” I demand. My mind is swimming with what could have happened. Did he owe my dad money? Did he get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time? Did he promise my dad something and not deliver it? I’m hoping that my imagination is a whole lot worse than the actual truth.

  Servos gulps visibly. “Vera, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, so fucking sorry!”

  The hair on the back of my neck sticks straight up. “What happened?” I practically yell.

  “I slept with someone else and your father found out.”

  My heart stops in my chest. What? Did I hear him rig
ht? Did he just say he cheated on me? Did he just say what I think he said? “Excuse me?”

  Baron steps up behind my fiancé and places a knife at the throat of Servos. “You heard him. This fucking asshole has a death wish.”

  My mind is swimming. Who could he have cheated on me with? Did he know her? Did I know her? Did he love her? Did he love me? My whole body starts to shake. My anger is clouding my judgment.

  I fight the urge to press down on Baron’s hand. Anything to end the life of this pathetic man who obviously didn’t get the memo on whose daughter I am.

  I want to know everything. I want to know her name. I want to know where Servos met her. I want to know if they have a relationship. Does he know her? Does he actually know her or is it a one night stand?

  What is worse, though? Servos knowing her or just meeting her at the bar? I’m not sure which one is worse.

  My knees start to tremble on their own accord. There is no stopping my nerves from coursing through my body. I don’t know what to do.

  “What?” I whisper again into the air. My father and his men are watching our exchange and they are waiting to pounce.

  “I’m so sorry, Vera. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me!” Servos begs.

  I shake my head. There is no forgiving him. He did the unthinkable. He ruined everything and now he has to face the consequences for it.

  Chapter Two


  Watching her from across the ski lodge, I couldn’t stop myself from adjusting my dick in my pants. I would be making a move if it weren’t for these fucks I’m here with. It has been so long since I’ve seen a woman as beautiful and sexy as the one in front of me.

  I’m not here for a social gathering but more for a takeover operation. The ski lodge in Mount Olympus has been on my mind for a long time. I can’t wait for my syndicate to take it over. The number of ski bunnies and money this ski resort will bring in will definitely put Andino Family on top of it all.

  Not that we’re lacking the status quo. There is always room for advancement.

  Mount Olympus will be the perfect front for fencing goods in and no one would ever suspect a thing because of it being the quaint ski lodge. It is a perfect idea.

  There are several different reasons why I would step in and take over ownership of a business. One, I want it and I can take it. I love those take over options. Two, the assholes can’t pay their loans or make payments on their businesses resulting in them crying to me asking for a bailout. Or three, they have defaulted on the loan they have received from me.

  It just so happens these mother fuckers didn’t pay their loans and now that they’ve defaulted… Well, looks like I’m taking ownership over.

  The rule is simple, don’t keep what’s mine. Don’t be borrowing money and not paying it because that’s the best way you’re going to get capped.

  I don’t mind the extra clean up this will cause. My men are always ready for more money-making opportunities. The ski resort will be an excellent hideaway. Plus, all of the gorgeous ski bunnies that come up to Mount Olympus for some fun in the snow and warming up at night. It is the perfect place to meet gorgeous women who are not looking for attachments.

  My problem? The pretty brunette from across the lodge keeps looking at me with the innocent doe eyes. She looks so sweet in her snow boots and leggings that leave nothing to my imagination- and a form fitting sweater. The material of her leggings is stretched tight against her shapely legs and around her ass. I know this because she keeps showing me her ass. The whole look is topped off with white boots with white fur sticking out giving the perfect contrast to her black leggings.

  “Octavious!” Alek shouts.

  I want to punch him for interrupting my reveille. “What?” I bark. I twirl the Scotch in the tumbler in my hand and keep my eyes on the pretty girl. She’s more appealing than these fuckers in front of me.

  “Balak wants to know the plan.”

  Balak is a fucking idiot who should have been whacked a long time ago. The fact that I have let him live this long is a true testament to my patience. I should be praised by Zeus himself. Fuck Balak. He has been one of the leading causes of a few botched deals.

  Why had I not killed him, you ask. The answer is black and white. Balak is the grandson of the founding syndicate we represent. Needless to say, unless Balak truly fucks up, I mean fucks up, he gets a good free pass.

  That doesn’t mean I’m not going to give him shit every chance I get for being a complete and utter moron.

  “If Balak would kindly pull his head out of his ass, I’m sure he would have figured out the plan when I explained it before. Don’t you think?” I down the rest of my Scotch and place the tumbler on the bar top in front of me.

  Balak scoffs and growls. “Look, Octavious, I’m sorry. I had to be home for some shit.”

  My men follow very simple rules and I have never kept them from these assholes. The first rule is, The Andino Family comes first. The second rule is, when I call, you get your fucking ass here.

  My fist curls. I would punch him in the face if it weren’t the fact we were in the middle of the ski lodge. We don’t need any more bad publicity here.

  “I’ll explain it one more time. That’s it. Next time we have to have the same conversation more than once, I’m going to fuck some shit up.”

  Balak nods. He’s balding on the top of his head and his tanned skin glisten in the fluorescent light of the lodge. “Yes, boss.”

  My Greek Orthodox crucifix is heavy on my chest as I explain the plan once again. It doesn’t matter how brutal I have become; my crucifix is always with me. The titanium is cold against my overheated skin from sitting so close to the fireplace in this ski lodge.

  Well, that’s one reason for my skin being hot. It could have something to do with the beautiful brunette that just bent over in front of me.

  With the plan relayed to my men, I take a second to look around for my target. “Have you seen Mattias?” I question Balak since he was the last one to join us.

  He shakes his head. “No.”

  I feel the sharp and unmistakable metal of a gun being shoved into my back before I could respond. I don’t do anything. The man would be stupid to kill me.

  Chapter Three


  After a week of self-pity and gorging on ice cream, I decided I needed to get out of bed and put on some actual clothes. I have been lounging around in pajamas without a bra for this whole week. I wouldn’t be surprised if my tits were down to my knees by the end of my self-pity party.

  Lucky for me, I’m my own boss. If I was my own employee, I would have fired me. I know it is a horrible reason to skip out on work, but I needed time to chill and wallow in my self-pity.

  I’m twenty-eight years old and have had one serious boyfriend. You can imagine the men who are banging on my door after finding out who my father is. There aren’t any men. No one wants to date me after being introduced to dear old dad.

  I try not to fault them for it back in high school and before I got wifed up by Servos. The men who did seem interested didn’t the second a rumor began to circulate around the school.

  Servos thought it was cool to date the mafia princess. The one woman in our school who seemed to be untouchable, he must have been drawn to it. I don’t know why he wanted to date me. It might have been because he got off on the fear.

  My father and his family didn’t welcome Servos into the mafia. Servos didn’t do anything that spectacular to warrant going through any of the recruitment the family does. I knew my dad only tolerated him because of me. I’m okay with that.

  “Are you ready?” Iago, my best friend in the entire world, asks me as he leans on the door jam.

  Iago’s thick brown hair is perfectly styled and looks as if he just ran his fingers through it. I know differently, though. I know Iago spent at least thirty minutes on his hair before going to the ski lodge.

  Iago’s the son of Nicholas Thanos, a member of my father’s family. Iago and
I spent a lot of time together growing up since a lot of people didn’t understand how it was to be the child of a made man.

  His tight jeans and even tighter shirt showcase everything he is trying to show off. Iago and his boyfriend of two years broke up last night and he’s eager to get back out there.

  I do one final look at myself before deciding this is as good as it is going to get. I’m always going to have the palest olive skin tone and the grey eyes that seem too close together. I’m always going to have chubby cheeks which make me look more innocent than I would like. My dark hair is in loose curls around my face and I’m hoping I look somewhat presentable.

  “Yeah, I guess. Are you sure this is a good place?”

  Iago knows what I’m asking. There are a lot of places in this country that don’t like The Baros Family. Iago and I have done our best to stay out of it as much as we can, but people know who we are. It isn’t a secret.

  Iago chuckles. “Of course it is, sugar plum,” he murmurs with a condescending tone.

  I roll my eyes and smooth on a little more lip gloss. “Are we taking yours or mine?”

  I’m hoping he says we are taking his car because mine is trashed. I haven’t had the chance to get rid of all of my junk food evidence. Plus, I jumped off the bandwagon of not drinking the expensive coffee drinks. You know the ones I’m talking about. Don’t act like you don’t know.

  “We can take mine,” he whistles and starts tapping his foot on the floor to get me to hurry up.

  Thirty minutes later, we are pulling into one of the most prestigious ski lodges in the area. You don’t grow up near a mountain and not learn to ski. This is the ski lodge that you go to as long as you have a membership, and lucky for us we do.

  My car door is opened for me the second we pull up to the valet. The tall man with the stunningly white blazer is holding his hand out for me to grab to help me out of Iago’s Ferrari.

  The Ferrari was a gift to Iago from his dad, who works for my dad, as the last-ditch effort to get Iago to join The Baros Family. My best friend turned them down because he doesn’t want to be a made man. But he kept the car.


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