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Strays (Red Kings MC Book 1)

Page 13

by Eliza Marsh

  “Vic, I need a favor.” Soon after the words were said, the music and the voices from the other side of the line became muffled.

  “Whatever you need, brother.”

  “I’m sending you a new prospect. Heard you guys were hiring.” Dean tried to use a little humor to mask the tension in his voice.

  “You’re sending us someone to do all the dirty work around here? How’s that a favor to you?” Vic had little problem with that, but he was a bit suspicious at the offer.

  “I’m getting to that part. I need your queen to find me an apartment there.” He paused for a second. “The prospect has… baggage.”

  “Is this baggage gonna cause me any trouble?” The last thing his charter needed was another source of drama.

  “Nah, no trouble.”

  “Done. Send him our way. Jag’s been itching for someone to torment. Like Max isn’t enough.”

  “See you in a couple of days then.”

  Snapping his phone shut, Dean pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one. The sound of approaching motorcycles a few seconds later had him focusing his attention on the garage gate. Dean didn’t have to wait long before two bikes entered the lot and swiftly parked in the line. Everything was fitting perfectly into Dean's new plan.

  Getting off of their bikes, TJ and Tyler made their way to him, greeting him joyfully.

  “It’s good to be home!” TJ’s loud voice rang out in the lot, disturbing the silence. “Now, I’m gonna go indulge in some of the club’s finest selection of booze.” He winked at Dean and continued inside the clubhouse, his laughter echoing behind him.

  “Hey, Dean.” Tyler greeted him and made to follow TJ, but the dark-haired man stopped him.

  “Hey, kid. Got some news.”

  “Yeah?” Making his way to the table, the younger man sat on the bench. “What’s up?”

  Straightforward was the best way to go. “Pack your shit.” Looking him in the eyes, Dean steeled his gaze. “You’re being transferred.”

  The prospect was utterly speechless. Dean took one last drag from his cigarette and, stubbing it out on the ground, made his way to his bike. Tyler shook himself from his surprise just in time to see the man tear out of the lot with a roar. Since he clearly wasn't going to get any explanation from that man, he figured the clubhouse would be the next place to look for some answers.

  Half an hour later, he was on his way home.


  That was all that went through Tyler’s mind as he drove down Main Street towards the apartment complex. He was being transferred. He’d found a family here, and now he was being forced to leave. He understood he did. They needed a prospect in Lakeside, and Macon had more than was necessary. The thing that weighed on his mind the most wasn’t that he’d have to leave the guys. It was that he’d probably have to leave Jackie. For a long time, it had just been the two of them, but he couldn't expect her to pack her stuff and go with him. She had a new life here, and Dean was a major part of it.

  Reaching his destination, Tyler parked the bike and got off, looking up at the building. The lights in the unit he shared with Jackie were lit, and he could see a soft outline from the window. She was home, and he smiled, hurrying up the steps. Pushing the door open, Tyler noted that it wasn’t locked, but didn’t have time to scold her. He hadn’t told her when he’d be home.

  “Miss me?”

  Jackie was folding clothes, getting ready to start packing for her trip. She had been deep in thought and so fully concentrated on her task that his entrance had scared her almost to death. He laughed at her expression, surprise written all over her face. She hadn't expected him home tonight, but here he was, reminding her of his constant presence in her life. How could she leave him? Quickly smiling as not to alert him that something was wrong, Jackie put the piece of clothing she was holding on the table and got to her feet.

  “Tyler!” She wrapped her arms around his middle, reveling in the comfort of his presence. “You’re home! How was your trip?”

  He returned her embrace, the same thoughts running in his head. “I’m fine. The trip was great. Too bad you couldn’t come. It was so cool!”

  “Yeah, I can imagine.” She smiled again, reclaiming her place at the table and continuing her task.

  “Jack?” Tyler sat opposite her at the table, swallowing and looking everywhere but at her face. “I have to tell you something. I… I’m being transferred.” She looked up when he said the words, once again registering her surprised expression. “I’m moving to Florida.” A pause. “In two days.”

  What? Was she hearing him correctly, or was her mind playing tricks on her? “You’re moving?” She repeated his statement, disbelieving. Tyler nodded his head. “To Florida?” She was saying the words slowly, and he nodded again. “Okay… I’ll start packing.”

  Jackie hadn’t picked where she was going to go to, but if Tyler was moving to Florida, so was she.

  “Cool.” He gave her a big smile but then backtracked, a thought entering his mind. “Wait, what about Dean? Don’t you wanna stay with him?”

  She swallowed thickly, looking at the table for a long moment. “Nah. We… we ended things.”

  “What? Why?” They had broken up? He wasn’t gone that long, was he? When had this happened?

  “Things just didn’t work out, Tyler. You were right, after all.” She shrugged, giving him a sad smile.

  “Come on. I'm sure it's nothing serious. Things will go back to normal in a day or two.” Tyler never wanted to see her like this. He sure as hell hadn’t wanted to be right about the two of them. “Just talk to him before you decide on coming with me, yeah?”

  Jackie shook her head, not even considering the idea. There was no way she was talking to Dean. Besides, her suitcases were already sitting open on her bed, waiting for her to fill them. “There’s no point. Nothing good will come of it.” She got up with the laundry basket in her hands. Making her way around the table, she bent down and kissed Tyler’s cheek. “Besides, you’re the only man I need in my life.” Smiling at him one last time, she made her way to her bedroom to start packing, ready to find a new life away from this town.


  “Jackie, honey, Thomas’ order is ready!”

  Shifting her gaze from the clock to the kitchen window, the waitress sighed and got up from her seat. There was an hour until her shift ended, her last shift, and there were only three customers left in the diner: Thomas, who ate there religiously, and a young couple grabbing a late lunch. The morning had been slow, and even though she was working with Beth, the happy-go-lucky teenager spent every free second studying for her finals. Overall, her last day had been a boring mix of staring at the clock and drawing doodles on napkins.

  Walking slowly, Jackie took Thomas’ plate from the food window and brought it to him with her usual smile.

  She couldn’t wait to go home and have a long bubble bath, and yet she dreaded getting off of work. Jackie had called Elaine right after she had spoken to Tyler to tell her the news. She was only working because it was too late for her to find someone to take her shift. After the conversation, she had neatly packed her things in boxes, which now littered every available space in the apartment. All they had left to do was load the stuff into the moving truck they'd rented, and she could be on her way, out of town and toward Lakeside, where her new life awaited.

  Beth and Elaine had been upset by the news, but came to somewhat respect her decision. Beth didn’t understand why she was leaving, and even though Elaine knew what Jackie’s motives were, she didn’t like the situation one bit. Since they’d found out about Jackie’s pregnancy, the cook had been doing everything in her power to go easy on the young woman. She’d been fussing over her constantly, and Elaine didn’t like the thought of the soon-to-be mother in a town where she knew no one and couldn’t depend on anyone but herself and Tyler.

  “Thanks, Jack.” Thomas smiled at her when she brought his food and put a hand on her arm. “It’
s gonna be alright, you know… the move.”

  She returned the smile, glad to hear his comforting words. “Thanks, Thomas. I appreciate it.” She looked around the diner, her gaze lingering on the kitchen a few seconds longer. News of her departure had spread like wildfire, and every remotely regular customer had wished her luck and happiness. Although she smiled politely at all of them, the well-wishes did nothing but add to her anxiety. She loved Tyler, knew she had to leave Macon, but she was still terrified of the whole ordeal. What if things didn’t work out the way she hoped?

  “With the way Elaine has been glaring at everyone, I thought you needed to hear it.”

  Jackie laughed, the first time that day, really thankful for Thomas’ presence at the diner. “Yeah, she’s all sunshine today. Thinks I’m making a mistake and uses every chance she gets to tell me.” Shaking her head, she gave Thomas his check, said goodbye to the other patrons of the diner, and went to clear their table.

  Half an hour and a stick-figure wedding later, Jackie heard the happy ring of the door-chimes and looked up to see the waitress for the afternoon shift enter. Another five minutes and it was going to be official – she was going to join the ranks of the unemployed. Smiling at the other woman, she got up and took off her apron with a sigh.

  “This is it, I guess.”

  Elaine was leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen, a small frown on her face, and Beth was scribbling furiously in her notebook, but she looked up when she heard Jackie’s voice.

  “It’s time?” Her eyes went to the clock quickly, and she frowned too. “Aww, shucks!”

  The woman smiled at that, typical Beth. “Time flies, huh?”

  The teenager got up from her chair and went to hug the older woman. “You should have said something sooner. We could’ve had a going away party!”

  “I’m sure she’s actually glad you didn’t get to throw her one, dear.” A small smile replacing her frown, Elaine made her way to the two girls. “Partying with underage girls, I’m sure that would’ve been a hoot.”

  “No one says hoot anymore, ‘Laine.” Beth made a face. “Besides, it would’ve been tons of fun!” She twirled around the cook. "Not to mention my last chance to get into Tyler’s pants.” She said the last part under her breath, but it was loud enough to be heard by her two friends. Jackie laughed, not only at the comment but also at Elaine’s sour look.

  “Unbelievable.” Still laughing, Jackie wrapped the teen in a hug. “I’ll miss you.”

  “Of course, you’ll miss me! What’s not to miss?” Squeezing for dear life, Beth returned the hug and pulled away. “You better send me a graduation present next month, what with not being here for my party.”

  Jackie smirked, going behind the counter. “I almost forgot.” She took out a large parcel, which was wrapped in bright colors and had a big bow. “Happy graduation!”

  Beth beamed up at her and took the present. She unwrapped it carefully, revealing a framed drawing of herself laughing and twirling around in a park, her summer dress fanning around her as she moved. “Oh, it’s wonderful! So, so, so beautiful!” She put the portrait down, hugging Jackie again. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  “You’re welcome. There was no way I was going to forget about your graduation.”

  “It is beautiful, dear.” Elaine smiled at the artist, pride in her eyes. “You better not waste that talent of yours, you hear?” Taking her turn, she hugged the woman that had become like a daughter to her. Kissing Jackie’s cheek, she quietly whispered in her ear, her words just what the young woman needed to hear. “You ever need anything, you call me and come back here. God knows if someone can take care of you, it’s me.”

  Jackie squeezed her eyes shut, hugging the older woman tightly. “Thank you, Elaine. For everything.”

  A few tears escaped under her lashes when they separated, and she was quick to brush them away. There was a honk from outside the diner, and the three women peered through the window to see Tyler in Jackie’s truck. He had driven her to work that morning, so her vehicle would be available for packing as well. Taco had helped him load his bike and the large items into the rental, leaving her truck for smaller boxes. They just had to grab his things from the clubhouse before getting on the road.

  “Well… I guess it’s time.” Beth sported a sad smile, identical to the expression her companions wore.


  The teenager opened her arms wide. “Group hug?”

  Laughing again, the three women shared a hug, the last one for a long time to come.

  Elaine wrapped an arm around Beth as they watched Jackie pick up her purse. “We'll miss you so much, Jack. Make sure you visit.”

  Jackie smiled and, looking at the diner one last time, took a deep breath and opened the door, making her way to the truck and the only person that had been a constant in her life.

  Half an hour later, Jackie followed Tyler out of the clubhouse with a box of his clothes in her hands. He had demanded that he carry the important computers and geek gadgets for fear she might drop something. They put the boxes in the back of her truck with the rest of the stuff.

  “Please tell me that's it.” Jackie leaned against the tailgate of the truck, exhausted from the impromptu packing and moving they had done during the past thirty-six hours.

  “That's it,” Tyler said with a smile, hugging Jackie close to him. “You're sure about this, right?” She pulled back slightly to look up at him. “This is your final chance to change your mind. ‘Cause I don't mind helping you unpack all your stuff now. But if we get to Lakeside, and then you decide that you can't be away from Dean or something, I refuse to help you haul all this shit back up here.”

  Jackie laughed lightly and shook her head. “I'm sure, Tyler. I'm not going to change my mind.”

  He rolled his eyes and replied, “We'll see about that.” She swung a playful slap in his direction, but he dodged it and laughed as he jogged back towards the clubhouse.

  Shaking her head, she absentmindedly ran her hand through her hair, trying to keep it together until they got out of Macon. She had avoided Dean since their fight, just a few more minutes, and then she would never have to see him again.

  “Jack! Get over here and say goodbye.” So lost in her thoughts, she hadn't noticed the group of bikers that came outside to bid Tyler and her farewell. Jackie smiled as Ian continued to wave her over, then obliged and approached the men. “You seriously weren't gonna come say bye to me, gorgeous? I'm hurt, I really am.”

  Giggling lightly, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her to him.

  “Hey, what about me?” Taco moved in for a hug as Ian released her, his lanky frame engulfing the girl.

  “I'm gonna miss you so much, Taco.”

  “You're gonna come visit, right?” The prospect looked down at her expectantly, shaggy brown hair falling into his eyes.

  “Of course, I will.” They both knew it was a lie, both knew she would stay away as long as Dean was here. He let her go and stepped back, excusing himself to help the escort group finish preparing to leave. She turned and was scooped up by Mack, who lifted her off of the ground in a giant embrace. “Holy shit, Mack. I can't breathe.”

  Smiling, he set her back on her feet and placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning down to look her square in the eyes. “Don't let those Lakeside boys pick on you too much, sweetheart. Show them who's boss.”

  Jackie laughed and nodded as seriously as she could. “I’ll make sure to do that. As soon as I get there.”

  She spent the next few minutes saying her goodbyes to the rest of the bikers and mechanics. It was much harder than she thought it would be. She had become friends with a lot of them, and she was going to miss them more than she realized. At least she got to put off the two hardest farewells until tomorrow. Nash and TJ had kindly agreed to escort them on the trip to Lakeside and help them get settled in with the charter that resided there.

  The goodbyes continued as she reached Murphy, who stoo
d rocking on the balls of his feet with his hands shoved in his pockets.

  “You take care of Tyler, ya hear? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm kinda gonna miss the little fucker.” He paused, a mischievous grin appearing on his face. “I'm also gonna miss looking at your fantastic ass, doll.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. He ruffled her hair and then ran off, leaving her to face Luke for what would hopefully be their final conversation.

  “You know, it's nothing personal.” He stood casually with his arms crossed over his chest. “You're a good kid, Jackie. You'll find a nice guy to fall in love with someday. It just won't be Dean. I need him to do his job, and he can't when he's too worried about what you'll think of him.”

  Jackie glared up at him, glad that she wouldn't have to deal with this shit any longer. “Well, congratulations. It looks like you got what you wanted.”

  Their staring contest was interrupted as TJ, Nash, Tyler, and Dean marched out of the clubhouse. “Let's go, cupcake!” TJ shouted, jogging across the lot to join the pair. He saluted the charter president playfully, then gently grabbed Jackie by the upper arm before leading her over to the old Ford pickup. “You got everything you need?” he asked as he opened the driver's side door for her.

  She nodded and climbed into the truck determinedly. As TJ shut the door, Jackie saw Nash and Dean getting situated on their bikes. “Wait, is Dean coming with us?” Jackie asked hesitantly through the open window as TJ backed away from the vehicle.

  “Of course, he is. You think he trusts us enough to get you from point A to point B safe and sound?” TJ gave her a toothy grin before walking over to his own bike. With that, the men started their bikes, and the group of five exited onto the street. Jackie sighed and ran her hand over her face, settling in for the long drive that would hopefully let her start over.

  She just had to get through one more day with Dean.



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