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Catching Haley (Falling for Bentley Book 2)

Page 16

by Unknown

  “Sure, but that’s before you go on and on about food, colors, decorations and whatever else you talk about.”

  “Is this what it’s going to be like when we get married Bentley, you not caring?”

  “Haley, you’d have to agree to marry me first,” I remind her as I watch the pregnancy tears form in her eyes.

  “I’m not ready,” she blubbered.

  “So then why does it matter what I think about their wedding?”

  “Because it’s important to me; I finally get a mom.” And that is when she broke down and cried.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked to Haley to comfort her. I curse this pregnancy for taking so long. The last month has been nothing but an emotional train wreck. If she’s not crying over running out of milk, then she’s mad I bought the wrong kind of toilet paper. When I try to talk to her out of her craziness, the world turns against me. I also get the joy of hearing that her ass is huge, and you try carrying around this stomach. Thank god she only has six weeks to go.

  Taking her in my arms I try backtracking, “Baby you know when we get married, I’m going to be all over this stuff and I want to know everything that you want, but I’m a guy, and guys don’t give a shit about other people’s weddings. All we care about is how good the food is and the open bar.”

  Just then Curtis walked over with a whole bunch of food on his plate, “Dude, did you try these crab puffs? They are delicious! Did you see how Travis and Ben set the square bales around to make a dance floor? Loran is helping Maggie string lights along the bales to give it a romantic feel. I’m telling you, man, this Pinterest site is awesome. The mason jars lining the aisle tomorrow was my idea.”

  “Fuck, dude! Seriously, when did you grow a vagina?”

  “See, Bentley, at least he cares.” Haley stormed off toward the house.

  I slapped my best friend on the back, “What the fuck, dude?”

  “What?” he asks, stuffing his face with more crab puffs.

  I grabbed a puff off his plate, “Give me that…these are good.”

  “I told you.”

  “When are you and Loran thinking of getting married?”

  “She wants a fall wedding, but it will be a church and hall thing.”

  “Bentley?” I turned to face my dad.


  “Could you go look to see if the bull is on Anderson’s corner? The neighbor thinks he’s out again.”

  “That god damn bull! We should have sold the prick when we had the chance.”

  Dad and Curtis laughed behind me as I stormed off to see where this fucking pain in my ass bull went.”

  Haley waved me down as I hopped in my truck. I started the engine while I waited for her to walk over.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I need to run to Anderson’s corner; the neighbor thinks the bull got out again.”

  “The same bull we semen tested?”

  “That’s the one, pain in my ass.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  “Of course,” I grinned, opening my door and getting out so she could slide in beside me.

  “I’m sorry I went bat-shit-crazy again. These hormones are ridicules and they get the best of me.”

  I pulled her in and kissed the hell out of her, “If that means our child is safe and growing strong, then I’ll take the crazy. I’m not going to lie, though, I can’t wait until these six weeks are up.”

  We both laughed as I pulled out of the Wells’ ranch.

  The bull wasn’t visible from the truck, and after driving around the quarter; I parked next to the quad. “Haley, we need to grab the quad so we can go through the bush.”

  Once we reached the back of the property on the quad, I could see where he got out. “He broke through the damn fence again. Haley, I need you to stay here and make sure the cows don’t get out while I try to chase the bull back in.”

  “Are you going to leave me here alone?”

  “You’ll be fine, there are no cows around. I won’t be gone long.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I brought the pail of oats with me so I can lead him back inside the fence with them.”

  “Okay,” she reluctantly agreed.

  I helped her off the quad then went after the master of disappearing. I hate this bull. He’s lucky he always produces well and the calves are cute.

  I must have circled him at least a hundred times, but he got away on me every time. When I showed him the pail, he knocked it out of my hands and spilled the oats on the ground. “Come on, you fucking bastard!” I yelled.

  Again, I circled, and circled, him, but this time I was so pissed off that when I got close enough, I punched him in the eye. “God damn it!” The pain shot up my hand into my arm. Now I was beyond pissed, I revved up the quad and I was going to run over the fucking prick.

  I have no idea how many times I went around while he just stood there. “Why are you so god damn stubborn? The first chance I get to sell your ass, you’re gone!” I kept yelling at him.

  Giving up, I went back to Haley to see how she was making out. Cresting the hill I could see her dancing and flailing around like a fish out of water. I slowed the quad and laughed. Man I loved his woman.

  Haley turned as I rode up on the quad, her face soaked with tears. I jumped off the quad and ran to her, my heart pounding in panic.

  “You fucking jerk! How could you leave me out here for this long? Look at how much fence is down and all the cows came up, and if they decided to charge me, where the hell was I supposed to go huh? I don’t even have a bush or a tree to climb!” She started punching me as she went on, “Bentley, you left me here, without anything to defend myself with. Couldn’t you hear me yelling for you? Then there were four coyotes circling.”

  “Really, coyotes?”

  “Yes!” she screamed, “There were a pack of them, didn’t you see them?”

  “I saw two, but come on, four?”

  “Bentley, there were four plus a deer,” she growled.

  I looked over to the cows. Sure there were a few curious ones, but the most of them were busy eating grass, there was no way one was going after her. “Come on let me fix the fence then we’ll get back to the ranch.”

  Haley puffed at she got on the quad. Fixing two of the wires should hold the cows in overnight. I’ll get up early with Travis and we’ll string four new wires before the wedding.

  On the way back to the ranch I heard Haley take a breath in as she grabbed my hand, “Bentley, what happened to your hand? It’s all swollen.”

  “The bull pissed me off, so I punch him in the eye.”

  Haley started laughing, “You punched the bull in the eye?”

  “Yeah, he wouldn’t listen to me.”

  “Did it make you feel better?”

  “It did until my hand started aching.”

  “Do you think it’s broken?” she asked, rubbing soft circles around it. “Maybe we should take you to the hospital.”

  “No, I’ll put ice on it when I get back to the ranch; it’ll be fine.”

  “Okay.” She kissed it.

  I looked over to her, “You still mad at me?”

  “No, karma got you, so I’m good,” she smiled.

  I HATE TO break up all the fun, but Maggie and I need to head out.

  “Awww,” everyone cried out. “Y’all will thank me when she looks stunning tomorrow.”

  Dad stood up and cradled Maggie in his arms, “She’s stunning every day, especially when her cheeks get this rosy tint to them.”

  Maggie slapped his chest, “Cut that out.” Everyone around them started a laughing.

  Maggie went around and offered her thanks and good nights before grabbing my hand to leave. “Thank you, Haley, this rehearsal dinner was great.”

  “It was a good time, wasn’t it?”

  “That is was,” Bentley said behind us.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I asked him.

  “Home. Where else
would I be going?”

  “Ah, no you’re not. You’re staying at the farm tonight.”

  “Why? We’re not getting married tomorrow,” he whined.

  “Sorry, lover boy, tonight is all Haley and me,” Maggie snickered.

  Bentley put his hands on my hips. “But baby,” he cooed and started nibbling the side of my neck.

  Maggie pushed him away, scolding, “Oh, no you don’t, mister!”

  “Sorry Bentley, you heard my mom,” I laughed.

  “MAGGIE, ARE YOU ready for tomorrow?” I asked as we walked to the front door.

  “Haley, I have been ready for this moment my whole life. I love your dad.”

  “He loves you, too.”

  Taking our dresses out of bags and hanging them in the nursery Maggie asked, “Does your dress still fit?”

  I rubbed my huge belly, “I hope so; I didn’t try it on this week…maybe I should.”

  “I can’t believe how your belly popped.”

  “I know. It’s like one day I have a beer gut and the next, poof it’s all baby.”

  After both of us showered, we jumped into my bed and I asked, “How did you know you loved my dad?”

  “Ever since I have known him, I’ve always known he’s special; that we’re special together. We’ve always been able to talk to each other and laugh around one another. It’s different than everyone else I’ve ever been with. I know he walked away and broke my heart in the process, but, Haley, today I trust him more than anyone. I think most people search their whole lives for what we have, Haley, and I think it’d be stupid of us not to live in the now and be happy.”

  I reached over and hugged her. “Maggie, I love you. Thank you for marrying my dad and bringing him home.”

  “Sweetheart, he brought himself home. I was just here to welcome him back.”

  Maggie’s cell went off, and I read her texts over her shoulder.

  Ben: Every time you are in my arms, I have the whole world.

  Maggie: I love you!

  Ben: See you tomorrow :)

  Maggie: Good night.

  Ben: Sweet dreams my love.

  Maggie: XOXO

  Lying in bed I laughed, “My dad’s a sap.”

  Maggie set her cell down and thumped me with a pillow, “He is not.”

  “Night, Maggie,” I giggled.

  “Night, Haley, and thanks again for everything.”

  “He’s still a sap,” I said into the darkness, earning me a pinch on my arm.

  I WOKE UP to a ruffling sound and a whisper, “Shh, baby, go back to sleep.”

  “Bentley?” I asked, sitting up a bit.


  “What are you doing here?”

  “Coming to bed,” he said, lifting the sheets and crawling in.

  “Where’s Maggie?”

  “Left with your dad.”

  “My dad was here? How did I sleep through all of this?”

  “He kind of kidnapped her—not that she was hard to kidnap. He literally leaned over, kissed her, and asked, ‘Wanna get out of here?’ She bounced right out of bed, smacking your dad in the nose.”

  “Again, how did I sleep through this?”

  “You’re tired, you’ve been busy this past week getting ready for the wedding.”

  “Do you think they are celebrating their last night as a non-married couple?”

  “I can bet on it, sweetheart. I have never seen two people clear a house so fast, ever.”

  “Where’s your truck?”

  “At the ranch, why? I came with your dad.”

  “I didn’t want to think about steam cleaning the upholstery tomorrow.”

  “Good one,” he smirked, kissing my belly good night.

  “I thought so.”

  “Your dad said he’d bring her back in the morning.”

  “Okay, what time is it?”

  “Just after midnight.”

  DAD WANTED TO dance the last dance with me before he and Maggie left for the evening.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to dance with your new wife, Dad?”

  “No, I want to dance with you.”

  “You sure Maggie is okay with this? I don’t want to upset her,” I asked again as he twirled me around.

  “It was her idea.”

  “I love her, Daddy, and I’m so happy you are here.”

  “I know, baby.”

  We danced to two more songs before he chimed in again, “The next time I’ll probably dance with you is at your wedding, and we’ll have my grandson between us.”

  I sighed.

  “What’s with the sigh, Haley? Talk to me.”

  “I’m just not ready yet, Dad, and I know Bentley is. He’s been looking at me all day, and I know what’s running through his head. He’s been picturing us getting married, and it scares the crap out of me.”


  “It just does. I want to have the baby and get a routine down before I even think about marriage.”

  “You’ve been living together for two months, what’s the difference, when or if you get married?”

  “It’s my house.”

  “I see, so when, or if, you marry Bentley, or move in with him, you’ll be on his turf and you will be relying on him instead of doing it yourself.”


  “You want to know what I think?”

  “I always want to know what you think, Daddy.”

  “I think you are ready.”

  SITTING IN THE stands watching my brother and Whitney graduate feels unreal. Seems like just yesterday he was starting high school and falling in love with the love of his life. Sure some people say he is too young, but when I look back at myself, and everything I missed out on, I think why the hell not.

  Travis finally decided to let go of the scholarship to the Redhawks and stay at the farm. It was a hard thing for me to hear, but my little brother gave me a good fight with his reasons.

  He knows he doesn’t want a career in football, and if he played full time it wouldn’t be as fun as it is now. He’s okay with being the high school football God—his words, not mine. Everyone knows I’m the real high school football God.

  He also wants to work with his hands, and at the end of the day, mechanics is just his thing. He is very good and can always come up with a quick and simple solution.

  Knowing Travis, there was really no way he would leave Whitney behind, and once she became a partner in the diner, the decision was pretty much made.

  At this rate, I’m thinking the two of them will get married before Haley and me. Hell, I’d be happy if I could finally get her to move into the damn mobile home I bought. Haley picked the second one with four bedrooms. I laughed, figuring it wouldn’t be long before I had all three kids rooms filled. Haley is hot on a regular day, but she is a knock out when she’s pregnant, and I can hardly keep my hands off her.

  “Travis Billy-Austin Knight.”

  I stood with my family and hollered, “Way to go, bro!” Travis looked up and grinned over to us before turning around and mooning everyone.

  “He did not just do that,” Mom hissed while the rest of us bent over laughing.

  “That’s my son!” Dad yelled, pumping his fist in the air.

  “Whitney Mary-Ann Lark.”

  Mom stood and clapped with tears in her eyes. “I’m so proud of her, she could have been one of those girls that didn’t finish, became pregnant, or worse.”

  “She’s too proud for that,” Dad offered.

  Maggie just stood there cried and waved. “I love you,” she mouthed to Whitney.

  Whitney looked back at us and waved with a huge grin.

  Travis stood off to the side waiting for Whitney to get her diploma. Once she got it in her hands, Travis picked her up and twirled her around, kissing the hell out of her. They didn’t break apart until the Master of Ceremonies cleared his throat in the microphone.

  “Good Lord,” Mom said before sitting down.

WAS getting pretty hot, so Haley and I offered to head to the ranch early and start setting things up for the barbeque Mrs. Wells planned for everyone to celebrate.

  I looked at Haley, and she looked exhausted, “Hey, sweetheart, are you feeling okay?”

  “Huh?” she looked up at me.

  I walked over and brought her in my arms, “Are you feeling okay? You’ve been quiet all day.”

  “Yeah, it’s just really hot out, and the baby is moving like mad, and I barely slept last night.”

  “Want me to give you a back rub when we get to your grandparents? Rubbing your back always helps put you to sleep.”

  “Would you mind?”

  “Hell no! Anytime I can put my hands on you.” I winked.

  “We’re not doing that kind of back rub, Bentley,” Haley rolled her eyes. I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, to no avail. “Nice try, Bentley, it’s not going to work. Besides, since he dropped, I doubt it will even fit.”

  “That’s what she said,” I teased as Haley grabbed my hand and led us to my new four door truck.

  “You’re so lame sometimes.”

  “But you still love me,” I grinned.

  “That I do.”

  REALIZING HALEY HAD been sleeping for over three hours, I went in the house to check on her. Mrs. Wells was in the kitchen when I stepped inside, so I stopped and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Bentley, sweetie, do they need anything else outside?”

  “No, I just came in to check on Haley. She’s been sleeping for a while.”

  “Let her sleep, hun. She needs all the rest she can get; only three more weeks to go.”

  I popped a few grapes in my mouth, “I can’t wait.”

  I slowly opened the bedroom door and looked at her sleeping like the dead. As I kissed her forehead, I could hear everyone laughing outside. Not wanting the noise to wake her, I closed the window as quietly as I could and turned on the ceiling fan before heading back outside.

  I ran into my brother halfway down the stairs, “Smooth move at the ceremonies, bro.”

  High fiving me he groused, “Mom didn’t think so. She slapped me upside the head as soon as she saw me and didn’t even congratulate me first.”


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