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Duke Of Deception (Wentworth Trilogy)

Page 5

by Stephie Smith

  Derek nodded absently, his gaze drawn to Lady Louisa again. He watched in annoyance as three hopeful young men approached her from different directions, each with an extra drink in his hand. He wondered how she would solve the dilemma of which man’s drink to choose. She was actually smiling at all three of them, looking from one to the other as though they had arrived in a group and were the best of friends. Was she a complete flirt, or was it possible she had no idea the lads were competing for her attention? As he looked on, an older woman with similar features and coloring moved closer to her and whispered in her ear. Derek cast a questioning look at Stephen.

  “Eleanor, Lady Callister. Her mother’s sister. Lord and Lady Callister were granted guardianship in Philip’s will, but Nathan petitioned the courts and won. Some say he blackmailed the judge, but perhaps that’s another rumor. Lord Callister died shortly thereafter. Lady Callister resides in the country with Lady Louisa.”

  Derek pondered Stephen’s words. If gossip was true, and it usually was, then Nathan Barrick bore the hallmarks of a criminal—selfish, a blackmailer, perhaps a judge or two in his pocket. But why would he want control of the girl’s guardianship badly enough to petition the courts? The real question was how might Barrick be connected to Summerfield, for Summerfield was the man his father had been most contemptuous of. It stood to reason, then, that Summerfield was the leader of the gang. Or was he?

  Immersed in his ruminations, Derek barely noticed the woman who moved next to him, becoming first aware of her perfume, a scent which, though not quite cloying, brought to mind the vision of an enclosed room overflowing with flowers of every variety. Before he could shift his gaze to her, she spoke in a soft, cultured voice with just a whisper of a French accent.

  “Well, well, monsieur, so you are the famous Captain Wainright, of whom all of London speaks. I must say the man is even more exciting than the fantasy.”

  He turned to look at her. The woman’s eyes were luminous, dark and liquid, as she gazed up at him with an expression that could only be described as inviting. Her light blond hair was swept up and over to one side, leaving soft curls trailing down to a pale, exposed shoulder. While her blue silk dress clung to her in all the right places, it was tasteful just the same. Derek had no doubt she knew how to achieve whatever look she had in mind.

  At any previous time in his life he would have been pleased to meet up with a beautiful woman such as this, one with an air of respectability who at the same time promised an evening of anything but. Tonight, however, she seemed tawdry, and he realized it was because of the girl, who now seemed a breath of fresh air in a veritable dungeon of flowers.

  Stephen executed an elegant bow. “Lady Foxworth, may I introduce my friend and business associate? Captain Wainright, Lady Foxworth.”

  “The widow Foxworth,” she added meaningfully. “I repeat, sir, you are even more exciting than the fantasy.”

  Derek slid his gaze over the woman’s lush body, lingering on her ample bosom, before he raised his eyes to give her a disbelieving look. “Perhaps your fantasies should be improved upon, my lady, for if anyone deserves rich fantasies, it is surely you.” He lifted her hand to his lips and held her gaze for a moment before pressing a soft kiss on her gloved hand.

  Stephen looked first at Lady Foxworth and then at Derek. “I believe I am wanted… elsewhere,” he finished weakly and took his leave.

  Lady Foxworth moved closer to Derek and continued as though Stephen had not spoken. “If any man can fulfill such fantasies as I have in mind, it is surely you, Captain. Possibly, we even share the same fantasy, but why stop there when we could share so much more?”

  The suggestion hung in the air, and Derek found himself oddly disinterested. He gave her what he hoped was a most regretful look. “I’m certain you are right, but I’m afraid I have time only for business on this trip.” Even as he spoke those words, he found himself looking back to the dance floor for a glimpse of Lady Louisa. He saw her within moments, dancing with yet another man. Annoyed that unbidden thoughts of the young woman kept entering his mind, he glanced at Lady Foxworth, only to see her narrowed expression directed at the girl too.

  “Beautiful young virgins are always a delight, are they not, Captain, and this one offers the promise of something very special. Again, perhaps we should explore a sharing. Three are sometimes better than two.”

  Derek tore his gaze from the dance floor with a start and sought to maintain his composure. Whatever he’d been expecting, it was not this. He hadn’t realized his thoughts were so transparent, and as for Lady Foxworth, who was she really interested in, him or Lady Louisa? And why did her offer irritate him anyway? Just a moment ago he thought the woman’s blatant sexuality tawdry, and now he was jealous because she wanted the girl.

  It suddenly occurred to him that what he felt wasn’t jealousy over this woman’s affections, but protectiveness toward a young lady he didn’t even know. It seemed unfair that an innocent could be seduced and ruined by Lady Foxworth before the girl knew what was happening, and there was no doubt in his mind this woman could be successful in her seduction, or at least successful enough in her pursuit to ruin a young lady’s reputation. Lady Louisa had already proved to have a passionate nature, yet she wouldn’t have had experience with such matters.

  He kept his expression neutral while he considered the situation. He studied the woman’s face for some hint of hidden purpose and finding none, shrugged nonchalantly. “Beautiful or no, virgins have never really been my preference, Lady Foxworth. Their condition carries an unnecessary encumbrance to such a necessary activity. But you injure me; would I not be enough for you?”

  With slow deliberateness, he rested his gaze again on the curve of Lady Foxworth’s breasts before he raised it to meet her eyes. The woman laughed softly and lowered her own gaze to that part of his male anatomy hugged by his skintight trousers.

  “If any man were enough for me, you would be more than enough, Captain, for your attributes cannot be compared to many. But I find the enjoyment of another woman exciting, and it is an experience I sometimes prefer to share… with the right man. In this case, I would be willing to share with you, and I can promise you an unforgettable experience.”

  Her suggestion angered Derek, but he cocked his head to one side and feigned interest, reminding himself she was a member of the ton and as such, could be of use to him. After a calculated moment he shook his head and said, “I hope I don’t seem too arrogant, my lady, but what makes you think you would be sharing with me? Perhaps I would be sharing with you, if I were so inclined. After all, up to this point, she’s shown no interest in either of us, but I could change that if I tried.”

  “Dear, dear, sir, I have quite the advantage.” A smug superiority lit Lady Foxworth’s expression. “As a woman, I know all the tricks a gentleman would use to seduce a young lady, while you, on the other hand, have no idea how I would go about the same task. Have you not also forgotten I shall have no trouble getting her alone, while for you, that will most likely be an impossibility? Believe me, sir, I am quite adept at this, as several young ladies in this room could attest to, if doing so would not ruin their reputations forever.”

  “In that case, I make no contest,” Derek replied. He spoke slowly while he sought the response that would steer the pleasure-bent widow away from Lady Louisa. He hoped the unsavory offer had been prompted by his interest in the girl, not her own, but he could not be sure. The safest course was to let her know that he would pursue neither of the women.

  “It is no loss for me. As I said, virgins are not worth their trouble, however pretty they may be, and my business regretfully leaves no time for dalliance.” He bowed and caught her slim hand in his, pressing his lips to it. “Until we meet again, my lady…”

  Lady Foxworth smiled and inclined her head. “Yes, Captain, until then.” With a graceful, fluid motion, she moved away and was surrounded by several gentlemen who had obviously been waiting for just such an opportunity.


  Lucy watched as the American captain joined Lord Aster and the two disappeared through a doorway into an adjoining room. The rest of the evening was intolerable, for the privateer never returned to the ballroom and conversations with anyone other than Sara had become tedious at best. The only exception was her introduction to Lady Foxworth, who joined their party for a few brief moments and whose quick wit brought a respite to what had become a dreary evening in the absence of the privateer.

  Later that night as Lucy climbed into bed, she knew she would be too anxious to sleep, but she slipped into dreams as soon as her head touched the pillow, her last thought centered on the handsome American captain, wondering if he was still at the ball.

  Chapter 6

  Derek’s pace was brisk as he strode along the walk to Lord Chelton’s town house. Conveyances of every type, from an elaborately emblazoned barouche carriage drawn by four matched greys to a two-wheeled gig attached to something resembling a horse, jammed the street. He should have realized there would be a flurry of activity the day after a prominent ball as people renewed old friendships or struck up new ones with those they’d met the night before, but he hadn’t given it any thought until now. Still, it seemed an inordinate number of carriages and horses for one narrow lane in a sedate neighborhood.

  Excitement coursed through him though he’d had but a few hours’ sleep. Finally he was doing something about his father’s murder. Finally he was carrying out his scheme to bring the criminals to justice. Finally he was taking action.

  And everything was working out exactly as planned.

  So far his masquerade was a success. He’d been accepted as Captain Derek Wainright, and all the carefully planted rumors were accepted along with him. It was quite likely he’d already met some of the smugglers, though he hadn’t met Summerfield. It probably didn’t matter if the leader of the gang had been at the ball—if Summerfield was indeed the leader—for gossip of Derek’s planned expedition to the West Indies was sure to spread. By circumventing direct questions about the details, he led everyone to believe he was hiding something, exactly what he’d intended.

  His appointment with Stephen, who planned to take him around to the various gentlemen’s clubs, wasn’t for another two hours, leaving him plenty of time to call on Lady Louisa to apologize for his behavior at the ball. He must charm her if he expected to go from cad to trusted acquaintance in her eyes, and that was imperative if he hoped to gather information from her about her uncle and father. Soothing her would take more than charm. She was probably still angry about that kiss.

  The memory of her sweet passion instantly aroused him, and he groaned. This would never do. He needed to concentrate on his plan, on his scheme to ferret out the smugglers, and not on Lady Louisa. She was an innocent, after all, and not someone he would ever involve himself with. He was merely doing what he must in order to achieve his goal of discovering the smugglers. That was the only reason he was visiting her. He would collect information, he would infiltrate the gang, and he would bring his father’s murderers to justice.

  He smiled to himself, feeling absurdly pleased. As he had told Stephen many times, good planning was the mainstay of every successful venture.


  Lucy stared in disbelief as the drawing room door opened and another caller was led in by Evans.

  “His Grace, the Duke of Richmont,” announced the butler in a solemn voice before backing out of the room.

  A giggle rose in Lucy’s throat, and she realized she was on the verge of hysteria. The room overflowed with men of all ages and sizes, all of whom had come to call.

  She took in the sight of the duke’s puce satin waistcoat, stretched so tightly over his portly belly that the buttons were threatening to pop, and the giggle welled again. Turning in desperation to catch her aunt’s attention, she located Eleanor on the other side of the room, collecting cards and guiding departing callers to the double doors that opened onto the garden, from where they could take a path back to the street.

  “Captain Derek Wainright,” said Evans.

  Lucy’s gaze flew back to the doorway, and she caught her breath. The man was more handsome by daylight, if that was possible, and the mere sight of him started her heart beating in such a manner she could scarcely breathe.

  His biscuit-colored trousers hugged the sleek muscles of his thighs, and the crisp white shirt and cravat against his tan displayed the dark features of his face and hair to perfection. A chocolate brown waistcoat and jacket completed the attire that made him look every inch the aristocratic English gentleman, but she knew of no Englishman with those devilish good looks or a body that might have been sculpted by the most talented of artists.

  As he made his way toward her, she began to panic. What would she say to him? Why couldn’t she think straight? What in the world had made her think she could manipulate this man? Now only a few feet away, he smiled at her, a lazy look through smoky gray eyes. A tantalizing mixture of scents brought back memories of his kiss, of his strong arms holding her close. Her heart began to lurch.

  “The Earl of Harlech,” the butler called out.

  Lucy froze, forgetting all else. With great trepidation she dragged her gaze to the door, at once recognizing the man her uncle would shackle her to, though she had not seen him in two years. The earl’s icy glare raked the room before resting on her. Fury suffused his face.

  Her heart was in her throat. What was he doing here? He wasn’t supposed to be in Town. At any moment he would shout out their betrothal and ruin all her plans.

  “They seem to be coming in faster than your aunt can lead them out. Shall I shout fire?”

  The drawl of the American’s voice was oddly reassuring, and for one brief moment Lucy felt she wasn’t alone in her dilemma. She compared the amused expression on the privateer’s darkly handsome face with the thunderous expression on the flushed face of Lord Harlech and was inspired.

  “I feel ill. I-I-I may swoon,” she said, swaying in the captain’s direction. His smile disappeared as his jaw tightened with concern, and his powerful arms swept her up before her body had barely begun its descent.

  There was an immediate uproar amongst the gentlemen who pressed closer to where the object of their desires lay lifeless in the arms of what many called a pirate.

  “Out of my way,” Derek barked out, forcing his way toward the drawing room door with a seemingly lifeless Lady Louisa in his arms.

  He searched the crowd for Lady Callister and found her across the room, unable to push through the sea of men. “Let Lady Callister through!” he commanded in his captain’s voice with a scowling nod in the lady’s direction. The gentleman shrank back, parting like two ships facing off for a skirmish, and Lady Callister rushed to her niece’s side.

  “She needs air,” Derek said in an urgent voice. “Where can I take her?”

  “This way.” Lady Callister hurried into the hall and toward the staircase. “Evans,” she said to the butler who stood awaiting instructions, “please see the gentlemen out. Bridget, thank goodness!” she exclaimed with relief as a red-haired buxom young maid came traipsing down the stairs. “Run and fetch the salts!”

  The maid stopped short and stared, dumbstruck at the sight of Derek holding Lady Louisa in his arms. Her eyes were as round as cannonballs as she boldly assessed his face and the breadth of his shoulders. Her appreciative gaze continued downward and then came to an abrupt halt, resting on Lady Louisa’s still form. “Oh, my!” she said, her eyes widening again.

  At that moment the butler reappeared beside Lady Callister, his voice lowered so that the departing gentlemen, who directed outraged looks at Derek as they passed, could not overhear.

  “Excuse me, my lady,” he said, “but Lord Harlech is somewhat agitated. He refuses to leave without speaking to you. He’s becoming rather loud and is threatening to make a scene. And he is helping himself to Lord Chelton’s brandy,” the servant added with a pained look.

  A bemused Lady Callis
ter looked first at Derek and then at the maid, hesitating. A loud thump followed by the sound of breaking glass and a man’s foul curse came from the drawing room, and her decision was quickly reached. “Bridget, escort the captain upstairs and send for the salts. I’ll join you momentarily.”

  “Bridget!” Derek’s voice startled the maid, who was still staring at him, into movement. She began to run up the stairs, turning every few seconds to look behind her, slack-jawed, as though she couldn’t quite believe what she saw.

  Derek’s lips curled in resigned amusement. “If you’ll point out the room, I’ll put Lady Louisa down. But you must get the smelling salts immediately,” he added, knowing the errand would send the maid away for at least a moment or two, and that was all the time he needed to say what was on his mind.

  “Oh, yes, sir! Thataway, sir!” Bridget waved toward a door that stood ajar at the end of the hall without ever taking her eyes off Derek. “I’ll fetch the salts!” she said, finally springing into action.


  Lucy wanted to open her eyes more than anything. This would be the closest she’d get to the captain until that night, not far off, when she’d be in his bed. The room would be dark then; she might not have the chance to see his face up close as she’d be able to now.

  She cracked open an eye when he shoved the bedchamber door with an elbow, his movement crushing her breasts against him, and for a fleeting moment the mental image of her naked breasts pressed against his equally naked chest made her giddy with excitement. A strange sensation throbbed deep in the pit of her belly, and she braced herself for the physical onslaught she would experience when he slid her slowly down his body as he had at the ball. A thrill raced through her as she anticipated what might come next, and she decided to let him kiss her again. Yes! That’s what she would do. Why not start her seduction of him this very moment and pave the way for what would later be her ruination?


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