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the imprecation of wizards

Page 6

by Shahram Azad

  The hyena ran quickly toward him while Eliza was trying frantic to reach to them. At this moment, Mitra reached to them as she had aimed to the hyena and before he could attack to Jasper who had fallen on the ground, she fired to him a black magic. The magic hit to him and the hyena was thrown backward, but he rose quickly and jumped quickly over Eliza who was intending to hit him.

  The hyena roared and he ran toward her. Mitra hit him very fast with magic but it only was throwing backward the hyena and before somebody could reach to him, he was moving quickly and was attacking to Mitra again. Mitra was nervous and was hitting him with blue magic but it only could decelerate him for few moments as the others could not hit him at that situation.

  The hyena changed his plan and he attacked to Eliza. The hyena jumped over Jasper and became close to Eliza while she was throwing her whip toward him, but he caught it with his teeth and pulled it back as Eliza’s whip fell on the ground. At this time, Mitra hit quickly the hyena and he was thrown backward and Eliza removed quickly her whip. Jasper attacked to the hyena, but he was defending of himself with his claws. At a moment, the hyena jumped and went toward Mitra and he attacked to her. Mitra fired to him quickly, but the hyena jumped quickly as the magic passed from under his belly.

  But, at the same moment, Eliza hit him with whip as it locked at his leg and Eliza pulled back her whip. With this action the hyena's leg cut and he fell on the ground while was roaring of pain. The hyena wanted to escape, but Mitra aimed her wand to him and said loudly, “aaroom.”

  Soon three blue magic hit to the hyena and his speed became slowly and Jasper attacked to him quickly. Jasper hewed his head with a strong stroke.

  Synchronous {C}

  The second hyena ran quickly toward the car and when he became close to the car, jumped from on the car's roof and with his claws held himself. The car started to swerve but the hyena wasn't budging. After a few moments, the hyena hit to the window which was at the driver side and broke it. At once a womanish scream sound was heard and the car stopped quickly as the hyena was thrown from the car.

  Arash and Brad came out quickly of the car and they attacked to the hyena. The hyena rose and fought with them while he was more dexterous than the first hyena. The hyena had focused his attention on Brad, because he was younger and weaker. Brad was trying hardly to defend from himself while Arash was helping to him. But after a while, the hyena hit a strong kick to Arash's belly as he was thrown backward and fell on the ground. Brad went frantic toward Arash for helping him. At this time, Catlin came out of the car with her bow and she started to fire.

  The hyena escaped from her arrows and he ran quickly toward her. Catlin fired an arrow toward him, but he dodged and with a long jump attacked to Catlin. At once Catlin jumped and she escaped from under his claws. Brad ran toward the hyena and attacked to him, but the hyena with a strong stroke threw his sword. Brad escaped frightened while Arash was coming to help him.

  The hyena jumped toward the sword while was transforming at the air. When he reached to the earth he had become an ugly, muscular, bearded man who his body was completely hairy and black as his genital organ wasn’t visible. His legs were almost curved as he could not stand flat and his feet like the animals had claws, but his hands were almost like the humans while had tall nails which were size a knife (he was like the creatures that Mikhail had seen in his dream). He looked at them and with a raucous sound said, “I kill you very badly.”

  Arash said as was preparing himself, “At dream.”

  Catlin said while was aiming to him, “It is very much for a mature hybrid.”

  The hybrid roared and attacked to Arash as Brad was looking them ashamedly. The hybrid was very strong and Arash could not fight rightly and if wasn't helps of Catlin, he might die, albeit the hybrid was parrying against the arrows with his claws. After a few seconds, Arash tired and the hybrid could scotch his arm. Catlin fired an arrow to the hybrid, but he fended it and went toward her while Catlin just had one arrow.

  Catlin fired frantic the latest her arrow, but the hybrid threw very fast his sword toward her. Catlin's arrow missed and the hybrid's sword hit to Brad who had jumped toward Catlin like a shield. The hybrid smiled happily and he was looking at that scene, but Catlin had shocked and she was gazing to Brad's body that had become bloody. At that time Arash threw very fast his sword toward the hybrid that wasn't heedful and the sword hit to his waist.

  The hybrid shouted and he gyrated toward Arash as he was trying to pull out the sword from his body. When he did it, he wanted to attack to Arash, but Catlin pulled out the sword from Brad's body and threw it toward the hybrid. The sword hit to the hybrid and he fell on the ground. Arash ran quickly toward him and before he could get up, Arash pushed the sword in his body. The hybrid shouted and Arash removed his sword from on the ground. He hewed the hybrid's head while was shouting sadly.

  Catlin sat aghast beside Brad as was crying like the rain and Arash was hitting continual the hybrid as his clothes had become bloody and when he tired of it he sat on the ground and looked to Brad with wet eyes. At this moment Mitra's car reached to them and all of them came out quickly of the car and when they saw Brad's body, ran quickly toward him and Eliza screamed, but Mitra looked angrily to Arash while was clenching her fist and went toward Arash, who had sat on the ground. When Arash raised his head to look Mitra and say something, she hit him as he fell on the ground and came out blood of his mouth. Mitra returned toward them and said loudly, “We should go, now. We have not time.”

  Then she looked at Arash and side, “I will punish you later.”

  But Catlin said sadly, “No! It was my fault. He wants to save my life.”

  Mitra took a deep breath and said, “Just hurry.”

  The others got up and Jasper and Catlin raised Brad and they went toward their cars. They put Brad on back chair one of the cars and they went toward Shamira who had stood near the others as they were scaring from her and nobody was daring to look at her. When the cars reached to them, stopped and all of them came out of the cars and Mitra went toward Shamira and said, “Come with me.”

  Jasper went near Mitra and said, “What do you want to do with these?!”

  Mitra looked at them and said, “We leave them?!”

  Jasper, “But they saw us!”

  Mitra went toward the prisoners and assembled them at one place, then she aimed her wand toward their head, soon a big, green magic came out of the wand and covered their head. After a few seconds they became unconscious and fell on the ground. After it, Mitra looked at the others and said, “You go to the garrison with that car; we are going with this car. Your mission finished.”

  Mitra got the electrically baton from Shamira and gave it to Eliza and then they got in the car and went and the others got in their car as was looking sadly at the prisoners, and then they went, too.

  Inside the car, Shamira had gazed to Mitra while was thinking. Mitra looked at her as said, “What?!!”

  Shamira, “I didn’t think that you rescue me.”

  Mitra said surprisedly, “why?!!”

  Shamira looked at outside and said, “Because you canceled your betrothal for him, and I'm your rival, now.”

  Mitra smiled and hit slowly to her head and said, “Fool! Battle is tedious without rival.”

  Shamira became angry and said, “You don’t have right to hit me!”

  Mitra stopped the car and kissed her and said, “I’m sorry. You are my sweetheart. I do everything for you.”

  Shamira stared her surprisedly and Mitra continued, “Except leave him.”

  Shamira separated her and said coldly, “No problem. Now, take me to see him. I'm very excited.”

  Mitra took a deep breath and she pretended who is sad and said, “Ok, my rival.”

  Shamira frowned and said, “Frivolous!”

  But Mitra didn’t become sad and kissed her again.

  Chapter five:

  The weather of morning was cool and Gary was painting black color to a
few small stones and he was putting them inside a basket while a young girl called Debra had gazed to him. She had stood in a corner of courtyard of Gary's house and at her face was shame. Gary had not a good feel and he wasn't looking at Debra at all. After a while mother of Gary came out of a room and she went toward Debra as was looking angrily to Gary. She talked with Debra and kissed her and went toward Gary. When she reached to him sat near him and said lowly, “What is your problem with her?”

  Gary looked at his mother and said, “Mother! I told you; I did not want to marry with her.”

  Mother, “Why?! You refuse to everyone! You are not young anymore. I want to see your wedding.”

  Gary said sadly, “I don't like anybody.”

  His mother slapped him and said, “That girl died. You must forget her.”

  Gary looked her as few drop of tears was coming down from his eyes. Gary got up sadly and he opened the door of courtyard and went out with his motorcycle without looking to Debra as she had become sad. Gary drove quickly toward outside the village and he passed from the farmlands and continued his way from the stony path which its color was black. The path was very long and it was becoming far from the village and around of it was green.

  After a while he reached to a great Plain which was dry and at center of it was a great cemetery. At around the cemetery was a great, metal fence and a lot of small grave and a big, glorious, golden tomb were inside the cemetery. At a corner of it was two storey, black house which had a thin, small tower and the tower had a big, black bell, and at the other side were two small rooms which were beside each other, all told there was seeming dreadful and mysterious.

  Gary stopped near the pair of imposing wrought-iron gate which two golden crowns were on it. He dismounted from his motorcycle and pushed the gate and entered the cemetery and he went toward the house from a black, stony path. When he reached to the house knocked as was trying to show himself normal. After a few moments the door opened by fifty-years-old woman called Mojgan. Gary went a little back and said, “Everything is ready for the ceremony.”

  Mojgan, “Ok. Now, go and call the semi-mature hybrids.”

  Gary, “Yes my Lady.”

  Gary went out of the cemetery and went toward the hamlet. When he arrived to there, two hybrids had sat on the ground like the animals. Their bodies were like the mature hybrid at the human mood and color of body’s hair one of them was red and another was black and they were the same creatures that were at Mikhail’s dream. When they saw Gary, they got up and stood on their legs. Gary stopped near them and said, “Excellency Key Holder be healthy.”

  Black hybrid said with a raucous voice, “Excellency Key Holder be healthy. What do you want?”

  Gary, “You must go to the village for the ceremony.”

  The hybrids ran very fast toward the village and Gary went from another way. After a while the hybrids reached to the village and they went toward the center of village where people were in the plaza. The people were happy and each of families had a basket full of the black stones. At the center of plaza was a very big circle which had drawn with red color and they were throwing respectively their stones inside it. Each of families was throwing their stones together and it seemed they had come to a marriage ceremony.

  At among the crowd only Anahita was silent and sad. She had worn a beautiful dress but unlike the other girls did not speaking with someone and she had just gazed to the others. After a while all of them became quiet when they saw Key Holder and they bowed. Key Holder with pride went toward a big, decorated chair which was opposite the circle and sat on it. The people raised their head and said, “Excellency Key Holder be alive.”

  Key Holder raised his cane until they became silent, then he said, “Today we want to punish someone who had protested to my wish. Everybody should know that they have to obey from me. I'm agent from the king of the kings.”

  At this time two rural men brought a young boy called Arman toward the circle and they took him toward a big spike which had adjoined to it a tall, big chain and they enchained his left leg and then came out of the circle and went toward the people as everybody shouted happily. Key Holder was looking at them happily while Arman was looking angrily to him. Key Holder looked at them and said, “Where are his parents?”

  Everybody looked at one side where parents of Arman were sadly and ashamedly. They went slowly toward Key Holder and stopped near the circle and they bowed. Key holder looked at them angrily and said, “Do you want to punish with your son?”

  The father of Arman expectorated toward his son and sad ashamedly, “He isn't my son anymore. We request from you to punish him.”

  Arman looked aghast at his father as he could not say anything. His mother came near the circle and expectorated toward him and they bowed again and said, “Please punish this sinful.”

  Then they went ashamedly toward the crowd as Key Holder was looking at Arman happily. Arman took a deep breath and said loudly, “You can steal my love, you can bewitch my family, but, one day, you will be punished.”

  Everybody looked frightened to Key Holder who had become very angry. He aimed his cane toward the circle and at once a black smoke came out of the cane and it diffused slowly, like a fog, on the stones. Arman said as had scared, “I hope she can escape later.”

  Key Holder became extremely angry and hit his cane to the ground. With this work, black fog, went down into the stones and they started to quaking. Arman looked at them frightened while he went back slowly, but the stones cohered strangely and the people came closer until could see that, even Anahita, who was more sad until be curious. At opposite their eyes the black stones transformed to stony wolves.

  When Arman saw those stony wolves started to run frightened, but the stony wolves quickly attacked to him. The wolves caught him very fast and they injured him with their stone mouth. Arman was yelling loudly but the people were shouting constantly, salutation to great wizard.

  The only person, who was sad and was crying for him, was Anahita. She could not bear to see such brutality and went out of the crowd. Key Holder was looking to them with joy and pride. Finally, after a while Arman died as his body had become bloody. No one was sad, on the contrary, all of them acclaimed for Key Holder and he hit happily his cane to the ground, and the stony wolves were separated and they fell on the ground.

  With this action the ceremony finished and the people went toward Key Holder and after bowing to him, they went out of there. Key Holder was very happy and he looked at the hybrids and said, “You can go to home now.”

  The hybrids bowed and went out quickly of the plaza and then Key Holder hit his cane to the ground and disappeared. He appeared near the Anahita house and looked at it and he disappeared again. He this time appeared at the black path and disappeared again till finally he appeared inside the cemetery.

  Key Holder moved toward the black building. The door was half open and he entered to the house. The home was very stylish and aristocratic. On the walls some pictures of Key Holder and his family had been seeing. A wide staircase was connecting there to the second floor. Two middle aged woman who were housekeeper were cleaning there. When they saw Key Holder bowed. Key Holder went toward an armchair and sat on it and said, “You can go with the hybrids.”

  They quickly went out of the house. Key Holder reclined happily his cane to the wall. After a few moments, Jill came down quickly from the stairs as was very distraught. She stared to Key Holder and said, “Where is my betrothed.”

  Before Key Holder could react to her, Mojgan came down frightened and bowed, after her, thirty-years-old woman called Fancy came down and bowed while Jill was just staring to Key Holder with anger.

  Key Holder got up angrily and he slapped to Mojgan as she was thrown backward on the carpet, then he looked to Jill and said, “When you see me, you have to bow, you're my spouse, now and that stupid boy was punished.”

  Jill screamed aghast and she wanted to hit to Key Holder that Mojgan hugged her and went back, but Key Holder
became more angry and got Jill's hair and took her toward the second floor as was dragging her on the ground and Mojgan and Fancy were just looking them.

  Mojgan said sadly, “Poor girl.”

  But Fancy looked at her and said, “Don’t say this. That fool boy should was abandoning her.”

  Mojgan sighed and said, “I don’t think Jill can withstand like you. I am very worried about her.”

  Fancy hugged her and said, “Don’t worry. Excellency Key Holder will subdue her soon, like me.”

  Mojgan separated from her and said, “It's better we prepare for lunch. I don't want to infuriate him again.”

  Fancy, “You are right. We should hurry.”

  They went to the kitchen to prepare food. After an hour, Key Holder came down from the stairs and entered in the kitchen while he was not angry anymore and he was smiling. He went toward Fancy and hugged her and kissed her lips and said, “Do the newspaper is come?”

  Fancy, “Not yet, my Lord.”

  Key Holder looked to Mojgan and said, “Hey, old woman, when Gary comes, take the newspaper and tell him to take the accursed boy to the village for cleaning the circle.”

  Mojgan bowed and said, “Yes my Lord.”

  Key Holder and Fancy went toward a room which was in there as were hobnobbing with together. Mojgan after they went to the room went quickly toward the second floor and she entered to a room which its door was open. Inside the room was a big bed which had a very beautiful curtain and the other equipments of room were luxurious. A big, luxurious mirror was near the door and at on the walls were a big picture from the king of the kings and some pictures of a almost fifty-years-old man called Karman who was almost like to Key Holder and he had a cylindrical hat which had seven golden ribbon.

  Jill's dresses were on the carpet near the bed as they were almost scrappy and Jill was crying soundless in the bed while had pulled the blanket on herself. Mojgan went toward her sadly and sat beside her and hugged her. Jill hugged her and said, “How you can live with him?!”


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