the imprecation of wizards
Page 11
Catlin smiled and said, “Yes, but I don't think, it be important for someone.”
Eliza pinched her and said, “You are very wicked.”
Catlin, “Ouch! I know that.”
Eliza ran toward Jasper and Catlin ran after them. When she reached to them looked at Jasper and said, “Was the forest enjoyable?!”
Jasper looked at her surprisedly and Eliza said, “Shut your mouth, crazy!”
Catlin laughed and said loudly, “Wow! Good for you. But Weston was very cold and racist!”
Eliza, “Don't say this!”
Catlin, “Why?! Some of them think we are valueless!”
Jasper looked at her and said, “Oh come on! He may to have someone!”
Eliza went toward her sister and kissed her and said, “Anybody refuse you, undoubted is a loser. Now, please leave it.”
Catlin smiled and said, “Ok honey.”
After a while they arrived near the cemetery where Weston had hidden at a place far from the cemetery and they went toward him. Beside Weston were four beautiful shields on the ground. When they reached, he looked to them and got up and said, “Do you kill him?!”
Eliza looked at the cemetery and said, “Yes. What news?”
Weston, “They did not come out yet.”
After a while Key Holder and the black hybrid came out of the house and they stood outside the cemetery. Key Holder looked to the sun and said something to the hybrid and then the hybrid ran toward the house and entered to the house and after a few seconds came out as had put Mikhail on his back and went toward Key Holder. Key Holder drew his cane toward Mikhail and tortured him and then they went toward the village.
Weston looked to the others and said, “Ok. Let’s go to kill them.”
They removed their shields from on the ground and ran toward the village. After a while they saw surprisedly Mitra in the road as her wand was in her hand. Weston went toward her and said angrily, “What are you doing here?!”
Mitra looked at them and said, “You have not any chance to kill Key Holder with them.”
Weston, “Why you think we are inept?!”
Mitra without looking to him said, “Because he is a great wizard, and you are just a small wizard and they are just ordinary humans.”
Weston wanted to answer to her but Eliza said loudly, “We don’t have time for this! What we must do?”
Mitra looked her and said, “What you have?”
Eliza, “We have some igneous globes which are with Jasper and an electrically baton which is with Catlin.”
Mitra, “Well. You hide among the grass and I will distract him and then you attack to him quickly.”
They went as Weston was angry yet. After a few seconds, Key Holder and the hybrid arrived to Mitra and the hybrid threw down Mikhail and ran toward her. Mitra fired a blue magic toward the hybrid as was running to her left side and she two black magic fired toward Key Holder. Her blue magic hit to the hybrid and his speed became slowly but Key Holder defended from himself with a yellow, magical shield as the black magic became off.
At this time, Weston fired toward the hybrid several blue magic and Eliza came out quickly and threw her whip toward the hybrid's head and it wrapped around his head and Eliza pulled back her whip strongly as the hybrid's head cut.
At the same time, Key Holder fired a black magic toward Mitra and she made quickly a white, magical shield for herself, but it broke and she was thrown backward. Key Holder had not done anything yet that Jasper threw a small, glassy globe toward him which was the size of a fist and Key Holder who had startled only can dodge and the globe blew up. At that time, Catlin threw two daggers toward Key Holder and he made quickly a magical shield for defense.
Jasper ran quickly toward Key Holder and attacked to him with his sword, but it was silly and Key Holder turned off his shield quickly and fight with him with his cane which was very hard and he was very professional as Jasper lost his sword soon and key Holder hit strongly to his shield as Jasper was thrown backward and he fell on the grass.
At this time, Mitra wanted to hit him, but he hit his cane to the ground and suddenly a black wave diffused at his around as all of them were thrown backward. Key Holder looked at them angrily and he drew his cane to sky and soon a big, black vulture came out of it and he flew toward Jasper.
Jasper got up quickly and threw a globe toward the vulture, but he dodged and Mitra hit a blue magic to him, but it had not any influence on the vulture. Key Holder attacked to the others with black magic as they were defending hardly from themselves with their shields and Weston and Mitra attacked quickly to key Holder but their magic could not hit him.
The vulture caught Jasper's shield and flew to the sky as Jasper scared and relinquished his shield. The vulture attacked quickly to Jasper again and he wanted to defend from himself with his sword, but he could not and fell on the ground and the vulture inserted his claws inside Jasper belly while the others were trying hardly to stay alive. Key Holder was throwing magic toward them consecutive and nobody could help Jasper and Eliza was just looking at him sadly as had hidden behind her shield.
the vulture hit to Jasper's face whit his beak as Jasper had caught the vulture’s neck, but it could not to help him, till finally Jasper became hopeless and he relinquished the vulture and inserted his hands inside his bag and he took out two globes while the vulture was hurting to his face badly. Jasper hit his globes to each others with his latest power and they burst. The vulture flew but soon he disappeared at the sky.
When they saw this, they became angry and Mitra threw a yellow, magical scorpion toward Key Holder but he drew very fast his cane toward her and a big, black snake came out of his cane and he opened his mouth and ate the scorpion and attacked to Mitra. Weston made quickly a shield for her as the snake hit to it and went back and attacked to Weston while at the same time, Key Holder was fighting with the others.
Weston made a tiger, but suddenly Key Holder fired toward him a black magic and Mitra tried to defend from Weston, but her shield broke and Weston was thrown backward and his tiger disappeared. At this time, the snake attacked to him and passed from his belly and Weston died.
Mitra screamed and attacked to the snake but her magic was weak and the snake attacked to her. Mitra jumped frightened as had scared so much. But suddenly a big, red magic hit to the snake and destroyed him. Key Holder looked angrily to the that side and he saw Shamira who had sat on a flying broom and she attacked to him with a big, magical fire as Key Holder hit very fast his cane to the ground and made a shield around himself. Shamira landed and attacked to him while Mitra had come to help her and Catlin attacked him with her electrically baton, but Eliza could not do something and she was just watching them.
Shamira was stronger than Mitra, but Key Holder was the strongest of them. At a moment, Key Holder fired a yellow magic toward Mitra as her shield broke again and she was thrown backward and then he threw three small, black snakes toward Shamira as she only could made a shield for herself.
At this time, Eliza ran toward him and Catlin went after her. Key Holder hit quickly Eliza with his cane as she was thrown backward, but at once, Catlin jumped on him and both fell on the ground and Catlin put the electrically baton on his face and pushed its button. Suddenly she was thrown backward by the electric shock and Key Holder's face burned and he shout loudly and immediately he disappeared.
Chapter ten:
The sky was half cloudy and Chiram had stood near his motorcycle near the hamlet while was looking at Shamira, who had sat beside Mikhail in backside of the motorcycle. Mikhail was almost unconscious and Shamira had put his head on her knee. After a while Mitra arrived to there with her motorcycle while was sad and stopped near them and said, “Gary said his ring is under a big stone which has many flowers.”
Chiram went toward her as had the same puerile smiling and said, “I knew that you can rescue him. You are bonny and.”
But Shamira looked at him angrily and shout, “Shut up!”
sp; Mitra took a deep breath until could control herself and said angrily, “Just go!”
But Chiram looked surprisedly at behind her and said, “We have a problem.”
Mitra returned and looked at her behind and she saw Anahita, who was running toward them. Mitra disembark from her motorcycle and ran angrily toward Anahita. When Anahita reached to her, wanted to pass from her but Mitra caught her and said, “Stop!”
Anahita looked at her with wet eyes and said, “Please, I just want to see him.”
But Mitra slapped her and said, “Shut up! Everything is finished for you.”
Anahita said weepy, “I beg of you. Just one moment! I will die, if I don't see him.”
Mitra took a deep breath and said, “No! We have no time.”
Anahita looked at the motorcycle and stared at Mitra and said, “I just want to say good bye, please!”
Mitra said angrily, “I said no! Go your home.”
Anahita pushed her and ran toward the motorcycle but Mitra took out her wand from her forearm and threw a yellow magic toward her as Anahita fell on the ground like a body. Mitra went toward her motorcycle and looked at Chiram and said, “Go.”
Shamira, who had become surprised, said, “Who was she?!”
Mitra, “Nobody. Please! We have no time!”
Chiram moved and Mitra went after them. They were driving quickly toward the big stone. When they arrived to the stone Mitra stopped and went toward there and she took out the ring and gloves from under the stone, but she stared to the gloves for a few moments and then threw those gloves to a side and got up and went quickly toward Mikhail. Mitra put the ring in Mikhail's finger and Shamira stared to him anxiously as Mitra was looking to her with regret.
When the ring became blue, Shamira kissed Mikhail and he woke up. Mikhail opened his eyes slowly and looked at her and then looked to Mitra and said, “What happened?!”
Mitra said happily, “We finally rescued you. But we must hurry because here is not safe.”
Shamira kissed him again and said, “Everything is finished.”
Mikhail just looked at her and did not say anything. Mitra looked at Chiram and said sadly, “I must go with Weston. You take him to Hoshea and meet me near the entrance.”
Chiram came down from the motorcycle and drew his wand toward it, suddenly the motorcycle budged and when Chiram embarked on it and moved the motorcycle flew quickly. Mitra looked at them sadly and then she went toward her motorcycle and drove very fast.
Shamira was fondling Mikhail's hairs while Chiram was watching them with smile, but Mikhail had not good feeling at all so tried to get up. When he looked at his hands said frantic, “Where are my gloves?!”
Shamira, who had become sad, said, “I don't know!”
Mikhail, “Please come back, they are under the stone.”
Shamira looked at Chiram and said, “Come back soon.”
Chiram returned and Shamira stared at Mikhail, but he was just looking at the ground. When they arrived near the stone, Shamira aimed her want toward the stone and soon the gloves flew toward her and she caught those gloves and gave to him. Mikhail smelled those gloves and kissed while Shamira was looking to him sadly. Shamira looked at Chiram and said, “Go fast.”
They went from there and Shamira sat beside Mikhail and said, “We are your family and your life. You must forget all pasts. You must begin a new life, a new love and a new destiny. Many of girls will want you, but you must not attend to them because I l..., because they are not your family and their love are worthless.”
Mikhail took a deep breath and said, “Why?! I'm a simple boy!”
Shamira, “No! You are my sweet and you are my cousin and you are very much important.”
Mikhail, “Can you tell me why am I important?!”
Shamira indulged herself and said sadly, “You are bad boy! Why don't you ask about be sweet?!”
Mikhail became ashamed and said, “I'm sorry. I never know that what I should say.”
Shamira fondled his face and said, “Ok. Don’t be sad sweet. You will learn soon.”
Mikhail became silent a little and said, “Where we are going now?”
Shamira, “We want to erase your imprecation. We know someone who can do it. Unfortunately my mom can’t because Key Holder is very powerful at black imprecations.”
Mikhail looked at his ring and said, “Why had I never seen this with mom?!”
Shamira thought a little and said, “Well, it is very complicated and we tell you later.”
Mikhail said sadly, “Later!”
Shamira hugged him and said, “Oh sweet! Don’t be sad. First, we should become sure from your place.”
Mikhail took a deep breath and said, “Ok.”
Mikhail separate from her and lied down and wore his gloves and kissed them while Shamira had become sad again and said, “Whose are these?! These are girlie!”
Mikhail, “These are gift.”
Shamira, “From whom?!”
Mikhail took a deep breath and said, “A crazy girl.”
Shamira said sadly, “Give it to me.”
Mikhail looked at her and said, “Why are you bad with her?! I hit Mitra for her.”
Chiram looked at him and said, “You were fool!”
Shamira said angrily, “Shut up!”
Mikhail said sadly, “She is very kindly and cute and crazy!”
Shamira looked at Mikhail and said sadly, “Well, your past is finished. You must forget her.”
Mikhail said sadly, “I know. I hope she can too.”
Shamira, “She has to.”
Mikhail turned and closed his eyes and went in his dream.
Seventeen-years-old Mikhail had sat in the room of his parents' house in the dark and he was shivering with his thin, old clothes. After a few seconds, Anahita entered in the room as had a flashlight and her dress was snowy. She had gloves which were in Mikhail's hand now. Anahita went toward him and said sadly, “Why don't you turn on fire?!”
Mikhail looked at her and said, “I told you don't come!”
Anahita sat beside him and said, “Why?! Do you have another one?!”
Mikhail got down his head as was shivering yet. Anahita hugged him sadly and said, “I'm sorry. I can't bring for you some clothes.”
Mikhail took a deep breath and said, “You are crazy!”
Anahita smiled and said, “I know.”
She took off her gloves and said, “Get it.”
Mikhail, “What?!”
Anahita, “I told you get. These are gift and a memento.”
Mikhail got those gloves and Anahita turn off her flashlight.
At this time, Chiram looked at them and said, “We reached. Be hold yourselves.”
Chiram landed very bad as was close to crash. When finally he could control the motorcycle, stopped and looked at Shamira and said, “We go and you stay here.”
Shamira said angrily, “Never!”
Chiram smiled and said, “Do you want to heal him?”
Shamira, “Well?!”
Chiram, “Well. Hoshea is a whimsical and if he looks at you, I will kill him. Now, get his ring and gloves. ”
Shamira wanted to say something but became silent and got those gloves and ring and then Chiram got Mikhail's hand and they dismounted from the motorcycle and went toward Hoshea's place. When they became far from Shamira, Chiram looked at Mikhail and said, “You are very lucky that my daughter like you. But remember this, if you don't like her, you must tell her. Because, if you break her heart, I will kill you and I don't care, who you are.”
Mikhail looked at him and said, “I don't want somebody to like me. But they like me! I know why she loves me, but I don't know why they like me?! I don't want to discommode them. Admittedly I don't want to discommode nobody.”
Chiram smiled and said, “But you can't. When you enter to girls' world, undoubted you will discommode some of them. Well, we reached. Just do it my work.”
Chiram aimed his wand toward the pit of water and then jumped in it and he plunged inside the water while Mikhail was looking to him. He knew that they are wizard and this is not strange at all so he jumped inside the pit. Mikhail had fallen in a strange, dark space and soon he passed from it and Chiram caught him at the air with magic and brought down him slowly while Mikhail was confused yet and was looking his around.
Chiram went toward the door and knocked. After a few moments, the door opened and Chiram took a deep breath and suddenly his face became quite serious and then went to the room and Mikhail was following him. Inside the room Hoshea had stood with his wand and he was happy. When he saw Mikhail, went happily toward him and looked to his eyes and said, “This is a pure imprecation.”
Chiram looked at him and said seriously, “Just do it your work.”
Hoshea smiled and said, “She scared to come?!”
Chiram, “Everybody scare from your ugly face.”
Hoshea became angry and wanted to draw his wand but Chiram hit very fast to him with kick as he was thrown backward and hit to his stuff. Chiram went toward him as had taken out his wand and said, “Do you want to die?!”
Hoshea got up angrily and said, “I will avenge.”
Chiram smiled and said, “Ok. But not now. Later.”
They went toward a door which was in a corner of the room and Hoshea opened the door and the all of them entered the room. A luminous thing floated in the air and two small beds were near each other as on one of those a red semi-mature hybrid had tied as his body was ulcerous and he was looking frightened to them as glue was on his mouth.
The room was very messy and many strange tools were inside it. Mikhail was looking at the hybrid with fear, but Hoshea had gazed to him with smile while Chiram was angry from this work. Hoshea beckoned to the empty bed and said, “Well, lie down on this.”
Mikhail lied down on the bed as was looking to the hybrid yet. Hoshea went above of their heads and said, “Be ready. This has much pain.”
Hoshea drew his wand toward Mikhail and soon his body locked with some rope as he could not move. Hoshea went toward a corner of the room and brought a small bottle and then he dropped some of its liquid with eyedropper inside their eyes and Chiram was looking carefully at him. After it, Hoshea aimed his wand toward Mikhail's eyes and said soundless something. After a few moments, a red smoke came out of Mikhail’s eyes and covered slowly him and the hybrid until they became imperceptible.