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Silent Spring

Page 30

by Rachel Carson

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  Carman, G. C., et al., "Absorption of DDT and Parathion by Fruits," Abstracts, 115th Meeting Am. Chem. Soc. (1949), p. 30A.

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  Clinical Memoranda on Economic Poisons, p. 11.

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  Frawley, John P., et al., "Marked Potentiation in Mammalian Toxicity from Simultaneous Administration of Two Anticholinesterase Compounds," Jour. Pharmacol, and Exper. Therapeut., Vol. 121 (1957), No. 1, pp. 96–106.

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  Rosenberg, Philip, and J. M. Coon, "Potentiation between Cholinesterase Inhibitors," Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., Vol. 97 (1958), pp. 836–39.

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  Dubois, Kenneth, P., "Potentiation of the Toxicity of Insecticidal Organic Phosphates," A.M.A. Archives Indus. Health, Vol. 18 (Dec. 1958), pp. 488–96.

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  Murphy, S. D., et al., "Potentiation of Toxicity of Malathion by Triorthotolyl Phosphate," Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., Vol. 100 (March 1959), pp. 483–87.

  Page 32

  Graham, R. C. B., et al., "The Effect of Some Organophosphorus and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides on the Toxicity of Several Muscle Relaxants," four. Pharm. and Pharmacol., Vol. 9 (1957), pp. 312–19.

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  Rosenberg, Philip, and J. M. Coon, "Increase of Hexobarbital Sleeping Time by Certain Anticholinesterases," Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., Vol. 98 (1958), pp. 650–52.

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  Dubois, "Potentiation of Toxicity."

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  Hurd-Karrer, A. M., and F. W. Poos, "Toxicity of Selenium-Containing Plants to Aphids," Science, Vol. 84 (1936), pp. 252.

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  Ripper, W. E., "The Status of Systemic Insecticides in Pest Control Practices," Advances in Pest Control Research. New York: Interscience, 1957. Vol. 1, pp. 305–52.

  Page [>]

  Occupational Disease in California, 1959.

  Pages 33–34

  Glynne-Jones, G. D., and W. D. E. Thomas, "Experiments on the Possible Contamination of Honey with Schradan," Annals Appl. Biol., Vol. 40 (1953), p. 546.

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  Radeleff, R. D., et al., The Acute Toxicity of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon and Organic Phosphorus Insecticides to Livestock. U.S. Dept. of Agric. Technical Bulletin 1122 (1955).

  Page [>]

  Brooks, F. A., "The Drifting of Poisonous Dusts Applied by Airplanes and Land Rigs," Agric. Engin., Vol. 28 (1947), No. 6, pp. 233–39.

  Page [>]

  Stevens, Donald B., "Recent Developments in New York State's Program Regarding Use of Chemicals to Control Aquatic Vegetation," paper presented at 13th Annual Meeting Northeastern Weed Control Conf. (Jan. 8, 1959).

  Page 35

  Anon., "No More Arsenic," Economist, Oct. 10, 1959.

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  "Arsenites in Agriculture," Lancet, Vol. 1 (1960), p. 178.

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  Horner, Warren D., "Dinitrophenol and Its Relation to Formation of Cataract," (A.M.A.) Archives Ophthalmol., Vol. 27 (1942), pp. 1097–1121.

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  Weinbach, Eugene C., "Biochemical Basis for the Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Vol. 43 (1957), No. 5, pp. 393–97.


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  Biological Problems in Water Pollution. Transactions, 1959 seminar. U.S. Public Health Service Technical Report W60-3 (1960).

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  "Report on Environmental Health Problems," Hearings, 86th Congress, Subcom. of Com. on Appropriations, March 1960, p. 78.

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  Tarzwell, Clarence M., "Pollutional Effects of Organic Insecticides to Fishes," Transactions, 24th North Am. Wildlife Conf. (1959), Washington, D.C., pp. 132–42. Pub. by Wildlife Management Inst.

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  Nicholson, H. Page, "Insecticide Pollution of Water Resources," Jour. Am. Waterworks Assn., Vol. 51 (1959), pp. 981–86.

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  Woodward, Richard L., "Effects of Pesticides in Water Supplies," Jour. Am. Waterworks Assn., Vol. 52 (1960), No. 11, pp. 1367–72.

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  Cope, Oliver B., "The Retention of DDT by Trout and Whitefish," in Biological Problems in Water Pollution, pp. 72–75.

  Page 42

  Kuenen, P. H., Realms of Water. New York: Wiley, 1955.

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  Gilluly, James, et al., Principles of Geology. San Francisco: Freeman, 1951.

  Pages 42–43

  Walton, Graham, "Public Health Aspects of the Contamination of Ground Water in South Platte River Basin in Vicinity of Henderson, Colorado, August, 1959." U.S. Public Health Service, Nov. 2, 1959. Mimeo.

  Pages 42–43

  "Report on Environmental Health Problems."

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  Hueper, W. C., "Cancer Hazards from Natural and Artificial Water Pollutants," Proc., Conf. on Physiol. Aspects of Water Quality, Washington, D.C., Sept. 8–9, 1960. U.S. Public Health Service.

  Pages 46–48

  Hunt, E. G., and A. I. Bischoff, "Inimical Effects on Wildlife of Periodic DDD Applications to Clear Lake," Calif. Fish and Game, Vol. 46 (1960), No. 1, pp. 91–106.

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  Woodard, G., et al., "Effects Observed in Dogs Following the Prolonged Feeding of DDT and Its Analogues," Federation Proc., Vol. 7 (1948), No. 1, p. 266.

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  Nelson, A. A., and G. Woodard, "Severe Adrenal Cortical Atrophy (Cytotoxic) and Hepatic Damage Produced in Dogs by Feeding DDD or TDE," (A.M.A.) Archives Path., Vol. 48 (1949), p. 387.

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  Zimmermann, B., et al., "The Effects of DDD on the Human Adrenal; Attempts to Use an Adrenal-Destructive Agent in the Treatment of Disseminated Mammary and Prostatic Cancer," Cancer, Vol. 9 (1956), pp. 940–48.

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  Cohen, Jesse M., et al., "Effect of Fish Poisons on Water Supplies. I. Removal of Toxic Materials," Jour. Am. Waterworks Assn., Vol. 52 (1960), No. 12, pp. 1551–65. "II. Odor Problems," Vol. 53 (1960), No. 1, pp. 49–61. "III. Field Study, Dickinson, North Dakota," Vol. 53 (1961), No. 2, pp. 233–46.

  Page 50

  Hueper, "Cancer Hazards from Water Pollutants."


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  Simonson, Roy W., "What Soils Are," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1957, pp. 17–31.

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  Clark, Francis E., "Living Organisms in the Soil," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1957, pp. 157–65.

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  Farb, Peter, Living Earth. New York: Harper, 1959.

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  Lichtenstein, E. P., and K. R. Schulz, "Persistence of Some Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides As Influenced by Soil Types, Rate of Application and Temperature," Jour. Econ. Entomol., Vol. 52 (1959), No. 1, pp. 124–31.

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  Thomas, F. J. D., "The Residual Effects of Crop-Protection Chemicals in the Soil," in Proc., 2nd Internatl. Plant Protection Conf. (1956), Fernhurst Research Station, England.

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  Eno, Charles F., "Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides: What Have They Done to Our Soil?" Sunshine State Agric. Research Report for July 1959.

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  Mader, Donald L., "Effect of Humus of Different Origin in Moderating the Toxicity of Biocides." Doctorate thesis, Univ. of Wise., 1960.

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  Sheals, J. G., "Soil Population Studies. I. The Effects of Cultivation and Treatment with Insecticides," Bull. Entomol. Research, Vol. 47 (Dec. 1956), pp. 803–22.

  Page 58

  Hetrick, L. A., "Ten Years of Testing Organic Insecticides As Soil Poisons against the Eastern Subterranean Termite," Jour. Econ. Entomol., Vol. 50 (1957), p. 316.

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  Lichtenstein, E. P., and J. B. Polivka, "Persistence of Insecticides in Turf Soils," Jour. Econ. Entomol., Vol. 52 (1959), No. 2, pp. 289–93.

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  Ginsburg, J. M., and J. P. Reed, "A Survey on DDT-Accumulatio
n in Soils in Relation to Different Crops," Jour. Econ. Entomol., Vol. 47 (1954), No. 3, pp. 467–73.

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  Cullinan, F. P., "Some New Insecticides—Their Effect on Plants and Soils," Jour. Econ. Entomol., Vol. 42 (1949), pp. 387–91.

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  Satterlee, Henry S., "The Problem of Arsenic in American Cigarette Tobacco," New Eng. Jour. Med., Vol. 254 (June 21, 1956), pp. 1149–54.

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  Lichtenstein, E. P., "Absorption of Some Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Insecticides from Soils into Various Crops," Jour. Agric. and Food Chem., Vol. 7 (1959), No. 6, pp. 430–33.

  Pages 59–60

  "Chemicals in Foods and Cosmetics," Hearings, 81st Congress, H.R. 74 and 447, House Select Com. to Investigate Use of Chemicals in Foods and Cosmetics, Pt. 3 (1952), pp. 1385–1416. Testimony of L. G. Cox.

  Pages 60–61

  Klostermeyer, E. C., and C. B. Skotland, Pesticide Chemicals As a Factor in Hop Die-out. Washington Agric. Exper. Stations Circular 362 (1959).

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  Stegeman, LeRoy C., "The Ecology of the Soil." Transcription of a seminar, New York State Univ. College of Forestry, 1960.


  Pages 64–66

  Patterson, Robert L., The Sage Grouse in Wyoming. Denver: Sage Books, Inc., for Wyoming Fish and Game Commission, 1952.

  Pages 65–66

  Murie, Olaus J., "The Scientist and Sagebrush," Pacific Discovery, Vol. 13 (1960), No. 4, p. 1.

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  Pechanec, Joseph, et al., Controlling Sagebrush on Rangelands. U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Bulletin No. 2072 (1960).

  Pages 67–68

  Douglas, William O., My Wilderness: East to Katahdin. New York: Doubleday, 1961.

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  Egler, Frank E., Herbicides: 60 Questions and Answers Concerning Roadside and Rightofway Vegetation Management. Litchfield, Conn.: Litchfield Hills Audubon Soc., 1961.

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  Fisher, C. E., et al., Control of Mesquite on Grazing Lands. Texas Agric. Exper. Station Bulletin 935 (Aug. 1959).

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  Goodrum, Phil D., and V. H. Reid, "Wildlife Implications of Hardwood and Brush Controls," Transactions, 21st North Am. Wildlife Conf. (1956).

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  A Survey of Extent and Cost of Weed Control and Specific Weed Problems. U.S. Dept. of Agric. ARS 34–23 (March 1962).

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  Barnes, Irston R., "Sprays Mar Beauty of Nature," Washington Post, Sept. 25, 1960.

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  Goodwin, Richard H., and William A. Niering, A Roadside Crisis: The Use and Abuse of Herbicides. Connecticut Arboretum Bulletin No. 11 (March 1959), pp. 1–13.

  Page 71

  Boardman, William, "The Dangers of Weed Spraying," Veterinarian, Vol. 6 (Jan. 1961), pp. 9–19.

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  Willard, C. J., "Indirect Effects of Herbicides," Proc., 7th Annual Meeting North Central Weed Control Conf. (1950), pp. 110–12.

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  Douglas, William O., My Wilderness: The Pacific West. New York: Doubleday, 1960.

  Pages 72–73

  Egler, Frank E., Vegetation Management for Rights-of-Way and Roadsides. Smithsonian Report for 1953 (Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D.C.), pp. 299–322.

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  Bohart, George E., "Pollination by Native Insects," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1952, pp. 107–21.

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  Egler, Vegetation Management.

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  Niering, William A., and Frank E. Egler, "A Shrub Community of Viburnum lentago, Stable for Twenty-five Years," Ecology, Vol. 36 (April 1955), pp. 356–60.

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  Pound, Charles E., and Frank E. Egler, "Brush Control in Southeastern New York: Fifteen Years of Stable Tree-Less Communities," Ecology, Vol. 34 (Jan. 1953), pp. 63–73.

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  Egler, Frank E., "Science, Industry, and the Abuse of Rights of Way," Science, Vol. 127 (1958), No. 3298, pp. 573–80.

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  Niering, William A., "Principles of Sound Right-of-Way Vegetation Management," Econ. Botany, Vol. 12 (April-June 1958), pp. 140–44.

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  Hall, William C., and William A. Niering, "The Theory and Practice of Successful Selective Control of 'Brush' by Chemicals," Proc., 13th Annual Meeting Northeastern Weed Control Conf. (Jan. 8, 1959).

  Page 75

  Egler, Frank E., "Fifty Million More Acres for Hunting?" Sports Afield, Dec. 1954.

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  McQuilkin, W. E., and L. R. Strickenberg, Roadside Brush Control with 2,4,5-T on Eastern National Forests. Northeastern Forest Exper. Station Paper No. 148. Upper Darby, Penna., 1961.

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  Goldstein, N. P., et al., "Peripheral Neuropathy after Exposure to an Ester of Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid," Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Vol. 171 (1959), pp. 1306–9.

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  Brody, T. M., "Effect of Certain Plant Growth Substances on Oxidative Phosphorylation in Rat Liver Mitochondria," Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, and Med., Vol. 80 (1952), pp. 533–36.

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  Croker, Barbara H., "Effects of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T on Mitosis in Allium cepa," Bot. Gazette, Vol. 114 (1953), pp. 274–83.

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  Willard, "Indirect Effects of Herbicides."

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  Stahler, L. M., and E. J. Whitehead, "The Effect of 2,4-D on Potassium Nitrate Levels in Leaves of Sugar Beets," Science, Vol. 112 (1950), No. 2921, pp. 749–51.

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  Olson, O., and E. Whitehead, "Nitrate Content of Some South Dakota Plants," Proc., South Dakota Acad, of Sei., Vol. 20 (1940), p. 95.

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  What's New in Farm Science. Univ. of Wise. Agric. Exper. Station Annual Report, Pt. II, Bulletin 527 (July 1957), p. 18.

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  Stahler and Whitehead, "The Effect of 2,4-D on Potassium Nitrate Levels."

  Page 78

  Grayson, R. R., "Silage Gas Poisoning: Nitrogen Dioxide Pneumonia, a New Disease in Agricultural Workers," Annals Internal Med., Vol. 45 (1956), pp. 393–408.

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  Crawford, R. F., and W. K. Kennedy, Nitrates in Forage Crops and Silage: Benefits, Hazards, Precautions. New York State College of Agric., Cornell Misc. Bulletin 37 (June 1960).

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  Briejèr, C. J., To author.

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  Knake, Ellery L., and F. W. Slife, "Competition of Setaria faterii with Corn and Soybeans," Weeds, Vol. 10 (1962), No. 1, pp. 26–29.

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  Goodwin and Niering, A Roadside Crisis.

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  Egler, Frank E., To author.

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  DeWitt, James B., To author.

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  Holloway, James K., "Weed Control by Insect," Sci. American, Vol. 197 (1957), No. 1, pp. 56–62.

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  Holloway, James K., and C. B. Huffaker, "Insects to Control a Weed," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1952, pp. 135–40.

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  Huffaker, C. B., and C. E. Kennett, "A Ten-Year Study of Vegetational Changes Associated with Biological Control of Klamath Weed," four. Range Management, Vol. 12 (1959), No. 2, pp. 69–82.

  Pages 82–83

  Bishopp, F. C., "Insect Friends of Man," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1952, pp. 79–87.


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  Nickell, Walter, To author.

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  Here Is Your 1959 Japanese Beetle Control Program. Release, Michigan State Dept. of Agric., Oct. 19, 1959.

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  Hadley, Charles H., and Walter E. Fleming, "The Japanese Beetle," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1952, pp. 567–73.

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  Here Is Your 1959 Japanese Beetle Control Program.

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  "No Bugs in Plane Dusting," Detroit News, Nov. 10, 1959.

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  Michigan Audubon Newsletter, Vol. 9 (Jan. 1960).

  Page [>]

  "No Bugs in Plane Dusting."

  Page [>]

  Hickey, Joseph J., "Some Effects of Insecticides on Terrestrial Birdlife," Report of Subcom. on Relation of Chemicals to Forestry and Wildlife, Madison, Wise., Jan. 1961. Special Report No. 6.

  Page [>]

  Scott, Thomas G., To author, Dec. 14, 1961.

  Page [>]

  "Coordination of Pesticides Programs," Hearings, 86th Congress, H.R. 11502, Com. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, May 1960, p. 66.

  Pages 92–94

  Scott, Thomas G., et al., "Some Effects of a Field Application of Dieldrin on Wildlife," Jour. Wildlife Management, Vol. 23 (1959), No. 4, pp. 409–27.

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  Hayes, Wayland J., Jr., "The Toxicity of Dieldrin to Man.," Bull. World Health Organ., Vol. 20 (1959), pp. 891–912.

  Pages 94–95

  Scott, Thomas G., To author, Dec. 14, 1961, Jan. 8, Feb. 15, 1962.

  Pages 96–98

  Hawley, Ira M., "Milky Diseases of Beetles," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1952, pp. 394–401.

  Pages 96–98

  Fleming, Walter E., "Biological Control of the Japanese Beetle Especially with Entomogenous Diseases," Proc., 10th Internatl. Congress of Entomologists (1956), Vol. 3 (1958), pp. 115–25.

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  Chittick, Howard A. (Fairfax Biological Lab.), To author, Nov. 30, 1960.

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  Scott et al., "Some Effects of a Field Application of Dieldrin on Wildlife."


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  Audubon Field Notes. "Fall Migration—Aug. 16 to Nov. 30, 1958." Vol. 13 (1959), No. 1, pp. 1–68.

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  Swingle, R. U., et al., "Dutch Elm Disease," Yearbook of Agric., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1949, pp. 451–52.

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  Mehner, John F., and George J. Wallace, "Robin Populations and Insecticides," Atlantic Naturalist, Vol. 14 (1959), No. 1, pp. 4–10.

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  Wallace, George J., "Insecticides and Birds," Audubon Mag., Jan.–Feb. 1959.

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  Barker, Roy J., "Notes on Some Ecological Effects of DDT Sprayed on Elms," Jour. Wildlife Management, Vol. 22 (1958), No. 3, pp. 269–74.

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  Hickey, Joseph J., and L. Barrie Hunt, "Songbird Mortality Following Annual Programs to Control Dutch Elm Disease," Atlantic Naturalist, Vol. 15 (1960), No. 2, pp. 87–92.


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