Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3)

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Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3) Page 3

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  “What’d you want?” My hand threads into her hair, pulling back so I can get at her neck. Under me, she squirms, her legs fall open, cradling me so fucking perfect.


  “Yeah, what else? Want me to stick my cock down your throat?”

  “Yes.” She rolls her hips, lifting and offering herself. My cock twitches, loving every minute of our teasing game. “You on board to fuck, baby girl?”


  Fuck if that’s not the truth. Her legs are already spread wide, but I shove myself more firmly between them and drive my cock home. “Fuck.”

  She moans and raises her hips. “Need more, baby girl?”

  “Yes. Give me everything.”

  As if there’s anything I won’t give this girl. In and out of bed.

  “So good,” she moans as I slowly drag my cock out.

  Yes, it is. My hips snap into her at a quicker pace, trying to drive myself so fucking deep, she’ll feel me tomorrow. Her little hands slide into my hair and she pulls me down for a kiss. Demanding kisses for Karina. It’s a hell of a turn on.

  I pull back and roll us until she’s straddling me. “Ride that cock and make me come, baby girl. Your man’s feeling lazy.”

  She giggles softly and leans back, resting her hands on my thighs, thrusting her breasts in the air. In the darkened room, I can just make out the hard tips of her breasts jutting up and my fingers close over them.

  “Move, baby girl.” I pinch and roll her nipples until she raises and lowers herself. Once she gets into it, she’s unstoppable. Thank fuck, we ain’t got neighbors out here, because she screams like a wild, hungry kitten.

  “Dante, I’m coming.” She gasps and stutters the words. On each down thrust, she grinds into me hard.

  “Good girl. Come on that cock. Get my balls nice and wet.” She’s beyond words. Watching her, feeling that snug heat squeezing the life outta my dick, I explode about two seconds after her.

  She’s still trembling as she falls down over me and somewhere I find the will to move my arms, wrapping them tight around her. “You okay?” I ask after planting a kiss on her sweaty forehead.

  “Mmm-hmmm.” She rolls to the side, but stays close. “Thank you.” She shifts and moves to get out of bed but my arm clamps around her.

  “Where you going?”


  “I like my cum dripping out of you, baby girl.”

  She gasps as I rub my finger in small circles over her pussy, then shove one deep inside. “Dante,” she whispers, an urgent plea.

  “Wanna fuck you again. I like you being my little dirty girl.” My thumb brushes over her clit and she jumps. “Tender?”


  The scent of her pussy and sex fills the air, working me up even more. The head of my dick’s coated in her juices. “Want that freshly used pussy around my cock,” I mumble as I spread her wide and push inside her.

  “I want. I want.”

  I pound into her hard. “Yeah, what do you want?” I grunt out.

  “Fuck me.”

  I chuckle against her ear. “Already doing that, baby girl. What else?”

  “Hold me,” she answers. There’s a quiver to her voice as if she’s not sure what she wants. Or I’m just slamming her so hard she can’t get the words out. It’s hard to tell.

  My hands twine with hers, and I push them up over her head, pinning her to the bed. She wriggles against me, arches her back, shoving her tits in my face. “You okay?”

  “Hold me. Harder.”

  This is new. But so fucking good, I keep going at her like an animal. Holding her down while she struggles, fucking her raw. Under me she’s soft and small, but fighting like a little wildcat. “You coming for me, baby girl? Need to feel your pussy choke my dick.”


  I press her harder into the bed and she goes fucking nuts. Coming, screaming, thrashing, pulling me with her. I pull out and cum coats her pussy, thighs and belly. The intensity of it rocks me so hard, my head’s spinning. “Fuck, Karina.”

  When I realize how hard I’m holding her arms, I let go and she wraps them around my neck, lifting herself to kiss my face. “IloveyouIloveyou,” she murmurs over and over. My hands frame her face, holding her still. “You okay?”

  She nods frantically, turning to kiss my hand.

  “Let’s clean you up. You need to get to sleep.”


  Carefully, I pick her up and carry her into the bathroom. She’s quiet while I soap her up and down. Her arms are ringed with red from where I held her down, and I still her to examine the damage. “This may bruise, baby girl. Didn’t mean to get carried away.”

  “I liked it,” she whispers.

  Huge, scared eyes stare up at me and I can’t help rubbing the back of my hand over her cheek. “It’s okay.”

  When we’re finally clean, I slip a T-shirt over her head. Less chance of her tits brushing up against me and my dick zeroing in on her snatch like a damn heat-seeking missile.

  It’s so warm and snuggly in bed, I don’t want to get up the next morning. It takes a second before I realize I’m alone. Disappointment turns my mouth down, but I throw back the covers and hurry through my morning routine. The scent of breakfast pulls me downstairs.

  Dante’s cooked for me plenty of times. It’s still charming to find my big, gruff, crude biker scooping eggs out of the pan and pouring juice into glasses for us.

  “Morning,” I announce. My breath catches when he glances up. Crap. Beard scruff and mussed hair makes him totally sexy.

  “Hey, baby girl. Sleep okay?”

  I nod and slide onto the bar stool opposite from him. He eats standing up, watching me carefully. When I’m finished he takes my arm, examining the faint blue marks around my wrist. They’re nothing tragic. You can’t even tell what it is unless you study my skin.

  “Shit,” he grumbles.

  Slipping my arm out of his grasp, I shake my head. “I’m fine.”

  “Maybe you need some padded restraints.”

  My heart thumps at the word restraint. “Maybe,” I whisper. My eyes lower to my lap so I can get out my next thought. “That’s what I was thinking about last night. You, tying my hands behind my back. Attaching the ropes to the foot of the bed, and…” I can’t finish.

  Dante places a finger under my chin, lifting my head to meet his eyes. “And?”

  “You know.”

  He smirks at my shy response. “Shoving my cock down your throat and fucking your face?”

  Heat streaks through me. How does he do that with a few simple, crude words?


  He nods thoughtfully. “You still got your little plaid skirt?”

  Peeking up at him through my lashes, a slow smile curves my mouth up. “Yes. Why?”

  “Want you to wear it for me again.” His words flow over me like silk.

  “I can do that.”

  We stare at each other for a few more seconds, before he flicks his gaze to the clock behind me. “Better get ready for school.”

  God, that feels so wrong. I end up chuckling as I slide off the stool and stuff a rogue book into my backpack. I feel Dante’s heat behind me, and his hands cup my hips, pulling me against him. I straighten up, shifting against his crotch a little just to hear him groan.

  “You need to go, before I strip you down and fuck you.”

  “I might like that.”

  He spins me to face him. “Yeah, I know you would. But I want you to finish strong this year. Few more weeks, right?”

  “Right,” I whisper.

  “Good. Where you at with your internship and summer classes?”

  Surprised he’s concerned about that, it takes me a second to answer. “Still waiting to hear back on the internship and I still need to register for the class.”

  “Okay. Make sure you get it done.”

  “I will.”

  Before I walk out the door, he pulls me to him for a bl
istering kiss. “I should be here when you get home.”

  I’m too dazed for words, so I end up nodding.

  Chapter Five

  School’s a drag. Everyone just wants to get to finals and get the hell out of here. No one seems to be able to sit still for very long. Including me. Even Athena’s more antsy than usual.

  “How’d your dad end up taking you and Dante?”

  She’d been there to see part of what went down, but not long enough to hear all the gritty details. I’m not sure I’m ready to talk to her about my half-sister. The whole situation is humiliating for many so many reasons.

  “I don’t think he knew what to do.”

  She lifts her shoulders. “Not much he can do. It’s his fault you have daddy issues in the first place.”

  “I don’t have daddy issues. What the hell does that even mean?”

  Athena makes this God, you’re fucking dense face that I kind of want to smack.

  “Whatever you say, baby girl.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Her mouth tips up in a wicked smile and she leans in closer. “I think that’s my problem. I need to get my cherry picked.”

  “I think it’s “popped.”

  “I know. I was putting my own unique spin on it. Don’t you pay attention in English?”

  Spin. Athena’s making my head spin today. She’s all over the place.

  “Wait, what? What about Bobby?”

  “Doesn’t count. We didn’t get there.” She taps her finger against her chin. Something she does right before she asks you something she shouldn’t.

  “Do I really have to wait until after my birthday—”


  Her eyebrows do a little dance. “Maybe I’ll stop by Romeo’s shop and see if he wants to give me a tune-up.” She follows that up with a shoulder-shimmy that attracts the attention of the boys at the next table.

  I can’t help laughing. “God, you’re awful. And stay away from him. I don’t think he’s what you want for your first time.”

  “Why? He’s probably good at it.”

  “He’s gross.”

  “What are you talking about? He’s hot as sin. Besides, I want to screw him, not marry him.”

  Naturally, she says that loud enough that half the cafeteria hears her.

  “Yo, Athena, you need to get fucked, I’ll be more than happy to provide a good pounding.” Jeremy—one of the most obnoxious guys in our school—shouts.

  Athena wiggles her pinky finger in the air. “Sorry, I need something bigger.”

  I snatch her hand out of the air, holding it against the table. “You’re awful. Now they’ll never shut up.”

  Right on cue, a bunch of insults get hurled our way. Jeremy calls me a whore, and five seconds later, one of the guys I recognize as a prospect from Dante’s club punches Jeremy clean out of his seat. A hush falls over the cafeteria as kids wait to see if a fight will break out. But another kid—who I also recognize—joins the prospect. The two of them are fucking scary. They definitely study at Dante’s school of intimidation. The first one leans over and has a brief conversation with Jeremy. Brief because Jeremy gets to his feet and leaves the cafeteria without another word.

  The prospect—Cricket, his name finally comes to me—walks by and winks at me, then he and his friend are gone.

  “Holy shit. What was that?” Athena whispers.

  “He’s a prospect at Dante’s club.”

  “Wow. So he’s got little minions around watching out for you?”

  “No. I don’t think so. He probably just recognizes me from being there with Dante.”

  But it makes me wonder. I can see Dante either asking the kid to keep an eye on me or—“He probably just wants to score points with an officer so he’ll get voted in after graduation.”

  “I’ll score with him any day. He’s hot. How come I never noticed him before?”

  “Because you’re too busy lusting after guys who are too old for you?” I offer sweetly.

  Athena isn’t easily insulted. “True story.”

  “Hey, I’m thinking of cutting gym and going to the mall before I go home. Do you want to come with?”

  Her lips push into what I think of as her kicked puppy pout. “I can’t. My mom has this stupid interview set up she wants me to go on.” Kicked puppy turns into determined bitch pretty quick with Athena though. “I hate breaking it to her, but I have zero intention of sticking around a single day after graduation.”

  “Are you still thinking of going to California?”

  “Hell, yes.” She cocks her head and stares at me. “I always thought you’d come with me. There didn’t used to be anything holding you here.”

  I blow out a breath. “Athena. You didn’t tell me until a couple weeks ago that you were planning to do that.”

  “I know. Are you really going to stay here and settle down with him? You’re so young. He’ll have you spitting out kids in no time.”

  “No. He wants me to go to school.”

  Now she looks at me like I’m nuts. “Really? I didn’t think those guys were really into their women getting all educated and stuff.”

  “Stop being a bitch.”

  “No, I’m serious. Aren’t biker wives, like hairdressers and stuff? If they do anything besides look after their man.” She says “look after their man” as if it’s the most horrible job a woman has to endure.

  “There’s nothing wrong with being a hairdresser. Why are you suddenly being such a snob? You sound like your mom.”

  Her face twists. That’s probably the meanest insult I could come up with in Athena’s mind.

  A look of guilt flashes over her face. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just don’t want to see you throw your life away on this guy because you’re all sex-fogged-infatuated with him.”

  I clench my jaw so hard my teeth make this squeaky sound that echoes painfully in my ears. “I’m not throwing my life away. He wants to put me through medical school for fuck’s sake.”

  That finally shuts her up. She sits back in her chair and pins me with an apologetic stare. But I’m too pissed to forgive her right now.

  “Are you going to marry this guy?”

  “What do you care? Why are you being so nosy today?”

  “I’m worried about you. You’re young now. What if when you’re a thirty-year-old hag he dumps you for another eighteen-year-old?”

  I’m done with this entire conversation. I gather my stuff and stand so fast, my chair tips over. “I survived before Dante, and if that happens, I’ll survive again.”

  But inside I’m sick at the thought of a life without him.

  Karina’s barely out the door when I get a text from Romeo calling us all in for church. At the moment, I feel like seeing him about as much as I feel like banging my head against the closest rock. Last night’s conversation didn’t land in my head right. Romeo hinting that I might have the option to buy out Tucker’s debt with cash or pussy irritates me. It shouldn’t. Shit like that goes down all the time in my world. This time it’s too personal. Although I’ve only met her a couple times, the thought of handing Karina’s feisty friend over to Romeo to do hell only knows what kind of perverted shit to, bothers me way more than it should.

  Christ, loving Karina’s made me grow a conscience. How inconvenient.

  Romeo’s in a mood when I get to the clubhouse.

  “What’s wrong, prez?”

  “Had a break-in at the garage last night.”

  That’s a bad sign. Everyone in a hundred mile radius knows who owns that shop. “They take anything?”

  “No. They tried to open up file cabinets, go through my desk. Shit like that. Don’t know if they were lookin’ for cash or somethin’ else. Either way there ain’t much there.”

  “Could be kids.”

  “Gonna make two of the prospects camp out there for a couple nights.”

  “Good idea.”

  Before we go in the chapel, Luck pulls me aside. “There may have been
a Hemi sighting. Heading toward the East Coast.”

  “What the fuck would he be doing out there?”

  “Don’t know. You okay if I bring it up at the table?”

  Now this is interesting that Luck came to me with this first. “Yeah, brother. Thanks.”

  The first item on our agenda is the break-in.

  Luck signals Romeo and gets the nod to speak. “Any chance it was Tucker?” He doesn’t explain why Tucker might do something so risky, which I appreciate.

  “If it was, he’s even dumber than I thought.”

  One patch-holder and two prospects get assigned to stay overnight at Romeo’s shop. Poor bastards.

  We go over the schedule for the week. Got a protection job Thursday night. I glance at Luck to see if he’s up for watching Karina and he nods. Otherwise, I’ve got a light week, which is fine, because I have a lot of ways I plan to keep my girl occupied.

  With that in mind, I take Luck aside after our meeting breaks. “Think you can show me some of that crazy bondage shit you’re into?”

  He laughs at my assholish question. “Karina interested?”


  Like the nosy bastard he is, Romeo overhears us and opens his big mouth. “Since when are you such a fucking pussy? Tie her ass up if you want to.”

  Luck stares at our prez with a barely controlled look of disgust, which Romeo is, of course, oblivious to.

  “There’s not much fun or challenge in that,” Luck explains as if he’s schooling a kindergartner. “He’s twice her size. Overpowering her isn’t a question. Having her trust him enough to hand herself over and be at his mercy. There’s no bigger high than that.”

  High. Good way to describe the way I feel when I’m fucking Karina. Luck tends to get real poetic about all this shit. All I’m interested in is tying my girl down and fucking the hell out of her in some kinky as fuck positions. But whatever. I’ve seen the knot work Luck’s capable of so if I have to listen to his submission is a gift lecture to get some tips, it’s worth it.

  “I’m teaching a workshop on Japanese-style rope bondage for the Kink Society over in Nobel if you want to come.”


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