Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3)

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Entwined (Iron Bulls MC #3) Page 4

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  “You’re teaching a what on what where?” Romeo asks. “People need a class on how to tie a bitch up?”

  Talking about this in front of Romeo’s giving me an urge to punch something—him.

  “Send me the info and I’ll see if can make it.”

  Chapter Six

  I’m so pissed, I end up leaving school early. Dante’s question about my schoolgirl skirt keeps ping-ponging around in my head. I think that skirt’s actually in our room at the clubhouse. No way do I want to stop by there on my own—even though he’s told me I can go there whenever I want to and let whoever’s at the front door know who I am.

  Part of the reason I’m so mad is that I know Athena’s questions make sense—even if she voiced them in the most offensive way possible. I should be worried about those things. If I’d been given a set of parents who gave a shit about me—like Athena’s—I’d be asking myself those questions, too.

  How do I explain to her—or to anyone really—what he’s done for me? I don’t mean material things. More like the intangible stuff I’ve never had. Safety, security, a happy home to return to after school. All of those thoughts are bubbling through my brain as I wander from store to store gathering things to surprise Dante.

  The skirt’s hard to find during this time of year. I end up finding one in a store that caters to junior high girls. It’s on clearance in the uniform section and the salesgirl gives me a strange look when she realizes I’m buying it for myself and not, oh I don’t know, my little sister. She gives me an even dirtier look when I grab a button down blouse, too. No, it’s never going to button up over my chest, but then again, I don’t need it to.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to say something sassy to her, like “Don’t worry honey, I’m only wearing it to get fucked in.” But I don’t.

  Next I find thigh-high stockings with frilly bows at the top and a pair of high-heeled Mary Janes. I must already own like three pairs, but these are red patent leather with sky-high heels. The color matches the skirt I bought perfectly.

  I’ve got plenty of hair ties in my car, so that’s covered. My last stop is a chocolate shop. Dante’s not a big sweets person, but I noticed he does indulge in chocolate peanut butter cups once in a while. Besides my body, I’ve never given him anything, so I grab those. A cynical voice in my head—probably Athena’s—says it’s not really a gift since I’m using Dante’s money to buy it.

  Enclosed in my car, I text Dante to find out where he is. The idea of walking in the front door, all dressed up and surprising him won’t leave me alone.

  Home, baby girl.

  Well, that messes with my plans a little.

  I could run back inside the mall and change, but I’m not thrilled about the idea of walking around the parking lot dressed up like a porn-star-hooker.

  Instead, I stop at the end of our driveway, shimmy out of my clothes and into my newly purchased sexwear. As I twist my hair into two long braids, I find myself humming along to the radio. Preparing myself for Dante has almost made me forget my fight with Athena and all the doubts it raised.

  Once I’m finished, I’m eager to see Dante and hurry up the driveway.

  And find two motorcycles parked in front of the house, Dante’s and someone else’s from the club. Romeo or Luck. I’m not sure. The only bike I’ve committed to memory is Dante’s.


  I glance down at the skirt barely concealing my thighs. My breasts spilling out of my shirt, tied off above my navel.

  If it’s Luck, it will be embarrassing. If it’s Romeo it will be mortifying.

  “Karina?” Dante calls from the front porch.

  “Be right there!”


  Dante ducks back inside before I get out of the car, so he doesn’t see what I’m wearing until I step into the house.

  Luck’s sitting on the couch and both of them turn and stare at me. Well, at least it’s Luck and not Romeo.

  Slowly Dante crosses his arms over his chest. All his bulging muscles popping and flexing distract me for a minute.

  “That’s not what you wore to school today,” Dante says.

  Luck’s mouth flattens. I think he’s trying to hold in his laughter.

  Heat sears my cheeks. I feel like an idiot.

  Dante crooks a finger, urging me closer until I’m standing in front of him. “Explain.”

  My gaze darts to Luck who’s watching us carefully.

  “This morning…you mentioned, the uh…and I remembered it’s at the clubhouse and I wanted to surprise you but I didn’t want to go there by myself—” My words come out in a jumbled rush, but he gets the gist.

  “I should probably get going,” Luck says as he rises from the couch. Dante walks him out and they speak in low tones on the porch for a few seconds while I stare at my shoes feeling like a silly little girl.

  The quiet click of the front door pulls my attention off the carpet.

  Dante approaches, a small smirk playing over his lips.

  “What am I gonna do with you, baby girl?”

  Fuck me, but I have to be the luckiest motherfucker on the planet.

  Off the cuff, I mention that sexy little school girl getup she has. What does my girl do? Goes all fuckin’ out. For me. Just because it will please me.

  I’m fuckin’ hard thinking about it and she’s right in front of me. Tiny plaid skirt, smooth pale skin, tight white shirt tied under her breasts. Breasts that are spilling out for my hungry eyes to feast on.

  Without taking my eyes off her, I drop down to the couch and hold out my hand. “Come here, baby girl.”

  She takes slow steps until she’s standing between my knees. My fingers land on her outer thighs, slowly trailing up under her skirt.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” she says.

  “Why? Because Luck saw you all hot as hell?”

  She nibbles at her bottom lip and nods.

  “Ain’t got nothing to be embarrassed about.” I take a second to sweep my gaze over her sexy fucking outfit one more time. “Now, explain how you had time to go shopping and get home this early?”

  Her gaze strays to the front door. “I, uh…”


  “I left school early.”

  I raise an eyebrow and wait for more information before deciding what to do. Something’s wrong with my girl. She won’t say any more but I know there’s more to her story.

  “Karina. I’m waiting.”

  My hands rise, skimming up and over her ass, squeezing her cheeks. Still nothing.

  She stares at my lap, and one of my hands leaves her warm little butt and takes her hand, tugging her down. “Come here.”

  Yeah, that she’s familiar with. She plants her knees on the couch next to me and drapes herself over my lap.

  “Why you being a bad girl today?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Mouthy too,” I mumble as I flip her skirt up. My fingers hook into her panties, sliding them down but leaving them at her knees. Fuck if I don’t have to take a minute to appreciate the sight of her bare ass, waiting for my hand.

  The first swat isn’t the playful kind I usually give her and she flinches. She turns her head, but I land a smack on her other ass cheek before she gets a word out.

  “Ow!” Her feet kick and I almost get a stiletto in my ear. I stop and slip her shoes off, dropping them to the carpet with a muted thud.

  “Are you ready to answer?”

  “What?” she screeches as my hand spanks her again.

  “Why did you leave school early?”

  I don’t ease up on how hard I’m whacking her ass. “Daddy! It hurts.”

  “I know, baby girl.”

  “Athena and I had a fight,” she yelps.

  My hand stops mid-air. “Sit up.”

  She sits back and jerks her underwear up, then rubs her hands over her ass. The motion makes her tits pop out of the skimpy blouse she’s got on. After a few seconds, she places her hands on her thighs and stares up at
me with watery eyes.

  “What’d you fight about?”

  Her bottom lip pushes out and she glances around the room.


  “You,” she finally whispers.

  “What about me?”

  She waves her hand in the air, but I catch it, holding her still.

  “I don’t know. Stuff like if we were going to get married or what will I do when I’m old and you leave me for another hot eighteen-year-old.”

  The word, married punches me in my gut, knocking the air out of me, so I ignore it.

  “Come here.” I arrange her so she’s straddling me and we’re facing each other. Having her hot little pussy in my lap wakes my dick right the fuck up.

  I press my palms to either side of her face so she can’t look away. “You’re the first eighteen-year-old in my life. Fuck, when I was eighteen…never mind. Point is, I ain’t with you ‘cause of your age. Yeah, I picked you up because you were hot and down-to-fuck, but I didn’t move you into my house because of that.”

  “I know. At least…I think I do.”

  “Babe, more likely scenario is you finding some smart, rich doctor and realizing what a waste of time I am.”

  She throws her arms around my neck, holding on so tight, I ain’t gotta choice but to wrap my arms ‘round her. “Please don’t say that,” she whispers against my neck. “Please. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, baby girl.”

  I use her hair to tug her back so I can see her face again. “She say all this shit outta jealousy or concern?”

  Karina only thinks about it for a second. “Concern. But she’s a hypocrite too, because she won’t stop asking me about Romeo.”

  Her nose wrinkles in the funniest way when she says my prez’s name. I ain’t at all bothered that she seems to find him repulsive. On the other hand, I’m real interested to know that her friend’s into him.


  Karina blushes and looks away before answering. “I don’t know. She thinks he’s hot for some reason.”

  Harsh laughter bursts out of me. “Yeah? Feeling might be mutual there.”

  “He’s scary.”

  “I’m not?”

  She reaches out and traces a finger down my cheek and over my bottom lip before answering.

  “Not to me.”

  I take her finger and suck on it. Watch as she goes liquid in my arms. I’m about to lose control, but I still need more information from her. My hands grip her hips, pulling her against me even tighter. “Anything else happen today?”

  He gaze darts away. Yup. Thought so.

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Nothing that concerns you is stupid. Tell me.”

  She huffs before meeting my eyes. “Some guy hassled me and Athena.” Her mouth tips into a slight smile. “One of your prospects—Cricket?—knocked him out.”

  “That so?”

  “Did you ask him to look after me?”

  I shouldn’t for one second ever forget how smart my little bitch is. “Maybe. Serves two purposes though.” My hand strokes over her cheek, down her neck and right between her tits, tugging the knot in her blouse loose. “Keeps my girl safe. And I need that fucker to graduate in June.”


  “He’s clever, but he ain’t book smart.”

  She cocks her head to the side. “I can tutor him if you want?”

  Something about her offer flips my possessive switch. “Why? You like him?”

  “No.” She blinks and her mouth twists into a distressed little frown that’s cute as fuck and makes me feel like an asshole. Her gaze lowers to her lap and she picks at a thread on her skirt. “Just wanted to help.”

  “I know, baby girl.” My fingers tug and pull at her shirt, dragging it down her shoulders and tossing it on the couch. She’s left in a bra that barely covers her tits and I tuck the cups down so her fat, pink nipples are on display. I keep my eyes on her face while I cup her tits, rolling her nipple between my fingers, then dipping my head down to take a taste. She smells so fucking sweet and heat comes off her in waves.

  “You buy anything else?” I whisper against her ear.

  I don’t really expect an answer but she nods. “Yes.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  She scoots out of my lap, surprising me, and runs over to the bags she dropped on the floor when she walked in. I sit back and appreciate the view of her bending over to search through the bags. Christ, she stays like that another second, I’m gonna come in my pants.

  I’m not sure what I expected her to return with, but candy wasn’t it. Candy she bought specifically for me. All timid like, she holds out the bag. “I thought you’d like them.”

  Shit, she’s fuckin’ sweet. It’s a small thing. But I can’t think of another woman who’s bothered to learn anything about me other than how I liked my dick sucked or gave me anything besides the obvious.

  I motion for her to climb back in my lap. My fingers twine in her hair, pulling her close for a kiss. Soft trembling lips yield to my mouth and tongue. “Such a sweet girl,” I whisper as I pull away.

  Her mouth jerks into a relieved smile. As if, what? She thought I’d be mad at her?

  “How much homework you got?”


  She squeals and wraps her arms around my neck as I lift us off the couch and head upstairs. My hands are full of her ass and I almost send both of us to the floor when she plants kisses on my cheeks and seals her mouth over mine. Somehow, I get us both upstairs and drop her on the bed.

  Chapter Seven

  “Let me look at you, beautiful girl.”

  Excitement pulses through me at Dante’s words. I throw my shoulders back, but have trouble meeting his eyes until he places his fingers under my chin tipping my head back.

  “Are you my girl?”


  “You gonna let me do what I want to you?”

  “Yes, daddy.”

  “I should punish you for hesitating downstairs.”

  Other girls might be scared. Not me. My pussy’s throbbing with anticipation. I squirm as his hands work his belt loose, unable to decide if I want him to tie the belt around my wrists or use it on my ass.

  He does neither. Instead, his hands gather my hair into a ponytail that he uses to pull me off the bed. I sink to my knees and he grunts in approval. With jerky movements, he unzips and frees his cock. My eyes stare up and my tongue slicks over my top lip.

  “You kill me when you do that, baby girl.”

  There’s no chance to respond. He pulls me into position, the smooth head of his granite-hard cock brushes over my lips and I open immediately to taste him.

  He lets out a long hiss. “Your sexy little ass in that outfit has me worked up, baby girl. Need you to make me come, so I can calm down enough to take my time with you.”

  Sounds perfect to me and I hum with approval while lifting my hands to caress his length.

  “Good girl.”

  I love being his good girl. My nipples harden and ache for his touch. I’m so curious about what he plans to do to me, I open wider when he jams his cock down my throat until I choke.

  “Suck me, baby girl.”

  He said he wants me to suck him, but he’s busy holding my head, thrusting in and out the way he wants. There isn’t much for me to do besides take it.

  And I think he likes that the most.

  “Look up at me,” he barks.

  His hard glare softens when I meet his eyes.

  “Fuck, Karina,” he growls, low enough to make me shiver.

  He slows his thrusting and I suck harder, grabbing and rubbing my hands over him the way he’s shown me to do so many times.

  “Good…good…girl,” he gasps, thrusting hard one last time. He comes down the back of my throat so far that I don’t taste a thing. I keep sucking and licking as he tries to withdraw until he gasp-laughs. “Easy, baby girl.”

  When he slips free, I take a few deep breaths and collapse on t
he floor.

  “No. We just started.”

  I peek up at him and smile. His cock’s still glossy with my spit, and my grin widens.

  He leans over, lifting me and setting me on the edge of the bed.

  “Christ, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful I don’t even know where to start,” he says as his gaze roams over every inch of me. The way he sees me makes everything right.

  “Will you take your shirt off?”

  One corner of his mouth lifts. “You wanna see me?”

  “Yes, please.”

  My tongue slides over my bottom lip as his fingers curl into the hem of his shirt, slowly lifting it over his head. I reach out, then hesitate.

  “Touch me, baby girl.”

  He shuffles closer to the bed so I can trace my fingers over the hard ridges and lines of his abs, up his chest where he captures my hands, bringing them to his mouth. “Love the way you look at me.”

  I’m not sure what to say, so I wait while he kisses the backs of my hands. “What do you want, Karina?”

  “I want to come.”


  “However you want me to.”

  He ducks his head and mutters a few curses. “Get on all fours.”

  I turn and scramble into the position he asked. Shiver as he runs his hand over my bare inner thigh. “This is cute, but I’m gonna strip you now.”

  “Okay,” I mumble into the cool sheets beneath my cheek.

  There’s a tug and the clicking of the cheap zipper. He works the skirt down and I lift one leg after another so he can take if off.

  Rough fingers pull my thigh-highs back into position and he cracks his palm against my ass. “Perfect. Go lie on your tummy in the middle of the bed. I’ll be right back.”

  Anticipation flutters in my stomach as I position myself the way he asked. I keep my eyes closed, but sense him pulling the blinds closed. By the sounds, I think he leaves the bedroom for a second. A few drawers open and close, then his hand skims over my ass.

  “Lift up.”

  He slides a towel under me and I squirm from the rush of excitement, wondering what evil things he’s planning to do. There’s the rustle of his jeans hitting the floor. The bed dips, his leg brushes up against my sensitized skin. Warm, silky liquid dribbles over my lower back and ass. His hands press into my flesh, rubbing in the oil. With aching slowness he works lower, kneading my ass with firm, slow strokes.


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