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Draconians: Complete Series (BWW Dragon Shifter Scifi Romance)

Page 20

by Grove, Scarlett

  Tabby was grateful that Oro was defending her. It sounded like he was also trying to give her some kind of job. She loved the idea of continuing to help take down the drug cartel. Those people had totally screwed up her neighborhood and her life. They got her parents addicted to the techno-drugs, and they had become walking zombies. They’d wasted away and lost any semblance of their former lives. She’d seen it happen to too many people.

  Tabby had spent years pretending not to care. She told herself she should just look out for number one. But the truth was, Tabby did care. She cared deeply. More deeply than she ever let herself acknowledge. Acknowledging it would have just made her break down into a puddle of goo, and she wouldn’t have been able to carry on. She had the hard façade to protect herself from the truth.

  She hated people like Leo and Juan. She hated what they were doing to her community. She wanted to be a part of solving the problem.

  “I’m sure something can be arranged, but we will not allow your mate to be in physical danger again,” Commander Or said, crossing his arms and giving Oro a hard look.

  “I agree with you one hundred percent, Commander,” Oro said. “Now, I would like to show my mate our chambers. We have not been completely mated, and my dragon still rages within.”

  General Shin and Commander Or both stood back and out of their way, as if to say, “Hurry the heck up and go claim your woman.” Tabby giggled inwardly and followed Oro through the docking bay and down a brightly lit hallway. Other seven-foot-tall Draconian males passed as they walked by. She even saw a few human females in various stages of pregnancy. The girls smiled and waved good-naturedly at her, and she instantly felt welcome onboard the ship.

  Oro opened the door into what could only be described as a luxury apartment. It had all the best things, furnishings, appliances, decorations. It was absolutely gorgeous and everything that she could’ve wanted.

  “Now this is what I’ve been waiting for,” Tabby said, sitting on the comfortable couch that faced a big picture window looking out onto space. It was an absolutely spectacular view. People talked about million-dollar views, but this was more like a billion-dollar view.

  Oro approached her and took her hand, lifting her up from her seat.

  “There will be time to relax later,” he said in a husky voice. His eyes were hooded and dark as he looked down at her. She could see the tips of his teeth poking out from behind his full lips. She suddenly felt nervous. He had mentioned claiming her to Commander Or and General Shin. Was it finally time?

  She felt flushed with excitement and anxiety. Her nipples pricked under his gaze. She didn’t know what to do, but she didn’t have to think about it long. He led her by the hand into a bedchamber.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly.

  She gasped and began stepping out of her things. Just a little while ago she had Juan Norte staring at her with a similar expression. He had disgusted her. With Oro looking at her like that, all she wanted to do was strip off all her clothes, lay down on the bed, and spread her legs. Her body ached with need, and she was ready, so ready to finally be claimed by him.

  When she was naked, she climbed up on the bed, her heart pounding and her palms sweaty.

  “What you want me to do?” she asked in a shaky voice.

  “Lie down,” he said flatly. Oro flicked the spot on his neck that made his uniform retract. As soon as the fabric melted away, Tabby could see his stiff, throbbing erection thrusting towards the ceiling. She bit her lip and moaned at the sight of it. It was so thick and long, she still didn’t know how it was supposed to fit inside her. It wasn’t like Tabby was a virgin, but she’d never seen a cock that big before.

  “Are you sure I’m ready?” she asked, her skin pricking with goosebumps as she watched him climb over her.

  “Yes,” was all he said.

  He grabbed her knees and spread her legs wide, growling. She could see the dragon in his eyes and the sharp teeth in his mouth. The animal was not far away from the surface. She had known that his inner beast had been scraping and clawing at his mind, demanding that he mate with her all this time. Oro had been so careful, slowly building up her ability to take him so that he would not hurt her.

  He kissed her hard on the mouth, then ran kisses down her body, over her neck and breasts, down her stomach, then between her thighs. He kissed the outer lips of her sex, and a jolt of electricity shot through her whole body. She gasped and gripped the bedspread.

  She already felt like her mind was about to explode. She was on a spaceship, in outer space, and had a seven-foot-tall dragon-shifting alien between her legs. He was about to put the biggest cock she’d ever seen in her entire life, including in porn, inside of her. Her mind couldn’t even take it.

  His tongue licked up her slit and pushed through to press against her clit. She moaned and gasped as his tongue circled over her mound. He ran his hands up her sides and grabbed her breasts, kneading them and plucking her nipples. Sensation and desire rippled through her. She could feel herself so close to climax under Oro’s expert ministrations. How had this guy learned to give such amazing head? Shipboard training sessions?

  She ran her hands through his hair and bucked against his mouth, wanting to feel him even deeper. Her breath caught as pleasure barreled towards a crescendo. She groaned, fireworks exploding in her core.

  Oro growled between her legs and he slowly crawled over her. She looked up into his face. She was scared, but she trusted him. It was crazy how much she trusted him. A man she’d only known for a few days, a man who was of an alien species, and she trusted him more than she’d ever trusted anyone else in her life. Even her parents had betrayed her with their weakness. But not Oro. Even when she had put herself in the middle of a dangerous situation, he had accepted her. He’d even praised her for her bravery and strength. This guy was the real deal.

  He sank between her legs, pressing his hard shaft against her wet opening. He rubbed it up and down on her as he kissed her, his tongue flicking over hers. It incited another rush of hot desire. When he drew back and pressed the head of his cock against her slick pussy, she began panting and groaning with excitement and anticipation.

  He kissed her face and her neck and slowly pressed forward. The head of his cock pushed through her outer walls and sank deeper, forcing her open. Her body struggled to accommodate him, enveloping him with her velvety softness.

  She couldn’t breathe, she could barely think. As he pushed further inside, her mind went blank. She was full beyond reckoning, beyond imagining. It was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. It was as if their bodies had become one. He was inside her and she was inside him.

  His lips pressed to her neck in a passionate kiss. She felt his fangs hard against her flesh, the sharp tips puncturing her skin. She cried out, but her voice was cut off as he bit into her neck.

  His hips drew back, and he thrust forward again. Tabby ran her hands up and down his arms and over his back, holding him close. She wanted him closer, so close. She was under him and owned by him. It was as if they had become one in all things. She could feel him inside her. Not just inside her body, but inside her mind and heart and soul.

  Oro continued to pump into her, drawing out her pleasure in deep, throbbing waves. She didn’t know when one orgasm ended and the next one began. It was like a haze of absolute pleasure and desire. His teeth gripped firmly on her flesh. She could feel liquid drip down her neck. Was it blood? She couldn’t even think. She didn’t care.

  She clung to him as he took her and gave her the greatest pleasure she’d ever felt. With a tremendous thrust, Oro spilled his seed inside her, pumping against her womb. She could feel his hot semen shoot deep into her core. Slowly, he let go of her neck and licked the wound clean.

  In such a daze of pleasure and connection, Tabby was unsure that the love making had ended. He slowly withdrew from inside her and rolled onto his back on the bed. He enveloped her in his arms and brought her head agai
nst his chest. She could feel his heart beating madly under her ear. He petted her hair and sighed softly.

  “My dragon is sated,” he whispered. “I never thought it would feel so good to have a quiet mind once again.”

  “Was it really that bad?” she asked, knowing the answer. He had told her his dragon was out of control, and it made her happy to know that he was finally at rest.

  She could feel something stirring inside her, something big and ancient. Mates of Draconians did not become dragons. But Oro had told her that she would be changed at a genetic level. Was that what she was feeling? It was all so strange and new, but it felt good. It felt so very good to be close to him.

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle,” he said, kissing her forehead.

  They slowly drifted off to sleep, and Tabby finally knew that she was home.

  Chapter 11

  The next day, Oro showed her around the rest of the apartment. There was a closet full of clothes. All of the latest fashions in her size were expertly arranged in the walk-in closet off the bedroom. The big en suite bathroom had a standup tile shower and a deep jetted bathtub. She thought about all the fun that they could have in there and couldn’t wait to christen them with their lovemaking.

  Later, he took her down to what he called the flight gymnasium for a round of draconian basketball.

  “What exactly is Draconian basketball?” she asked as they walked into the massive gymnasium. It was like several football fields spread out and stacked on top of each other. The domed glass ceiling looked out onto space above. There were other Draconians in their uniforms, dribbling basketballs. Some dragons were in flight overhead.

  “You’ll see,” he said with a smile. “Why don’t you go sit on the bleachers with the other brides? I know they are eager to meet you. You can watch me win the game.”

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and smiled as he backed away. He then turned to join his comrades on the court. She shook her head and smiled. It was all kind of weird and wonderful at the same time. She approached the bleachers, where dozens of women in various stages of pregnancy were sitting and cheering for their men on the court. She sat down in the front row beside a few friendly looking girls about her age and gave them a slightly guarded smile.

  One of the girls who looked part black and part Hispanic, rubbed her swollen belly and smiled at Tabby. The girl sitting beside her had mocha-colored skin and straight black hair. They made room for Tabby on the bleachers.

  “You’re the new girl, aren’t you?” the first girl asked. “I’m Lexi Garcia and this is my friend, Loretta Franklin.”

  “Tabby Wilson,” she said, shaking both the girls’ hands in turn as she sat down.

  “You were mated with Oro Nix, weren’t you?” Lexi asked.

  “Yes, I was,” she said wistfully. Being mated to Oro was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Tabby might have entered the lottery to get away from Earth, but she had found so much more.

  “My mate is Commander Or,” Lexi said, pointing at the man Tabby had met in the docking bay the day before.

  “You’re mated to the commander of the entire armada?” Tabby asked, impressed.

  “My mate is General Shin, arguably the hottest, most bad ass warrior in the armada,” Loretta said.

  “I heard Oro is pretty bad ass himself,” Lexi said.

  “From what I understand, Oro is a stealth fighter,” Loretta said.

  “Is it true that you helped him on his mission?” Lexi asked.

  “I did. I’ve been involved with techno-drug pushers for a long time. It was the reason I joined the lottery in the first place. I just wanted to get away from that life.”

  “You joined on your own?” Lexi asked.

  “I did. Seemed like a pretty good deal. I got much more than I bargained for.”

  Both of the other girls giggled.

  “Being the fated mate of a Draconian male is out of this world,” Loretta said, ironically.

  “It’s cool that you helped him with his mission. Most of us girls want to help make Earth a better place,” Lexi said. “We found a cure for cancer in the chemistry lab aboard the armada. I was one of the scientists involved in the discovery.”

  “That’s awesome,” Tabby said. She couldn’t believe that she was sitting with somebody so smart.

  “That’s nothing,” Lexi said. “Loretta here is helping buy out every corporation in the entire world.”

  “What?” Tabby asked. “How is that even possible?”

  “The Draconians are worth like a hundred trillion dollars,” Loretta said, laughing. “I have an MBA in finance so they gave me the job. If we own all the resources, then we get to decide what happens with them. The Draconians have decided to take it out of the humans’ hands, and we women are helping them. You might’ve put yourself in harm’s way, but you aren’t the only one who has had the desire to help. You’re in good company.”

  “I had no idea. I was just going on instinct. I knew a guy who knew the guy that Oro was trying to take out, and I knew I could get close enough to let him know when he was alone.”

  “From what I hear, you did a really good job,” Lexi said. “Even if my mate was a little testy about it. The overall mission here is to mate with human women. They need to revitalize their DNA, otherwise the race will die out. Each of us is extremely valuable to the Draconians as a whole. Our children will ensure the continuation of their species.”

  “I know. I just wasn’t thinking about it at the time,” Tabby said. “I don’t think they’re going to let me do that kind of thing again. Although, Oro did mention me continuing to help take out the techno-drug cartels. I’m more than happy to help. The techno-drugs ruined my neighborhood. They took both my parents. They ruined my life, and the lives of so many other people I’ve known. To be honest, I joined the lottery because I just wanted to get the hell away from there. But when I realized I could do something about it, that’s when it became clear to me that I wanted to help more than anything else.”

  “I’m sure your mate can find a job for you to use your valuable skills,” Loretta said.

  “Like being in charge of a hundred trillion dollars,” Lexi said, laughing at Loretta.

  “I never expected to be in charge of a hundred trillion dollars,” Loretta said, giggling.

  Everyone quieted down as the game began. Tabby watched as Oro and the other men played the Draconian version of basketball. It was similar to human basketball in that there was dribbling and shooting, but that’s where the similarity ended. The men would jump in and out of dragon form, fly around the stadium, shift back, and dunk the ball. The NBA had never seen anything like this before.

  The girls sat on the bleachers cheering for their guys as the game continued. Tabby saw Oro make some amazing stealthy moves with his quick, agile abilities. He could stay clear of any of the other players. They couldn’t even touch him.

  Oro, Nash, and Mylash were all on the same team. Those three men together completely dominated the other team. When they had won, the guys came over to the bleachers and smiled at their ladies individually and altogether.

  Lexi and Loretta began giggling and chatting with Nash and Mylash. Tabby felt so at home with everyone and so happy to be there that she threw her arms around Oro and hugged him tightly, even though he was covered in sweat.

  “Why don’t we go down to the shopping district while these guys go wash off?” Lexi offered. “I’m not going get as many chances to go shopping in about a month when the baby comes. I’ll have to take at least a few weeks off.”

  “We’ll come to visit you,” Loretta said. “Don’t worry about that.”

  Oro gave Tabby a kiss on the cheek and all three girls walked out together. They took an elevator up to the top floor of the command ship.

  The doors opened out onto what could only be described as a cute little shopping district. It looked like it belonged in some trendy tourist city. All kinds of shops and restaurants lined the street. There were even trees and
hanging baskets of flowers. The dome overhead showed space, but the lights made it seem like the sun was shining brightly on the sidewalk.

  Lexi and Loretta showed Tabby to all of their favorite shops. They tried on clothes and picked out handbags. When they were done shopping, they made their way to the other brides’ favorite café. They sat on the sidewalk patio, listening to the sound of birds chirping. It must’ve been a recording, because Tabby couldn’t imagine there were actual birds on the spaceship.

  “How do you like our shopping district?” Loretta asked.

  “This is exactly what I came here for,” Tabby said. A Draconian waiter brought them all cheesecake and lattes, and the girls ate their desserts while sipping their coffee.

  “Life here is better than either of us expected,” Lexi said.

  “Lexi didn’t want to be Commander Or’s mate,” Loretta teased.

  “You weren’t any more thrilled about being mated to Mylash at first either, Loretta,” Lexi teased back.

  “What changed your mind?” Tabby asked.

  “The guy,” Lexi and Loretta said at the same time. They both looked at each other and laughed.

  “I changed my mind, too,” Tabby said.

  “We thought you chose to join the lottery,” Lexi said.

  “I did. But I didn’t do it because I wanted to fall in love. I did it because I wanted to get off of Earth. It totally sucks down there.”

  “What happened to change your mind?” Loretta asked.

  “I don’t know what it was exactly. But while Oro and I were getting to know each other, and he was getting me ready to be his mate, something happened. Something magical. You know how the guys say that they have fated mates, and they can tell who they are? It was almost like I started to feel the same way he did. I don’t have a dragon roaring inside my head, but the more time I spent with him, the more connected I felt to him. And let’s face it, these Draconian men leave human men in the dust.”

  Lexi and Loretta looked at each other. “Mm hmm,” they both said in agreement, nodding their heads.


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