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Fusion (Explosive #5)

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by Tessa Teevan


  Copyright © 2013 Tessa Teevan

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, storylines, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner.

  Cover Design by Robin Harper of Wicked by Design

  Photography: Kelsey Kukal-Keeton of K Keeton Designs

  Models: Don Allen and Faith Danielle

  Formatting: Champagne Formats

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Other Books by the author


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three



  Fusion Playlist

  About the Author

  Other Books by the author

  Explosive Series





  The Wellingtons



  Clandestine Affairs



  Sweet Southern Sorrow

  “AUNT LEXI? WHAT DOES divorce mean?”

  The question catches me off guard, but when I spot the mischievous grin on my husband’s face, I know what’s up. Lexi, however, clearly does not.

  My sister’s eyes widen like saucers as she glances from my daughter, Ava, to me. I bite the inside of my lip as not to give anything away. Six-year-olds. They hear everything and have no qualms about repeating them, especially at the most inopportune times. Precisely at the most inappropriate moments in time, in fact. It’s like a little kid specialty. They have no filter, nor do they understand the concept of not the time, definitely not the place.

  Case in point: Asking about divorce while my sister is in between contractions, sweating, and panting profusely all while shooting daggers at her baby daddy-to-be, who’s grimacing every time she grasps his hand. Poor guy.

  And now, poor Lexi.

  She’s not exactly in the right frame of mind to give her niece a lesson on the sad state of marital affairs in our society. To say she was taken by surprise would be an understatement of epic proportions. I’m not sure why though. The things that come out of my daughter’s mouth shouldn’t surprise anyone, especially Lexi, considering that Ava interrupted her rehearsal dinner to ask if Jace and Lexi were going to spend the night making babies. We can all thank Jeremy and his booming voice for that one. She also mimicked his waggling eyebrows and held her hands on her hips while waiting for an answer, and those actions came from both of us.

  Or the time, right after Dad had finished up the Christmas blessing, she asked where Pound Town was and then lamented the fact that Daddy only takes Mommy there.

  Again, thank my husband. Apparently, he wasn’t as quiet as he thought when he was “whispering” against my neck, so lovingly telling me what he wanted to do to me that night. Or, well, where he wanted to take me.

  I’m still not sure if my parents have recovered from that one. Still, the memory of Jace nearly choking on his wine, Lexi slapping his back, and Jeremy beaming like the proudest husband ever always brings a grin to my face. I’m sure I’ll regret it one day, but for now, I can’t help but enjoy the craziness that always ensues whenever my husband and my daughter are involved.

  Lexi scowls at me before turning to Ava and patting the bed beside her. My little girl climbs up without hesitation and gives her aunt her big, brown doe eyes. I want to laugh at her feigned innocence, because everyone who’s ever spent any amount of time with Ava Banks knows that innocence isn’t in her genetic makeup.

  I study Jace, my sister’s sweet husband, and grin. He looks relieved that he’s getting a break from his wife’s contractions. Still, he’s smiling from ear to ear, more than ready to be a proud papa. My heart swells for the two of them. It’s taken them so long to get to this place, and now that they’re here, neither of them could be happier. They deserve this. Every single bit of it.

  “Where’d you hear that word, Ava?” Lexi asks through clenched teeth.

  Jace pales at the idea of another contraction, and I have to bite my lip again to keep from laughing.

  Karma, baby.

  That’s what Jace gets for the hours of pleasure he’s gotten from making fun of Jeremy for having passed out in the delivery room. Hell, Jace wasn’t even there, but the story alone was enough to have him razzing my poor husband.

  Ava releases a heavy sigh—one that’s much too dramatic for a six-year-old. Lexi glares at me, and I shrug. Hey, I told her I’d leave Ava with my in-laws, but she—unwisely, might I add—insisted on the whole family being here. Don’t worry. We’ll whisk Ava away before she sees anything too traumatizing.

  Then again, considering she likes watching those hospital documentaries that fascinate Jeremy, I think she’d be more than okay seeing a live birth. He swears she’ll grow up to be a doctor, and he’s only cultivating her interest with those shows. I, on the other hand, am way too squeamish to sit through them, no matter how “awesome” Ava claims they are. Blood and gore? No, thank you. Even this girl has her limits, which is ironic because, in high school, Jeremy and I were the complete opposite. Ava definitely didn’t inherit my squeamish stomach. Lucky her.

  Ava turns her head and peeks back to where Jeremy’s leaning against the wall. His arms are folded as he watches them intently, his face free of any expression. When Ava gives him a wicked grin and winks, his jaw twitches ever so slightly. Shaking my head, I bite my cheeks to not laugh. These two are awful.

  Leaning forward, Ava answers Lexi in a hushed tone, her jaw set tight and her eyes widened with uncertainty. “I’m not supposed to tell,” she says, pausing to nibble on her lower lip. I swear a glimmer of tears shines in her eyes.

  That’s it. Forget her being a doctor. I’m enrolling her in acting classes as soon as possible. After Jeremy and I go to Hell, of course. We’re probably terrible parents, but we’re us, and that’s all th
at matters. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.

  “Ava, honey, what’s wrong?” Lexi asks, sounding very much like the concerned aunt she usually is.

  The little girl sitting next to her lets out a heavy, exasperated sigh. “I heard Mom and Dad talking about divorce. How it’s a bad, sad thing and no one wants to do it, but sometimes it’s inevitable. I don’t want it to be inevitable, Aunt Lexi,” she whispers, her lip quivering.

  “Oh my God,” Lexi breathes out. Then her eyes widen as the words digest. She inhales sharply, choking and coughing at the same time.

  “Ava,” Jeremy pipes up and pushes off the wall. “I don’t think this is the time or the place to discuss what you overheard me talking about with your mother. Plus, what have I told you about eavesdropping?” he chides, his tone cool. Then he tsks, shaking his head at her in mock disappointment.

  I take a step forward, more than ready to put an end to their shenanigans for my baby sister’s sake. Before I can intervene, however, Lexi shushes him. Her eyes are focused on Ava, and her words are slow and methodical.

  “What do you mean inevitable?”

  Ava shrugs and plays with the blanket on the bed before returning her gaze to Lexi’s. “Mom said if Dad farts on her one more time, it’s Divorceville for him. He said for her to draw up the papers because it’s inevitable. No ifs, ands, or butts about it.”

  Jeremy snickers, and Ava howls with laughter. The two do an air high five. I bite my lip and shake my head as Lexi goes from thinking Jeremy and I were on the verge of splitting up to now knowing we put Ava up to this. We’re assholes, but that’s the Banks family for you.

  Still, I can’t completely blame Jeremy for this one. What Ava told Lexi is a true story. Even though I go from zero to sixty on the anger scale whenever Jeremy…leaves a less-than-stellar scent in my presence, he’s my husband and I love him. After two decades, lots of laughing, and plenty of crying, I’m used to pretty much everything. I may joke about it, but it’d take a hell of a lot more for divorce than a few smelly farts. Pretty much only death could ever part us, and even when that time comes, I’m kinda hopeful we’ll go out The Notebook style.

  “Sierra Banks! You are such a jerk!” my sister shouts before flinging a pillow across the room. Then she curses when it falls a foot in front of me, missing her target.

  See? I told you. We’re assholes. Or jerks, as Lexi said.

  Jace’s laughter echoes in the room, but it ceases when she shoots him an angry glare. He holds his hands up in defense.

  “Oh, come on, Alexa,” he teases, inclining his head towards her. “You couldn’t possibly believe those two would ever even consider the idea of divorce. They’ve been joined at the hip since they were kids. If Jeremy and Sierra Banks ceased to be, so would the rest of us. The world would stop spinning. The sun would never rise again. Life as we know it would never be the same.”

  I roll my eyes as he waxes poetic, but my heart warms. He’s right. Jeremy and I have been a solid unit for more than half of my life. We’ve been friends for most of it. Hell, I barely remember a time when Jeremy wasn’t an important part of my world, and even though he’s a big ball of romantic cheesiness most of the time, Jace knows what he’s talking about. I don’t even want to think about a life without Jeremy.

  Lexi huffs, and when I look up, a frustrated frown crosses her lips. Then she narrows her eyes at her husband. “I know that. You think I don’t know that? Considering I was there for every step of their friendship and subsequent relationship, I know nothing could break them up. They’re this fused entity that can’t ever be detached. Not even the Jaws of Life could separate them.” Her lips curve into a playful scowl. “Still, why the hell would you mess with a pregnant woman like that?! Not to mention I’m in between contractions and the last thing I need is getting my heart rate up. Or my blood pressure. My hormones aren’t exactly making me think like a rational human being. I need peace and zen. Not you guys messing with me.”

  Now, I really do feel like a jerk. In my defense, I had no idea Jeremy and Ava were going to do that.

  Jace gives a soft smile, leaning down and brushing his lips over Lexi’s forehead in a sweet kiss. “Peace and zen, babe? When have you ever gotten that from those two?”

  Ava giggles, which causes Jace to give her a faux scowl.

  “Those three, I mean,” he amends.

  “Sorry, Aunt Lexi. I was only teasin’,” Ava says, scooting up to give my sister a kiss on the cheek.

  Lexi’s frown fades, and she gives Ava a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Ava. I should know to expect it from the crazy Banks clan,” she tells her.

  Jeremy smiles wide like the proud papa he is. Then he crosses the room and places a strong arm around my waist, pulling me in close. His familiar scent permeates the air around us, causing butterflies to flap low in my belly. What was Lexi’s sentiment? We’re the very definition of fusion? She couldn’t be more right. I smile and lean my head against his shoulder.

  “Sorry, Lex,” he tells her, grinning, which indicates he’s actually not all that sorry. Like any big brother, he loves teasing her. She should be used to it by now. “But it sure beats the other question she’s been dying to ask.”

  She raises a curious eyebrow, folding her arms over her chest. “I highly doubt that,” she huffs indignantly.

  Jeremy looks down at me and grins. I nod, knowing just what he’s thinking and wanting him to open that can of worms. Since Jace and Lexi are about to enter the joys of parenthood with a beautiful baby girl, we’ve decided to give them a head start.

  “Do I even want to know?” Lexi asks, glancing at the three Banks family members in the room. “What’s the other—?”

  “No!” Jace groans, placing a hand over her mouth. “Don’t ask, Alexa. I beg you. Do. Not. Ask.”

  Her eyes widen with confusion, but it’s too late.

  Ava squeals. “Does this mean I can finally ask now?!”

  “Go ahead, sweetheart,” Jeremy says, nodding in her direction, which elicits another groan from Jace.

  She claps her hands and grins eagerly at Jace and Lexi. Jace, knowing our daughter, has an uneasy expression on his tight drawn face, but Lexi’s eyes are wide with curiosity.

  Until Ava blurts her question out.

  “Where do babies come from?” she asks, pointing at Lexi’s extended belly.

  “Oh, God,” Lexi moans as another wave of contractions rips through her.

  A nurse comes in and checks her thoroughly.

  Jace grimaces as Lexi grips his hand. “Is it time yet?” he asks, almost panicked.

  The sympathy pains are evident on his face, and I wonder if he’s going to last longer than Jeremy did. My poor husband was instructed not to hold a leg, but he looked anyway. As soon as Ava’s little head pushed out of me, he hit the floor, out cold.

  The nurse gives Jace a warm smile. “I know you’re eager, Dad, but she’s not quite dilated enough. Should be soon though. Just hang tight,” she chirps cheerfully before leaving the room.

  “Easy for her to say. This is going to be the longest day of my life,” Lexi groans.

  Ava grins wickedly and returns to her spot next to Lexi. “See? Plenty of time for stories!”

  Jeremy and I high-five as Ava parks her cute little behind in the chair next to Lexi’s bed. She props her feet up and folds her arms behind her head like she’s settling in for the long haul.

  “Hey, Ava,” Jace begins, his tone cautious. Something about it makes me nervous. “I know that you’re curious about where babies come from, but wouldn’t it be more exciting to find out where you came from?” he asks.

  Lexi’s smile returns, and she nods enthusiastically.

  Oh no. The jerk is trying to beat us at our own game! And I realize it’s working as Ava’s eyes widen with delight. Jeremy is shaking his head in quick, precise movements at our daughter, but it doesn’t deter her one bit. In fact, I’m pretty sure it encourages her even more. She bounces in her chair, nodding her
head as an evil little grin comes to life on her face.

  “Yes! Great idea, Uncle Jace,” she agrees, and I watch in horror as they high-five then look expectantly at both of us.

  “It’s going to be a long-ass day, indeed,” my husband grumbles beside me.

  I smile up at him as a fluttering in my belly takes hold. It was only a matter of time before we had to have this talk with Ava, so we might as well get it over with as we wait for all the action to happen.

  Gazing up at Jeremy, I find it hard to believe we’ve been together for so long. Each year, we’ve become stronger and more devoted to each other.

  Our love hasn’t been without its trials, but everything about our entire relationship has been relatively easy. No evil queens threatened to squelch our love (not even you, Mallory Buchanan!), nor were there any malevolent forces trying to keep us apart. It was actually quite the opposite. Everyone around us wanted to push us together, even though we couldn’t see what was right in front of us. Fortunately, we weren’t blind for too long.

  Our love was—and still is—fun, carefree, and unconditional. And, most of all, it’s everlasting. Still, to a six-year-old, it probably won’t hold a candle to the finest Disney princesses. But it’s ours and in my book, it’s the greatest story ever told. Or, well, waiting to be told, in this case.

  So I guess it’s about time we tell it.

  And don’t worry about Ava. We’ll cut out all the juicy parts. Or cover her ears.

  Jeremy’s grin reflects my own, and I know he is thinking the same thing. There is no way we can tell the entire story, down to the steamiest details, to Ava. But we can tell you.

  I’m not ashamed to say I’m the luckiest man alive.

  I, Jeremy Jordan Banks, am the luckiest man alive.

  See? No shame in my game.

  As I watch my daughter and my wife tease my sister-in-law, I know it’s true. Of course, the goofy grin on Jace’s face lets me know he thinks the same about himself, and that’s okay. I won’t begrudge him for that. The truth is every man should believe he’s the luckiest. If he doesn’t…well, that’s just sad.


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