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Walker Revenge (The Walker Family Series Book 5)

Page 10

by Bernadette Marie

  “Until it ran me off the road.”

  “And showed back up across the street.”

  “You didn’t tell Smythe about this did you?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Call him. Call him right now,” he ordered. “I can’t tell you why they ran my ass off the road, but that means they were on your property before this all happened.”

  Chelsea wrung her hands in front of her. “You’re not mad at me?”

  “Oh, I’m starting to get that way. Chels, you’re in danger. Does the ass have a family? A new girlfriend? Some old debt someone’s trying to collect on?”

  She thought for a moment. “His brother was in jail in Jersey. His mother…” She thought for a moment. “I just never saw her again. She never came back around after they’d kidnapped Lucas.”


  She moved to him and sat on the edge of the bed next to him. “She’d put Dominic up to taking Lucas in the first place. She didn’t think I deserved full custody.”

  “That’s not okay. Why wasn’t she arrested?”

  “She was, on accessory charges. She would have been out by now,” she said and the thought scared the hell out of her. “What if she’s in contact with Dominc?”

  “This is a lot of information. Get my phone. Call Phillip and tell him all of this.”

  “He’s going to have to drive out here, and…”

  “He will, too. Just do it. I’m right here by your side,” he said taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

  “You always should have been,” she admitted, and her gut tightened at the pain of what she’d done to him.

  Russell lifted his hand into her hair again and pulled her to him until their lips nearly touched. “I will be now,” he promised as he pressed his lips to hers.

  The familiarity of it came back as if not a moment had passed between them. She leaned into him and sank into the kiss he offered.

  She was careful not to move him too much, but she wanted to feel him—wrap herself around him.

  Neither of them heard the door open, nor did they realize anyone was there until Dane cleared his throat.

  Chelsea jumped from the bed and wiped her lips.

  “Mom never did let us have girls in our rooms. I wonder why,” he joked and then looked at Chelsea. “Gia sent this,” he said holding up a little box for her. “She brought it back from Lucca for you. She said you’d had your eyes on it.”

  Chelsea walked to the door and took the wrapped box from him. “I’ll save it for Christmas.”

  “I don’t think that was the point,” Dane said with a laugh. “Open it.”

  She slid her finger under the paper and opened the box. Inside was a small snow globe, just like the one she’d seen in Gia’s store. It was a Christmas scene, and there was a mom and a little boy looking up at the Christmas tree, and it had reminded her of herself and Lucas.

  Another tear escaped and slid down her cheek, which she quickly brushed away. “Thank her for me.”

  “She’ll be here for Christmas. You’ll see her then.”

  She held it to her chest. “I’d better go check on Lucas,” she said, and slid past Dane.

  The look in his brother’s eyes said it all.

  “You’re surprised to see me kissing Chelsea,” Russell offered, as he nodded to invite Dane in.

  “You could say that. Though, I expected that it would come, in time. We all do.”

  “Maybe that’s why I did it. I’m not sure it’s the best thing for me. Not a good time to get involved with her.”

  “Any other time would be better?”

  “When her ex wasn’t out on parole and the truck belonging to him hadn’t run me off the road. Oh, and when people weren’t breaking into her house. Am I missing anything?”

  Dane chuckled. “It’s messed up, man.”

  “No kidding. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t steal Gia from you then, huh? That would have made this messy.”

  “Yeah. I’m glad my charms won over. So what do they say about your recovery?”

  Russell shrugged. “If I behave and mind my nurse I’ll heal faster. Hopefully, they’ll let me walk soon and take off all these bandages.”

  “Good. You look uncomfortable.”

  “I am. She eases the pain though,” he said, and he could feel the lightness of his grin.

  “I hope it works out for you. Seems weird that you’d have a kid if you got together.”

  Russell nodded. “He loves her. She’s his world and vice versa.”

  “And you think there’s room for you in that world?”

  “I’d like to think so.”

  Dane pulled his keys from his pocket. “Get some sleep. I’m heading back to town to pick up Gia from the store. They had some Christmas shopping event between all the stores and some vendors in the event center.”

  “Sounds as if the women are taking over the town.”

  “It’s an awesome sight.” Dane gave him a wave and left him alone in the room.

  He laid back on the pillows and tucked his right arm under his head.

  Dane’s words played in his head. Lucas would be his son if things did go in the direction they’d originally planned. He looked at his tattoo, which now bore no resemblance to the C that had once graced it. He supposed if things worked out he’d get a new one. Maybe he could add an L too.

  The whole thought made him laugh to himself. Maybe it was just the Florence Nightingale effect. Falling in love with his nurse could just be her taking care of him.

  Then again, maybe it was years of anger finally subsiding.

  Either way, he’d like to feel it out a little more.

  He looked at the nightstand next to him where his phone lay. He picked it up and scrolled through the contacts until he found one that said Officer Smythe.

  He pushed the button. “Hey, Phillip. Listen, I think you need to talk to Chelsea. She seems to have forgotten to fill you in on a few things,” he said, and then he realized that perhaps he didn’t trust her as much as he thought he did. His words and tone were accusatory.

  Just as he thought, Phillip said he’d head right out.

  Well, this would determine how things went from there.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Glenda had bathed Lucas and put him to bed. Everett had pushed the bed to the wall and made sure Lucas wouldn’t fall out.

  Chelsea readied herself for bed, slipping into an old tank top and shorts, then tied her hair in a ponytail atop her head.

  She heard Glenda quietly call her name from beyond the door, and then tap softly.

  Chelsea walked to the door and pulled it open.

  “I’m sorry to bother you. Officer Smythe is here and wants to talk to you. I can sit with Lucas.”

  She could feel the heat crawl up her skin. He’d called him after she left, she realized. They should have done that together.

  Ensuring that a smile came to her lips, she nodded. “I’ll be right down. Let me put on a robe.”

  Russell and Phillip Smythe were in the living room when she walked in. Russell had managed to get a shirt on, whether he did that alone or not, she wasn’t sure. Phillip was in a faded pair of jeans and a T-shirt. His coat was draped over the edge of the sofa. This couldn’t even wait until he was on duty, she observed.

  “It’s past ten o’clock,” she noted the time aloud wondering if they were aware, because a mother of a young son certainly was.

  Phillip stood from his seat. “I’m sorry to come so late. But when Russ called, I thought it was urgent enough to make the drive.”

  She shifted a glance to Russell, and it apparently relayed her feelings as he shifted in his chair.

  “Chels, he needs to know what you know.”

  Phillip moved to her and touched her arm. “I need all the details, so I know what’s going on. We have two cases here, and they’re tying together, and you’re in the middle of them. You can’t hold anything back from me. I don’t want to have to arrest you.”

  She sucked in a hard breath. “You’d arrest me?”

  “I have reason to suspect that you ran Russell off the road,” he said as he removed his hand from her arm.

  Chelsea turned to Russell. “Is that what you told him you thought? You think I did this? Even when I told you I didn’t?”

  Russell took a breath to speak, but Phillip moved between them. “No, that’s not what he said. In fact, all he told me was you had some information that I might like to know.”

  She bit down on her lip. “Fine.”

  Phillip stepped back and motioned for her to sit down. “Tell me about the truck.”

  She adjusted the robe around her and sat down on the sofa. “The truck had been parked in my garage for the past two years. It was stolen the day before Russell was hit.”

  “That’s burglary. You didn’t think to mention it?” Phillip’s tone stayed even, but it stabbed at her all the same.

  “Listen, I would have dumped the truck if I could. I didn’t want it around. I hated it.”

  “So someone has been on your property numerous times?”

  “I guess so.”

  She saw the color change of expression on Phillip's face. Her answers were only feeding into his anger with her.

  “You guess so. Chels, this is serious. Do you realize that with this information now I can arrest you on suspicion?” Phillip’s voice rose.

  She gasped in response and Russell leaned in. “That’s not necessary, is it? I mean we both know she didn’t do it.”

  “Do we?” Phillip stood. “Who else knew that truck was in your garage?”

  She shrugged. “Anyone Dominic might have told it was there.”

  “He’s been questioned about this already. About his connection to the truck and the accident. He said he left the truck for his brother.”

  “Who is in jail,” she offered.


  Russell shook his head. “Sweet little family you married into,” he quipped, which forced her to her feet.

  “What about you? What did you do to cause someone to want to run your ass off the road? Were you just sitting quietly in the bar minding your own business? No. Russell Walker was in an argument with someone.”

  “You’re going to stand over me and pick a fight?”

  “That’s what you do best. Not me.”

  “No, you just walk away from them.”

  Anger pulsed through her, and she had all intentions of walking away from this one too until Phillip took her by the shoulders.

  “Sit down, and both of you cool it.”

  Chelsea did as she was told, but not without reservation.

  Phillip sat down and clasped his hands, resting his arms on his knees. “One thing we know. These items are related, we just need to find out why and how.” He turned to Chelsea. “What else didn’t you tell me?”

  She shook her head. “That was all. I just wanted that truck gone, and it was. I’m sorry.”

  “You haven’t had any connection to his family at all?”

  “Phillip, he kidnapped my son and his mother was in on it. Do you think I’d stay in touch?”

  Phillip shook his head. “I have to ask, Chels.”

  Russell tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair. “You don’t think it could just be random? I mean, it would be weird, but maybe?”

  “Maybe,” Phillip said. “I’m going back out tomorrow to talk to the bartender on duty the night they ran you down. She’s been gone the past week.”

  “Lila.” He said, and Chelsea shot him a heated look.

  “You know her name?” she asked, through gritted teeth.

  “Yep,” he said with a knowing nod. “Thought I was going to get lucky that night, so I remembered it. Who knew, huh?” he snapped out his answer so that it would do maximum damage.

  Phillip stood. “You two might just be one another’s demise,” he said shaking his head. “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Why don’t you find some spirit? I’ll be in touch,” he informed them as he walked out of the room and they heard the door close behind him.

  Chelsea wrapped her arms around herself. “I’ll help you back into bed,” she offered without looking at him.

  “I wish I could tell you I’d do it my damn self. I hate having to rely on you.”

  “I’m beginning not to like it too much either,” she quipped.

  “You liked it just fine an hour ago when you were pressing your body against mine.”

  That caused her to turn. “You lured me in.”

  “You wanted me to.”

  “So you did that for me?”

  “Ye…” he stopped, and she watched as he processed his answer. The color in his cheeks began to fade, and he looked up at her with sad eyes. “No. I didn’t do that for you,” he said. His voice drifted off. “I’ve missed you so much it hurt. For a moment I had you in my arms, and everything seemed right again.”

  Chelsea shifted her weight from foot to foot, still hugging herself as if it were her only comfort. “It did seem right.”

  “Why do we do this?”

  “We want to hurt each other.”

  “Well, I don’t like to be hurt.”

  She knew that meant a lot of things, but nothing would stop her from taking it personally. “I don’t like it either.”

  “I’ll take your help getting into bed, but will you spend a few moments with me?” he asked as he rolled his chair toward her.

  “Your mom is sitting with Lucas.”

  “Just a few minutes,” he said reaching his hand out to her.


  As they walked back to his room, and she pushed him through the doorway, Russell thought back to when they were together, planning a life. Things were volatile then, too. Arguments were often and furious. The makeup sex was good, though. The very thought brought a smile to his face.

  “What are you grinning about?” she asked as she stopped pushing his chair and locked the wheels.

  He looked up and noticed she was looking at him in the dresser mirror. “Honestly, I was thinking of how many fights we’ve had like this. But we used to fix it with makeup sex.”

  Chelsea’s cheeks colored pink, and she shook her head. “Those are better memories.”

  She fixed his bed, pulling down the sheets and fluffing up the pillows.

  As she did so, he watched her. He knew that body, hidden under the robe. He was painfully aware that they wouldn’t be having makeup sex after their fight. In fact, they hadn’t made very good strides into, well, whatever it was they were heading into. But he wondered just how far he could take it before she’d smack him.

  When Chelsea bent over, he reached out his hand and laid it on her rear, giving it a gentle squeeze. If he were right, she’d fly up at him, and it would be over.

  Instead, she gently turned her head and narrowed her eyes on him. “Seriously?”

  “Can’t blame a guy from trying, right?”

  She turned slowly and faced him. Pulling at the tie on the robe, she let it fall open and to the floor.

  Russell let out a chuckle when he saw the tank top and shorts underneath. “Wasn’t what I was expecting,” he joked.

  “Yeah, as if I’d answer the call of the police naked under my robe.”

  “Every man has a fantasy.”

  She stepped toward him. “You’re sure you want to go down this road?” she asked, inching in and leaning her hands on the arms of his chair. “This is one grand mess we’ve gotten ourselves into. It’s Christmas. I’m in hiding with my son. You’re in a wheelchair. We haven’t spoken in three years. It’s obvious we only pick fights with each other.”

  “Doesn’t mean I don’t want to cop a feel.” He winked, and she stepped back, but he caught her wrist. “Yes, I’m sure I want to go down this road. I can’t think of a nicer Christmas present.”

  Her eyes went soft, and she moved into him now, balancing against his chair, and kissed him deeply. Yeah, that’s what he’d been looking for, he thou
ght, as he let his hand slide up under the back of her shirt and she moaned against him.

  She let her hand glide up his neck and into his hair, and he thought he might just have the strength to lift himself from that chair to hold her.

  With a ragged breath, he eased back. “This is frustrating.”

  “It won’t be long.”

  “Do you think we can stay civil until we can…do this?” He nodded his head toward his bed.

  “It’s not about sex, right?”

  Of course, she’d ask that. And really, why shouldn’t she? “No. Let’s just say, if my big fat mouth got me this opportunity again, I’m going to try to make the most of it…and not let my big fat mouth lose it for me.”

  She tucked a strand of blonde hair, which had fallen from the knot atop her head, behind her ear. Her lips were pink and swollen now, so when she smiled it made everything inside him come alive.

  “I’ve missed you, Russ. From the moment I made my very bad decision—I’ve missed you. I’d give anything for another chance.”

  He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “Okay, then. Let’s make the best of this.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was Karen that greeted Russell the next morning and wasn’t that a disappointment. Again, she checked him out, washed him up, and this time, she did some physical therapy which hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.

  “You’re strong. I think that most of the estimates they have of you getting back on your feet are inaccurate. You’ll be up in no time.”

  “Good. I’m done with this.”

  “Ah, where’s your Christmas spirit?” she asked, just as his Christmas toddled in the door.

  He looked up to see Lucas walking in with a sports bottle of water and smiling as Chelsea followed.

  “Dwink,” Lucas said as he handed the bottle to Russell.

  “Thanks, pal.” He took the bottle and then ran his hand over Lucas’s soft hair. He wasn’t sure what had driven him to do it, but the sheer pleasure of it sent a jolt right through him.


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