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Mistletoe Mayhem: Clean Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 1)

Page 9

by Linda Bridey

  “You’re welcome.”

  Renee said, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow night. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye,” Sawyer said, watching the enticing sway of her skirt as she left. “Huh. How about that?” he murmured to himself.

  Chapter Nine

  It was odd for Sawyer to have a woman open doors for him, but with him being on crutches, he didn’t have any other choice. Renee took it in stride, being solicitous and amusing at the same time as they entered Delaney’s, the more upscale restaurant in Dawson.

  Once they were seated, Renee said, “So, tell me all about this project that Skip says you’re working on. It looked like you were buried in it yesterday.”

  He was a little distracted by her low-cut, emerald satin gown that left quite a bit of her creamy shoulders and neck bare. She’d pulled her hair back on the sides and let large ringlets flow down her back. It was a slightly dated look, but he had to admit that it looked sophisticated on her. Pulling his gaze away from her, he looked at his menu.

  “Grandma and a few people started a historical society and they’re gathering all sorts of material. I’m helping her sort it, catalogue it, and cross-reference it so that whoever writes the history of Dawson will have an easier time of it.”

  “Well, that certainly sounds fascinating—and time consuming.”

  Sawyer said, “It is, but I have plenty of time on my hands, so I don’t mind. And it really is interesting to see people’s observations about events that have happened and to learn more about their lives.”

  “I’m sure,” she said, meaning it.

  “Once I’m done with the organizational part of it, I’m going to conduct interviews about some things. Hopefully I’ll be able to jog some memories loose.” Sawyer closed his menu as their waitress came to the table.

  They ordered and had just started talking about Renee’s work at the hospital when Jared Sebastian came into the restaurant with Devon on his arm. Jealousy burned in Sawyer’s chest at the sight of her with another man—especially Jared. He felt Renee take his hand, squeezing it in an intimate manner. Looking at her, he saw open admiration on her face and raised an eyebrow over it. She also ran the fingers of her other hand over his knuckles.

  She flicked a glance at Devon and Sawyer swore he saw jealousy in her eyes. It was as though she was warning Devon away. He quickly looked at Devon and saw that her gaze was locked with Renee’s. A silent battle was taking place between them and he couldn’t help feeling flattered that two women were fighting over him in such a way.

  “How is your ankle doing?” Renee asked, squeezing his hand again. “I feel so badly that you were hurt. How brave you are for rushing into the heat of battle to protect our country.”

  The table Jared and Devon sat at was situated so that he could see both of their faces in profile. The devil got ahold of Sawyer and he kept a hold of Renee’s hand. “Thanks. Ben was happy with the surgery, so now it’s just a question of how well it heals.”

  “Skip said you might not be able to go back.”

  “That’s a good possibility, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” he said.

  She gave him a meaningful look and said, “Well, if you don’t, there’s no shame in it. You did your duty and Lord knows we could use another man around here. Especially a very handsome man like yourself.”

  Sawyer had never realized that Renee was such a flirt, but she was fun. “It’s nice to be noticed by such a lovely lady.”

  Renee laughed at his playful remark. “Flatterer. I’m so glad that I was forward and asked you to dinner. I know that the man is supposed to ask, but I’m not very traditional.”

  “It did surprise me. I didn’t know you liked me that way,” Sawyer said.

  “Honestly, I didn’t until you came home and I saw you in a new light. How handsome and brave you are. I guess we both did some growing up, which can change the way a person perceives things,” Renee said.

  Sawyer nodded, but he was distracted by the way Devon smiled at something Jared had said. Her smile made his heart hurt with longing and he ached to kiss her. Renee captured his attention again by asking more questions about his project and about his time in the army.

  He answered her, but his eyes kept returning to Devon. It looked like she was having a good time with Jared, which made him seethe with anger and envy. He didn’t mean to be rude to Renee, but he ate his food as quickly as possible because he needed to get out of there before he punched Jared out or whacked him over the head with one of his crutches.

  Renee laughed inside because the plan was going so well. She kept exchanging dagger-eyes with Devon and acting possessive of Sawyer.

  When they finished dessert, Sawyer said, “I had a really nice time, Renee.”

  “Me, too. Is your ankle bothering you? You look like you’re in pain,” she said.

  You have no idea what kind of pain I’m in. “Yeah. I guess I should go put it up now.”

  “Yes, of course,” Renee said.

  She threw a haughty, satisfied look Devon’s way as she left with Sawyer. The scathing expression on Devon’s face told her that she’d hit her mark. Glee filled her that her act was so convincing.

  She didn’t take Sawyer home right away, instead stopping at a place along the river. The moonlight glinted off the rippling water and made the evergreens on the opposite bank a grayish green.

  “It’s pretty, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I love sitting watching the river and seeing whatever animals come down to drink. I usually have a camera with me.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t bring one with you tonight. You usually have at least the little pocket one on you,” she said.

  He smiled. “Well, I did bring one, but it’s yours.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks for fixing it for me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  They sat in companionable silence for a few moments before Renee rested her head back against the seat and turned in Sawyer’s direction. The sultry expression on her beautiful face drew his attention. He’d never seen this side of her before and he wasn’t sure what to think of it.

  She reached out, running her fingers over the lapel of his coat. “I don’t bite, Sawyer.”

  One of his eyebrows rose. She was inviting him to kiss her and making no bones about it. He hadn’t thought about that. He should have. Did he want to kiss her? She looked very kissable, but she was Skip’s sister. What does that matter? You went out with her, didn’t you? She’s a woman and you’re a man. Skip didn’t have a problem with you going out with her. What’s one little kiss? It’s been a long time since I kissed anyone. I hope I remember how.

  Renee took the matter out of his hands by fisting her hand in his coat and pulling him down to her. He discovered that she was a very talented kisser. He felt a spark of desire, which surprised him. Feeling his reaction to her, Renee deepened the kiss. She sidled closer to him, putting her arms around his neck.

  Embracing her, Sawyer followed her lead, enjoying the feel of her and her kisses. Suddenly, she pushed him back against his side of the seat and straddled him. He wondered how she could move so fast in a dress and he was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. This gave her time to shed her coat before she reclaimed his lips.

  Sawyer had no idea what he should do and the fact of the matter was that what she was doing felt good. The next thing he knew, she’d unfastened his coat and was working on loosening his tie. How could she kiss him like that and still concentrate on his tie? Cool air hit his chest and he realized that she’d unbuttoned his shirt, too.

  How had it gotten out of control so quickly? Who knew that Renee was a seductress? Not him, but he needed to stop it.

  Grasping her upper arms, he pulled her back from him, breaking the kiss. “Renee, this isn’t right. We have to stop.”

  She smiled. “Why? It seems like you’re having a good time. Me, too.”

  He cleared his throat. “Uh, well, I am, but I guess it’s too good
of a time. It’s too fast. I don’t love you.”

  “Love? Who said anything about love? I don’t love you, either. We seem compatible, though.” She pressed her lips to his while she ran her hands over his chest.

  Her mouth left his and she bit his neck. Sawyer jerked as desire spiked again. “Oh, God.”

  She chuckled before kissing him again. Sawyer’s conscience intruded and he drew her away from him. “Renee, I just can’t. A part of me wants to, but I—”

  She fell forward, her mouth close to his ear. “If you can resist me when I’m climbing all over you like this, that means you must still love her,” she whispered.


  She backed off so she could look into his eyes. “If you can turn me down when I’m yours for the taking, it means that you still have feelings for Devon. I saw the way you looked at her tonight.”

  Sawyer’s face tightened with anger. “I do not love her. It’s over between us. It’s been over.”

  Renee arched an eyebrow at him and reached behind her, beginning to undo her dress. “If that’s true, then what’s stopping you?”

  “Morals,” he said. “I wasn’t raised like this and neither were you.”

  She laughed. “Are you calling me a bad girl?”

  “Yes,” he said, smiling even as he said it.


  “Stunned.” He put his arms around her to stop her hands from completing her task. “Renee, don’t. I just can’t. I’m sorry.”

  “Admit it. You still love Devon and she still loves you. I saw it tonight. She was fuming that you and I were out together,” Renee said.

  “She was?”

  “Mmm hmm. If looks could kill, I wouldn’t be sitting here on your lap right now.”

  Sawyer was nonplussed. If he was jealous to see her out with someone else and Devon was jealous because he’d gone to dinner with Renee, what did that mean? He knew Renee was right—his heart still belonged to Devon.

  Groaning, he leaned his forehead against Renee. “I don’t want to love her,” he mumbled against her cleavage. Realizing what he’d just done, he jerked away from her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Renee laughed. “Stop worrying. You’re not going to offend me. I knew you still loved her. So what are you going to do about it?”

  “Do about it? I’m not going to do anything about it,” Sawyer said.

  “So you’re going to just suffer in silence? Pine for her for the rest of your life?” Renee asked. “That’s just stupid, and you’re not a stupid man. I have some ideas, if you care to hear them. I can help you, but it depends on how badly you want her.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair and Sawyer said, “I’m so confused. I thought you liked me.”

  “I do like you, Sawyer. I just don’t love you. We’re friends,” Renee said.

  “I’d say we’re a little more than friends,” he said.

  Renee said, “Silly man. It’s possible to be friends and lovers, Sawyer. Gasp! How scandalous!”

  His eyes searched her face. “I just realized that I don’t know you at all. Not really.”

  “Why would you? You’re Skip’s friend much more than mine. You and I don’t really spend much time together. But I think that should change, because that’s how you’re going to get Devon back. We’re going to make her so jealous that she won’t be able to stay away from you,” Renee said.

  “That’s really underhanded.”

  “Ok, so just tell her that you love her and want her back. Tell her you want to try again,” Renee said.

  That idea was repulsive to his pride. Why should he go to her? Devon had rejected him, crushed his heart by refusing his proposal. If they were going to get back together, she should be the one to make a move.

  “Now, if I do this for you, you have to do something for me. I need you to take me to the Watering Hole a few times,” she said.

  “Why? I can’t dance.”

  “I know, which is why it’s perfect. You can’t dance, but there’s someone there who can and he’s the one I’m after,” Renee said.

  “Who?” Sawyer asked.

  “Brody Benson,” Renee said.

  “You mean the bouncer? Teddy’s younger brother? He’s twenty-five and you’re…?”

  “Nineteen. He has no clue I’m alive, but he will.” She looked into Sawyer’s eyes. “That is, if we have a deal.”

  He felt the hypnotic pull of her gaze. “Brody doesn’t stand a chance against you.”

  She grinned. “And Devon will by yours by Christmas. I guarantee you that.”

  She buttoned up his shirt again, tied his tie, and then got out a handkerchief and comb from her purse. “Make sure you don’t have any lipstick on you,” she said, handing him the handkerchief.

  Sawyer watched in fascination as she took lipstick from her purse and put a little on. When he finished wiping away any trace of lipstick, she combed his hair so that it was neat again. “There. All back together like nothing happened.” She carefully slid off his lap and he was amazed by the ease with which she did it. She put her coat back on and started the car.

  She held out a hand to him. “Let’s seal the deal with a handshake.”

  Sawyer shook it and started to laugh. “Are your parents aware of what you’re really like?”

  “No. And they’re not going to be if you want my help. I love Ma and Pa so much. I really do, but I have a side of me that they wouldn’t understand,” she said.

  Sawyer saw a glimmer of sadness in her eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Renee. It’s just that it’s such a surprise. I’m not gonna say anything to them.”

  Her smile returned. “Good. Well, I’d better get you home so you can rest that ankle.”

  They pulled out onto the road and Sawyer asked, “Wanna go to the Halloween party with me?”

  Renee grinned. “I’d be delighted to, Mr. Samuels.”

  “Good. I’m going as a pirate with a peg leg.”

  “Oooh! I could be a lady pirate or maybe a damsel in distress.”

  They talked about their costumes, but all the while, Sawyer wondered what sort of plan Renee had in mind.

  Chapter Ten

  “I don’t want you to go there,” Hope said to Renee.

  Renee calmly continued dressing. “And how old were you when you went there with Pa? Twenty-one, I believe you told me. Only two years older than me. Besides, Pa will be there and I’ll be with Sawyer. There are bouncers, and Jake has no trouble shooting a gun if necessary. I’ll be perfectly safe.”

  Hope crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Renee put her hair up in a stylish chignon. When had her little girl grown up? This beautiful, intelligent young woman almost seemed like a stranger to her. “Why does Sawyer want to go if he can’t dance?”

  “Well, he wants to see Pa’s show. It’s been a while, you know. And he thought he might strike up a poker game. I’ll be his lady luck,” Renee said. “I’ll dance with Pa and some of the other nice men we know.”

  Hope felt a headache threatening. “Don’t dance with strange men and stay close to Sawyer. I don’t like this one bit.”

  Renee said, “Don’t worry, Ma. No man is touching me that I don’t know. If it’s not someone like Jake and so forth, they won’t get the chance. I guarantee you that. Please don’t worry. I know how to stay safe. A girl can’t be too careful. Is Pa ready?”

  Hope said, “Yes. He’s waiting for you downstairs.”

  Renee saw how worried her mother was and hugged her. “Ma, I promise to be careful. Nothing will happen to me. You’ll see. I’ll even be home before Pa since I have work in the morning. You’ll be sitting up waiting and I’ll tell you all about my evening. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

  Hope laughed and shook her head. “You’re as bad as your father when he’s trying to convince me of something. All right. I’ll try not to worry too much.”

  Renee kissed her cheek and hurried downstairs.

r />   It was a busy Friday night at the Watering Hole and Jake Henderson, master bartender that he was, kept the booze and the good times flowing. His son, Andy, worked there now, too, and they took turns dancing with the ladies whose beaus or husbands didn’t like to dance. Andy had inherited his father’s dancing abilities and he was a popular dancing partner.

  Jake saw Sawyer come in with Renee. “Sawyer! How are you, son? How’s that ankle comin’ along?”

  “I’m good, sir. Dr. Walker is happy with it, so I guess it’s doing ok,” Sawyer said.

  “Renee, don’t you look pretty tonight?” Jake said.

  “Why thank you, Mr. Henderson,” she said.

  “Now, whatever you’re drinking tonight is on the house,” Jake told Sawyer. “Nothing’s too good for our soldiers.”

  Renee said, “Why don’t we get settled and I’ll come back and get our drinks?”

  “Good idea,” Sawyer said. “Thanks, Jake.”

  It was hard to make their way through the barroom because everyone wanted to talk to Sawyer. Renee played her part, smiling, laughing, and visiting even as she looked around for Brody. Finally, she and Sawyer found a table and sat down.

  “Do you see her anywhere?” Sawyer asked.

  “Not yet, but I’m sure they’ll be here soon. Skip said that Joey told him that Jared had asked her to come here tonight. I didn’t know until he told me this morning, which is why I asked you on such short notice,” Renee said. “Oh! There’s my man,” she said, leaning close to Sawyer.

  Brody walked over to the bouncers’ table with a couple of mugs of beer. He sat one down in front of Rick Westlake, who looked like he was asleep. He sat with his chair leaning back against the wall, his beat-up brown leather hat pulled down over his eyes. This was deceptive because he was wide awake, merely listening to the bar with his keen hearing that often picked up trouble before anyone else did.

  Renee watched Brody sit down, her eyes traveling over his tall, muscular form with hunger. He wore his blond hair long and his sapphire-blue eyes scanned the barroom for signs of misbehavior. Just as they rested on her, Renee let their gazes meet for just a few moments before turning away. Then she made a point of looking back over her shoulder at him, happy to find him still looking at her.


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