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undressed, denuded
as of spines or wires or where
there cannot be a mirror
only the blankly encumbered mass
as when the sitter closes her eyes
the veins under skin
or the person falls
the kitchen tile on her cheek.
That the obscure
approaches with mere crutches, polished,
and the title of a book
or the blank inside of the book
or the recollected word.
There is no telling, except by the analogy of the snow
and the embarrassed receptor
embodied, so one imagines a shell in a tree
as bells chime discursive thirds.
The stones will return, their
old grammar
leaked upward through snow.
And there, a bench, a path.
Birds, or shoes, on the hill.
I cannot say
how the vanishing
turns to a sign for blue after it has left
only the light by which it became blue
as a body makes a sign
lifting the hand
turning the head.
And the stamp in the snow
is, we say, a footprint
down into the blue
print in the snow
or of the snow
noticed, the requisite
agreement, and the normal
progress from snow to blue to cold
logic, without argument, open to shut
like curtains but not
how the dream has
no proof of its objects, not
how the world folds into speechlessness
how the silk curtains are enflamed
feeling in the folds of the silk curtains
untranslatable effects
as if we could touch the light
pick it up and put it in the mouth
exhale audible shade,
the deepest blue, say you
saying I say you.
to Norma Cole
Fear arguably
nobody’s name, nothing abstract
taking place in the extended
correlates to sabotage the villain
the elicited shame
a politically other condition sabotage or heterogeneous zone
things begin by falling, have fallen
into soul’s pivot
so proximate to skin
you might say, credo held
back from the image of the dark
having fallen and the bats’ high swirl after dark
additive but not ordinary, like care, how we care,
he going into the undark room with the books
you into yours, I to mine, to our rooms
false water burbles incessantly
around fake fish
to save the light
against art, against nature also, if nature is not false
and if art is true
to something
to some thing or some one, some one thing
estimated to be
true water, a river for example, under a bridge
so much water under the bridge is how the past
is said to become itself
the eventful slosh
about which we can do nothing
how to make something from the nothing under the bridge
how to cross
to that side of the bridge
to not let the saying
sabotage, not be afraid to cross
the delinquent clarity of dark
under the
He built a house within a house
into which certain tenants enter
so we might speak about the true cost
of making something
awkwardly, self
turns from natural dark
to an architecture
reads in a room
as the sun sets, the setting
on the other side of the river
that side or your side
the birds, you said
have not all left for the winter
you said nothing about the fish
dark shelter as the soul pivots
to Assisi
earth into earth falling
you also said we do not yet know what conditions
cause Giotto, the form of life Giotto
to be present
in bewildered adjacency, erupting,
as a bird from water
a few egrets and gulls
and were shown photographs taken by the now dead artist of herself
collected in a book
and were shown the guest house.
to Michael Brenson
Aspiring glance bound force array
turns of glass how
charged by reflection
to travel quick toward undone
singular stroke
syntax unanchored
to recognize blur
notes on a scaffold metonymy’s grace
to alter narrative adjacent to cause
close-up fracture ream patch flare
mineral strata
under skin
forged by a figure of day
ragged impediment to horizon’s door
the lewd sun’s encrypted ease risen over sand
boned sky adrift
vertigo meaning invention’s wound and peel
the transitive eye insight to insight now
hinged open
foray begun.
How? to ask how
persuasion begets
material inventory you sample you measure your
phase within passion locale
without gate rift exit breach
lesion map faces
a matrix of leavings
cycle of flaws attached to the possible
attached to transit
the body present the chance remark
intimate answer
quotidian care.
fluttering wingnote fl fl fl
grasp the instant’s sleeve
add looking at through
trace imperatives at arm’s length
or form
a beleaguered architecture
wall field edge
rivets windy doubt
fragment one
a ground of objects
latent in underbrush among strangers in the roaming view
hope’s knot tied in radiant fabric
ordinarily an interior well
response to response
secular gift
labor for ours.
Singly, out of blank, singly
as when never opens an eye
under the stressed
staring bud
weaves out chords
that some were insisting is music.
Not the simple reactionary sway of horizon—
freighted substitutions, Chinese shorts, panic roofs—
what were these but a pastel charity, sneaker prints
on a book jacket? Holes in
snow, what were they? Thimbles.
As if “life” could touch its metaphors, concentration
bring itself to an afterimage,
break apart, unravel,
and we still on the inside of now
where the house itself is occupying the house
with only a flickering sense
of what memory might look like from here:
e the fact” “Berlin” “the same chalk.”
Repetition is the wager of abstraction, Stephen said,
painting over and under, transgression without force.
Here is the fluid violence of wealth, white fence
lacing humped largesse, toes
bright in
snakeskin mules,
the new world’s acts
coming in close, diamond pupils,
among crass
disadvantages, schematic
list, bower of chores, to dress
the imbecile in silk
the sick in the nude restlessness
of a summer night, the stars having fallen onto the meadow
in bug scraps, graves tilting, oaks opulent and straight,
the punishing vocabulary of ease pulled from the dump.
The sun might be a slingshot heaven, raking the world,
besotted with damp.
Please do not hurt the ghost’s sealed amphitheater, not sky,
not bright strips above the broken instance of love,
not this unanswered provocation from afar
pulling twilight, as the girl her mother’s hair.
Fractions of money launch
a pure ambition to receive, and I
am confounded in this exercise of rooms, whose brother
steps into water to skip stones. The inundated horizon,
its gift? Counting up from year to year
at the edge of the graveyard where the raccoon crossed, where the crows
speak their condition, where wandering beasts are a currency of error.
Who lost? Under night gun, trees
emanating faint fingers,
sun impossible, sun bewildered, sun
clasped at the root of the mountain’s blue,
sun under impossible fingers, rising
to the vagrant collisions of being,
mind, you would say, wondering if the subject were that,
or other impossible gifts
their commerce wholly measured.
Ladies and gentlemen, rock ’n roll.
to Stephen Westfall
Age willow approach the normal she is leaving
she has turned her back
not yet abysmal thwarted going forth going forth away
and the scene hard not to miss coming down the aisle
triangular two women and a man
we have seen this shape in space
the stars invent it
there were furies too in her stripped descent
before the blockade
she came down frontally
and the three
the subtle dementia forget its origin
green will set it aflame
quash the dissonant hulk
the triangle grips its tilt
in the neighborhood of siblings
their secrets
so that
“doubt itself becomes form.”
Shoe heel shoe spiral confession follows a dotted line.
Talk about green
salvaging the crude
vicissitude of steady shapes
discover the horizon’s
rubble of butts.
There will be surprise now in going away after they reach the floor
prize of the incipient link
although things continue to swell beyond their geometry
and we continue
to be afraid
this would be bald in the face of the critic
the embedded brush spitting
some spurious indictments occur
followed by redemptive privilege.
Would they be counted?
Have the steps been counted?
Cohort under sky
teeter the mongrel cat, teeter reliance
upriver the spoon catches a glint eyebrow moon bugged
the woman asking about happiness as if it were how
dealing out the days
one two three
the double play
jeopardy of underwritten love
asleep under the line
in a cartoon bed.
All loosely knit nearby a keg ready to go
thump thump the display
thrum the old beat
sleeping against the grain of the mildewed plank
where the adventure went amiss, where the story got lost
as she stood on the burning deck like an angel on film.
Comes to an end. Disestablished path maybe baby
token analytic muse in the glove compartment.
The roses are desolate in their insufficient arrangement.
The subject grows old. The subject may or may not be roses.
A matter of toes, of the small bones in the fingers,
torque of hip, the face down,
abrasive voice collapsing into the lover’s ear.
The women frail, not listening to praise, there is not enough
to undo the arrangement in the jar.
The certitude of the arrangement in the pastel jar.
The meadow will not come forth from the meadow,
adjacency falters at the supplicant’s will.
It, the meadow, embodies only space
crouching and malingering there,
the diatribe of the unmolested in its manifest lust.
Yes come, yes go, yes die, yes the pretty fern
yes the geometric sun, yes the line of abstraction, o yes
monster ambition flourishing, violent inhuman field
annealed to the human. Road. Blue house. Sign.
The threesome is neat love moves easily among its angles
the fourth part is absent we reject its shape
the fourth part rolls down the coast
Malëvich refutes it follow along the signs of its elision
the square was only
a boy with his knapsack
a woman crossing his path.
to Augusta Talbot
To walk slowly behind
and so to be late
too late to take cover
too late for alms
so slowly
drops drilled into snow
not mistaken for tears
not made into fuel
slowly behind the engine
guided ahead
to wonder if the dream
is guided to its end
to speak aloud to the dream
at the curb of dawn
its bag of spoils
to talk slowly
standing behind
the man looking down
do not kill the man
as he bows in prayer
the ambush
within the walls
the eyes of the child
photographed again
still too late
without counsel or means
shabbily attired
shoeless in a park
on the streets with no name
in the country of The
to look at his neck
at the coil of his hair
the arc of his brow
his deliberate lips
to wonder how his voice said
this is this, this is not
something must survive
be found under snow
the cloth
the glass
the bag
the cup
may as well
wake to the voice
not interfere
not yet be part
the aftermath
of what was done, what not
a percentage or guess
far from the source
about the shoe in the landscape
walked to its end
static in sn
ow, the enemy the
awaiting internment
things of the world
always too late
to turn
away from the flight
path and roof
infinite sand, infinite ice
too late
to resist the zone
the brow of a hill
the open eyes
the dump of the dead.
to Mark Costello
Where whatever the blue was
found its hesitancy as pierced inscription
drew dispersal
back through the sieve toward the eye’s
singular vantage
face of a girl
and the first room on the top floor
the glossed immersion
as if a jar could open space
aught in the old vitrine
thwart cobalt
thwart the incipience of cloud, and the leftover, omitted arc
a rig for flight
which might have been a habit of scale
or the fast stopped by your gaze
what stalled? the glassy circumference?
the dainty primer of decay? inquisitive ink drained from sound?
the room enlarged beyond fog, beyond the bending annotated way
unbound by its wall, where l’etoile
is embossed on the stationery
and the sign is dry—
turn, brief volition, at the far shore.
Unalterable complex unfurled shed.
Came this way unslithered
purchase factored in
noise (following personal
revelations of the suit)
swiftly, swiftly “then”
glazed over visual
amplitude of signs
crank imperatives tide of ephemera