Book Read Free

Composing a Family

Page 14

by Sean Michael

  “Yeah. I am.” He totally was and he was unrepentant about it too. Who was going to see? Matt already knew they were lovers.


  That made him laugh, and he buried his face in Daniel’s throat, breathing in the clean, wonderful scent of the man. That turned his laughter into a groan, and he went back to his task of marking up Daniel’s pretty skin while their hands slid up and down along their hard-ons.

  It was easy and slow, gentle and lazy and exactly what they both needed right now. The monitor remained blissfully silent, allowing them to wallow in each other and the wonderful sensations they created together.

  Eventually he raised his head from Daniel’s neck and brought their mouths together, the kisses matching the slow strokes.

  The sensations were building, though, and soon enough, he was squeezing them tighter together and working them faster. Their kisses deepened and their breath came in desperate little gasps.

  “I want to smell you.” Ten knew that’s all it would take to push him over the edge at this point—the musky, male scent of Daniel’s spunk.

  His words made Daniel cry out and buck against him. Then Daniel continued to rock, hips rolling as he searched for his orgasm.

  Ten saw when it came—he watched the pleasure steal across Daniel’s face like dawn pushing up into the sky. Another cry joined the rush of heat over his hand and against his belly.

  He’d been right, too, that was all he needed to come, and he did, adding to the heat and mess between them. Still panting, he leaned their foreheads together and enjoyed the soft afterglow.

  Then he kissed Daniel softly. “I’ll get a cloth and get us cleaned up.”

  Slipping from the bed, he went to the en suite and grabbed a cloth. He wiped himself clean with it, then rinsed it under the tap before heating the water and making sure the cloth was hot. That way it would still be warm when he ran it over Daniel’s skin.

  When he got back to the bed, Daniel was already asleep, lashes making shadows on his cheeks. He looked as angelic in sleep as his daughters did. Ten very carefully wiped the spunk from Daniel’s belly, then lay down on his side, watching his lover sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  Daniel slept through the night, the next morning, and well into the afternoon, waking with that fuzzy, slept-too-long headache, but finally feeling rested, hungry, and eager to see all of his family.

  He jumped in the shower, washing up quickly, singing at the top of his lungs. Oh, his girls were all home!

  He heard Tenor’s laughter before he saw the man’s shadow against the shower curtain. “You’re awake and you sound happy. I was just coming up to see if I could entice you awake with some tea and cookies.”

  “Hey, you! I would love tea and cookies. Thank you for indulging me and letting me sleep.” He rinsed out his hair.

  “I figured you needed it more than I did. And surprisingly, feeding/burping/changing/playing with three newborns isn’t that much harder than doing it with two.”

  “How are they doing today?” He wanted to see them, hold them, and blow off work.

  “Come down and see for yourself. They’re currently sleeping, but I bet they wake up after we’ve had cookies and tea.” Tenor looked him up and down. “You lost too much weight, but you still look good.”

  “I was running on bad coffee and worry.”

  “I know. I don’t approve. Neither did Matt. So there might be a lot of the two of us fussing over you and trying to feed you a whole lot, please be patient with us.” Tenor grabbed a towel.

  “Uh-huh. Did Melody eat?” He turned off the shower and stepped out, Tenor wrapping him in the terry cloth and drying him off.

  “She’s chowing down every couple hours, just like Kyrie. Harmony has slowed down some—she’s closer to every four hours now. I’m still convinced Kyrie’s going to be a linebacker.”

  “Wouldn’t surprise me.” He leaned in and took a long, deep kiss.

  Tenor’s soft gasp opened his mouth wider, letting Daniel right in. Tenor smiled as their lips parted. “Good afternoon.”

  “Good afternoon. Nice to see you.”

  “Yeah, you too. Aside from your daughters, you’ve been missed around here. Even if there was a day I hardly saw you, I knew you were here, you know? And for the last month…” Tenor shrugged, smiled. “The place isn’t the same without you.”

  “Thank you.” He grabbed some pants and a sweater, some socks. “Time to rejoin the world.”

  “Yeah, the world misses you.” Tenor chuckled and preceded him down the stairs.

  They went into the kitchen where Matt was making tea while the girls all slept in their swings.

  “Good afternoon, Matt,” he whispered. Oh God. Look at those faces.

  “Hey there, sleepyhead.” Matt handed him and then Tenor their mugs of tea. “Cookies are already on the table.”

  “Hurray cookies.” He was starving.

  “Three different kinds. The smell of baking seems to calm the girls.”

  “They must be related to me,” he teased.

  “Funny, now that you mention it, I think they are.” Tenor gave him a quick peck. “I made these neat gingersnaps that are half dipped in chocolate with crystallized ginger on ’em. They’re going to be a new favorite.”

  “He’s not wrong,” Matt told him as the babies began to wake, making soft, snuffling noises.

  “Ooh. I need one. Maybe two.” He went to smile at his girls now that they were awake, wind their swings up again.

  They cooed and kicked their arms and legs. It was like they were reaching for him.

  “Hello, sweet loves. Daddy was sleeping hard.” He tickled and rubbed velvety soft cheeks.

  Harmony didn’t look like she was sure about that, but Mel and Kyrie laughed for him.

  “Oh now. Are you going to resist my charms, Miss Harmony?” He scooped her up, dancing her around the kitchen.

  Now she started giggling for him. Score!

  Tenor and Matt laughed too.

  “You look great like that,” Tenor told him.

  “Do I? Is it good for us?” He twirled carefully.

  “Yeah, it’s a very good look on you.” Tenor gave the girls another swing and grinned at them, then sat, munching on a cookie.

  He propped Harmony on his shoulder, going to grab a cookie of his own.

  “Before you know it, when you do that, Harmony will be stealing your cookies.” Tenor grinned.

  “Oh, I can’t wait.” He nuzzled into her neck and she laughed. Really laughed. He couldn’t believe this feeling that flowed through him. It was so big.

  “Oh God. So cute.” Tenor had his phone out, clicking away.

  “It’s amazing how much easier taking pictures of the babies are now than when I…” Matt chuckled. “I was not about to tell a story about how much harder things were when I was a boy.”

  “You totally were. You just did the grandpa thing!” Oh, how glorious was that?

  “I’d love to hear some of those stories, Grandpa Matt.”

  “He had the best little boy ever, right, Matty?”

  “I did indeed.”

  Melody started fussing and Matt went to get up. Tenor put his hand on Matt’s arm. “I’ll get her for you.”

  Kyrie seemed happy to swing and watch them all move around the kitchen, at least until Tenor put Mel in Matt’s arms. Then she began to wail.

  Tenor chuckled softly and shook his head. “Silly girl. You are not being neglected, no you aren’t.” Tenor picked her up and there they were, all of them with a baby.

  Thank God there were three of them.

  He grinned and finished his cookie, then went for another.

  The girls drank, then napped once back in their swings. His family.

  He sat with his tea, the afternoon sun pouring in the kitche

  Tenor futzed with the dishes, putting the stuff in the dishwasher into the cupboards, wiping down the counters.

  Okay. He was going to make it.

  Matt turned to Tenor. “Would you just settle?”

  “Sorry. I’m a little worried that when I sit, I’m going to fall asleep.”

  “If you need a nap, take one. I should be okay for a few hours.” They were his girls, after all.

  “You sure?” Tenor yawned. “It gets pretty intense when all three want their food at the same time.”

  “Matt’s here. Go on. I’m not a loser, I swear.” He wasn’t practiced with all three, but he knew how to deal with a sick one.

  “Hey, I never said you were a loser. You just haven’t experienced all three at once on your own, that’s all. You wake me if you need me, okay?”

  “I will. Go rest.” He had this.

  “Okay.” Tenor headed for the door, but stopped before going through it. “I’ll be in my room?”

  He tilted his head. “Do you want to?”

  “I’d rather be in yours,” Tenor admitted. “It seems a little forward to go up there, though, when you’re not there.”

  “I’d rather you be on the third floor with me.” Much rather.

  Tenor looked inordinately pleased. “Well, then, if you need me, I’ll be in your room.”

  “Our room,” he said, making it clear.

  It could have been Christmas morning, judging by Tenor’s expression. “Our room.”

  “Yeah. I mean… I know you decorated your space, but… yeah.” His cheeks were on fire.

  “My space doesn’t smell like you,” Tenor said softly.

  “Go nap. You’re tired, remember?”

  “Uh-huh. I’m feeling a little dizzy now, too.”

  “Yeah?” He stepped forward, drawn to Tenor.

  “Yeah.” Tenor held his gaze. “You make me.”

  “Boys. Not in front of the babies.”

  “We’re only talking, Matt.” Tenor smiled. “I’d love to do more, but you should have time with your girls. I’ll come find you when I’m done napping.”

  “Get some rest, now. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Finally.” Tenor pressed their lips softly together, then turned on his heel and headed upstairs.

  Daniel had a great view of his ass all the way up until he disappeared.

  Matt chuckled. “You’ve got it bad, son.”

  “I know.” What was he supposed to say?

  “Is it… I don’t mean to be indelicate, but is it more than simply lust?”

  “I wouldn’t let him sleep in my bed with my girls in their bassinets if it was lust, Matty.”

  “Does he know how you feel?”

  “Why? Has he said something? Am I making him uncomfortable?” He didn’t want to worry. He didn’t.

  “Easy, son. I meant, have you told him? He hasn’t said anything to me about anything personal.”

  “I’m sure I have.” Not that he remembered. His world was a blur for the last few weeks. Seriously.

  “You told him you love him? Are you sure? Did he say it back to you? Does he know?”

  “Matty, I don’t know anything except that I’ve lost a month and it’s Thanksgiving in a few days.”

  “And you have three beautiful daughters. It doesn’t get much better than that.” Matt patted his cheek.

  “I have three beautiful, healthy daughters home.”

  “You do indeed. And I think one of them just filled their diaper.” Matt patted his arm. “Grandpas don’t change diapers.”

  “Uh-huh. I bet they do. Do you have stuff down here or should I take her upstairs?” He wasn’t sure how Tenor had it arranged. He’d changed a lot of diapers in the hospital, though.

  Matt chuckled. “There’s diapers here, in the living room, your rooms, Tenor’s rooms, the nursery. It’s harder to find a room without diapers than with.”

  “I haven’t been in the studio in weeks.” The stench was coming from Kyrie. “Impressive, child.”

  “Give yourself a bit of time to find your rhythm with the babies. Then worry about getting back to work.”

  “It’s weird,” he admitted, finding a diaper, wipes, and a changing pad.

  “You’ve spent your whole adult life working pretty much every day. Of course it’s going to be weird.”

  “I feel like I should miss it, playing.”

  “And you don’t?” Matt watched him as he changed Kyrie’s diaper.

  “Right now I just want to relax and be with my girls.”

  “Then do that. Your music will always be there, and God knows you don’t need the money. Your girls, though, they need you. As much attention as you can spare.”

  “Yeah, I just… I was never more than my music.”

  “Oh, Daniel. That’s not true. Not for me.” Matt wrapped an arm around him and gave him a side hug. “You’ve always been my boy and you always will be.”

  “Thank you. Everything I know about being a dad, I learned from you.”

  Matt kissed his forehead. “Just love them from your heart.”

  “And change their butts.”

  Matt chortled. “Oh yes. You’re going to have changed three times as many diapers as I did by the time you’re done.”

  “Yeah, I know, but we couldn’t have chosen between them.”

  “God no. You were meant to have three.” Matt leaned against him, watching as he cuddled Kyrie. “With just one you may not have hired a nanny.”

  “That would have been a shame.” To have missed getting to know Tenor would have…

  His phone rang and he frowned at it. Elle. He knew she was ready to come over, see the babies, see him, visit, but he wasn’t ready.

  “Hey, you. Long time no see. I hear you’re finally home with all the babies.”

  “Finally, yes. I’m just taking it easy with them today.”

  “Is that your way of saying I’m not allowed to come over yet? I would totally come alone if that changes things. But you know you can tell me to wait and I won’t take it personally.” Even over the phone, Elle was such a forceful personality.

  “I need another day to just be here. Come over tomorrow?”

  “Can I bring my ladies with me tomorrow?”

  “Of course. I can’t wait for Britt to meet the babies.”

  “Good. I have about thirty thousand baby shower presents for you to open.”

  He snorted, startling Kyrie. “I bet Britt can help open them.”

  Elle laughed. “She’ll be more than happy to, I’m sure. Shall we come around two? That way you don’t have to worry about feeding us.”

  “There’s a bunch of homemade cookies here.”

  “Perfect. We’ll drink wine and eat cookies and exclaim over the babies while you open gifts. Congratulations, darling. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thank you. Kiss your girls for me?”

  “You know it, honey. Bye.” He put his phone in his pocket and turned his attention back to his babies. Yeah, he’d made the right choice putting Elle off. He needed today to be a normal day, his first day when he had all three of them.

  “You want to move into the big chair in the living room and hold all of them together?” Matt asked as Melody and Harmony started fussing.

  “I guess? I don’t want to drop anyone.”

  Matt chuckled. “Go sit with Kyrie and I’ll bring the other two. I’ll even stay in the living room so if you run into any problems, I’ll be right there.”

  “You can just stay to keep me company, you know.”

  “Well, yes, that too. I was just emphasizing that you wouldn’t be entirely on your own.” Matt followed him into the living room. “You haven’t had any time with just the four of you yet. I thought you might like a few minutes.”
  “Yeah. I don’t know. I just don’t know about anything.”

  He settled in the chair with Kyrie against one shoulder, and Matt set Harmony down against the other, with Melody lying right on his chest, the top of her little head against his throat.

  “You don’t need to know anything, son. Sit with them, they don’t need you to do anything but breathe with them at the moment. Let it—let them—sink into you. They’re a part of you.”

  “I hope they know I love them.”

  “Look at you—how could they not? They know your voice and Melody already knows your heartbeat from the time you’ve spent with her. All you have to do is be there for them and they’ll know, son. Even when they’re teenagers and they think they hate you, they love you.”

  He turned on some music and started humming, the babies settling against him, warm and soft. It was quiet and peaceful, and he swore all four of them were breathing in sync.

  God, they smelled good. Little bundles of warmth and soft skin, and he loved them more than he would have ever thought possible. He closed his eyes and gave thanks for them. All of them. His family.

  Melody made a noise and wriggled almost snakelike against him, which had Kyrie reaching out, her little hand finding Melody and staying there. Both babies sighed and closed their eyes again.

  He chuckled softly. Okay. Okay, he could get used to this.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The first couple of weeks with all three kids home was feed, change, sleep, play with the girls, then repeat. Ten and Daniel pretty much slept when they could and took turns at the night feedings when possible. It was kind of crazy, kind of wonderful, and all about being the parents of newborn triplets.

  By the time the babies were two months old, they were going nearly four hours between feedings, and it was amazing how much easier that made things. Probably because he and Daniel were getting more sleep, too.

  This morning he was cooking breakfast instead of grabbing a quick bowl of cereal. He had pancakes and scrambled eggs and bacon, along with orange juice, milk, and toast. He caught himself whistling as he grabbed the popped toast and buttered it, then finished up the scrambled eggs.

  “Breakfast!” he called out, but not too loudly. He didn’t want to startle the girls.


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