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Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 5

by Lea Kinkade

  “Spread your legs, baby. I want to see your pussy.”

  Abby slowly parted her legs, giving him access. He leaned down and rested his head on her inner thigh, looking at her moist heat as if he intended to memorize each and every fold. His fingertips went to her slit, gently opening her and stroking through her wet folds. Her thighs trembled and she arched her neck in pleasure, moaning out his name. His fingers explored her pussy but studiously avoided her clit, the place where she most wanted them. She felt his moist breath on her pussy just an instant before his tongue swirled through the folds of her wet heat. She arched into his mouth. The unfurling wisps of an orgasm were holding her captive as his mouth continued to explore her pussy.

  Abby had never felt this way. She was allowing this man into one of her most intimate places, and he was making her feel things she had never felt before. She couldn’t believe what she’d been missing. The difference this time was that, for some reason, she totally trusted Dillon. She wanted to share her body with him in ways she never had before. She knew that not only could she trust him with her sexual pleasure, she could trust him with her life. He said he loved her. Did she love him? She certainly felt more for him than she had ever felt for any man before but, love? She didn’t know. But, she sure wanted this with him and she didn’t want to question it right now. She just wanted to feel what Dillon made her feel.

  One of his fingers entered her passage as his tongue continued to swirl in her swollen folds. As he gently stroked her clit, another finger entered her, thrusting in and out of her swollen pussy. The wisps of pleasure were becoming more substantial, pulling her toward completion. As his fingers stroked in and out of her, his swirling tongue brushed over her clit, pulling her into a sweeping orgasm as she groaned out his name and let it overtake her.

  Abby lay sprawled on the bed with Dillon still resting between her thighs. Shit! That had been something else. Friends had told her what having a man go down on her would be like, but she thought they were exaggerating. Still recovering from one of the best orgasms ever, she felt Dillon’s hot, hard body slide up hers so they were face to face. She could feel his cock bump against her thigh. Without waiting for an invitation, his mouth devoured hers in a drugging kiss, his tongue boldly barging into her mouth. He groaned into her mouth. His hands moved restlessly over her torso, skimming her breasts and nipples, making her shudder in delight as her nipples pebbled with the attention.

  His mouth still on hers, he spread her thighs farther apart, bringing her pussy in alignment with his rock-hard cock. Draping her thighs over his forearms, he pushed his thick length into her body inch by slow inch. His greedy cock slid slowly into her pussy then back out. She couldn’t hold back a moan as he began to pump harder and faster into her body until he was balls deep into her cunt. He leaned down and kissed her ravenously as she became accustomed to his girth. His hips began to piston, pumping in and out, sliding his cock home over and over.

  He pulled farther out now on each stroke, thrusting a little harder with each inward motion, her cunt gripping his cock in a tight embrace as her orgasm pulled at her. As he continued on his frenetic pace, his breath left his body in grunts and groans as he worked over her. Eyes focused entirely on her, he continued his frenzied movements. The orgasm that had been pulling at her tore through her body with so much pleasure she thought she might black out. His thrusts became frantic as he held his body tightly to hers and began to grind against her, his cock pulsing out his release into her depths. Abby put her arms around his shoulders and held him tightly in her arms as his body shuddered with his release.

  * * * *

  Abby woke up naked and pressed up tightly against something warm and hard. Opening her eyes slowly, she remembered everything she and Dillon had done last night and early this morning and she could feel a blush stealing over her entire body. Shit! She’d slept with her boss. Well, she thought with a naughty smile, they really hadn’t done that much sleeping, if she was being honest. They had fucked. Several times, as a matter of fact. The man had amazing stamina and a very short recovery time. He also knew his way around a woman’s body. Sh—! Shoot. She needed to get a grip. What was she going to do about this? What could she do about this? It was a little too late to take it back. Besides, she didn’t want to take it back. Last night had been the best sexual experience of her life and she wanted more. She decided to just go with it.

  The lovers spent Saturday and Sunday together at her apartment—most of it in bed. Dillon told the foremen at the Ranch to call him on his cell phone if they needed a vet before Monday, but there were no calls. Dillon reluctantly left Abby on Sunday night when she told him she needed to do laundry and get ready for work on Monday. He hinted that if she lived with him at the Ranch, they wouldn’t have to be apart. She just rolled her eyes and pushed him out the door.

  Chapter 3

  The first Friday after they started their relationship, Abby met the girls at Chaps & Spurs for their regular night out. While Dillon was still playing pool, several men asked her to dance. Abby loved to dance and, since they were in a public place, she saw no harm in dancing with a few of the men with whom she danced regularly before she and Dillon got together. She didn’t dance any slow songs with anyone.

  She was dancing a fast two-step with Jaime Hernandez when Dillon barreled onto the dance floor and tore her out of the man’s arms.

  “Back the fuck off, Hernandez,” Dillon said in a hard voice that Abby didn’t recognize. The look he gave Jaime caused the younger man to take a step backward.

  “I don’t know what—” started Jaime before getting cut off by Dillon’s commanding voice.

  “Oh, you know exactly what I’m talking about, you little shit.”

  “It was just a dance.”

  “I think you know better than to hit on a woman that’s already taken. You know Abby is mine. I’m not sharing. Tell all the pups here tonight to back the fuck off. Anybody else tries to poach what’s mine will get their head knocked off. Spread the word.”

  “But you never—” started Jaime.

  “This one’s different,” interrupted Dillon. “Spread the word. Abby is off the menu. She’s mine and I won’t take anybody trying to weasel their way in between us lying down. Now, get the fuck out of here.” The stare down lasted about ten seconds before Jaime broke eye contact and headed off the floor, fists clenched tightly at his sides, without looking back at Abby.

  Dillon turned around, took a shell-shocked Abby by the hand, and hauled her off the floor. Leading her back to the table, he gave her a hard, hot kiss right there in front of everyone. “I’m your only dance partner from now on, baby. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear before. I’ll see you in a bit.” Then he stalked back up the stairs where the pool tables were.

  Abby sat there with her mouth open and her face beet red as she watched Dillon head back up the stairs. He could be such an ass. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. How dare he tell her what she could and couldn’t do! The girls at the table watched her as if they expected her to blow her top at any moment. Jordan got up and went to Abby, sitting right next to her as she put an arm around her shoulders. “In case you hadn’t noticed it, Abby, the Chisholm boys are a bit territorial. They don’t share well with others. Don’t be too hard on him. He loves you, and he doesn’t like to see another man’s arms around you. He wouldn’t care one way or another if he wasn’t in love with you. I don’t think he’s ever done that with any other woman he’s dated. He won’t dance with any other women, either, so don’t think he’s being chauvinistic.”

  Taylor moved closer and said, “Yes, he could have handled it better. But you have to remember he’s a man. They don’t always think with their big brain. His pride was hurt, and he was probably mad at himself for not telling you he didn’t want you to dance with anyone but him. Jordan’s right, he’s never pulled that he-man routine with any other woman. He cares about you an awful lot. Don’t make a big deal out of it and everyone will forget it. Well, maybe not J
aime,” she said with a chuckle, “but everyone else will just remember that you only dance with Dillon.”

  “He does stuff like that quite a bit, though. Sometimes I feel like if I don’t stand up to him, he’s going to steamroll right over me,” Abby complained. “I grew up with a father like that, and every time Dillon pulls something like this, I’m back to being a fourteen-year-old girl being chewed out by my dad for not doing exactly what he told me to do. I swore to myself I wasn’t going to put up with that sort of behavior in a boyfriend.”

  “Well, I can see where you might see a similarity, but I think you have to choose your battles when you’re in love with a Chisholm boy. Everyone at the Ranch has heard about your legendary verbal throw downs. You don’t seem to have a problem standing up to him while you’re working. Are you really mad that Dillon loves you enough that he only wants you to dance with him, or are you angry with the way he went about making the point? If you’re just mad about how he did it, you can talk about it later when you’re alone and you’ve both calmed down.”

  Abby thought about it and realized that she probably shouldn’t have danced with anyone else. She was sleeping with Dillon and, now that she stopped to think about it, she was sure that Dillon expected it to be an exclusive arrangement. After all, he told her he loved her. Anyway, she didn’t want to date anybody else, so she probably shouldn’t have danced with any other man. “I guess I’m not mad that he doesn’t want me to dance with other men. I can understand that, I suppose.

  “I’m mad about the way he drove his point home. He didn’t have to treat Jaime like that. Jaime has always been very sweet to me and has never done or said anything out of line. He didn’t deserve Dillon talking to him like that. After all, I agreed to dance with him. How was he supposed to know Dillon would react like that?”

  “Don’t feel too sorry for any of the men that you danced with tonight, Abby. They all know you and Dillon are together. That kind of news moves quickly around a town the size of Deseo. Especially when it’s about a Chisholm. Besides, they see how Dillon looks at you and asked you to dance to see if they could get a reaction out of him. They wanted to see how important you are to him. Well, I guess they found out, didn’t they?” asked Samantha dryly.

  “Thanks for talking me down, ladies. I think I was about ready to circumcise him again.”

  After everything that happened, Abby didn’t feel like telling the women about the phone call she received tonight before she left the house. This last one was the third she received in about eight days. They always happened when she was alone. At first she had thought it was just a wrong number or maybe kids. Now, she was beginning to wonder, though. She needed to tell Dillon about the calls after they talked about the way he acted tonight.

  * * * *

  Dillon returned upstairs, still pissed off at that punk, Hernandez, and the other men that had asked Abby to dance with them right under his nose. Everybody in town knew that he and Abby were together. Those men had asked her to dance with them anyway just to see how he would react. In the past, He had never really cared whether the woman he was dating danced with other men at the club.

  Dillon had seen a look in Hernandez’s eyes that told him the man wasn’t happy with Abby’s new status as another man’s woman. Over the past two years, Dillon had noticed that the man’s interest in Abby reached beyond wanting a few dances on a Friday night. He’d walked a tight line between polite interest and outright infatuation. He knew the man had repeatedly asked Abby out on dates. Dillon had thought he might have to step in and show his hand much sooner than he wanted, but Hernandez had backed off. Dillon hoped tonight would be the end of the man sniffing around Abby.

  When Ryan had come back upstairs after taking care of a problem at the bar downstairs, he had mentioned that Abby looked like she was having fun dancing tonight and Dillon had seen red.

  The men that had asked Abby to dance tonight, and he knew exactly who they were without being told, had done so for one reason. They had wanted to know how serious he was about Abby and if they still had a chance with her. It was up to him to put an end to the behavior decisively. He had stalked downstairs to the dance floor and seen that punk, Hernandez, dancing with Abby as bold as you please.

  He had taken grim satisfaction in the loud gulp and the spark of fear he saw in the other man’s eyes when he’d told Jaime to fuck off. Turning his back on the little prick, he had taken Abby by the arm and led her gently off the dance floor and back to the table, settling her into an empty chair. After giving her a hot, hard kiss, he told her in no uncertain terms that he expected to be her only dance partner from now on. Then he’d left her with her mouth hanging open like a fish out of water and went back upstairs to finish the game of pool with his brothers and avoid the fireworks he knew his actions would engender.

  Now he sat on a barstool near the pool table he and his brothers were shooting pool at, trying not to think about how badly Abby was going to lay into him when he went back downstairs in a few minutes. She’d been in utter shock when he left her about twenty minutes ago. That was plenty of time for her to recover and get a good mad on.

  Yes, as always, he probably could have handled the situation better. No doubt he could have cut in, pulled her to the side and asked her not to dance with any other man but him. He hadn’t exactly been thinking clearly after Ryan told him that several men were dancing with Abby while he was upstairs shooting pool with his brothers.

  He really should have expected something like this. For the past two years, Abby had danced freely with many of the men who frequented the club. She danced with whoever she wanted to, and no man had seemed to spark her interest any more than any of the others. That had all changed last Friday, however, and everyone in Deseo and at the Ranch damn well knew it.

  “You know, you could have just told her you didn’t want her dancing with any other men while you were dating, Dil,” Xander said with a grin.

  “Fuck you, asshole.” Dillon, without any real heat, flipped off his oldest brother and received a similar gesture in return. “Those puppies would still be sniffing around her until I made a stand.”

  “Yeah, bro, but now you’ve dug yourself a hole that you’re going to have to dig out of before you can get back into her bed.” Ryder laughed. “What’s the big deal, anyway? You’ve never cared if any of the other women you’ve dated danced with other guys before. Why is Abby so different? You didn’t even come here together tonight.”

  “He wasn’t in love with any of those other women, Ryder. That’s the difference,” responded Levi with a knowing smile before Dillon had a chance to respond.

  “Shit, really? You’re in love with the pretty doctor? When did that happen, and where was I?” exclaimed Ryder.

  All of his brothers were looking at Dillon questioningly now, ignoring the game.

  “Fuck you, Levi,” he said resigning himself to tell his brothers everything. “Yeah. All right? I’m in love with the woman. And, no, nothing happened between us while she was doing her internship,” he said, cutting off Ryan’s question. “I got to know her pretty well during these past two years, and I fell for her. I knew I couldn’t act on it as long as she was still a student, so I didn’t let on to her that I wanted her. We just got together last weekend. She doesn’t believe I’m in love with her, so don’t say anything until I get this straightened out with her. She’s afraid I’ll be too domineering. I guess her dad was pretty tough on her growing up, and she’s got all kinds of hot buttons when I come on too strong.”

  Ryan snorted. “Shit, Dillon. Are you going to change your whole personality for this woman? Get a lobotomy? Your picture is in the dictionary under domineering. What makes you think you can make it work with this woman?” asked Ryan seriously.

  “It’ll work. I just have to tame her a little,” insisted Dillon stubbornly.

  “Damn, the Chisholm brothers are dropping like flies. This should be interesting to watch,” said Ryder. “I can’t wait to see the fireworks whi
le you try to convince her you’re not like her father. I’ll take a front-row seat to see this.” The rest of the brothers all laughed and agreed that it would be interesting to watch Dillon try to “tame” Abby.

  “Assholes,” he said as he grimaced. Pointing to Ryan, Xander, and Levi, he said, “You three are pussies. You let your women tame you instead of the other way around. Sit back and watch how it’s done.” He got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach when his three married brothers looked at him with pity and laughed themselves off their barstools.

  “I’m going to go see my woman. See you guys later. Ryan, can you put in a request for me with the DJ?” he asked with a small smile on his face.

  “Sure, bro. What do you want him to play?”

  Dillon explained what he wanted as he and Ryan walked down the stairs. Dillon headed straight to Abby, and Ryan went to the DJ booth to carry out his request.

  Abby was deep in conversation with the other women when he first approached their table. He noted with deep satisfaction that the usual crowd of men weren’t milling around the women. Message sent and received. He sat down in the empty seat next to Abby and rested his arm along the back of her chair, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence. He wondered what hoops she was going to make him go through to get back into her good graces.

  “Hi,” she said with a soft smile. “Done with your pool game?”


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