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Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection

Page 34

by Vivian Wood

  “Cameron!” his mother said, dropping a heavy armful of shopping bags on the table as she arrived.

  “Ma,” he said, rising to hug her. This shop was their regular meeting place whenever she was in town. He’d definitely got his love of coffee from his mother, and this little shop roasted their own coffee beans and made just about the best brew Cam had ever tasted.

  “What are you having?” his mother asked.

  “Cafe Miel,” he said. “Espresso, honey, and steamed milk.”

  “Mmm. I think I’m going to get that white chocolate lavender thing they make,” his mother replied. She swept off to the counter, returning with her drink and a plate of Parisian macarons, another specialty of HiVolt Cafe.

  “Any luck with the wedding dress?” Cam asked as he stuffed an entire macaron into his mouth. He ignored his mother’s disapproving glance and crunched happily, savoring the delicate pistachio cookie.

  “I’ve sent Charlotte photos of a dozen styles, and she liked three. So I’m having them delivered to the house for her to try on.”

  “Nice,” Cam said. “She must be excited.”

  “Nervous, more like. But she’s a Beran now, so she’d better get used to big family events.”

  “You got that right,” Cam said, rolling his eyes. His family was huge, and they liked to socialize. His parents had been huge proponents of the new mating laws that forced all Berserkers of age to take mates within the year. They’d even thrown the first social event, a huge barn party complete with line dancing and an open bar. The whole thing seemed to go over pretty well, except for Cameron and Wyatt getting into fistfights with various male cousins. Luke had also nearly ruined things with his mate-to-be, but it all worked out in the end.

  “Speaking of mates, I want you to do me a favor,” his mother said.

  Cam gave her a suspicious glance.

  “What’s that?” he asked.

  “I want you to let me set you up.”



  “Ma, no. I can find my own dates, thanks.”

  “I don’t see you bringing home any potential matches, Cameron. Three of your brothers have found their mates in the last few months, and I want you find one, too.”

  “I will.”

  “I want to help,” his mother said.

  “And I don’t want you to,” Cam replied.

  His mother huffed a sigh.

  “If you let me set you up this one time, I won’t bother you about it for a months.”

  Cam paused, considering. One blind date, for a month of peace and quiet?

  “Make it two months,” he said.

  “Done!” His mother beamed. “You’re going to love her.”

  “Mmmhm,” Cam mumbled, noncommittal. He devoured another macaron.

  “Her name is Alexandra, and she’s new to Chicago.”

  “Who’s her Alpha?” Cam asked, curious.

  “She’s related to the England clan.”

  Cam coughed, half-inhaling the cookie.

  “To Alfred England? That’s some poor luck for her,” Cam said, brushing himself off.

  “He’s not that bad. Anyway, I don’t think she knows him well. She’s closer with his son, Gregor. A friend of mine, as you know. We’re on several charity committees together.”

  “So you and Gregor are match-making together, huh?”

  “It seems so,” his mother replied primly.

  “Alexandra.” Cam repeated the girl’s name.

  “Very pretty, gorgeous red hair. She’s very chic, too.”

  Red hair. Cam swallowed and took a big gulp of his coffee, unwilling to recall memories of the previous evening while in the company of his current companion.

  “You’ve met her?” he asked.

  “No. She’s an East Coast girl, I gather. I think she moved to Chicago in the last year or so. There’s a story there, but Gregor was very closemouthed about the whole thing. The Englands don’t talk about family business too much.”

  “Alright. Well if you don’t have any good gossip about the Englands, I guess you can fill me in on what my terrible brothers are up to,” Cam said, knowing that his mother would enjoy giving him the rundown.

  “Well,” she said, grinning, “I had some interesting news from Finn…”

  Cam leaned back in his chair, only half-listening to his mother’s story. Though she was telling him all about another pretty girl, he couldn’t focus on the narrative. His mind was stuck on the two mystery redheads in his life, one from the previous evening and another yet to come.



  “Cameron Beran, huh?” Alex’s cousin Bette asked, pulling a face. She brushed back a chin-length strand of dark hair, her brown eyes flashing. They sat on Alex’s apartment balcony, hiding from the hot late-afternoon sun.

  “What does that face mean?” Alex asked, taking a sip of her iced green tea. “I’m meeting him for dinner tonight, so you’d better spill.”

  “Well, he’s super hot…” Bette said, hesitating.

  “But…” Alex prompted.

  “So I don’t know him personally, but he hooked up with Steph a couple of years ago. Nothing serious, of course, but I guess she had a bad taste in her mouth when things ended.”

  “Oh. Why was that?”

  “He’s a player. She saw him with two other girls in the same week, and after that she was just done. Steph’s really monogamous.”

  “Did they have an agreement not to see other people?” Alex pressed.

  “No, not at all. I guess she just felt slighted. Like I said, it was a while ago. He might be different now, since we’re all required to find mates this year. I know he wants to be his father’s heir, take over as Alpha in a few years.”

  “Interesting,” Alex said with a nod. “Is that likely? Gregor said he has a dozen brothers or something like that.”

  “I think there are six or seven of them. I went to this huge party the Berans threw a few months ago. It was in the middle of nowhere in Montana, very country-western. They’re all tall, dark, and handsome. It’s kind of ridiculous,” Bette lamented.

  “Is Cameron the oldest?”

  “I don’t think so. Steph would know more, but there’s some situation where the heirdom is in contention. Steph did say he was a born Alpha, though.”

  “Whatever that means,” Alex said, wrinkling her nose. She still didn’t 100% understand a lot of Berserker culture, but she guessed Steph meant that Cameron was domineering.

  “I have to go, and you have a date to get ready for,” Bette said, rising from her seat. “Besides, I’m just filling your head with old gossip, psyching you out.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll make up my own mind,” Alex assured her. “Let me walk you out.”

  Despite her cousin’s vague warnings, Alex spent the next few hours primping and preparing, planning to put her best foot forward. If the guy was a waste of space, she didn’t have to see him again. Either way, she wanted to make a favorable impression on her date; she was brand new to the Chicago Berserker dating scene, and she didn’t want to burn any bridges this early.

  Alex slipped into a simple yet effective olive green sweater dress. It suited her bright red hair and pale skin, clinging to her curves in all the right places but not showing too much skin. She added a burnished gold waist belt and matching heels, then put on a little blush, a lot of mascara, and some navy eyeliner to bring out her eyes.

  She blew out her hair, brushing it until it gleamed and lay around her shoulders like a silky, gleaming curtain of fire. Checking her reflection in the mirror, Alex made sure to go through her daily affirmations, reminding herself that she was beautiful and kind, that her plus-sized figure was sexy rather than shameful. Shed done yoga that morning, so she felt curvy in just the right way.

  Finally it was time to go. Gregor had given her the address of an upscale restaurant and bar that he thought romantic, telling her to be there at eight. Showing a bit of dramatic flair,
Gregor had given Alex a white rose to tuck behind her ear, an identifying mark for her date.

  Alex couldn’t help the little rush of nerves that flooded her as she entered the restaurant. She bypassed the hostess in favor of heading to the bar, thinking that it was her best chance to be spotted by her mystery date. She slid into an empty seat and ordered a sparkling water, looking around. A happy couple sat a few seats down, sipping drinks and holding hands, oblivious to the rest of the world. The only other bar patron was a dark haired guy who faced away from Alex; he was having a hushed conversation with the pretty bartender, and several of the waitresses seemed to make a point of walking by, smiling, even touching his shoulder.

  Alex rolled her eyes and turned to look out over the restaurant. The bar was set a few feet above the dining area, so she sipped her Perrier and people-watched, trying to suppress her growing anxiety as the minutes ticked by. Alex checked the slim gold watch on her wrist, finding that it was 7:55.

  At eight on the dot, she heaved a sigh. At 8:05, she suddenly realized that the white rose was in her purse, and that she hadn’t ever put it in her hair. Grumbling at herself, she retrieved the flower, removing the tissue paper wrapping, and tucked it behind her ear. The happy couple next to her got up and left, giggling and whispering to each other. Alex tried not to scowl at their retreating backs.

  She looked around the restaurant with a sigh, then turned back to the bar. The second she turned her head, she made eye contact with the guy at the end of the bar. It took a few seconds of staring before Alex’s stomach fell, recognition dawning as she locked onto the man’s turquoise gaze.

  It was her random hookup from earlier in the week, and he was staring at the white rose in her hair, his eyes narrowing. When his gaze flicked over her body, taking in her tight-fitting dress and bared legs, Alex felt an unwelcome warmth bloom low in her body, remembered heat from their drunken encounter. What she remembered of it, anyway.

  He rose in a fluid motion, making a direct line for her. She swallowed, uncertain.

  “Alexandra?” he asked, and her stomach dropped a second time. Her mystery hookup was her blind date? Holy hell.

  “Uh, yeah. I prefer Alex,” she said, clearing her throat. “Alex Hansard. Does that make you Cameron?”

  He laughed.

  “It does. You could try not to look so put off,” he said.

  Alex’s lips twitched, though she wasn’t nearly as amused as he seemed to be.

  “I’m more… surprised, I guess,” she said, cocking her head to study him. He really was the epitome of male handsomeness, every bit as big and brawny as she’d remembered. And those eyes… they were unnerving and sexy, all at once.

  “I admit, this is not what I expected either.” He gave Alex a sly half-grin, waving a hand toward the dining area.

  “Shall we find our table?” he suggested.

  “Lead the way,” Alex said, rising. Her mind raced as she followed him down the steps to the table. Bette had been exactly right, as Alex herself could attest. She had, after all, had no-name drunk sex with him only days before. Cameron Beran was definitely a player.

  Maybe that could work to Alex’s advantage, though. In her mind, she imagined forming a business-centric partner ship rather than an emotional connection. Bette had hinted that the Berans were a powerful family, that Cam might be Alpha one day. He had the potential to fulfill the role of political ally, and he might be interested in a more laid-back arrangement than what Berserkers typically seemed to prefer.

  The words open relationship sounded in her head, and Alex felt a grim smile play on her lips. So maybe it wasn’t romantic, or even what she’d envisioned when Gregor had pressed the importance of finding a mate to bolster her pro-rights campaign. But it could be useful, nonetheless…

  Alex pursed her lips as she took her seat in the plush circular booth where Cameron indicated, mulling over the multitude of options in her head.



  Cam took a deep breath as he waited politely for Alex to sit at the white linen-covered table, exhaling it in a soft puff as she slid into the booth. The booth was tucked into a discreet corner, the circle shape allowing them to sit close together and still look at each other. He scoped out the romantic dinner setup laid before them as he rounded the table to find his own seat, admiring the gleaming silver, flickering tapered candles, and bevy of empty wineglasses.

  The idea of wine struck him as a great one, because his head was spinning. He’d agreed to this date to appease his mother, and in exchange he’d got… well, he wasn’t exactly certain, yet, but something much more than he’d bargained for. Alex cleared her throat as Cam took his seat, seeming every bit as nervous as he felt.

  “You look beautiful,” Cam said, the words leaving his mouth before they’d so much as passed through his brain. They were true, of course; she was immaculately dressed and styled, all that glorious, fiery hair clinging to her shoulders and waist. The animal inside him demanded that they skip all the boring talk and move onto the much more interesting parts of the night, like touching and tasting.

  “Thank you,” Alex said, her expression betraying nothing.

  Cam signaled for a waiter, then buried himself in the wine list.

  “Do you have a wine preference?” he asked Alex, studying her over the top of the menu.

  “Sparkling to start, maybe,” she suggested, arching a brow as she perused the list of food selections. Every small gesture and word resonated with Cam, reminding him of their night together. She’d been guarded and tense that night, even after quite a few drinks. She was infinitely more uptight now, perfectly groomed and well-spoken, her walls built up too high for Cam to see over.

  That, Cam could not allow. The Alpha in him needed to be in control, in the bedroom and out. If this intriguing little date was going to lead anywhere, Cam would need to show Alex his dominance from the beginning. A test of sorts. Only then could he determine whether they were truly compatible, if she could submit and rebel at the appropriate times.

  “I’m going to make a suggestion,” he said. Setting the menus aside, he reached out and plucked her menu from her fingers. “Let me order everything tonight.”

  Alex’s mouth opened in a sweet little oh of surprise. That little show of weakness made his lips twitch. Keeping her on her toes was going to be pleasurable.

  “Why?” she asked once she regained her composure.

  “Because it would please me,” Cam said with a casual shrug, belying his intense study of her reactions.

  “And why would I care what pleases you?” Alex fired back.

  “You’re here for a reason. You want something. I’m assuming you need me for something, so… I think you should be very interested in my pleasure,” Cam said, emphasizing the last word. She flushed a little in response, and he suppressed a grin.

  “You’re here for a reason, too, aren’t you?” came her answer. Her eyes dropped, though, and Cam knew he’d already won this battle.

  “Maybe. Maybe I just wanted a date.”

  Cam rose without another word. He sought out the waiter and ordered their entire meal, complete with wine and dessert. When he returned, the agitation on Alex’s face nearly made him laugh. She was tough, that was certain, but he had the advantage. He’d already peeled back a few of her layers once, ravishing her physically. Gender politics meant that he had the high ground here, and he meant to use it to his full advantage.

  “Everything is set,” he told her, unfolding his napkin with a flourish as he took his seat. Alex merely gave him a flat look, pressing her lips together, and he decided to push things a little further.

  “So, should we talk about what it is you want, or should we talk about ourselves a bit first?” he asked.

  Alex’s nose wrinkled.

  “We don’t even know each other. The other night was… nice, but… I’m not looking for another casual fling. I really did come here to have a serious date,” she said, waving her hand.

  The wa
iter arrived, popping a bottle of champagne and setting up their glasses. Cam kept his eyes on Alex until the man left, considering his answer.

  “I’m not looking for a casual fling, either,” he said at last. “The other night was a one-off.”

  Alex gave a snort of disagreement as she sipped her champagne, surprising him.

  “That’s not what I heard,” she said, pinning him with her navy gaze.

  “I wouldn’t think you’d be the type to listen to rumors,” Cam said, narrowing his eyes.

  “Not privy to gossip, I think you mean.” Alex considered her glass, giving a faint nod of approval. “I asked around about you before I came here. I was under the impression that you’re quite the heart breaker.”

  Cam sighed, well aware of his reputation. A well-earned one, at that. Until six months ago, he’d been satisfied with his playboy lifestyle, taking home as many girls as he wanted, as often as he liked.

  “Well, as I’ve said, I’m looking for something more serious now,” he said.

  “Because of the Alphas’ decree, I assume. You’ve only got half a year to find a mate, isn’t that right?” she asked, tilting her head and favoring him with a smirk. Cam nearly laughed. Alex seemed to be testing him right back, trying to get a rise out of him.

  “I have my reasons,” he said, leaving it at that. “Let’s go back to the beginning. As you said, the other night was nice, but… We should start over, like a real first date. Agreed?”

  Alex pursed her lips and took his measure for half a beat before she nodded.

  “All right. So… what do you do for a living, Cameron?” she asked, playing nice.

  “I own my own company. I work in the financial field, specifically with tech companies. Investing, forecasting. A lot of cat-and-mouse,” he said, sitting back and sampling the wine.


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