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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Praks, Alexia

  “Let go,” she said weakly as if she had no strength left. Her mind threatened to black out any moment now. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t control her body.

  Kyle laughed as he pulled her to him. “Had enough yet?”

  Alex tried. God, how she tried to keep herself alert, but it was to no avail. “Let go,” she managed to weakly say.

  Kyle ignored her and moved his head toward her. “You’re going to be mine tonight, Alexandra.”

  “No,” Alex whispered, shaking her head.

  “Oh, yes, sweetheart,” he said, his lips near hers. He was going to savor every moment of it—a thought that sent thrills of excitement rushing through his body. He gently touched his lips to her. Suddenly, he felt his body yanked backward and then a hard fist smacked his jaw like a ton of bricks. He fell to the floor, his lips bleeding.

  “Get your dirty hands off her!” Jayden growled. He pulled Alex into his arms, searching her face. She looked pale. Her eyes were sunken and lifeless as though she had been drugged. Shit! He turned to glare at Kyle, who was busy pulling himself up.

  “What the hell did you do to her?” he shouted.

  “What do you think?” Kyle chuckled. “Hey, she agreed to it.” He wiped the blood from his lip. “Damn, Jay, your fist is still as hard as ever. You know, bro, can’t help it. She’s attracted to me. Can’t keep her hands off me. Man, I tell you that girl knows how to flirt.”

  “You bastard!” Jay growled. “Alex would never be interested in the likes of you. You drugged her. You spiked her drink.”

  “What’s going on?” Kelly shouted from the other side of the corridor, rushing to them. “Jay?” She glanced at Kyle and frowned. “Alex? Are you all right?” she asked, touching the girl’s face.

  Jayden was so angry that he let go of Alex. Kelly quickly took hold of the unconscious girl as she watched her brother march to Kyle. Before Kyle could back away, Jayden smashed him on the nose. Kyle fell back again, landing on the floor, his nose bleeding severely. Jayden grabbed Kyle by the shirt collar, shoved him up, and thrust him against the wall.

  “You bastard!” he gritted out. “You’re going to pay for this.”

  “Shit, Jayden,” Kyle snapped. “She’s only a girl.”

  “She’s my girl,” Jay growled. “Don’t you ever touch her!”

  BAM! A fist landed against Kyle’s stomach. Kyle groaned in pain.

  “Jay, stop it!” Kelly shouted.

  Jayden tightened his grip on Kyle’s collar.

  “Jay! That’s enough!” Kelly shouted.

  Jay didn’t think it was enough. He wanted to beat Kyle senseless, but he knew he couldn’t. Right now he needed to get Alex home.

  Slowly and reluctantly, he released his grip on Kyle’s collar and stepped back. “Stay away from Alex,” he said coldly. Kyle knew this was his chance. He grabbed Jay by the shoulder, shoved him around, and his fist smashed on Jay’s face.

  Jay was thrown to one side.

  “Jayden!” Kelly shouted.

  Jay gritted his teeth and glared at Kyle. He shook his head and fisted his hand tighter. He marched forward and gave Kyle a hard blow on the right side of the face. He grabbed the man and gave him another hard blow to the stomach with his knee.

  “Jay, Alex is getting worse!” Kelly shouted.

  Jayden glanced back at his sister. Kelly was begging him with her eyes to stop. He turned back to Kyle and said, “You’re not worth it.” He shoved Kyle back against the wall.

  Jayden took Alex into his arms. “I’m taking her home. You go back and enjoy your night.”

  As he passed Kyle, he said, “Don’t push yourself. I can do much more damage than break your pretty nose.”

  Kyle got the hint as he struggled up and headed to the men’s bathroom.

  “Will you be all right?” Kelly asked at the stairs. “I’ll tell the girls, and we can quit the night.”

  “Don’t be silly. It’s your bachelorette party. Go and enjoy yourself. You know Alex will be fine with me.” He glanced down at the unconscious girl in his arms. She looked so damn fragile that the thought of what Kyle intended to do to her caused a newfound anger to rise in his chest. He simply wanted to smash Kyle’s face again.

  “I know that. You love her, right?” she asked, her eyes intense on his face.

  Jayden stared straight back at his sister, his eyes never wavering. “Yes, I love her.”

  Kelly smiled. “And Sarah?”

  “She’s gone, Kelly. Over and done with. Now, go and enjoy your final night of freedom.”

  She laughed. “You drive safely, Jay.”

  “Will do,” he replied, heading to the door. “Good night.”

  “Good night,” she shouted after him.

  Down in the parking lot, Jay put Alex into the front seat of the convertible and then drove out. He kept glancing at her on their way home to make sure she was comfortable and that the drug didn’t do her further harm.

  At home, Maggie opened the door for him. Her eyes widened in shocked surprise when she saw him carry in the unconscious Alex.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Jayden replied and headed up the stairs with a no more questions look on his face.

  In the bedroom, he gently laid Alex on the bed and then undressed her. With only her underwear on, he sponge bathed her body with a wet towel and then dressed her again in her pajamas. After brushing his teeth and showering himself, he lay between the sheets beside her, pulling her into his arms.

  She was stone cold. Poor Alex. He blamed himself for not taking good care of her. He couldn’t believe Kyle did this to Alex, spiking her drink and intending to rape her. This was by far the most disgusting thing Kyle had ever done. Taking Sarah from him was fine, but intending to hurt Alex was an entirely different story.

  He stroked his fingers through Alex’s hair and then kissed her forehead.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I couldn’t take good care of you.” Then he closed his eyes, drifting off into a slumber.

  * * * * *

  Kelly just couldn’t believe what a disaster her bachelorette party was. Dinner and clubbing were fun, but after that, everything went downhill. She just couldn’t believe Kyle would do such a thing. What a bastard that guy was. She was still debating whether she should tell her parents about the incident when she saw Britney stalking in through the door of the club. Great, she thought, another one to make my night even worse.

  She realized something wasn’t right the moment Britney headed to Kyle. He was sitting on the other side of the bar, drinking some seriously strong booze and nursing his injuries.

  Holy Shit! Britney is kissing Kyle?

  Something was definitely wrong, all right. She turned to Stephanie and whispered, “Look.”

  Stephanie glanced in that direction. “Holy shit! I can’t believe this.”

  “Me neither. I bet something’s up.”

  “Let’s find out,” Stephanie suggested.

  “Yes.” Kelly agreed. “Girls?” She turned to her friends. “Stephanie and I have business to sort out. You all enjoy yourselves, all right?”

  “Sure thing,” the girls cheered back.

  Kelly and Stephanie stood up, arranged their short skirts properly, and toddled their way in their three-inch heels toward the booth on the other side of the bar. Once they were near enough, they slid in behind Kyle and Britney.

  “Sweetheart, what happened?”

  “Can’t you see? That bastard Jayden destroyed my face. I can’t believe this. It’s your fault, Britney. You planned this damn thing.”

  “Me? Well, yes, but Jayden wasn’t supposed to come in and ruin everything. You were supposed to take that stupid bitch somewhere and do what you want to do with her. Take photos on your cell and all that stuff, then send them to Jayden and make him see. But—”

  “I can’t believe this. I was so close. She’s such a feisty little thing. She could have done me real damage if it wasn’t
for the drug I slipped in her drink.”

  “Darling?” Britney moaned. “I promise to make it up to you. I’m sorry. We’ll have to find another way to get that bitch away from Jayden.”

  “Ugh! I don’t want to think about it, Britney. Right now I need my bed and you in it with me.”

  Kelly and Stephanie quickly turned away to hide their faces as Kyle roughly dragged Britney past them. Once they were sure they hadn’t been spotted and the two people were gone, Kelly and said, “I can’t believe what I just heard.”

  “Me neither,” Stephanie commented. “What a bitch that Britney is. I just can’t believe it.”

  “We’ll have to tell Jayden and my parents,” Kelly remarked, nodding her head.

  “Agreed,” Stephanie echoed.

  * * * * *


  Mary St. Clair picked up her wine glass and took a sip, licking her lips afterward. She stared at the hunky accountant sitting opposite her. She could tell by the way he was gazing at her that he was really into her. Maybe tonight he’d join her in bed. A thrill rushed through her body, and she laughed out loud.

  “Share the joke,” Hale said, reaching his hand out to touch hers.

  Mary grinned. “I was just thinking about how handsome you are. I can’t believe you’re still single.”

  He chuckled. “Well, I have been dating many times. It’s just that you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, and I’m stoked. Can’t believe you’re still single either and want to go out with me.”

  “Aw. You’re so sweet.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

  Over at the door of SAN restaurant, Ruby, Nikita, and Isabella came through. A hunky waiter greeted them as the girls began the process of taking off their scarves and gloves.

  “Table for three, thanks,” Ruby said.

  “Of course. This way,” the young waiter said, leading them to a table behind Mary and her date.

  “I’m so excited for Alex,” Nikita said as they took their seats. “Just can’t believe the lab actually paid for her to go to a conference in New York City. Can you believe it? Now I wish I did lab science.”

  “I’m so jealous,” Isa muttered, pouring them each a glass of water.

  Mary straightened up and glanced behind her. She saw the three geeks and glared in distaste.

  “Do you know them?” Hale asked curiously.

  “Kind of,” she replied curtly.

  Behind them, Ruby said, “Did you get her e-mail?”

  “Yeah,” Niki replied.

  “Me too,” Isa put in. “She is so lucky. She said she has been to Central Park, the Met, not to mention Tiffany & Co. Can you believe it? Tiffany and Company!”

  “I know, right?” Ruby commented. “I wish I could go to Tiffany’s. Man! I would just love to see all the jewelry.”

  “Yeah. In your dreams.” Niki chuckled.

  “Hey, you never know,” Ruby retorted. “Remember, I plan to do my big OE next year. Maybe I should put America in as one of them, even though it’s only for six weeks.”

  “Oh yeah? And what about this hunky English guy you’re seeing?” Niki asked cheekily. Is that the whole reason you’re going to do this big OE of yours? Huh?”

  Ruby laughed. “Don’t be silly. Brian is only a friend. He’s going to give me a tour when I’m in the UK.”

  “Yeah right,” both Niki and Isa said in unison.

  By this time, Mary was pissed off with the girls. She couldn’t concentrate on being charming to Hale, and she wanted them to go sit somewhere else. Or better yet, go to another restaurant. But she was also itching to know what exactly they were talking about. Plain Alexandra had gone off to New York City for a conference? Surely not? She was only a lab scientist. Nothing special about that. And she had been in Tiffany’s? That was surely and utterly ridiculous. No one would let her in. The doorman would take one look at her and tell her to bugger off.

  She turned and said, “Hello, guys,” a fat, fake smile playing on her face.

  There was stunned silence all around the table, and then Ruby said, “Mary? Mary St. Clair?”

  “Yeah.” Mary nodded, grinning. “So how have you all been? Haven’t seen you since the last year of high school. Can’t remember when that was. Too long ago.”

  “Yeah,” Isa muttered, frowning with suspicion at Mary.

  “So there’s always the four of you, right? Where’s Alex?”

  The three girls glanced at one another.

  “Just curious and all. How is she? Haven’t seen her at all.” Mary lied, leaning forward, her brows rising in question innocently.

  Knowing the other two were refusing to talk to the popular Mary, Ruby said, “She’s working in the hospital. Aren’t you a medical student there? Can’t believe you never seen her.”

  “Yeah. Can’t believe it,” Niki added, her voice stating otherwise.

  “Well, I’m busy. Med isn’t just for anybody,” Mary stated. “So Alex?”

  “Alex is good. She’s in New York City right now for a conference. She’s doing very well.” Ruby smiled, nodding her head with pride.

  “Yes, she is doing very well,” Mary remarked sourly. She wanted to add, for a plain geek. But instead she asked, “So no boyfriends?”

  At this statement, the three friends looked at each other. Mary reached her hands out and touched Hale, to show them she wasn’t short of a boyfriend. “Good luck, aye? So Alex? No boyfriend, too?”

  Ruby glared at Mary and snapped a, “No,” at the woman.

  Mary grinned, enjoying herself. “Have fun, guys,” she said, turning her attention to Hale and kissing him on the lips.

  The three girls looked at each other. “Disgusting,” Isa muttered under her breath.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 22

  Alex fluttered her eyes open, staring up at the ceiling, her mind blank. She blinked. Where am I? Her head hurt like hell, and it felt like a hammer was constantly banging on her skull. She searched her brain. Nothing. The harder she tried, the more painful her headache became.

  “Hey,” a voice said softly beside her, warm breath fanning her skin.

  She turned to her right and came to face a gorgeous man smiling brightly at her. His twinkling blue eyes were deep and intense, which caused her heart to flutter. Deep down she felt as though she had known him all her life, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember who he was.

  Then she realized she was lying in bed beside him, her head resting on his arm and her face snuggled against his chest, which was surprisingly comfy.

  Who is he? she asked herself again. And where am I? Where is this place? She gazed up at the ceiling, lost and frustrated.

  “Where am I?” she whispered, her throat dry.

  “You’re home,” Jayden said, smoothing the strands of dark hair from her face. He knew she was still experiencing the side effects from the drug.

  “Where is home?” she asked, turning to her left. She squinted her eyes against the bright sunlight. She tried to think, but there was only blankness and the continuous pounding of a dull pain.

  She turned to look at him, her eyes large, as if she were begging him to help her think, to figure out where she was.

  Jayden’s heart nearly broke. She looked so vulnerable that it hurt him not being able to help her. At that moment, he knew he loved her more than anything else in the world. He wiped tears from her cheek with his thumb and then kissed her forehead.

  “It will all come back, sweetheart,” he said. “It will.”

  She gazed into his warm eyes. Instantly, she trusted him even though she couldn’t remember him. A sense of calm settled within her, and she closed her eyes, breathing slowly and deeply. Not long afterward, she fell asleep.

  Jayden pulled her close to him, kissing her now and again, stroking her hair and whispering words of love until he fell into another slumber.

  It was midday when Jayden woke. He found his arm was numb and sore from pins and needles. He gently remov
ed his arm from under Alex’s head and got up. He had a shower, got dressed, and then went downstairs after making sure Alex was comfortable.

  He came into the dining room, tired and hungry. Maggie took one look at him and asked, “What would you like to eat, Master Jayden?”

  “Just a toasted sandwich will do, Maggie.”

  “Yes, of course. I will tell Chef Leon to prepare it for you.”

  “Would you please also tell him to make soup for Alex? She isn’t well, and I don’t think solid food is good for her stomach at the moment.”

  “Yes, Master Jayden,” Maggie replied, a smile on her face.

  Jay poured himself a cup of black coffee and collapsed in the chair at the head of the table. He took a sip and sighed, his mind a bit more alert.

  “Hey there, Jay,” Sam’s voice came in from the door.

  Jay glanced up. “Hey.”

  “You look like hell. Been up late last night saving a damsel in distress, eh?”

  Jay raised a brow. He wasn’t surprised Sam had found out about last night already. Kelly would have told him.


  “Can’t believe that bastard would do such a thing,” Sam muttered in disgust.

  “I got what you asked for,” Jayden said, taking another sip of his coffee. “Join me for lunch, and then I’ll give them to you.”

  Sam wasn’t surprised by the complete turn of the subject. “Sure.” He slid into a chair next to Jayden. “An extra toasted sandwich if you please, Maggie?”

  Maggie didn’t miss the conversation the two men just had. “Sure thing, Master Sam,” she replied.

  Once the two men finished their lunch, Jayden took Sam to his study and gave the man the wedding bands.

  “This is better than I expected,” Sam commented, turning the bands over in his fingers.


  Sam replaced the bands into the blue Tiffany & Co. boxes and said, “Did you know it was Britney’s idea?”


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