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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

Page 22

by Praks, Alexia

  In the elevator, he rested his head against the wall, his heart heavy.

  “Alex,” he murmured under his breath. “I’m sorry.”

  She’d be home, he was sure, and soon he’d be there to apologize and explain everything. His cell rang. He frowned, wondering who would be calling him at this time.

  “Jayden speaking.”

  “Boss, it’s me.”

  “David? What’s up?”

  The elevator door dinged open, and he stepped out into the lobby.

  “You have to come and see. It’s about Mr. Marcelo’s Island. Jeff is here with me. We’ve got all the information we needed.”

  Jay noted the excitement in David’s voice. “Yes. We talked about that. Not buying.” He headed into the hall where the celebration of his sister’s wedding was still in full swing.

  “Oh, you’ll change your mind when you see this.”

  Jayden paused, his attention caught. “What is it?”

  “Oil! They don’t know they have oil under all that rocky, barren soil.”

  “Shit!” Jayden swore.

  “Yeah, shit all right, boss.” Jay heard a chuckle. “You coming?”

  “Yeah. Coming.” Jay terminated the call and headed to his parents.

  “Where’s Alex?” Gracie asked, noting the uncomfortable look on his face that he had difficulty hiding.

  Jay didn’t know what to tell his mother. “She—she’s left.”

  “So early? Is she unwell?”

  “No,” he muttered, his face dark. “I mean, yes. Look, I have to go to the office. It’s an emergency. I’ll see you back at home. Tell Alex I’ll be home soon, okay?”

  “All right,” Gracie said uncertainly. She watched him as he rushed to the door, a troubled expression on his face.

  Jayden sped his BMW across town to the office on the other side of New York City. He expertly did a parallel park in the off-street parking lot, got out, locked the door, and raced to the modern building with the sign McCartney’s Realty Co. As he headed toward the entrance, the security guard saw him and quickly pushed on the open-door button.

  Jayden rushed in as the guard greeted him warmly. “Evening, Mr. McCartney.”

  Jay nodded and waved his hand as he headed to the elevator.

  In the office, he met Jeff and David, who excitedly led him to the desk with pieces of paper scattered everywhere.

  Three hours later, Jeff asked, “Well?”

  “We’re buying it,” Jayden said.

  “He’s going to think we’re stupid,” David commented.

  “Let him think that. It’s what he wants,” Jay said.

  “Yeah. Definitely,” Jeff agreed.

  Jayden flipped his cell and dialed Mr. Marcelo’s number. The phone rang a couple of times.


  “Mr. Marcelo. It’s me, Jayden.”

  “Ah, Jayden. I do apologize I couldn’t make it to your sister’s wedding today. There was some problem here. I did inform your father. So how is it?”

  “Never better,” Jayden said, and he couldn’t care less what the hell his problem was that prevented him from going to the wedding. “I know it’s late, but it has to be done now.”


  Jay paused for a moment, touching the property’s portfolio. “Straight to the point, I’ve decided to buy the island. How about we meet up tomorrow and seal the deal?” He heard the older man laugh—loud and clear, like he had just taken over the world.

  “Good man. Make the meeting at ten?”

  “Yes. See you then,” Jayden said and ended the call. He turned to Jeff and David. “Good job, men.”

  “Thanks, boss,” Jeff said, grinning from ear to ear.

  “Well, good night and see you tomorrow.”

  “But what about the contract? We need to write that up before tomorrow,” Jeff pointed out.

  “Shit! Yes.” Jayden raked his fingers through his hair. He wanted to go and see Alex, but he knew he had to finish writing up the contract before the meeting tomorrow. “All right. Let’s begin.”

  The three men had their jackets off and their shirtsleeves rolled up to their elbows as they brainstormed what to put in the contract. Late into the night, they all fell asleep, David on the sofa with notes on his chest, Jeff on the seat with his head resting beside the laptop, and Jayden in the armchair near the window that overlooked the city of New York.

  * * * * *

  The house was so quiet Alex could hear her own heart beating in her chest as she lay there in bed. She thought a good shower would help clear her head and calm her anger and frustration, but she was wrong. Now more than ever, she was upset with herself. She simply couldn’t believe Jayden betrayed her trust. Everything was a lie. She punched the pillow a couple of times before snuggling her face against it.

  An hour later, her BlackBerry rang. Who could it be? Jayden? Is he calling to apologize?

  She picked it up and noted it was from New Zealand.


  “Alex, it’s Dad.”

  Alex felt the knot in the pit of her stomach. “Hi, Dad. How’s things? Are you all right?”

  There was a long, intense pause. “Alex, I know what’s going on. I know you’re not in New York for a conference.”

  Alex felt as though her heart dropped down to her shoes. “Wh—wh—what?”

  “I know you’re with a man.” Another pause. “I’m very disappointed in you, Alex.”

  “But, Dad, I—” She knew when her dad said he was disappointed in her that it was a big deal. He never said that to her except when she did something very stupid. Her throat was so tight with emotions that she couldn’t find a way to express it.

  “I want you home, Alex. I don’t want you with a man who treats you like you’re worth nothing. You’re better than that. We love you. Come home.”

  Her voice shook with emotions as she said, “All right. I’m coming home.”

  She hung up the cell and just sat there, staring into space as tears brewed in her eyes. Then she tossed the BlackBerry to the side of the bed, threw herself onto the soft pillows, and cried her heart out.

  * * * * *

  When morning came, and New York City was buzzing with life again, Jayden woke to find Jeff and David all neatly dressed in their brand new suits, both sitting behind their prospective laptops, furiously typing away.

  “Sorry, boss,” Jeff said. “Couldn’t wake you because you looked so tired. Thought you needed it. You know you could have slept in your bed next door.”

  “Yeah,” Jay muttered as he stretched his body. “Forgot about that.”

  Just then a middle-aged PA by the name of Mrs. Smith bustled in with a cup of strong coffee in her hand. “Morning, Mr. McCartney. How was your sleep last night?”

  “Good, thanks,” Jayden replied, taking the cup she handed him and ignoring her smirk. He sipped the coffee gratefully as he headed next door to his private bedroom. He opened the wardrobe, took out a new suit, and laid it on the bed. Then he hit the shower. Once he was dressed and looking fresh and alert as the young and handsome, powerful Jayden McCartney, he headed back to the office.

  “How’s the contract coming?”

  “Good. Nearly done,” Jeff responded, still typing away furiously.

  “Why don’t you have some breakfast, Mr. McCartney?” Mrs. Smith suggested, laying a silver tray of cereal and another cup of coffee in front of him on the table.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Smith,” Jayden said, picking up the spoon.

  Fifteen minutes later, Jeff printed out the contract and Jayden finished his breakfast, just in time to go to the Marcelo Hotel for the meeting.

  On their way, Jayden kept ringing home to speak to Alex, but no one picked up the phone. He became frustrated after three tries and cursed fluently.

  “Calm down, boss,” Jeff said as they came to a red light. “You know it’s not like you’re not going to see her again. You both have your whole life together.”

  “Agree on that
one,” David confirmed from behind.

  Jayden just shook his head. All he knew was he wanted to see Alex. He needed to speak to her. Only he couldn’t. Not yet. Not until he was finished with this first.

  “I can’t believe you let me drive your car, boss. Never have driven a BMW before,” Jeff said. “Well, not like this one.”

  “Then after this, you deserve one, both of you, and a hefty pay raise and a good vacation,” Jayden commented.

  Jeff widened his eyes. “Really, boss?”


  Jeff and David looked at each other, grinning from ear to ear.

  At ten sharp, Jayden found himself sitting in front of Mr. Marcelo and his attorney in an immaculate office overlooking Central Park. David and Jeff stood on either side of him, acting as his left- and right-hand man.

  “You’ve done the right thing, Jayden,” Mr. Marcelo said, handing over the contract in a neat folder.

  “I know I have,” Jayden replied softly, his eyes sharp. “Five million dollars,” he murmured as he scanned through the clauses. Once he was done, he passed it over for Jeff to look over. Jeff took it as David handed their contract to Mr. Marcelo.

  “Yes. Five million dollars,” Mr. Marcelo said, grinning, not bothering to look at the contract handed to him and, instead, passing it to his attorney.

  Once the contracts had been thoroughly read and checked by both sides, they put their signatures on the dotted line. Jayden now owned a barren island with oil that was worth billions of dollars, and Mr. Marcelo has just lost billions of dollars he didn’t know he had.

  “Nice doing business with you, Jayden,” Mr. Marcelo said, shaking the young man’s hand.

  “Same to you, Mr. Marcelo.” Jayden smiled coldly. Suddenly, he couldn’t stand the man’s presence any longer, and with the deal done and everything settled, he and his men headed to the door.

  “What a stupid boy,” Mr. Marcelo said under his breath.

  “A very stupid boy indeed,” the attorney agreed, nodding his head. They both started laughing.

  Jayden felt as though a mountain had just lifted off his shoulders. Now, it was time to go and see Alex.

  They were near the door when his BlackBerry started ringing. Jay looked on the screen and saw it was from his mother. “Hello?”

  “Jayden, Alex is leaving.” There was a hint of panic in his mother’s soft voice.

  “Wait! What?”

  “Alex is leaving. We’re at the airport now. She’s going home. What’s going on, Jayden? She’s terribly upset. She changed the plane tickets this morning.”

  “Shit!” Jay swore under his breath.

  “Jayden. Hurry.”

  “I’m coming,” he shouted into the phone as he started running to the door.

  “Boss, what’s going on?” Jeff shouted.

  “I have to go. Alex is leaving!”

  “What?” David yelled, confused.

  Jayden yanked the door open and raced to his car. He jumped in, started the engine, and then sped out into traffic.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 27

  Will Miss Alexandra Stewart please make her way to gate nine for boarding? Will Miss Alexandra Stewart please make her way to gate nine for boarding? The voice on the intercom called her name, and Alex felt dread rushing up in the pit of her stomach. She ignored the call and lingered there, staring at the entrance, hoping to see Jayden hurry in to see her one last time.

  Will Miss Alexandra Stewart please make her way to gate nine for boarding? Will Miss Alexandra Stewart please make her way to gate nine for boarding?

  Knowing she couldn’t hold up the plane any longer, she moved to hug Gracie.

  “I’m sorry I have to leave early,” she said.

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Gracie said, hugging her hard. “I know you’ll be back very soon.”

  “Yes. Yes.” Beth butted in and pulled Alex into her arms. “You look after yourself, young woman.”

  Alex had to laugh at that. She simply couldn’t believe Beth was so nice to her. Then she wondered what their reactions would be once they found out the truth, that she wasn’t Jayden’s real girlfriend. She also wondered when Jayden was going to tell them.

  She turned to Tom and gave him a hug.

  “Look after yourself,” he said.

  Alex stepped back. “Yes, I will.” Then she waved good-bye to them.

  At the entrance to the large plane, she murmured, “Sorry,” to the airhostess.

  “That’s all right. Your seat is just to the left,” the pretty young woman informed her.

  Alex took her seat by the window and put on her seat belt. Suddenly, a panicky feeling erupted inside of her when she realized she was never going to see Jayden again, the man she had fallen in love with and now lost.

  * * * * *

  Jayden sped his BMW through the thick traffic, passing red lights and changing lanes like a Formula One racer. His hands were tight on the steering wheel, his mind on Alex.

  Alex, why are you leaving me? Please, let me be on time. Please.

  He changed lanes again and overtook an enormous truck. The driver popped his head out the window, beeped his horn continuously, and shouted, “Moron! Drive properly!”

  Jayden ignored the driver, who was clearly unhappy, and stepped his foot on the accelerator, urging the BMW forward, zooming past cars, vans, and other trucks heading toward the airport.

  He parked the vehicle in the taxi-only parking lot and rushed out to the terminal. He dodged his way past the throng of people, heading toward gate nine. He slowed down once he saw the gate number.

  “Excuse me,” he shouted from the distance, his voice echoing across the entire area so everyone turned to look at him curiously. “Has it departed yet?”

  He came to a sliding stop at the check-in desk. He took a deep breath and puffed out, “Has it departed yet?”

  “The 12:30 to Los Angeles, sir?” the woman queried calmly.

  “Yes,” Jay managed to puff out.

  “I’m sorry, sir. It left fifteen minutes ago.”

  Jayden felt sick to his stomach. He swore under his breath. His head was spinning as he slowly dragged himself toward the exit.

  “Hey, get your car out of here!” one of the taxi drivers shouted at him.

  Jayden was too lost in his own sorrow to hear. He got in the car and drove out. When he got home an hour later, he found his family in the drawing room, waiting for him.

  Kelly rushed to him and said, “We heard Alex left. What happened?”

  Jayden glanced over his sister’s head to his other family members. Beth looked as if she were about to cry. Sam and Stephanie were sitting on the far side of the sofa, looking as sad as ever.

  “I have a confession to make,” he said, his heart booming in his chest, the loud noise echoing in his ears. He took a deep breath and continued. “Alexandra is not my girlfriend. I’ve been lying to all of you since I came back from New Zealand. I hired Alex to pretend to be my girlfriend so, Beth, you’d stop matchmaking me.”

  There was shocked surprise all around. Gracie started crying, her hands clutching at her chest as though she were heartbroken. “I don’t believe this,” she sobbed.

  “I dated Sarah, but I found her cheating on me with Kyle. We broke up, so I lied to you all.”

  “But what about your engagement?” Beth asked. “And the baby?”

  Jayden shook his head in confusion. “What engagement? What baby?”

  “Didn’t you propose to Alex? Isn’t Alex pregnant with your baby?” Beth asked desperately.

  Jayden chuckled brokenly. “No, Beth, I didn’t propose to Alex, and we are not having a baby together, either.”

  Beth elegantly stood and strode up to him. “What have you done? What have you done?” She hit him on the chest.

  Jayden caught her frail wrist gently. “I’m sorry, Beth.” He turned to his parents. “I’m sorry I lied to you. Please don’t blame Alex. She only agreed to do it because she needed the money for h
er dad’s surgery.” He turned back to Beth. “I’m sorry.”

  “How could you, Jay? You hurt her, and now she’s gone. You have to bring her back. I want Alex back, you hear?” Beth muttered incoherently.

  “What?” Jayden was confused. He thought Beth was upset because he lied to them, not because Alex left.

  “I can’t bring her back, Beth. She’s gone. She doesn’t want me.”

  “Don’t you be a fool,” Beth muttered.

  “You have to get her back, Jay,” Gracie said. “She’s like a daughter to me.”

  “You have to bring her back, and the baby, too,” Beth murmured, patting his arm. “Be a good boy and bring Alex back, won’t you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Jayden,” Tom chimed in, “do you love her?”

  Jay glanced from Gracie to Kelly and then back to his father. He nodded his head. “Yes, I do.”

  “Do you want to lose her?” Gracie asked.

  “No, I don’t,” Jayden said, shaking his head. “I never want to lose her. Never!”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 28


  There was only one thing Alex was sure of in her life once the plane landed in Dunedin Airport, and it was that she was not the same person she was two weeks ago. She wondered what her family would think of her once they had seen the changes in her, not only in her physical appearance, but in her character, too.

  Her whole family met her at the airport. Her mum, brother, and sister rushed to hug her. Her dad, however, stood back. She could sense the stiffness in his posture as though he were holding back and didn’t know who she was anymore. She felt her heart constrict. It hurt to know her father assumed her to be the type of person she was not.

  “Sweetheart, so glad you’re back,” Mali murmured, hugging her tight.


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