When Fate Isn't Enough

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When Fate Isn't Enough Page 12

by Isabelle Richards

  Inside is one piece of paper.

  St Etheldreda’s Church

  Two hours.

  Try to ditch the parasites.


  Lorenzo, my knight in polyester pants with a sense of humor.

  Not knowing how far away the church is, I grab my coat and run out the door. The press swarms me the second I step out of the building. Even with blustery wind and torrential rain, they never let up.

  Thankfully, a cab drives by as soon as I reach the curb. When I get in, the driver looks at the swarm of press and says, “You all right, dear? That’s quite the mob.”

  I shake the water out of my hair. “They can be a bit much sometimes. Think you can lose them?”

  He grins. “This is the most exciting thing to happen in this cab all year!”

  Lionel, my driver, hauls ass. He takes the long way, adding random twists and turns. There were several cars on our tail, but he seems to have lost them.

  The church is across the city, which I’m guessing was intentional. Two solid hours of battling traffic gives me plenty of time to wonder what he’s going to say. I usually hate the traffic here, but today, I’m thankful for the time.

  When we arrive at the church, Lionel gives me his number and tells me to call him if I ever need another getaway driver. A real Jason Statham!

  I pull my jacket over my head to protect me from the rain. It’ll be the last time I leave without an umbrella.

  The church doesn’t catch me from the outside, but when I walk in, I stop dead in my tracks. I stare at the breathtaking stained glass. It’s hard to imagine now with the storm, but I bet on the rare sunny day, the light through the glass is magnificent.

  Lorenzo’s in a pew toward the altar. While I trust Lorenzo, I know he comes from a different world. He may like me, but that doesn’t mean I’m not expendable. As I approach him, I see he is deep in prayer and holding the rosary. I never would have guessed he was a religious man. It’s like a scientist who doesn’t buy into evolution.

  I stop at his pew and he clears his throat. “Sit in the pew in front of me,” he whispers.

  After I sit and slide down the pew so I’m sitting in front of him, he unfolds the kneeling rail and kneels, so that he can speak into my ear. “Your FBI friend is putting you at grave risk. He’s going to the mattresses with the cartel.”

  I move my chin to my shoulder and whisper. “Lorenzo, did you just quote The Godfather? Really?” I tease. “Your Brando needs some work though.”

  “Where do you think they got that line from?” he asks. “You ever think it’s Brando that needs the work?”

  I turn around and raise an eyebrow. He smirks but motions for me to face forward. “Back to what I was saying, he’s lost perspective, and his cover has been blown.”

  The back door to the church blows open, presumably from the storm. A staff member rushes to close it. The draft sends chills up my body, and I pull my jacket close to me. “I tried to get the FBI to pull him out, but they wouldn’t listen,” I explain.

  “It’s in everyone’s best interest for him to return to Washington. I’ve spoken to Carlos, and we’re working together to come up with a plan to get him out alive.”

  I wish I could hug him. “Thank you, Lorenzo. I would crumble if something happened to Max. Especially in a misguided attempt to defend me.”

  “Lily, this is only one small part of your problem. A faction within the cartel is looking to gain clout. They want to push Carlos out. If he goes, so does your security. From what I understand, his deal with you is a sore subject. They do not like loose ends, and you’re a giant one. Between him letting you go and an FBI agent in their midst, his enemies are building a case against him.”

  I want to shout “Jesus Christ!” but I refrain. My mother would roll over in her grave if I was kicked out of church. “Lorenzo, how did I become responsible for the fates of so many? Carlos, Max, Gavin. Somehow their lives have all been tied to mine. If I don’t make the right choices, they all could end up…” I can’t even finish the sentence. “I didn’t ask for this, Zo.”

  “Maybe not, but this is how it is. This is not a business for the faint-hearted.”

  A lump forms in my throat. “I didn’t choose this business.”

  “No, but you’re in it. You live or die by the rules. Until we know what happens with Agent McCarthy, you need to be on high alert. If I were your boyfriend—”

  “You applying for the job?” I sass him. I can almost feel him roll his eyes.

  “You’ll need a security detail, limited exposure. Your home system must be upgraded.”

  I move my purse to my lap, as though this Michael Kors knock off could protect me. I’m in a church. It should be the safest place on Earth, and yet I feel the evil encroaching from all sides. “I’m sure when I explain this all to Gavin, he’ll freak out and lock me in the basement.”

  “Don’t be stubborn. Please. I don’t want to have to go to war.”

  I shudder. “War?”

  “Yes, Lily. If I have to fight for you, I will, and if it comes to that, everyone’s lives are at stake. Remember that as you make your choices.”

  His statement weighs heavily on me. For him to save me, he would have to fight the Mexicans and start a gang war. All that damage and destruction because of little ole me.

  “Zo, would all of this with Max have been avoided if I’d told them the truth from the beginning? The FBI wouldn’t have come after you. I know they wouldn’t. Max wouldn’t have gone after the cartel if he knew.”

  “Good law enforcement has a very hard time turning a blind eye, even for those they love. Carlos has eyes on you everywhere, even inside the FBI. The only reason you’re still alive is that he has good cause to believe you have kept your word. This isn’t the movies. The story doesn’t get wrapped up in a pretty package where the bad guys go to jail and the good guys ride off into the sunset. Real life is messy. People get killed. Lives are destroyed.”

  Bile rises up in my throat. I want to run and hide. I move my hand to my throat, as though that will help keep me from throwing up. “I don’t have the stomach for this.”

  “You’re stronger than you think, little girl.” He lets out a quiet laugh. “I’d take you over some of the recruits I’ve seen lately.”

  “How do I get out of this? I don’t have anything to offer them this time. I have no leverage.”

  I hear him shift the rosary beads between his fingers. “Carlos and I are working on that. In the meantime, keep your head down.”

  I scoff. “I’ve got the paparazzi attached to me like an extra appendage. There is no keeping my head down.”

  “Be aware of your surroundings. Get a bodyguard. Don’t do anything reckless.”

  A light bulb goes off in my head. “Zo, can I go to him? Carlos knows where Max is, right? I could go and get him out. Clearly the FBI isn’t going to pull him, but I know I can convince him to get out.”

  His rosary falls to the floor. I hear him shift around as he picks it up. “That’s playing with fire. You could get both of you killed.”

  “Haven’t you learned by now, playing with fire is my specialty. Please, ask Carlos.”

  “I’ll think about it, and I’ll be in touch.”

  “Please give me a way to contact you. Please, Zo. This is nuts,” I say.

  “I’m eighty four. I’ve stayed under the radar and alive by following my rules. I’m not changing now.” He stands, walks to the altar, does the sign of the cross, and leaves.

  The weight of the conversation smothers me. Hoping for a long walk, I exit the church only to be attacked by the press. Damn, these guys can find me anywhere. I cover my head with my purse and look for a cab.

  “Will the baby be raised Catholic, Lily?” a reporter screams.

  Oh, hell. I hope I didn’t just step on a religious landmine. The British press likes me today, but if my hypothetical future royal baby—who doesn’t stand a chance of being in line for the throne—might be raised Catholic,
our amicable relationship could be short lived. I seriously have to get Gavin’s family tree published, so maybe all of this royal connection crap can finally be laid to rest.

  “Now, now, boys, let’s not get carried away! I was told by a friend that this church is one of England’s secret treasures. The stained glass is simply breathtaking. You guys should really take a look in there. Be sure to take lots of pictures. Good for tourism!” I smile, hoping I’ve derailed the conversation.

  Note to self: visit other churches. Protestant Ones. Maybe this would be a good series to write on?

  “Thought you might need to make a quick getaway,” Lionel calls from across the street. “Come on, get in.”

  Oh thank God! I run across the street and jump in the cab. “I can’t thank you enough for waiting. If I would have had to wait for a cab those vultures would have eaten me alive.”

  “Happy to help, my dear. Just tell me where we’re off to next.”

  I give him the address to Gavin’s building. I need Gavin to help me sort through all of this. Lionel weaves around town, losing my tagalongs, but it’s only a temporary reprieve. There’s a gaggle of camera men outside of Gavin’s office. What a sad reflection of the world that someone thinks our relationship is worthy of so much attention. They don’t even know the most interesting part! The press was so focused on the imaginary baby, they completely missed my meeting with a mob boss. Ah, irony!

  As I step out of the cab, I’m relieved the rain has finally let up. Walking toward the building, I see Gavin across the courtyard, talking to James. God damn, he’s sexy beyond words. Even from fifty yards away, I’m drawn to him. The lines of his navy suit highlight his toned body. I can tell he’s in a serious conversation by the way his brow is furrowed, but every once in a while, he flashes that smile that melts me.

  He doesn’t see me as I stalk over to him, allowing me to soak up his gorgeous glory. I cannot believe that this Adonis comes home to me every night. I get to see him naked. Often. It feels surreal. Of all of the women who throw themselves at him, he chose me. It’s still hard to wrap my head around.

  I toss my hair back and do my best to strut with command. I’m still rain drenched, so I can only imagine how bad I look, but it’s not about looks. It’s about confidence. When I reach him, I wrap my arms around him for a kiss. Without hesitating, he scoops me up and takes the kiss deeper. His arms pull me so close I can hardly breathe. Caught up in the moment, I forget we’re in front of his office and that we have an audience. I run my hands through his hair and moan. If I weren’t wearing a skirt, I would wrap my legs around him. James clears his throat and snaps us out of our tongue-tangled bliss.

  “Sorry, James,” I say. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d say hello.”

  “Oh, in that case.” James picks me up and spins me around, planting soft kisses on my neck until I giggle. When he sets me down, Gavin glares at him. “What? I was just getting my hello. You aren’t the only one who gets Lily love,” James says playfully.

  Gavin growls, “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am the only one who gets Lily love. Touch my girlfriend again and we’ll have serious problems, mate.”

  The two boys glare at each other as if they’re about to throw down.

  “You can’t handle a bit of healthy competition, mate?” James throws back at him.

  I don’t know their relationship well enough to know how seriously Gavin’s taking this. Wanting to avoid major conflict between these two lifetime friends, I step in. “Settle down, Gavin. Can’t you see he’s just trying to rattle you?”

  Gavin steps toward James until they’re almost toe to toe. He clutches his fist, and I’m sure he’s about to throw a punch. James rolls his eyes, and he and Gavin laugh.

  “You brats!” I punch them both in the arm. “I hate you both.”

  “We’re just having a laugh, Lil. Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” James chokes out in between laughs. “We wouldn’t have a barney right in front of Gavin’s office.”

  “With this crew, you can’t be so gullible.” Gavin kisses the top of my head. He leans in and whispers, “James wouldn’t tease you if he didn’t adore you. Take it as a compliment.”

  “Oh, I do,” I reply. “Boys never really evolve past kindergarten. They pull your hair because they like you. Just be ready, James. I give it as good as I get.”

  “Oh, Gavin, I like this one,” James says with a smirk.

  Gavin puts his arm around me. “Yes, yes. Just remember she’s taken. Lily, to what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see you in the middle of the afternoon?”

  “Had some news to share. Nothing that can’t wait though.” I don’t want to even hint about it with James around.

  “Let me guess, we are having twins,” Gavin teases.

  I look around to see if anyone is in ear shot. “Shhh! Don’t say that too loud. The last thing we need is to add fuel to this fire.”

  “What? Triplets, you say?” James shouts.


  “That’s two, Lily. You’d better catch up,” he says smugly.

  Gavin chuckles. “As much as I would love to hang out with you two all afternoon, I have a meeting I must attend. Lily, dear, dinner tonight? Say seven?”

  “You’re getting home before midnight? I love it!” I kiss him.

  “Get out of here so I can make passes at your girl,” James says, pulling my arm.

  “Behave, James,” Gavin calls as he heads toward the building.

  “So, lovely Lily, fancy a drink? I have the rest of the afternoon off and would love to torment Gavin with pictures of the two of us getting sozzeled . There’s a local down the street.”

  “I’d love a drink. Let’s go.”

  We walk down to the Cat and the Canary. After bypassing the bar, we find two leather armchairs with a bistro table in a side room in the back.

  “Shots?” he asks with a look that says nothing but trouble.

  I wave him off. “Dear God, no. Not for me anyway. Don’t let me stop you.”

  His eyes narrow. “Here I thought you were up for anything. Maybe you really are up the duff.”

  I stand to take off my coat. James jumps up to help me out of it. “I’m not pregnant. I have a date later, or didn’t you catch that? What kind of lady shows up for a date already sauced?”

  “My kind of lady, that’s for sure.” He winks, before hanging our coats on the coat rack.

  “James, you are incorrigible! And here I was thinking Liam’s the bigger flirt.”

  “I think between the three of us, we’re always fighting for top spot. Of course, Gavin has dropped out of the game. For the first time ever, I must say.” He leans in closer to me and says, “You really have him smitten.”

  “Oh, come now. Don’t exaggerate for my benefit,” I say, pushing him away.

  “I’m quite serious. It’s like you have consumed him. You’re all he thinks about, talks about, and cares about. I’ve never seen him like this. Even when he was with Bitch, I mean Brooke, he wasn’t like he is with you. Can’t even compare. He cared for her, sure. At one point, he thought he loved her. I always thought he loved the idea of her more than the real thing though, but what do I know?”

  The waiter stops by and takes our drink order. James tries to push for shots, but I’m firm with my resolve. Wine for me and whiskey for James.

  When the server leaves, I say, “You really didn’t get along with her, huh?”

  He leans back into his arm chair and says, “She was into Gavin for the same reasons all the others were. Bitch just did a better job of hiding it. Gavin was ready to settle down, and she wrapped herself in the perfect marriage package. Then she learned he has a weak spot for the damsel in distress, and she played that card every chance she got. Gavin’s loyal to a fault, so even when he figured out her game, he stood by her.” He leans forward and says, “I’m sick of talking about crazy bitches. Tell me about you, my lovely Lily.” He takes my hand and runs his fingers along my palm like he is s
tudying me.

  The server delivers our drinks, but James pays them no mind. His gaze is locked on me.

  “What do you want to know?” I ask.

  He runs his finger along my life line. “Favorite band?”

  “Depends on the mood. I have eclectic taste.”

  “That’s a non-answer, but I’ll let it slide. First concert?”

  “Bruce Springsteen, in Boston. My parents took me when I was twelve.”

  “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

  I pull my hand away and look at him through slanted eyes. “Are we playing twenty questions? When is it my turn?”

  “Just answer.”

  I pick up my wine and take a sip. “I was seventeen.”

  “Spit or swallow?”

  “Did you really just ask me that?” Damn, the balls on this man!

  “Are you going to break his heart?” His tone is no longer playful and his posture is tense and a little intimidating. This switched from a game to an interrogation.

  I look at him over the rim of my wine glass. “No beating around the bush with you, is there?”

  He shrugs. “Why waste my time?”

  I put my wine glass down, and fold my arms over my chest. “James, I have no intention of breaking his heart. Do I pass?”

  His body relaxes and his smile returns. “You passed the first time we met. I just wanted to see how far I could go before you decked me.”

  I punch his arm. “Bastard. My turn. What’s the deal with O? I remember hearing you two used to be a thing.”

  He claps his hands and rubs them together. “It must be my lucky day. Two conversations about the woman who’ll drive me to an early grave. I’m going to need more to drink if I’m going to talk about her again.” He flags the waiter, letting him know we are ready for another round.

  “What do you mean ‘again’?” I ask.

  “Gavin asked me to lunch to ask the same question.”

  “Good, so you know what’s going on. So what’s her deal? Gavin is convinced this isn’t about him. But her actions scream psycho, obsessed stalker.”


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