When Fate Isn't Enough

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When Fate Isn't Enough Page 13

by Isabelle Richards

He sighs and takes a sip. “O has always been a little bit batty, but she usually keeps it in check. I’ve never seen her like this. If she were ever going to be pushed over the edge, Gavin would be the one to do it.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought you two had a thing.”

  He shifts in his seat, then places his glass on the table. “Oh, we did. We do. Off and on since we were fourteen. We spend time together, everything goes great. As soon as it gets real, she backs off. She’ll whore around and then come back.”

  I cross my legs, then lean forward, with my elbow on my knee and my chin resting on my hand. “Why do you keep taking her back?” James is such a good-looking, successful guy with a killer sense of humor. Why would he go back to that tramp?

  He takes another sip and lets out a quiet laugh. “Isn’t that the burning question? If I knew the answer, my dear, I’d be in a far different place than I am now. She’s in my blood, and I can’t seem to shake her no matter how much I want to. I hate her because I can’t stop loving her.”

  “Damn, James. I guess first loves will do that to you.”

  “Each time she comes back, I hope it’ll be different, but deep down, I know it won’t. She’ll always leave. Despite how much I love her, it’ll never matter. I’m her in-between man. I’m not her final destination.” He downs the rest of his drink, but keeps looking at the glass like it holds the answer he’s looking for.

  “What does that mean?”

  “She wants Gavin. She’s always wanted Gavin. She doesn’t love him—well, not like that anyway. Her mother set Gavin as the high prize, so he has always been her goal. For years I ignored it because she didn’t love him. She wants to make her mother happy. I thought she loved me, and in time, she would tell her parents to bugger off.” He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “It’s never going to happen. I don’t know what’s going through her mind with the crap she’s pulling now, though.”

  The waiter drops off another round for James even though we hadn’t ordered it. I wonder if James told him to keep them coming. “So this stunt she pulled at Edwards is out of character for her?” I ask.

  “O’s always been venomous—Gavin’s just never seen that side of her. She thrives on capturing people and slowly going in for the kill. O has the worst daddy issues, and her mother is the most wretched woman to walk the face of the planet. O’s whole life has been about trying to get their attention, and it only happens when she scores big. So no, what she’s doing isn’t really out of character. If I had to guess, she’s just getting started. I think the way she sees it, she waited patiently for Brooke to disappear, and now it’s her turn with Gavin.”

  I swirl my wine in my glass as I take in what he’s saying. “She sounds like pure evil. I don’t get it. You’re such a great guy. How can you be drawn to her?”

  He shrugs. “Like you said, Lily. You never really get over your first love. I know who she is, and I love her anyway. I always thought that would make the difference. But it won’t. I’m just another pawn to her. I’ve tried moving on, but she always comes back and turns everything to shite.” He drinks his whole drink in one swallow.

  “I know I’ll sound daft, but it really isn’t her fault. She was born into a vipers’ nest. Her family is void of any moral compass, and their priorities are so out of whack, I’m amazed they’ve functioned this long. We all had hoped after her sister Daphney died that they would have woken up and changed their ways, so to speak.” He sighs and shakes his head. “But no. I think they only got worse. When you’re raised like that… let’s just say, it was always in the cards for her to be a bitch, but that doesn’t make it her fault.”

  “I think I follow that all,” I say. “What I don’t understand is how you kept this from coming between you and Gavin?”

  “Gavin never knew. Hell, I’m still not sure he sees it. He’s so worried about saving her that he’s never seen her as anything other than a little sister. After Daphney died, he swooped in and she became his sidekick of sorts. He’s never had eyes for her, and it’s not like she ever left me for him. She left me to sleep with half of London, but never Gavin. Since she never really loved him, I never saw him as a threat. I still can’t believe she’s going after him, but it seems she is.”

  Dear God, he loves her. My head is spinning. I know his isn’t a unique story—beautiful mean girl entraps handsome nice guy and breaks his heart over and over. And for some foolish reason, he keeps going back for more. If he wasn’t British, I’d say he’s a living, breathing country song. All he needs is a broken-down truck and for his barn to burn down.

  “I didn’t know she had a sister,” I reply.

  “We don’t talk about her much.” He taps his fingers on the table. “She died way too young, taking with her O’s only chance at being sane. She’s a story for another day.”

  He pulls out his phone and types out a few messages, effectively telling me this conversation is closed. Quite the cliffhanger, but I’m not going to push him any more than I already have.

  I reach out and squeeze his hand.

  “You’ve got to break this cycle, my friend. My new mission is to find you an awesome chick that will help you forget Skanky McCumbucket.”

  He looks up from his phone. “Skanky McCumbucket?”

  “Yeah, I just made that up. It’s fitting, don’t you think? I may not know anyone in London yet, but now I have motivation.” I point at him. “I’m going to find you the perfect lady.”

  He puts his phone on the table and waggles his eyebrows. “I hear your friend Em is coming into town tomorrow.”

  I shake my head. “Oh James, Em would be the worst thing for you. Trust me. Em is her own version of an evil villainess. She takes what she wants and doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. The difference is Em isn’t manipulative. She’ll tell you up front that she’s going to fuck you, you’ll fall in love with her, and she’ll leave you in the dust.”

  He holds his hands up. “Okay, no Em. No more praying mantises for me. Find me a fitty, a girl-next-door type who secretly enjoys a healthy side of kink.”

  “How would one define that exactly?” I hold up my hand to stop him. “Wait, no. Never mind. Answer me this, though. What’s with Gavin’s whole hero thing? Why does he need to always charge in on the white horse?”

  “Ah, the Prince Charming complex. Gavin’s always needed to be the savior. He’s seen some horrific things, but I can tell you that growing up with the knowledge of what his family’s company did messed him up. He was disgusted by the deaths their weapons caused. They got death threats and hate mail. It was too much pressure for a child.

  He was always saving things. One time, his father hit a dog while driving home. Refused to stop to check on it or anything. His dad was a total wanker. Anyway, Gavin ran back to check on the dog, then carried him ten kilometers to the vet. Spent all his allowance on vet bills. That’s Gavin.”

  Teary eyed, I’m at a loss for words.

  “Explains a lot doesn’t it?” he asks, playing with his almost empty glass

  All I can do is a nod in response.

  James drains his glass. “When he first told me about you, I didn’t think it was going to go anywhere.”

  I bring my glass to my lips and pause, taken back by his honesty. “Oh,” I respond.

  “Brooke had been on the junkie train for almost two years at that point, and he blamed himself. She was gone a long time before she was really gone, if you know what I mean. I was sure he was going to punish himself for her demise for years. I didn’t think he would allow himself to be happy. Now that I know you, I can see it. You’re perfect for him. It’s seriously fucked up the way that you met, but I’m glad you managed to find each other, despite what brought you together.”

  A lump forms in my throat. “Fucked up doesn’t even begin to describe it. When I stop and think about it sometimes, I feel guilty. Like we both should have mourned longer. But for me, and I think for Gavin as well, I mourned the loss of life, but the love
died years before.”

  He looks at his watch. “If I keep you much longer, my best friend will think that I really have tried to run off with his girl. Come on, I’ll walk you back to Gavin’s office.”

  We stroll back to Gavin’s building. James is silly drunk and jokes the whole walk back. He has no problem publicly humiliating himself for a laugh. We walk arm and arm, possibly because he’s trying to be charming, possibly so he doesn’t fall. I’m so happy Gavin brought James into my life. We spot Gavin coming out of the building.

  James taps me on the shoulder and says, “Get ready for this.” He gets down on one knee and belts out “I’m a Believer” by the Monkees.

  Gavin stops dead in his tracks and glares as James dances around while serenading me. He finishes off the song by kissing my hand while receiving applause from the small crowd around us.

  I kiss his cheek. “She who will not be named doesn’t deserve you and has no idea what she is missing.”

  Gavin walks over to us with an annoyed expression.

  James wraps his arms around me, protectively. “Lily has decided she loves me, and we’re running away together. Unless you can top that,” James taunts.

  I spin out of James’s clutches. “Oh! Is this like West Side Story? Will there be a sing-and-dance off?” I jest. I look around. “Is there a flash mob hidden?”

  Gavin retorts, “You both seem to have forgotten I’ve already won the girl.” He grabs me and gives me one of his panty-drenching kisses that leave me breathless and dizzy.

  “Fine, Gavin, you win this time. Next time, I expect you to pull out your moves. We both know you’ve got them. Have a good night, kids. I’m off to find the next woman worthy of a serenade,” James bellows as he walks away.

  When I break free from Gavin’s kiss, I get lost in his stunning blue eyes.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hey back.”

  “Want to get out of here?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He takes me home and reminds me that he has already won the girl. Over and over and over again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gavin and I never get a chance to talk about O or Max or Lorenzo. Mind-blowing sex can be so distracting. But we’ll have plenty of time after Em leaves. In typical Em fashion, she’ll be here for less than forty-eight hours. Just enough time to stir up some trouble and then hightail it out of here.

  I’d hoped to talk to him this morning about what he and James talked about during their lunch. Hopefully, James convinced Gavin that O isn’t sweet and innocent, but I never got a chance to ask. She wasn’t worth spoiling mimosas and orgasms. Breakfast of champions.

  Then poor Gavin had to put himself together and tackle a full day of meetings. Downside of being CEO. I, on the other hand, doze for hours in his glorious bed, mentally replaying the last twelve hours.

  Em’s flight got in around six this morning. Her plan was to head to the Mandarin Oriental and nap, and then call me on her way over. She calls at noon from the cab. Before I even have a chance to drag myself out of bed, Willis calls to let me know I have a visitor. She’s pounding on the front door before I make it out of the bedroom.

  I throw open the door and hug her. “How the hell did you make it here that fast? I was still in bed… Resting…”

  “The hotel is like a block away. Resting my ass. You’re all glowy and rocking some lovely sex hair. Someone got some.” Em tosses her purse and coat on the table by the front door and gives me a final once-over.

  I feel myself blush as I lead her into the living room. “This morning, and last night. Are you hungry? Thirsty? I need to grab something, I’m famished.” I motion to the living room. “Hang out here, I’ll be right back.”

  I go to the kitchen and quickly throw together a nosh platter of fruit and muffins and grab two bottles of water. When I get back to the living room, I place the platter down on the coffee table while Em fiddles with her phone.

  “I ate at the hotel, but don’t let me stop you. Don’t eat too much though. We have reservations for lunch. Not that it matters. With all the action you’re getting, I’m sure we need to keep up your strength.”

  I grab a handful of grapes and say, “The greatest thing about it is all this cardio balances out my lack of self-control when it comes to food.”

  “I’d say I’m jealous, which I am, but you totally deserve some lovin’. Your five-year dry spell makes me shudder. You have some hot¸ sweaty sex credits built up. After you get some food in you you’ll have to show me around this place. I’m actually impressed. You know how hard that is to do.”

  “I know, right? This place is amazing. I told you that you could totally stay here and not be disturbed by my screaming. All. Night. Long.”

  “Bitch. I said you had it coming; I didn’t say you needed to rub it in. You’re dating a super-hot former underwear model and having copious amounts of crazy monkey sex. I got it. I’m not, so I’m testy. You’ll want to tread lightly.” She plucks a muffin top off of a blueberry muffin and takes a bite.

  “Going through a dry spell?”

  “Just been too busy,” she says, taking another bite. “Holy shit, this is the best muffin I’ve ever had. I can’t eat anymore, or I’ll devour the whole thing.”

  “Best muffins on the planet. I can’t remember the place where Gavin gets them, but be sure to ask him. Wait till you try their chocolate chip. To die for,” I say grabbing the bottom of the muffin that she discarded. “So, what has been keeping you so busy?”

  “I’ve got a book coming out, so I’ve been traveling doing guest lectures and presentations at conferences. There’s never any men at those things for me to play with. Just a bunch of straight-laced academics and economists. I’m sure some are closet sex fiends, but I’d rather not fish in that pond.”

  “Do I even want to know what your book is about?” I finish off my bottle of water, still a little dehydrated from my early morning mimosas.

  “The simplified version is it’s about the economic impact of rising consumer debt from a macroeconomic perspective. But don’t you worry your pretty head about it. It’s way over your head.”

  “You won’t be offended if I don’t read it?” I ask.

  “Have you read any of my books?”

  I wince and flash a guilty look. “Not really.”

  She shrugs. “Why would you? It ain’t your bag, baby. Nothing to feel guilty about. Enough about my book. Tour time!”

  I show her around, and I can tell she’s in love with the flat. Em doesn’t gush, but her compliments are about as good as Em gives. After the tour, Em is ready to get moving. She reluctantly waits while I shower. I come out casually dressed in jeans and an Irish fisherman sweater Gavin brought me back after a day trip to Cork, which she rejects. She spends the next hour going through my closest complaining about my limited options. After an hour of her tirade followed by my promises of shopping, she settles on an appropriate outfit and we head off for lunch.

  Em only eats at the most trendy, extravagant places, so we head to Berners Tavern. It isn’t too far away, but she has a car service for her trip, so it makes it easy. The prices there are high enough that one entrée could feed a family of four for a month, but that’s how Em rolls. I’ve given up fighting her.

  We have drinks in the Punch Room while we wait for our table.

  After our martinis come, she probes. “So clearly the sex is good. How’s everything else?”

  I shrug as I center my glass on the cocktail napkin. “It’s alarmingly perfect. He’s supportive and loving. He doesn’t leave globs of toothpaste in the sink, and he rinses his dishes off before putting them in the dishwasher.”

  “He knows where the dishwasher is? I don’t even know where my dishwasher is.”

  I roll my eyes and sigh. “I forgot I was talking to a pampered princess who needs a full-time staff to run her house.”

  She wags her finger at me. “Don’t judge. Having staff is good for the economy. Think of all t
he jobs I create.”

  “If that is how you want to rationalize your laziness, go right ahead.” I smirk and sip my drink. “I really couldn’t ask for Gavin to be better. He’s spent the last few weeks trying to woo me with uber-romantic dates. Like right out of a romance novel romantic. He gives me just the right amount of space. I wish I were laying down some of my own roots here, but I just haven’t had the opportunity.”

  Em lets out a sigh that I can tell is full of judgment. She puts her drink down and turns toward me. With the way she is staring me down, I can feel a lecture coming on. “If you really think you can give this relationship a go, you have to try, but we both know you can’t live here without having your own life. If you don’t start creating a life of your own, you’ll wither away, just like you did with Ash.”

  I put my drink down and match her stare. “I will never, ever be like I was with Ash. It’s like I died and been reborn. I’ll never throw away my identity like that again. I’m still writing and the blog's doing great. I know I need to work on nurturing my own interests, but I’m in a honeymoon stage. I love spending time with him. When I’m not with him, I’m enjoying writing and having some downtime. It’s been a crazy few months, as you may recall. Peace and quiet is just as good for my soul right now.”

  She reaches over and squeezes my hand. “I hear you. I just don’t want him locking you up and making you his sex slave. While that is hot, it isn’t healthy.”

  Before I can respond, the hostess tells us that our table is ready and escorts us to a booth in the back of the restaurant. A server delivers another round of drinks and gives us a few minutes to decide on our orders. I start to look over the menu when she says, “What has Gavin been doing to help you get settled? Have you met his friends yet?”

  “A few. I’ve met his closest friends, and I adore them. Between people he has known his whole life, people from his party/modeling days, and business associates, Gavin's probably friends with all of London.”

  She laughs, and takes another sip of her wine. “What is it with you and dating the most popular kid in school? It’s like every boyfriend you’ve had is Jake Ryan.”


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