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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 24

by Michelle Love

  “Daddy, when do we get to go?” Sophia asked. We were standing at the church, just outside the sanctuary. Our little daughter was the flower girl, dressed all in white and clutching her basket of petals as she looked up at me, completely trusting I would know the answer.

  It had taken me awhile to get used to the whole thing. Sophia not only relied on me and Kaye, but she also adored us. It had grown on me pretty fast, though, and I knelt down in my suit to hug her. I just couldn’t resist.

  “Soon,” I promised my daughter. Just then, we were given the signal by the priest to walk in.

  Sophia went first, beaming with pride and scattering petals around with a sort of solemn joy. She took her job seriously, obviously.

  The bridesmaids, all of my wife’s friends from her former job, walked in next, escorted by the ushers, who were friends of mine from work. Then, it was my turn, and I offered my gorgeous wife my arm.

  It had taken four-and-a-half years for Brent to convince Angela he was good husband material, but it had been inevitable. Perhaps almost as much as Kaye and I belonging together.


  As we walked down the aisle together, I couldn’t help but remember that day five years ago when we had had our own wedding. This one was much bigger, but I still felt nostalgic as I walked Kaye down to the alter before we took our places to wait for the bride to step out onto the red carpet.

  “You still act like you’re newlyweds,” Brent whispered to me, and I grinned. I couldn’t help but admit it was true, but part of me was never going to get over the fact that I still had Kaye. She’d chosen to stay with me, and God knew I’d given her every reason to give up on me.

  I would never forget it and I would never give her any reason to doubt me again. Whenever I realized how much I loved and needed her, I let her know, right then and there.

  I was pretty sure she had forgiven me long ago. Still, I wasn’t taking any chances. I’d almost lost her once, and I just flat out refused to let it happen ever again.

  “You and Angela will be the same way,” I predicted, smiling over at my best friend. Things had gotten pretty crazy there with us for a while, and it had taken a bit for us to make friends again, but we were closer than ever.

  Of course, it had helped when he fell for Angela and his interest in my wife had ebbed down to a nice, comfortable friendship. I knew it was a relief for Kaye, too, who had never wanted him to be interested in her in the first place.

  The bride appeared then, cutting off whatever smartass comment he had been intending to shoot back at me. Angela was beautiful. I was completely in love with my wife, of course, but the bride did seem to glow, dressed all in white.

  Even so, I couldn’t help but shift my gaze back over to my gorgeous wife and saw her looking right back at me, a fond look on her face.

  It continued for the whole ceremony. We tried to be good—we really did—but I found my eyes drawn back to her time and time again. Each time, I saw her looking right back at me, her gaze warm.

  I had to keep my breathing slow and regular, because even after all the time we had been together, I knew I could get an erection far too easily, just by looking at her looking at me.

  The reception was lovely, and I really was happy for our friends on their wedding day. Truly, I was. It had been a long time coming, and all I wanted was for everyone to be as happy as I was. So, yes, I was thrilled for them.

  I also wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

  It wasn’t just that the twins were tired, either, though that was a factor. They weren’t even one yet and it had definitely been a long day for them. Even Sophia was nodding off, though she tried to fight it off with everything in her. Three sleepy children under the age of four seemed like a bad idea, though.

  So, yes, part of it was wanting to a good father. There was also a not-so-secret desire on my part to get my incredibly sexy wife into bed as soon as possible. Seeing this wedding had made me remember more than ever how much I loved her, and I always wanted to express that love physically.

  Still, Kaye was fun to watch, chatting animatedly as she held our son, Braden, and cradling him as he nestled sleepily in her arms. She was talking to Joan and Angela, and I couldn’t help but smile at how happy she looked.

  I gazed down at Brody, the other half of the twin set, who I held in my arms. Twins. It was hard to believe sometimes. I’d ended up not just with my wife and one child, but now we had three.

  However, Sophie was past the slightly whiny point and had actually found a corner to curl up in. She looked like a little angel with her black hair coming down from its ponytail and surrounding her face like a soft cloud. Her white dress poofed around her, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Kaye, love, we have to go,” I whispered. “We have three very tired children to get to bed.”

  “Of course,” Kaye smiled, looking around as if surprised to see how much time had passed. She had left her job when Sophie was born, and I knew it was mostly a relief to her. She was the most maternal person in the world and she was a great mother to her kids.

  I knew she missed her friends sometimes, though. I made a mental note to throw some sort of party or watch our kids after work so she could go out. I knew I would have to convince her to go, though, or she would want to spend every second with our children.

  No mother could be more devoted, and I knew how lucky I was—and how lucky Sophie and the boys were. As we left, I had no hands to touch her with. One arm was filled with the baby and I held Sophie’s hand in my own, so I made sure to give her a warm, affectionate look so she knew I was thinking about her.

  “David Black.” Brent said, coming up to me with his arm wrapped around his radiant bride. “I never would have thought to see you with three kids.” He was teasing a little, but just a little, and he softened it by admitting, “It suits you.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, smiling at both of them. “Enjoy your honeymoon.”

  “We will,” Angela smirked a bit at me and gave her husband quite the fond look, her head resting on his broad shoulder.

  “And maybe in nine months or so,” Brent added. “We’ll provide your kids with a friend.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful.” Kaye smiled, her delight obviously completely unfeigned. “We could have playdates.”


  Once upon a time, the idea of being around for children to play together would have made me snort. I would’ve been too scared to open myself up to my emotions or to let myself feel those sorts of feelings, and I never would have let myself want something like that.

  The children were asleep in their car seats about ten seconds after they were buckled in, and I shook my head, a wry smile on my lips. I knew very well they would be awake the moment we got back home, and it was going to be hell to get them to go back to sleep.

  I was half right. Or maybe one-third right.

  The twins slept right through, which was a relatively new thing and one both Kaye and I were pretty ecstatic about. They curled around each other in the one crib—they refused to sleep apart—completely out, and I heaved a sigh of relief.

  Too soon.

  Sophie had gotten just enough sleep in the car to take her back to the cranky phase, and when Kaye tried to tuck her into her bed, she sat right up, pushing the blankets up.

  “Thirsty,” she announced, and I tried not to roll my eyes. I was smiling at the same time, though. She had no idea how transparent she was or how easily we could see through her little act.

  The name of the game was ‘stay up as long as possible and drive your parents insane.’ Sometimes she won and sometimes we did.

  I was pretty determined on this particular evening, though. It was quite late and I wanted to bundle my pretty wife off to bed with almost indecent haste.

  Still, little Sophie had a will of iron, sort of like her mother. And a little bit like me, I suppose. I had learned early on it wouldn’t do to go head-to-head with her—that would just work her up and we�
��d be up all night, listening to her scream.

  I wasn’t going to let her wake the twins up. It just wasn’t going to happen. So we compromised, at least a little, and while Kaye got her the requested cup of water, after making her ask nicely for it, I settled down on her little bed and got out her favorite story, Goodnight Moon, reading it to her as she solemnly sipped her water.

  Just as I had known would happen, her eyes soon started to droop. Kaye sat nearby, and buoyed up by the love of both of her parents as well as her favorite story, her eyelids started to close.

  After three years of this, though, I was no beginner. I knew better than to stop reading until she was completely out, or she would be up for hours. A few more pages and she was completely out, breathing softly, very soundly asleep.

  Kaye and I gave each other triumphant smiles, then very, very cautiously sneaked out of the bedroom. Kaye checked on the twins, and as she did, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and, yes, it had to be said, I groped her just a little bit. I cupped her full breast in my palm, stroking over the sweet curve of it.

  “Mmm, David,” Kaye murmured, her eyes flashing warmly at me, though she made sure to speak quietly. As soon as she’d verified that our twins were fine, though, she shut the door firmly, turned to me, and gave me a scorching, heated kiss, her arms wrapping around me.

  I pushed her against the wall, groaning at how hot and pliant in my arms she was—how willing she was to let me molest her. My hips sought hers out as I showed her just how aroused I was, rubbing my erection on her so she knew in no uncertain terms what I wanted.

  How we made it to the bedroom, I had no idea. With her rubbing up against me, it was a wonder I didn’t pin her to the wall, heft her up, and take her right there. The fact that our daughter didn’t always manage to stay in her room all night, however, was a good deterrent. Sophie really didn’t need to see something like that.

  With the door safely shut, however, it seemed safe enough. I picked my wife up, and she filled my arms just as delightfully as she always had, warm, curvy, and smelling like sex and Kaye and mine. Without hesitation, I brought her over to the bed, and she wrapped her arms around me and clung to me, drawing me down onto the bed with her.

  It was heaven to lie with her, our legs tangled together, as we stripped each other of all the fancy clothing we had donned for the wedding. It was complete perfection to reveal each inch of her lovely body and stroke over it, following each brush of my fingers with a kiss. I pushed her onto her back, my lips finding the hard, little nub of a nipple and wrapping around it to suckle firmly, loving the way it made her arch her back toward my touch.

  “David,” she moaned, which only encouraged me. I repeated my treatment on her other nipple, enjoying how she laid back and accepted it.

  Often, she seemed to think she needed to be touching me too for me to get off on it. I hardly minded being touched by her, of course, but sometimes all I wanted was to make her feel good. It seemed she was willing to let me that night.

  I intended to take full advantage. So while she moaned and pressed up against me, I kissed down her chest, over her rib cage, down her stomach, and lower. Her warm, musky, feminine scent filled me as I breathed deep, and I was soon buried between her legs, crouched between them, running my tongue over the hardened, slick nub of her clit.

  From the first moment I tasted her, I’d become addicted. She was incredible, and her noises were, if anything, hotter and sexier now than they were the first time, when she’d still been a little bit inhibited. I slid my tongue between her slick lips, separating them before starting to suck on her clit.

  “Oh, God, David,” she moaned, and I smiled a little. She had to keep it down a little, of course, because the kids were sleeping, or at least we hoped they were, but those beautiful noises were totally audible to me and that was all I cared about.

  My fingers caressed over the smooth, soft skin of her hips, then I pinned her down, hands gripping those well-rounded hips of hers. She still liked it when I got a little bit possessive—just a tiny bit kinky—with her, and it was a normal part of our sex life.

  “Oh, God, David,” she whispered. “God, don’t stop. It’s so good.” Her hips rose and fell, as though she had a cock deep inside of herself and she was fucking herself on it.

  I fell into a rhythm, my tongue tracing shapes over her swollen, sensitive clit, but I should have known it couldn’t last. Kaye was a giver, and she was soon squirming around, shifting her beautiful body so her pretty lips were right by my straining erection.

  Having her right there reminded me of what I had been missing. I’d gotten so wrapped up in pleasuring her, but my body was screaming its own arousal at me. When I paid attention to it, it was overwhelming.

  So when she wrapped her mouth around me and started to work my erection between her lips, there was no way I was going to be able to make myself want to stop her. I moaned and rolled onto my back, letting her get on top of me so we could go down on each other at the same time.

  Kaye was so impossibly beautiful, and I loved being buried deep inside of her. I could wait for it, though, because I also loved being linked with her in this way, giving her pleasure with my mouth as she did the same to me.

  The way she moaned around me sent vibrations through my cock, making it throb, leak, and ache in her mouth. I worked on her more determinedly, because the way she was sucking me, it wasn’t going to be long until I was coming and I needed to make her come with me.

  As always, the way the heat built between us was utterly irresistible, and I moaned as I pushed my cock gently between her lips. As much as I tried to hold back, I knew it was going to happen. There was no way I could resist the pleasure, and from the way she was moaning, rocking her hips, and grinding her most sensitive areas against my lips, she wasn’t far off either.

  So I let it happen. I let the pleasure coil through me until it exploded and I filled her mouth with my fluids. At almost the exact same time, her body tensed and I felt her convulse as she cried out around my twitching cock, then relaxed abruptly.

  All I would need was a few minutes to recover and I could go again. I had never been that way with any other woman, but with her, it was the truth. So I panted and pulled myself together, and in the moment of silence that followed, we both heard something that made us scramble off of each other and under the covers.

  Tiny little footsteps approached our door, and I was just thankful we had closed it. But we never locked it, because Kaye, always cautious, was worried about it being a fire risk. It being closed gave us both a few precious seconds to adjust ourselves, and with the thoughts I’d been having of continuing, I definitely needed the time.

  “Mommy? Daddy?” Sophia’s little voice came, and despite my irritation with her, I couldn’t help but be touched, as always, when I heard her speak that word. Daddy. It was a special title, and it always reminded me just how lucky I was.

  Not that she was off the hook. It was far too late for her to be wandering around the house.

  “What is it?” Kaye asked with a mixture of concern and displeasure that told our child she was loved, but also that it was not okay for her to wander through the halls of our house after midnight.

  “I had a scary dream,” Sophia whispered, and her little body was shaking. I could tell she wasn’t faking it, though she, like most kids, did enjoy staying up as late as she could manage.

  Leaning out of the bed, I found my pants, then discreetly slipped them on.

  “I’ll take her back to bed,” I murmured, and maybe then we could continue what we’d started. I knew how it was with me and Kaye, and once we got started, we could both go hours. It was just one of many ways in which we matched each other perfectly.

  It only took me about ten minutes to get my little girl settled into bed, but by the time I came back, Kaye was completely passed out, her hair spread over the pillow, her lips parted, and her gentle breathing.

  Oh well. I had been hoping for more action, but now that I looked
at her, she did look awfully comfortable, and it was so late. I lay down and was out within seconds, only lasting long enough to wrap my arms around my beautiful wife and hold her close.


  When I woke up in the morning and remembered the events of the night before, I couldn’t help but feel pretty badly about it. I knew David had been hoping for more fun, and honestly, I had been right there with him.

  However, with the emotion of my best friend finally getting married, and then the long party and taking care of the kids, I had been worn out. I honestly hadn’t intended to fall asleep, but somehow, it had happened anyway.

  So when I woke, I was especially careful not to wake my sleeping husband up. I got out of bed, called in a few favors, and soon had the children taken care of for the morning.

  The wedding the day before had made me feel sort of romantic and very lucky to have my own amazing husband. We’d been through so much, but we’d made it through stronger than ever, and I wanted to show him I appreciated him, because each and every day, he made me feel appreciated.

  So I did something that I didn’t usually have time for. I made David breakfast in bed, then changed into some sexy lingerie, which I never had any time to wear anymore, before finally settling down onto the bed and waking him up.

  I knew I looked good, with my breasts still full and round from my pregnancy with the twins and displayed to good advantage by the red teddy I wore. I wore my hair down, letting it fall heavily over my back and shoulders, and when I shook him gently awake, his eyes settled on me with appreciation.

  “Mmm, that’s not a bad way to wake up,” he commented, and then his eyes fell on the breakfast I’d made him and they lit up with delight. “Hey. I think I’m in love with you. Want to get married?”

  I laughed, pleased to see him in such a good mood. I knew it was something he didn’t show to just anyone. He tended to come off as a bit brooding and serious, but he had quite the sense of humor when he trusted someone.


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