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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 35

by Michelle Love

  As I watch her, I see a familiar car drive by. It’s Gretchen’s, and there’s someone in the car with her. A man.

  What if the guy found her and is taking her against her will?

  I take out my cell and call the number she called me from. She answers on the third ring, which I find odd as she was sitting on the passenger side of the car. “Hello,” her voice is soft and quiet.

  “I just saw you. Are you okay?” I speak softly too, just in case the guy is listening, which I’m sure he is.

  “Sure,” her one word does little to ease my concerns for her safety.

  “Should I call the police?” I tap the Formica counter-top as I wait for her answer, feeling nerves clench my stomach.

  “No.” Again, she’s short, and it makes me worry even more.

  Not knowing what else to do, I end the call, “Okay, I’ll let you go then.” I swipe the screen to end the call.

  But just before I shove the cell back into my pocket, I get a text from Gretchen. “Please, come after us. He’s about to stop and get gas. I need your help.”

  Jumping up, I nearly crash into Lola as she comes back inside. “Hey, pack that up for me when it’s ready. I’ll be right back.”

  She nods, and I haul ass to get into my truck. Going in the direction I saw them going, I keep my eyes peeled for the blue Mercedes. And I find it pulling into the little store with gas pumps in the front.

  Parking not too far from the pumps, I wait for the guy to go inside. Then I call Gretchen back but find a man answering her phone.

  Fuck, he took it with him.

  “Sorry, wrong number,” I have no idea what else to say.

  Before I can hang up, the guy says, “And just who are you, Blaze?”

  Fuck, my name had to have come up when I called her.

  Getting out of the truck, I make my way to the car as I end the call. I tap on the window and see Gretchen’s head turn. She hurries to get out of the car, and I grab her hand, taking her to my truck.

  I pull my truck out of the parking lot, not trying to look suspicious, but leaving the guy behind. “What happened?”

  “He came for me. Well, I mean I did call him, but I didn’t think he’d be able to find me. I just wanted to make sure he was alive. When I pushed him, he hit his head pretty hard. I had to be sure, you know?” She shudders as she looks back and sees the man walking back out to the car. “He’s going to freak out when he sees I’m not in there. You should hurry up.”

  Giving it a bit more gas, I decide I need to forgo the breakfast and take her out to our place. Making a quick phone call, I let Lola know she and the cook can have our meals. Something came up.

  My cell begins to ring, and I see it’s the guy who has Gretchen’s phone. She’s quick to grab it and send the call to voicemail. “Don’t even bother trying to talk to him. He’s crazy.”

  With a nod, I find it kind of odd that she hasn’t told me the guy’s name yet. “What’s this asshole’s name, anyway?”

  “Bob,” that’s all she says.

  “Um, okay. Well, I think we should stop by the police station and let them know this Bob guy hurt you and has your things. Don’t you think so too?” I dart my eyes at her as I take a turn that will take us to the police station, instead of home.

  Things are beginning to seem a bit shady.

  My cell rings again, and I see the man is calling again. Gretchen quickly sends the call away again and sighs. “He’s so crazy. And no, I don’t want to involve the police. I just don’t. You don’t understand. If Bob gets pulled over or something and finds out I turned him in, he’ll kill me.”

  “Kill you?” That’s a bit over the top, I think.

  But I decide not to go to the cops just yet. I turn again and head home. I do think I need to talk to this Bob guy and it seems Gretchen isn’t going to let me as long as she’s around.

  She chews on her nails as we head home. When she sees our estate, her eyes bug out. “Oh, my God. You’re rich.”

  “My wife and I are pretty comfortable, yes.” I pull into the long winding paved driveway that leads up to the house Angel, and I fell in love with before we even got married. It’s a large estate with a huge rambling house. “We call it home.”

  Gretchen gulps and smiles. “I don’t suppose you need a maid or anything?”

  “Nah, we have all that covered. And since we’re talking about things like jobs, do you happen to have one back in Indiana?” I look at her and find her fidgeting.

  “Um, I quit my job to come be with Bob.” I catch her eyeing all of our automobiles and motorcycles as I pull into the garage.

  “I was going to say I can get you a plane ticket to get you back home.” I put the truck in park and wait to see what she says about that.

  “I gave up my apartment too.” She gets out of the truck, and I do too.

  And that’s when the door to the garage opens, and my wife, who’s wearing a small silk robe and nothing else, sexy bed head and all, looks straight at Gretchen. “What the fuck?”

  “Baby, that guy found her.” I try to get to my wife before she says anything mean to the woman.

  But it’s a little too late as Angel’s lips part, “How the fuck did he find you? You had to have called him.”

  “Yeah, my bad,” Gretchen says without any remorse what-so-ever.

  My cell rings again, and Angel watches as Gretchen tries to grab the thing out of my hand. “Don’t answer him, please, Blaze!”

  Angel holds out her hand for the phone. “Give it to me, Blaze.”

  Gretchen does not look happy as I hand my wife the phone. “Here you go.” I’m not about to fight Angel on this anymore. Something isn’t right, and her female intuition is probably working overtime.

  She steps back and looks at me. “Let’s get her inside.”

  Gretchen and I file past my wife, and I find Angel locking the door after she closes it. Then she answers the call. “Hey, you have Angel here.”

  “I don’t know who the fuck you are. Where’s Blaze?”

  Angel looks at me as she shakes her head. “What in the hell have you gotten us into, baby?”

  With a shrug, I have no real clue what I’ve gotten us into.

  Fuck me…

  Chapter 6


  “Blaze is my husband. And you are?” I ask the man who’s called my husband.

  “I am Robert Westin the third. The woman I had with me has disappeared. Your husband called her cell just before that happened. I have every reason to believe this Blaze guy has the bitch. Do you happen to know if that’s true?” He seems calm, rational, and the fact he called Gretchen a bitch tells me she’s not quite the victim she’s pretending to be, I bet.

  Blaze told me just before we went to sleep about the marks on the back of Gretchen’s neck and how she claimed the guy she came to South Dakota for did that to her. That’s why she left him and was lost.

  “I think we should all meet down at the police station, Robert. What do you say to that?” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gretchen clutch my husband’s arm as she shakes her head. Her eyes are wide, and she seems completely desperate.

  “I think that would be fine with me. I was trying to find the police station to take her lying, stealing ass to anyway. I’ll meet you all there. If you can manage to get her there, that is.” His words have me looking at Gretchen, and I have to say, she’s looking quite pale right now.

  “No, please,” she begs me. “Don’t do what he says. He’s the one who is lying. I swear it.”

  Robert is quick to comment, “I can hear her. Don’t believe her. She hit me in the head with a wrench last night. I have the gash to prove it. After that, apparently, she got on my computer and transferred thousands of dollars out of my bank account and into some Pay Pal account with the name of Sarah Blankenship on it. I’ve only known that woman about a week. We met online, and she invited herself to come see me. She showed up on my doorstep a couple of days ago.”

  “I’ve heard
all I need to. We’ll meet you at the station.” I end the call and make my way to the shaking little hussy who thinks she can con my husband and me. “You can tell your story to the cops, lady.”

  Stepping back three paces, Gretchen, or whatever her real name is, holds one hand in the air as she pleads her case, “No. You don’t understand anything.” Then she reaches behind her, and her hand comes back with a pistol in it. “I can’t let you take me to him. I can’t let you do it.”

  In a flash, Blaze is in front of me, protecting me from the woman and her gun. “Look, lady, it doesn’t have to be this way. Put that down.”

  “No,” she cries, tears rolling down her cheeks that are now red. “I can’t let him get to me again. He’s lying. I swear to you, he’s the one who is lying. I never stole anything from him. He’s made that up. I didn’t even hit him with a wrench. I pushed him, and he fell back, he hit his head on the coffee table. He does have a gash on his forehead, but that’s how it happened. The man is insane. Literally.”

  I start to say something but Blaze butts in, stopping me. “Look, I believe you. I really do. But pointing that gun at my wife and me isn’t going to get you the help you need. Now, put the gun down, and we will do everything we can to help you.”

  “She won’t.” Gretchen juts her chin out toward me. “I know she won’t.”

  “Damn straight, I won’t.” I try to get past Blaze to take the bitch out. She’s not scaring me with the damn gun. She likely doesn’t even know how to use one. She probably stole that from the guy too.

  But his strong arm holds me back. “No, baby. You’re not getting out from behind me. Stop trying.”

  Blaze’s cell rings in my hand, and I answer it quickly as I see it’s Robert calling back. “Hey, we need help out here. Tell the police to get to Blaze and Angel’s estate ASAP. This psycho has a gun pointed at us.”

  “Fuck. Be careful. I’ll tell them. Give me the address just to be on the safe side,” he says as he sounds frantic.

  “555 East Highline Drive.”

  “Great. I’ll get you help there as fast as I can.” He ends the call, and I feel Blaze’s body going white hot.

  “You shouldn’t have done that,” Blaze tells me as I see Gretchen beginning to break down.

  “You’ve killed us all, Angel. You have no idea. Bob was never going to take me to the cops. He was going to take me somewhere remote and kill me. You’ve just signed all of our death warrants.” She puts the gun down and begins to bawl.

  Blaze grabs the gun, making me feel much better. But just how did she have a gun and allow Robert to take her?

  There are just too many holes in her story for me to believe her.

  “I’m calling the police myself then.” I take Blaze’s phone and make the call as Blaze puts the gun away in one of the kitchen drawers.

  Gretchen takes a seat at the dining room table, burying her head in her hands. “You’re going to need that gun when Bob gets here.”

  “Sturgis Police Station, how can I direct your call?” the dispatcher answers my call.

  “Hi, is this Bonnie?” I ask as it sounds like one of the girls I went to high school with.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Great. It’s me, Angel. Did a man named Robert Westin come in there in the last few minutes and tell you to send police to our home?”

  “No. Why?”


  “Well, we seem to have stumbled in between a man and woman and their fight. I have no idea which one of them is lying. But now I think it might be the guy. Can you get some officers out here as quickly as you can? I gave the man our address, and the lady we have here says he’s going to kill us all.” My heart starts pounding then I remember that we have a gate and he can’t get to us unless we let him in.

  “I’ll get someone out there right away, Angel.”

  As I end the call, I look at Blaze. “You did close the gate behind you, didn’t you?”

  He shakes his head slowly then sprints to the front door to push the button to close it from inside the house. The only thing is, the dogs begin to bark in the back of the house, telling me that someone has already gotten here. That someone has to be Robert.

  We’re all fucked…Chapter 7


  “Fuck!” I shout as I see the blue Mercedes is already pulling up to the front door. I make sure it’s locked then run back toward the kitchen. I find Angel and Gretchen running into the room.

  “He’s already here. Don’t close the gates now,” Angel shouts at me. “The police need to be able to get in.”

  “Upstairs, now.” I hold out my arms and herd the women up the staircase. “And you need to get some clothes on, baby.”

  The women take the stairs, two at a time and we manage to get up them before the doorbell rings. Racing down the hallway, Angel leads us to our bedroom, where we close and lock the door. She goes to her walk-in closet and comes out shortly with some jeans and a t-shirt on as well as her running shoes.

  Gretchen looks at me with wide eyes as Angel heads to the bathroom to do something about her hair no doubt. “I’m sorry I have gotten you two into this. I really am.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. Actually, this isn’t our first time dealing with something similar to this. Not that we’re pros with danger, but we’ve dealt with some shit before. We’re not without a little fire power ourselves now.” I go to my closet and pull out a couple of high powered rifles and load them. “If somehow he gets to us, he’s not leaving our room in any other way than in a body bag.”

  “Wow.” Gretchen’s eyes move to Angel as she comes back out, hair smoothed and in a ponytail.

  I hand one of the guns to my wife. “Here you go. You remember what we were taught at the gun classes. If anyone gets into your interior home, you have every right to shoot them. Aim for the heart, and I’ll aim for the head.”

  “Got ya.” Angel takes the rifle and leans it up against the nightstand then turns her attention to Gretchen. “How’d you get that gun? And why didn’t you use it on the guy?”

  “I took it from Bob’s house. I didn’t use it on him because I’ve never shot a gun before and I don’t even know if there are any bullets in it. I didn’t know how to check it.” I can see Gretchen shaking and toss her a jacket out of my closet.

  “Put that on. I’m sure shock is getting to you.” I take my rifle and look out the windows that look over the front of the house. “His car is still…” the alarm goes off inside the house, meaning he’s broken in. “Fuck. He’s inside. Be absolutely quiet. Not a peep.”

  Tears spill out of Gretchen’s crystal blue eyes as she holds her hands over her mouth. I watch Angel as she goes to the woman and puts her arm around her shoulders and eases her to sit on the foot of our bed. “Shh. It’s going to be okay. I promise you that.”

  Giving my wife a smile, I can’t help but feel proud of her. She’s one in a million, my girl.

  The security company calls the house phone, and I dive to answer it. “Hello.”

  “This is Brinks Security Company. We’ve received an alarm.”

  “Yes, it’s real. We have a home invasion in progress. The local authorities are supposed to be on their way here now. Can you shut the alarm off so we can hear?” I ask the lady who’s called.

  A clicking sound tells me someone has picked up another one of the house phones then a man’s voice says, “I was worried she might have you guys held hostage. I had to break in to help you. Does that bitch have you guys somewhere? Your wife said she had a gun on you two.”

  Still playing like the hero, I see.

  “You know what, Bob, we’re okay. Just waiting on the police who will be here soon. You can wait outside for them.”

  “Just tell me where you are. I’ll help secure her for when the cops arrive,” he says. He thinks he’s so clever.

  But I’m not dumb either. “We’re in the garage. We have her at gun point now,” I lie.

  “Okay. Cool. I’ll go out there.” He hangs up the pho
ne, and I smile at Angel.

  She smiles right back at me. “We can trap his ass in there.”

  “Yes, I can. You two are going to stay right here while I do that.” I open the bedroom door very quietly and slink along the wall, my rifle in my hand.

  The alarm goes off as the security company shuts it off and I can hear the man walking across the marble floor between the main living room and the kitchen. He’s heading to the garage alright.

  “Hello?” I hear him call out. His voice echoes in the garage. “Where are you guys?”

  Going down the stairs as quietly and quickly as I can, I hug the wall once I get all the way down. I can see he’s not going into the garage. He’s being cautious. Taking the keys to my truck out of my pocket, I press the lock button, making it beep.

  “You guys okay in here?” he asks then I hear his footsteps as he walks on the cement inside the garage. But he’s left the door open. I have to get to it and close it then lock it from the outside. He won’t be able to get out, and the police can deal with him once they get here.

  Sirens begin to filter in, and I hear Bob as he curses quietly, “Shit.”

  Shit, indeed, Bob.

  Making it all the way to the door, I stop as Bob turns and finds me only a few feet away from him. “Son of a bitch.” He raises a handgun and fires a shot right at me.

  I dodge the bullet and hear it whistle close to my right ear. “Fuck!”

  “On the ground, baby,” Angel shouts.

  I drop and hear the sound of her rifle going off. With a loud thud, I know she’s hit Bob and Bob has hit the floor.

  Rolling over, I see the man lying on the cement floor of our garage, blood pooling around his left arm. “You got him!”

  “He moved,” Angel says as she and Gretchen come into the kitchen. “I only got him in the arm.”

  I get up and go to my wife, grabbing her and hugging her tightly. “Damn, baby. Didn’t I tell you to stay put?”


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