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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 53

by Michelle Love

  It’s the man from the picture but way better looking. He moves with a grace I’ve never seen a man move with. His eyes look into the camera, and then he says, “Only for you, Jade.” His voice is deep, somewhat raspy, and sexy as hell.

  “Damn!” I moan. “Could he be real?”

  I’m mesmerized as he walks past the woman, just like he wrote he would. Then he turns as he gets to the two long ropes that are hanging from the ceiling of the dark room. The recessed lights are dim. “Come,” he says, and the woman gets up and goes to him, her head lowered.

  He begins to tie her up and does a great job of it, making it look seductive as he binds her in the ropes. She seems to be floating above the floor, languidly.

  My heart is racing as I watch him and only him. If that’s Pierce, I’d be a damn fool not to go to him. He’s magnificent!

  The ropes start to move as he pushes and pulls them. The woman is jostled, but she doesn’t complain the way I think I would. Instead, she takes it all in stride, probably because she knows how it all goes.

  I kind of feel sorry for her as I’m sure this scene is lame compared to what she’s used to. The whip starts popping, and I watch Pierce’s abs flex with each crack of the long instrument. Now the woman’s body is beginning to sweat, I see, as it glistens in the light. So the sound of the whip does make even someone who’s been around the BDSM block a time or two grow nervous.

  A flash of light puts a spotlight on her, and Pierce moves around, securing her with the other two ropes, creating the hammock-like thing he told me about. But she doesn’t wiggle or say she wants to be set free.

  Instead, she seems to be patiently waiting. Pierce pulls the thing he said was called a flogger off the wall and goes to her. He moves the whip in a circle eight motion, making sure to hit her ass cheeks back and forth only ten times.

  I watch her flinch with each one, so I know it hurts some. But she doesn’t scream or anything. He stops, and I freeze as he pushes the elastic waistband of his pants down, revealing an enormous cock that’s erect and ready. He looks at the camera again.

  “This is you, Jade.”

  “Oh, shit!” I say as I put my face closer to the screen. “Oh, God!”

  Her pussy is hairless, I can see that as the camera moves in for a close-up shot. And then I see his cock go into her and I go wet as I watch him thrust into her.

  Now she’s moaning as he says, “You’re my whore. Your body is mine. You hear me, cunt?”

  The woman moans, but doesn’t answer him. He goes at her harder and more furiously. “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, then do it all over again. Your ass will be sore from my whip, and your cunt will be sore from my cock.”

  More moaning from her, and I join in as I watch him use her body to stroke his cock, and she does not hate it at all. She moans, “Yes, I’m your whore.”

  With that, he gives her ass a nice smack then says, “You are my whore. My sweet little whore who will do as I say all the time. Because she wants this cock in her pussy more than she wants anything.”

  “Yes,” I moan as I fidget on the sofa, so uncomfortable as I watch him fucking her. That could be me!

  He pulls out of her and pushes the leather off her breasts, then begins to fondle them, and I’m shocked to feel my breasts aching. I run my hands over them, trying to pretend it’s his hands on me. Then he starts licking the shit out of one of them, and the camera moves up close.

  I’m panting right along with the woman as he licks her nipple, then sucks it hard, and I feel the wetness pouring into my panties. With a slow, tantalizing loop of his finger around her taut nipple, he puts a clamp on it, and even I scream when he does it.

  The woman goes loose in the ropes. I think she may have passed out. And that’s when he moves his hands all over her body, stroking it with soft touches, which he explained would be feather-light. Then he moves his mouth to her glistening pussy and begins his assault on her.

  I’m quivering as I watch him devour her. She’s moaning as he licks her over and over with a flat tongue. I’m shaking with need as he goes on and on. Then he stops licking just as she starts to make a high-pitched moan.

  I think she was about to have an orgasm and he stopped it. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand then kisses her stomach as she moans, “No, please. Please let me cum.”

  He smacks her ass, then goes to work on her other nipple, kissing, sucking, and licking until it’s erect and he clamps it too, making her scream again. And he looks at the camera with a sinister smile on his face. “Come to me, Jade.”

  I have to get up and pace around a bit. This is unreal. Like, this shit doesn’t fucking happen!

  When a loud cry comes from the computer, I look back at it and see he’s at her crotch again, licking, sucking, and then he’s putting his hand on her stomach, pulling her skin back, and it’s making her clit come out. He taps his tongue to it, making her scream again. “Fuck! Let me cum!”

  He gives her another smack and moves around behind her. This is where he torments her ass, making her think he’s going to put his finger in her asshole, but he doesn’t, ’cause I told him I wasn’t up for that just yet.

  But she wants it, and that’s obvious as she begs for him to put his fingers into her asshole. It’s kind of gross to me. But she must’ve done that before because she really wants it.

  His lips press against her stomach as he looks into the camera. “Jade didn’t write that into the scene. No ass-play tonight.” He moves around her, entering her pussy again and making her moan like crazy as he fucks her with some seriously hard thrusts. He goes on and on until she’s quivering, then he pulls out and walks up to her face, placing his juice-soaked cock to her lips. “Taste yourself on my cock, Jade.”

  She eagerly opens her mouth, and he slips his erect cock into it. I gasp as she sucks it and he takes her by the head, moving her back and forth over his dick, making her take it at the pace he wants, which is a moderate speed. And they look into each other’s eyes as they do this.

  Suddenly, I realize I’m not breathing at all as I watch this, and take a deep breath to replenish my oxygen. My head feels a bit light as I know that could be me he’s skull fucking.

  Pierce groans and pulls his cock out of her mouth; a droplet of pre-cum bubbles up from the tip and rolls down the shaft. He stopped before he orgasmed, and I find that incredibly selfless of him.

  “It is time for the finale, Jade.” He moves back to her pussy that’s shiny with wetness. Putting his mouth on her again, he really goes to town, and she’s moaning in a sweet agony. An agony I can see myself being in if I actually go to him.

  I sit back down as I watch him take her with his mouth. She cums and screams as she does, then he stops eating her out and fucks her again, making the orgasm go on and on. There’s no denying that she’s in some kind of an altered state as he doesn’t let the orgasm stop and she’s writhing in the ropes.

  “Yes! God! Yes!” she screams, and Pierce just keeps on pounding his cock into her until he makes a magnificent groan. I can see the thick wetness of their combined juices on his cock every time he pulls out of her. Then the lights go out, the scene is over, and all I can hear is Pierce saying, “Jade, please come to me. I need you, and you need me.”

  I’m fucking spent, just watching this shit. It’s just too much!

  I haven’t even had my first sexual experience yet. I think that might kill me!

  I fall back on the sofa, panting as if that was me. My heart is racing; my body is on fire; and he wants me to do that for real?

  No way!

  I can’t. I cannot go to him. He’s some kind of a sexual demon or something. How in the hell can he make me feel like this from so far away? I’ve never even met him, and here I am falling all over myself for the man.

  None of this makes any sense. I need to stop it. I have to. For my sanity, I must tell him I no longer want to talk to him. So I lean forward, resting my elbows on my shaky legs and pull up Skype and tap in what
he needs to know, Pierce, that was much too intense. This isn’t what I’m into. It would kill me, I think. From just watching, my heart is pounding like it has never done before. Sorry for wasting your time.

  I close my computer, not feeling up to having a conversation with him right now. In my state, he’d have me reneging on my decision to leave him alone.

  I can still write my books. Sure, they won’t have the depth of what they could if I had first-hand knowledge of BDSM, but that’s okay. Hell, the author of those books that went to film didn’t have any first-hand knowledge either, and look how far she got.

  No, I’ll be okay without that. I’ll be better off never knowing Pierce Langford in person. I’m sure of that!


  I can’t believe my eyes as I read what Jade sent me after watching the video of our scene. It had the opposite effect on her!

  I can see she’s gone offline and it infuriates me for a moment, until I realize that I have her phone number. Picking up my cell, I call her obstinate ass. It rings and rings, then I hear her voice.


  “Jade,” I say, then sigh as I’m relieved she picked up. “Baby, it’s so good to hear your voice. It’s just as sweet as I dreamed it’d be.”

  “Pierce, I can’t …”

  I cut her off. “Please, Jade. Don’t make hasty decisions. That scene won’t be done right away. You and I will make love first. We’ll get to know one another and do normal things when we first get together. I promise you that.”

  Her warm voice is laced with curiosity as she asks, “Was that really you?”

  “It was,” I answer her, and run my hand through my hair. She has me on pins and needles. It’s got me pacing as I talk to her. “Jade, you can trust me. I will never do anything you don’t want me to. I will never push you past anything you aren’t ready for. You and I will discuss everything in explicit detail. Nothing will come as a shock to you. Please, Jade. I’ve never felt such urgency for anyone. Not ever!”

  “Perhaps that’s only because I’m not jumping up and down to do what you want.”

  “Perhaps you’re right. I have no idea. I only know that you’ve consumed my thoughts for the last two days and my dreams last night. I look forward to sleep tonight since I’ll find you there.”

  “Pierce, how can I know I’ll be safe with you?”

  “Jade, you’ll have your cell with you. If I do something to hurt you or make you afraid of me, then you can simply dial 911, and the police will find us and put me away.”

  “I’m still unsure if this is something my parents would approve of,” she says, sending a flash of anger through me.

  “Are you twelve? Do you think you have to let them in on every little detail of your life? Do you honestly believe that they would let you in on their sexual escapades? Be a grown up; trust your intuition. You’re talking to me. You must have more than a bit of curiosity about what I could do for you.”

  “I do have that,” she confesses. “But I have a ton of fear too.”

  “Have you never done something you were afraid of?” I ask her, knowing full well we all do things we’re afraid of.

  “Of course I have. But this is my body I’m putting on the line. That and my sanity. I was mentally involved in that video you sent me. I put myself in the woman’s place …”

  I interrupt her, “As you should have. I meant for you to get into it and out of your own head. And you did. You never heard her cry out for me to leave her alone, did you?”

  “No, she quite liked it,” she agrees.

  “She did. And she asked me afterward if I ever thought I’d like to go further.”

  I hear a gasp. Then Jade asks, “So you’ll be seeing her again?”

  “Is that jealousy that I hear quivering in your voice? Because one who cares nothing for another person has no jealousy. Your tone tells me more than your words ever could.”

  “Well, you are asking me to come spend a couple of months with you exclusively, are you not?”

  “I am.”

  “Then you must expect that we might find more than mere sex that will bloom between us, Pierce. Dare I remind you that love could be found?”

  “Love?” I ask, then chuckle. The poor, little naïve thing!

  “Yes, love, Pierce. I’ve never been in love. I’ve never had sex, and I could fall in love with you. I know I could. So, in the vein of being honest, that’s what I’m more afraid of than anything else. Falling in love with a man who has walls built around his heart. For you must have them if you have sex with women you care nothing for and never have any more to do with after your encounters.”

  I sit with a solid thump on my bed and think about what she’s said. She could fall in love with me, and that could hurt her. She’s right. And now I’m left with nothing.

  “I need to be honest with you,” I say as I pull at a thread on the blanket covering my bed. “I’m not afraid of love. I am, however, not in the market for a girlfriend.”

  “And spending a couple of months with a woman, any woman, Pierce, would be just like having a girlfriend, or a wife, for that matter. And now my wheels are spinning because I’ve found something I can do for you. I can test your limits, Pierce. I can push your commitment boundaries while you push my sexual ones.”

  I’m not sure if I want that. But then a bright idea pops into my head to make sure Jade decides being my girlfriend, or worse, my wife isn’t a thing she’d want to be.

  “Okay, let’s do that, then. We’ll have a 24/7 exchange of power for the matter of two months. I’ll have a contract drawn up, and you can sign it online before I send the private jet for you. You’ll bring nothing with you. As my woman, I’ll take complete care of you. And you’ll dress the way I want you to. I’ll purchase everything you’ll need.”

  “So you and I will play house for the summer?” she asks.

  “You and I will definitely play house, and I’ll introduce you to life with me as your husband. A list of rules will be sent to you so you can read over them and understand what I demand in a wife. Is that what you want, Jade?”

  “Yes, it is. Now I feel as if I can be as useful to you as you’ll be to me.”

  “Great,” I mumble as my mind whizzes with what all I’ll have her do as my ‘wife,’ and we’ll see if she falls in love or runs away once our two months is up. I’d bet on the latter!


  Wearing the lavender lace dress, Pierce sent me and the soldered-soled heels that were also in the box, I sit on a comfortable leather seat in the private jet he chartered for me. As we near the state of Oregon, the butterflies I had in my stomach turn into gargoyles, nipping and scratching at my insides as they fly around, tormenting me. I’ve never been so nervous!

  My parents believe I’m on a trip to an Oregon forest to meet up with a friend from high school, Jane Porter, who moved to the States shortly after graduation. The truth is, I haven’t been in contact with Jane for several years, but she was the only person I could think of who lives in America.

  They were a bit worried when I told them we’d be staying a couple of months in a remote cabin, alone. Pop told me to watch out for bears and wolves. He never said anything about staying away from dangerous men, though!

  I’ve talked to Pierce every day for the last week. I feel as if I truly know the man. But my nerves are acting as if I’m about to meet up with a complete stranger and head off to a desolate place where no one will hear me scream. Which I kind of am doing.

  My world is about to change!

  He and I discussed every little detail. He asked about birth control. I told him I’ve been on the pill for many years to help regulate my period. I asked him about sexual diseases, and he went to his physician and had a complete physical and examination. He sent me the picture of his lab work which showed he was clean, giving me peace of mind about him taking me sexually.

  I’m about to lose my virginity!

  That was the most important thing we discussed—how I saw mysel
f having sex for the first time. I always thought it’d be with someone I’d fallen in love with. Pierce said we can pretend to be in love for that occasion which will happen tonight, in the cabin.

  I’ve never been much into acting or pretending, but he told me, as a writer, I do have the imagination it takes to act. And he’ll make sure to be as believable as possible when he says loving words to me, to ease my distress about having sex for the first time. And with a stranger, at that!

  My mind has done battle with my body the whole of last week. I know this is dangerous and something I shouldn’t have even contemplated. But my body told me that this was a once in a lifetime chance, and I’d be an idiot not to take it.

  “Please fasten your seatbelts; we’ll be coming in for a landing soon,” the pilot says over the speakers.

  “Damn!” I mutter as I put my seatbelt back on. I’m not ready!

  My breathing is getting erratic as my body begins to shake. Wringing my hands as I look out the window at the dark night sky, I can’t imagine why I’ve accepted this invitation.

  My eyes close as I envision Pierce. He’s so damned handsome. And he talks to me in such a nice way. His pressure is subtle, but it’s always present. His natural dominant nature is a thing I thought I’d hate in a person. For some reason, I find it endearing in him.

  The plane begins its descent, and I grip the armrests as we go down to meet the ground where I’ll meet Pierce in the flesh for the first time. My Lord! What have I done?

  The tires squeal as they hit the pavement of the runway. My heart skips a beat as I realize I’m moments away from Pierce. He said he’d meet me at the airport and take me to sign papers at The Dungeon of Decorum. My picture will be taken, and I’ll be safe under the protection of the club. An added bonus is that I’m going to have a temporary membership which pays me for the two months I’m spending with Pierce.

  I’m getting sixty thousand dollars at the end of our vacation. When it’s time for me to go back to the UK then I’m to stop by the club and sign more papers, terminating my membership only if I want to. Then I’ll collect my check and be on my way. Another private jet will take me home.


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