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Accidental SEAL (SEAL Brotherhood #1)

Page 19

by Hamilton, Sharon


  He’d been a dumbass. Stupid. Why hadn’t he thought about Christy being questioned?

  “Can I come over and talk to you?”

  He heard her sigh into the phone, clouding the reception.

  “Which Kyle is it who is coming over? The one who screwed me on the countertop and said he wasn’t ready for this, or the one who just wants to talk?”

  “I promise. Just talk.” It wasn’t much, but he’d take it. If she’d let him.

  While waiting for him to arrive, Christy wished the chatter in her head would stop. Her pulse had quickened. She was beginning to sweat again and knew she didn’t have time for another shower. In spite of what she told herself, she’d put on makeup, just a little of Madame’s perfume, the cherry lip gloss, a little mascara. She brushed out her hair, and then she heard him, the relentless tap tap tap on her door like the beating of her heart.

  Bad sign, girl. Here you go again.

  Kyle had arrived at her door so fast she barely had time to finish getting on decent clothes.

  Damn. Even his knock was sexy. She inhaled a big gulp of air and opened the door.

  She was doomed. He stood there, leaning against the doorframe, one forearm resting against the trim, his hips at an angle, his smile at an opposite angle. And the crease at the side of his lip. On the left. Did he know?

  Did it matter?

  Oh, hell no.

  His hard chest was against her, his arms tight around her waist. The force of his lips as he kissed her instilled courage and resolve. She’d been ridiculous, of course, but she was so far over the edge for this man, even if he had done what they said he’d done…

  Christy, what in the world are you doing? The guy could be a cold-blooded killer.

  “Where’s that little talk we were going to have?” she said to his hungry mouth. God, she needed that mouth on her right now. She stepped on tiptoes and pressed her lips hard against his. His tongue plunged in deep. His hands found her chest and snaked under her bra, squeezing her breasts. Was that her moan she heard, or his?

  He stopped, dropped her from his arms, and looked to the floor. He took a step backward into the opened door to the hallway.

  “I’m s…”

  She couldn’t stand to hear another “I’m sorry” from the man.

  “Oh, shut up and fuck me,” she said as she slammed into his chest, pushing the door closed. His expression turned from apology to fire.

  She leaned into him, wrapping her arms up and around his neck. She liked the feeling of relying on his strength, how hard he was, how sure of himself. How his hands found their way to her, wanting flesh. He picked her up and brought her to the bedroom.

  At the foot of the bed, he set her down and kneeled. He shed her pants, then stood and pulled off her pink T-shirt. He looked at her breasts as his hands cupped around them, thumbs rubbing over her nipples through the silky peach satin lace of the bra. She loved how he always seemed to be seeing her for the first time. He smiled and said, “I love your body, Christy. I thank God every time I get to hold you.”

  But do you love me, Kyle? Tell me.

  He kissed her. Christy’s hands smoothed over the ripples in his chest, touching the scars and kissing every one of them. Her hands traveled around the backside of his waist and down further to his butt cheeks and she pulled him to her. She ground her pelvis against his hardened shaft, undid his button fly, and slid his pants down. She took hold of the length of him and squeezed, then reached to find his balls and squeezed them as well.

  He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans as she came to her knees. She took him inside her mouth, massaging his sac. His precum relaxed her. His musky scent made her cream between her legs as she worked his shaft, sucking, licking, and inhaling him.

  He was beginning to jerk and Christy could tell his climax was close, so she stopped and looked up at him, kneading his cock in the palm of her right hand.

  He quickly picked her up and placed her back on the bed. She moved aside several pillows to prop her head. He pulled one of the pillows away and shoved it beneath her hips, raising her sex to him, giving him a deep angle for penetration. God, she needed him inside her. Deep inside her.

  She knew he was rock hard and ready to spurt, but he spread her knees and watched his fingers move in and out of the lips of her sex. Then he bent and kissed her there, lapping her juices, rubbing a thumb over her nub and sending little sharp spasms up her back and down both legs. Her whole world lay open to him, to his slick tongue that pushed in and out of her opening, his hot breath on her waiting womb.

  She moaned as delicious ripples of pleasure overtook her. Kyle covered her now, kissing her lips and face.

  “I need you. Oh god, I need you,” she whispered. Her sex felt vacant, wanting.

  Kyle’s cock teased at her opening, then he thrust deep inside, the angle set up by the pillow forcing him against her soft tissues. It sent her muscles into contractions as she tightly held him, refusing to release him as he pulled back before plunging in again. She grabbed the pillow at her side, arched, and cried out. Her body jerked, consumed with the magic of his slow and deliberate motions. His back muscles worked in tandem with the tensed muscles of his ass. She felt his cheeks go soft and then flex and as he ground against her, as he filled her and demanded more.

  She vaguely remembered being scared. But not now. Now she was being pleasured by the man she loved, would always love. She dug her heels into the bed and raised her pelvis as he plunged in and out, deep.

  A few strokes later, he turned her body to the side by rolling over one thigh. She tried to raise a knee and he smiled and stopped her. He wanted the deeper penetration as he kissed the sides of her face.

  Still inside her, he pumped her from behind as he spooned himself to the backs of her thighs, her back. He pulled her down and onto his shaft. The pillow was between her knees as she pushed her rear against him, allowing him deep. He kissed her neck, found her ear, and whispered,

  “Need you, Christy. I…” But he stopped. He didn’t say it.

  And it was all right that he needed her. A man who didn’t need anything or anyone and he now needed her. And that was going to have to be enough for now.

  “I’m yours, Kyle, all of me.”

  That seemed to drive him crazy. Her body responded, exploding in her own pleasure, clenching down on him. He lurched inside her and she heard the familiar groans of his passion as he filled her with his sperm. She drew him in, accepting every drop, until he fell against her back with an exhausted sigh.

  He stayed inside her as they rested. His hands caressed her nipples and breasts while he kissed her shoulder and down her spine, one vertebrae at a time.

  “I love this,” she said. Then she turned her head. He saw it there, she knew it. He saw what she wanted to say but wouldn’t until he did.

  “Anything is possible, Christy. Anything.” He buried his head at the nape of her neck and pulled her against his chest and held her tight, but didn’t look at her.

  A minute later, she heard him snore, sound asleep. For some strange reason, the idea that he was so relaxed that he could fall asleep thrilled her. He was totally vulnerable, totally at risk to her. He had bared his soul. The words would come. She knew they would.

  A half hour later, she pulled the blanket over them so Kyle would sleep longer, but he jerked awake. He’d fallen asleep inside her and began to pump her from behind again.

  “Hmm. I’ve missed this so much.” She leaned back into him.

  “Me too,” he whispered. “Sometimes I think about you, like this, and I can’t concentrate.” He thrust up into her.

  “God, that feels so good.”

  He continued. He propped himself up on his arms, letting his groin have its way with her. She rose to receive him. “Yes,” he said.

  “I just want all this…agh… be over with so we can get on with our lives,” she whispered between his kisses.

  “Me, too.” He rubbed his lips agai
nst her neck, tipped her head back, and kissed her under her chin. He pulled her lower torso to him, his fingers finding the spot between her legs as he touched their joining. She matched his hands with hers and they touched together, lacing fingers. It was more than sex. Way more than sex. For the first time in her life, she was making love to the man she loved with all her heart.

  His hot kisses made her cheeks and chest flush. Her insides began to glow with fire. She was going to explode.

  He held her as her body jerked. “Yes,” he said as she gave him her climax. He held her tight, pressing with his fingers, pulling with his forearms.

  She was spent at last. He continued kissing her until the very end, when he thrust, arched up, and groaned.

  She turned to face him. He touched her face, fingers brushing over her lips, thumbs smoothing over her cheekbones. He planted another gentle kiss under her chin. His warm blue eyes searched hers.

  She saw he wanted to say something. She wasn’t going to ask. When he did speak, it wasn’t exactly what she was expecting.

  “You may never know where I am or what I’m doing. I won’t always be here to help you with the nerves. And you’ve got to get used to the fact I might not come back.”

  That filled her eyes with tears. “No, Kyle, I can never get used to that idea. That just isn’t something that is going to happen.”

  He smiled down on her. “Well then, hold on to that thought. It’ll be my homing beacon. Just remember how nice it is when we’re together. I have no right to ask for anything else.”

  Her heart was aching. If there ever was a time she wanted to hear that he loved her, it was now. She knew he cared. But she wanted to hear it. She was looking for the man who could tell her he loved her. He wasn’t there yet. But she would wait. She’d do it. She’d try.

  He held her hand as they meandered down to the marina and the Salty Dog restaurant. He sat next to her so his thigh could be pressed against hers, and took every opportunity he could to inhale the wonderful warm scent of her. His left arm encircled her waist while he tried to eat with his right hand.

  She was looking out over the boats, her brown eyes sparkling. Her face was flushed, hair with that just-fucked look that made him hot for her all over again. The whole afternoon had been one turn-on after another.

  Did she feel as good as he did? Did she feel the connection, the mating that could be for life, if there ever was such a thing possible?

  He told himself the answer was yes. As incredible as it was, he believed it had finally happened to him.

  She turned, and her eyes were hungry as she leaned into him. She pressed the nipples of her breasts against his chest and softly kissed him. She was telling him the space between her legs needed to be filled again, that she needed his tongue there and then needed to be filled with his aching erection. She didn’t have to say it. She was ready to go home and give herself to him all over again, all night long. She didn’t have to say it. He could feel it hitting his face and chest like a blast furnace.

  After they finished their chowders, she led him down the walkway by the boats and out along the promenade. Bells in the distance, a foghorn and lapping water, were all familiar sounds of this place that had molded him, had made him a man among men. These things sang to him. The familiar chilly saltwater mist heightened the warm feel of Christy’s velvet smooth lips on his neck that worked their way down his chest as they sat on a bench overlooking the water. She unzipped his pants and felt inside to grab him. She squeezed her fingers over his shaft, up and down, ending with her thumb rubbing a drop of precum over his crown. She straddled him, slipped aside her unnecessary panties, and impaled herself on his cock.

  God, he loved how much she needed him.

  Her elbows squeezed her breasts together, pressing the firm mounds against his pecs. Her warm ass was a handful in each palm. He lifted her to rub a thumb over her nub as she rode him, and gasped with an “Oh” from the sudden jolt of pleasure. He could watch her do that all night. He would surprise her, take her in his mouth, and push his way inside her from behind and deep, from the side at an angle. He wasn’t going to stop until his body gave out. He’d trained well for this mission, and he wasn’t going to end his pleasuring her until she was unable to walk, and then some.

  She was riding him deep; her back arching as he lifted her and pulled her down onto him. He ground against her in the darkness, and then let her free only to have her sheath him again. He felt her thighs rub against his jeans as she moaned and fluttered her eyes. He started spurting first, and then she shivered and came on top of him. He wanted to reach inside deep, press against her womb as she rubbed it over the head of his cock and jumped with every little spasm.

  “God, I could just sit here all night,” she whispered. She lowered her lips to his and ground her pelvis.

  “I wish you would. I’m a polar bear.”

  “You can keep me warm, then. I don’t like the cold.”

  “Yes,” he said as he moved against her. He was fully spent. “I can do that. Give me an hour and I can keep you warm all night long.”

  “Kyle, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life.”

  Me, too.

  She leaned into his space and he held her tight, encircling her back and shoulders with his arms. He fell into the rhythm of her breathing and felt the tiny flutter of her heart against his chest. She had fallen asleep. He loved the feel of her warm breath against his neck. She murmured something.

  “Are you warm enough?” he whispered.

  She nodded and then looked at him. Her hair was messed up and covering her face. He smoothed it to the sides.

  “I was having a wonderful dream just now,” she said.

  “God, I hope it was me you were dreaming about.” He smiled and was rewarded with a smile in kind. He started to say something perhaps he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t stop himself.

  “Christy, I…”

  “Shhh.” She put a finger to his lips. Her eyes sparkled with the reflection of lights from downtown behind him. “Don’t tell me the bad news. Tell me how right this feels. Tell me you won’t ever go.”

  “No bad news,” he said, touching his forehead to hers. “It’s all good here. All of it. I want it all, Christy. I want all of you.”

  And there. He’d said it.

  She leaned back and searched his eyes. He had put himself out to her, and for the first time, he felt totally at a woman’s mercy. She could end his life with a word. With a frown.

  Tears formed in her eyes. She nodded. “Me, too, Kyle. Me, too.”

  Nothing more needed to be said. A perfect moment, a perfect evening.

  Chapter 22

  In the morning, Christy got up first. Kyle knew he had to get going. But hell, he’d be back. She’d tried to let him sleep, but the sounds of her doing things in the kitchen and the smell of fresh coffee kept him awake. He heard her take a shower, thought about the texture of her silky skin as he massaged warm steamy bubbles over every delicious part of her. But as nice as the vision was, he had a job to do and needed time to think.

  The waiting was getting harder. And, damn, so was he.

  Not again.

  She finished getting dressed and puttering in the kitchen. He pretended to be asleep when she climbed back into bed with a steaming mug of coffee for him.

  She might have known him better by now. He wasn’t at all interested in the coffee.

  He took the mug from her fingers, took a sip, and watched the need in her eyes fan his own desire. Oh, the things he was going to do to her this morning. There’d be time later for their little talk.

  Kyle stared at rays of sunlight that filtered through a palm tree outside, making patterns on the ceiling.

  Armando? Where the fuck are you?

  “Kyle.” Christy was awake and had been watching him think. “There was a report on the news about a fire in the Santa Nella forest. You know anything about that? About a couple of dead guys?”

  “Had nothing to do with us.”

  She sighed. “I want to believe you.”

  He thought about that. Good that she trusted him. But should she? He knew the pause told her things. Things she didn’t like. He sat up, eased off the bed and pulled on his boxers. If he stayed in bed with her a minute longer, they’d be into another lovemaking session. A long one.

  She donned her robe and followed him into the kitchen. He could feel the questions mulling around in her head. Questions he wasn’t ready to answer yet. There were no answers in the refrigerator.

  She handed him the yogurt mixture he was looking for.

  He thanked her. “I can’t tell you things because it’s safer if you don’t know. You must promise me you’ll not go anywhere for a few days.”

  “But I will have work. I told them I’m taking a couple of days off, but I can’t afford not to work, Kyle.”

  “Exactly. Stay in place for now. Work on the computer from home. Live.” He stepped to her, slipping a hand under her robe. “God, I love this robe.”

  “I love the tie,” she whispered, pressing her breasts against his bare chest.

  Kyle leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. He felt her breath catch as he eased one hand down to her rear. “I do, too.” He couldn’t get enough of her.

  “I promise to wear it 24/7 then.” She kissed him again. She pulled back and smiled. She handed him fresh coffee, then tiptoed to whisper in his ear, “And nothing else.”

  His one free hand roamed her backside, then felt her wetness and her need. “Wish I could do this all day, but I can’t.” Her lips were soft and hard to tear away from.

  “Well, sailor, I’m totally at your beck and call. You can come here morning, noon, and night. I’ll just be waiting here, in this robe.” She fingered the tie. The silk robe parted so he could see the little triangle at the apex of her thighs he loved looking at. That place he could lose himself in.

  It almost worked.

  She fluffed her hair and licked her lips. She hadn’t given up. But damn, he had to.

  Kyle didn’t try to cover up how she made him feel. And how he hated to go. But the urgency of finding Armando crept back in. He was tired of waiting. He knew his buddy would send another sign. And he would have to be ready to go.


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