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Brothers- Clan Special- Landon (Book Five)

Page 7

by M. L. Briers

  Molly couldn’t help but chuckle to herself. It had been an enjoyable ten minutes or so that she’d spent with the two shifters, but things were getting out of hand and so she did the only thing that she could…

  She separated them.

  Mari was clinging to one of the thick boughs near the top of the tree, and Ethan…. Well, his bear was upside down in the dumpster.

  “Oh no!” Ben’s eyes were wide with amusement as he took in the sight. Then he tossed his head back on a roar of laughter, before falling forwards to brace his hands on his knees as he almost wept at the sight of the upside down bear with his butt in the air and his back paws moving like he was still walking or maybe riding an imaginary pushbike…

  “What in hell’s name happened here?” Landon growled out, and the rest of the clan parted the way as he stalked forwards towards Molly…

  Every single one of them could scent his anger… Not one of them wanted to say a damn word… although ben was still crying with silent laughter at Ethan’s predicament.

  “You must be the alpha.” Molly said it as though she was tossing that over in her mind – taking it in – and then deciding what to do about it.

  Landon’s head snapped down on his neck, and his jet black eyes took in the old witch. His top lip twitched in anger…

  “Oh don’t you snarl at me, boy. I’m too old and too mean to give a damn…” She berated him.

  “I did not snarl.” Landon tried to get a grip on himself, on his bear, and on the fact that this was keeping him from his mate. “What are you doing old woman? This is clan land.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” She snapped back.

  “I could kill you for just setting foot on it.” He growled.

  “Give it your best shot.” She waved a dismissive hand towards him. “But tell me, dumpster or tree, your choice – it makes no difference to me where I put you.”

  Landon opened his mouth to speak – his hands went to his hips – he tilted his head to one side and glared down at her, but not one word that wasn’t a curse came to mind…

  “What’s the matter – bear got your tongue?” Molly challenge him some more.

  “That’s…” He bit down on his need to hit someone or something. Banging his forehead against the nearest tree trunk was an option, but damn, did he want to let loose. “Who the hell are you?” He growled down to her, and she lifted just one eyebrow and stared back up at him.

  “Molly!” Gemma’s voice piped up from somewhere behind the alpha, and he turned to look at her, a deep scowl on his forehead.

  “That’s mother to you.” Molly snapped back, and Landon’s head shot around so fast that his bones snapped in place within his neck.

  His eyes went wide – round like saucers – as he stared down at the witch… inside he groaned and groaned hard…

  “Mother?” He questioned that statement.

  All that he could think, and the thought was playing on repeat within his mind was… like mother, like daughter.

  “Somebody get Ethan’s bear out of the dumpster, and Connor..?” He turned towards the vampire and the man was as amused as hell. “So glad you’re enjoying this…” He growled.

  “Oh, I am.” Connor nodded with enthusiasm. Then he lifted his hand and pointed a finger at the older witch… “M-o-t-h-e-r.” He mouthed silently, before putting his hand over his mouth and over-exaggerating a silent chuckle – shoulders moving up and down…

  “Get Mari down from the damn tree.” Landon growled out, forcing himself to stand in place rather than to beat the vampire to within an inch of his immortal life.

  “I came for my daughter and I’m not leaving without her.” Molly put her hands on her hips in determined fashion, and right there, in that one glare that the woman gave him – Landon could see the family resemblance.

  “Then we have a problem.” Landon growled, turning his attention towards his mate as she stood with her mouth slightly open and her eyes unblinking…

  “Oh, we do, do we?” Molly said, and he got the feeling that the woman would have rolled up her sleeves if it hadn’t of been so damn cold out there.

  “Do you want to tell her or should I?” Landon asked, but his mate was still transfixed on her mother.

  “Tell me what?” Molly turned her attention towards Gemma and the witch jolted back to reality…

  “Not a damn thing.” Gemma said, shooting a look at Landon as he gave her a curious look back. “You should go home – bake some bread – start that war with Marcy’s coven…”

  “That’s been sorted.” Molly informed her – looking a little annoyed and a little sheepish all in one go.

  “Has it now?”

  “It has.” Molly bit down on her words.

  “And how did that happen? When I left you seemed all gung-ho at world domination and annihilation, did I miss something?” Gemma tossed her own hands onto her hips as her mother chewed an imaginary wasp.

  “As you say, you left, we were a witch down, and one of our most powerful I might add.” Molly didn’t look too pleased, and Gemma snorted her contempt for her mother’s ways.

  “Oh, so you do need me for something, if not advice…” Gemma questioned her with raised eyebrows and the old woman grunted.

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” She looked away, unwilling to meet her daughter’s eyes.

  “And yet you followed me here.” Gemma nudged and the older woman grunted in annoyance again.

  “Wanted to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid.” She muttered. “And look where I found you. Hanging around shifters.”

  “Now just you…” Landon started as he pointed a finger at the old witch, but her hand came up and her index finger came out…

  He held in place and didn’t move. Caught between a rock and a hard place.

  Not only was she old and female… but she was his mate’s mother.

  He was sure eating her would be out of the damn question.



  “Don’t you point that finger at him.” Gemma bit out, and Landon’s head snapped around on his neck at the sound of her tone – a warning – a defence of her mate.

  His bear growled gently within him – satisfied.

  “Don’t you use that tone with me.” Molly turned that index finger towards her daughter.

  “Just you try it.” Gemma scowled back, craning her head forward on her neck and daring the woman with her eyes.

  “One she-wolf.” Connor grinned as he deposited Mari onto her feet and the firebrand immediate lunged towards Molly. Connor’s hand around her waist stopped her in her tracks.

  “Let me at her.” Mari growled.

  “Back off, wolf.” Gemma snapped back, although she knew that her mother could well and truly defend herself against the woman.

  “Mari – go home.” Landon growled out. He had enough to worry about without the she-wolf getting her claws out.

  Things could go from the sublime to the ridiculous in no time at all, and that was the last thing that he needed.

  “Yes – yes,” Molly gave her a smug look. “It’s almost night, you’ll want to take a nap before you go howling at the moon.”

  “You…” Mari growled. Landon growled back.

  “Shut up, mother.” Gemma ground out.

  “Nice company you’re keeping.” Molly sneered.

  “I think we need to take this indoors.” Landon growled.

  Sure, the clan had a right to know what was happening, but still… this old witch was as cantankerous as hell, and he didn’t need anyone trying to eat his mate’s mother, especially not before he’d wooed her. The mate, not the mother.

  He might consider letting someone eat her afterwards…?

  “But…” Connor looked downcast. “It’s just so much fun when the in-laws visit.” He beamed Landon a smirk and the alpha couldn’t contain his growl…

  “In-laws?” Molly’s eyes snapped towards her daughter, and Gemma groaned inwardly. Outwardly – Lan
don was sure that he heard her wheeze a little.

  “Inside.” Landon growled again.

  “Not – so – fast.” Molly was standing her ground, with her balled up fists on her hips and the look of pure unadulterated suspicion in her eyes.

  It was Landon’s turn to groan, only he did it outwardly.

  “Yes, not so fast.” Connor echoed – that smirk on his lips was annoying the alpha to hell, and he was about ready to punch the vampire’s lights out – mother-in-law or no damn mother-in-law.

  “You need to take a step or ten back.” Landon growled at Connor.

  “Please tell me this is not your mate.” Molly’s index finger was pointed right at Landon’s chest.

  “Okay, he’s not my mate.” Gemma offered back, and her mother’s eyes narrowed to slits in her face when the alpha growled possessively.

  “Liar, liar, witch on fire…” Connor offered. He didn’t think it was a big surprise to Molly – the woman was canny, and she could see through Gemma’s lies.

  “A… bear…” Molly just seemed to manage to get the word out before she gave a mock shiver at the thought.

  “No really, tell us what you think. I’m all ears.” Gemma ground out, but when her mother opened her mouth… “La, la, la, la, laaaa.” She offered, cutting her off, and making her scowl.

  “I should leave.” Molly’s chin tipped up in the air. “Obviously, you’re determined to ruin your life…”

  “As opposed to you doing that for me?” Gemma snapped back.

  “Harsh.” Connor chuckled. “I’m sensing some tension between them. Anybody else feel that?”

  Connor eyed the crowd as sniggers went up. Three people who weren’t laughing were the two mates and her mother.

  “You’ll be feeling my fist in your face in a minute.” Landon warned.

  “I’ve never tried to ruin your life.” Molly scowled.

  “Just a happy coincidence then?” Gemma shot back.

  “Can we go inside now?” Landon growled out.

  “That’s the trouble with alpha’s, always trying to dictate the moment.” Molly wobbled her head on her neck as she spoke, and Gemma rolled her eyes skywards.

  “Look, Lady. I don’t know what you’re problem is…” Landon started, but the old woman snapped right on in there when he took a breath…

  “You.” She snapped back, and Landon reminded himself that it was never a good time to take a breath when you had something to say to a female.

  “But if you don’t like the way things are done around here…” He took another breath and she jumped right on it.

  “Do it myself?” She said with the kind of smirk on her face that itched his pissed off gene.

  His bear growled within him. The beast wasn’t sure if that was a challenge to its authority or not, and Landon tried to calm the bear.

  “You know the way back down the mountain, right?” He offered her a poignant look – she offered him back a death glare.

  “Well, what a nice thing to say to an old lady and the grandmother to any future cubs.” Molly folded her hands against her rounded stomach and tried to look all indignant whilst showing the air of maternal…

  “Cubs!” Gemma almost choked on her tongue as her eyes went wide and her voice went soprano.

  “Plot twist!” Connor offered with glee. “Grandma threw her for a loop.”

  “Connor…” Landon growled, eyeing him like he was his next meal.

  “Got it.” Connor assured him – but the smirk said otherwise.

  “Molly!” Gemma started.

  “Mother!” Molly snapped back.

  “You’re not helping,” Gemma bit out, and the old woman’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “But then you knew that.” Gemma turned on her heels and started away from the clan…

  “Where are you..?” Landon was torn between following his mate and protecting her mother from the next person that the old witch miffed off.

  “Wherever she isn’t.” Gemma tossed back over her shoulder…

  “Choices…” Connor grinned and the alpha grunted in annoyance. “Go. Follow. I’ve got this.” Connor assured him.

  “Oh, do you?” Molly asked, eyeing him with glee.

  “Yes, because if you annoy me I’ll feed you my blood and then kill you, and when you wake up…” He left it there as she gasped and her mouth gaped open.

  He thought he’d made his point.



  “Gemma!” Landon growled out as he sped up on his long legs to fall in behind her.

  “I know – I know, and it’s not you, it’s her. It’s always her.” Gemma dismissed everything with an absent wave of her hand.

  Her mother annoyed her to the ends of the earth and back again. The woman was a real life Cruella De Vil, and she drove her nuts to boot.

  His first thought had been like mother like daughter, but now that he knew the mother there was no way in hell that Gemma could ever turn into that woman. It just wasn’t possible.

  “You can’t choose your kin, but you can choose your family.” He reached out just as she was stepping up onto the porch of his cabin. His large hand wrapped around her arm and he spun her back towards him, pulling her close, and wrapping her within the warmth of his arms…

  Her cold hands splayed against his naked chest and she heard him catch a small breath in…

  “We’re your family, Gemma.” He offered with all sincerity.

  “That’s…” She frowned at the thought.

  Bears, she-wolves with attitude, and a vampire… That was one strange family right there.

  “You don’t have to say yes right now…” Landon didn’t want to push her. She might just rush into something that she wasn’t ready for on the back of a run-in with her mother. He needed her to be as sure as he was.

  “You must be freezing.” She changed the subject.

  “I’m hot…”

  “You certainly are.” Her eyes twinkled with mischief, but he caught a hungry look that he didn’t think was for the dinner that they’d left on the counter top…

  “You’re a tease.” He growled down. But he couldn’t un-wedge the grin that had taken his lips wide.

  “Not so much.” She chuckled back.

  Landon turned her against him, bringing her hip to his, and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he lend her back inside the cabin.

  “So, you can cook…” He offered and then raised just one eyebrow as he smirked at her. “But can you re-heat food in a mircrowave?”




  “You can’t keep me here. I want to see my daughter.” Molly demanded, eyeing the vampire and trying to judge his mood.

  “You can’t see your daughter because the alpha needs to woo her.” Connor replied to the sound of a groan of dismay from the old woman.

  “That’s just wrong.” She snapped back.

  “Which part, the wooing or the woo-ee?”

  “Both.” Molly snapped.

  “I thought you wanted grandcubs?” Connor teased and she snorted her contempt for him.

  “She doesn’t have a maternal bone within her body.” Molly’s tone was sour.

  “That’s what a clan is for.” Mari growled back.

  She didn’t like witches, but she liked Landon, and he was her alpha. While she’d wish any other species of mate for the man – fate said it was a witch, and she wasn’t going to let anyone send their alpha insane by denying him his mate…

  “You, a mother?” Molly snorted and Mari’s claws came down… literally.

  “You’re a sour faced, evil tongued, old witch, and yes… Gemma’s cubs… your grandcubs will be raised right here, with us.” Mari felt her beast pull back, felt her claws retract. “And where will you be?” She offered her a victory smile…

  “It won’t happen.” Molly raised her chin in defiance once more. “My daughter would never abandon her Coven for the likes of you and a place like this.”

  “Seems to
me she already has.” Connor whispered back, a little more gleeful than he thought he needed to be, but then this woman had annoyed him so.

  “It’s ready.” Vicky, Connor’s mate, announced as she stalked down the street with Chelsea, Tyler’s mate, by her side.

  “More witches.” Molly eyed them with suspicion.

  “We’ve got a little coven of our own going on here and Gemma will fit in just nicely.” Connor informed her, and the old woman’s head snapped around as she glared up at him. “But in the meantime, we’ve got a cabin ready for you, so you can wash up, sleep, file your nails into points…”

  “You can’t keep me away from…”

  “We’re just trying to be nice.” Connor lied, and the old woman snorted her contempt for him. “It’s that or stay here and chat with me for the next…”

  “Fine.” Molly bit out. “Lead the way.”

  “Was I born yesterday? I think not.” Connor grinned. Motioning for the witch to go before him.

  By the time they got to the cabin; Connor had heard every curse word imaginable from the old woman’s lips, and some, he hadn’t heard in years. He reached for the door and flung it open for her.

  The light had been left on inside and the fire was already lit and roaring away for her, but the moment that she stepped through the doorway…

  “What have you done?” Molly demanded.

  She turned to face Connor. The man’s eyes took her in, a glimmer of mischief played in the vampire’s eyes as he stared down at her.

  “It’s spelled. You can’t leave until a witch releases you, and you can’t use your magic, any magic or it will come back to bite you in the butt, but give it a go if you don’t believe me…” He shrugged and the old woman stood her ground, the promise of death coming from her eyes.

  He knew that look well, his mate still gave him it.

  “Y-o-u…” Connor reached in and yanked the door almost closed.


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