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The Supervillain High Boxed Set: Books One - Three of the Supervillain High Series

Page 14

by Gerhard Gehrke

  “The plan is we get off the roof so we don’t get into trouble,” Brendan said. “Let’s meet down in the lobby. You might want to take the stairs.”

  “Nonsense. I’m going the same way I came up here. The elevator. See you down there.”

  They watched her go, Henry hurrying to follow. Then they helped Soren pack up.

  “For someone that hates you, she keeps showing up,” Vlad said.

  Brendan nodded. “I’d rather have her on my side than not. But I still don’t know if she’s up to something. Because if you’re thinking what I’m thinking, we’re going to be neck-deep in it if we continue. And Lucille will be the one to make waves.”

  17. Are You Teasing Me?

  Brendan could hear Tina and Lucille arguing as he and Vlad emerged from the stairwell door into the dorm lobby. The girls were in one of the hallways. Henry must have been exiled from the conversation, as he stood near the front doors. All the televisions in the lounges were on, but a number of students loitered nearby, clearly engaged in whatever drama was unfolding.

  Brendan heard his own name as he approached.

  “Well, we’ll just have to let Brendan decide,” Lucille finished saying.

  “Uh-oh,” Vlad murmured.

  Tina’s cheeks were red, and she fidgeted, crossing her arms and then placing her hands on her hips. She finally made eye contact with Brendan. Lucille wore her partial smile as she slowly shook her head and yielded the floor to Tina.

  “Are you really letting her help you?” Tina asked. “What kind of a spell does she have you under now?”

  Brendan shrugged. “No one has agreed to anything. I have no idea what you guys were talking about. But let’s keep it down and move it to a lounge.”

  They found an empty game room with a large table, a dozen chairs, and no television. Brendan waited for everyone to enter. When the hallway nearby was free of eavesdroppers, he started from the beginning, relating what had happened with Charlotte and the security guards and how they had searched his room. Soren told her what he had discovered and showed her a recording of the glowing admin building on his tablet. Tina visibly relaxed, hanging on his every word. Lucille just looked bored.

  “So, that’s it,” Brendan said. Now he did feel tired. He wondered if perhaps all these different things could be explained away and if he should drop it. His own standing with the school was precarious, with the fight and the exaggerated trouble with Charlotte. He looked around at the others. They were waiting for him to continue. They would be putting their academic futures on the line if they decided to follow him further.

  “I know we’re thinking about doing something stupid. I want to tell you that I think we should just try to drop it. Go to class. Everything that’s happening on campus and off will blow over. We may not be helping anything, and we might even wind up getting into trouble with the law. I’ve been down that road, and it’s not something you want to do.”

  A long pause followed. Tina spoke first. “You’re an idiot if you’re making this about you. What about whatever happened to Poser? That’s not something I’m letting go of. He’s been brainwashed or tortured or something. And the attack on the school? That wasn’t nothing. And your weird girlfriend? She could be dangerous. And now there’s some energy signature from the top of the admin building, and you’re suggesting we just pack up and forget about it?”

  “So, who is this girl you’ve never told me about?” Lucille asked.

  Brendan sighed. “Look, she’s not my girlfriend. I barely know her. We’ve run into each other after hours in the electronics lab, and now I know that security is looking for her. But they can’t seem to find her because it’s like she disappears. No one seems to have her in any of their classes.”

  Lucille laughed. “She’s like the phantom of the school? I knew I wouldn’t regret coming to talk to you guys tonight. This is rich.”

  “You’ve done your talking,” Tina said. “Now you can leave.”

  Brendan motioned for her to calm down. “Tina, Lucille came in peace.”

  “You’re taking her side now?”

  “I’m not taking anyone’s side!” Brendan stopped. He realized he was shouting, and everyone just stared.

  When Henry stuck his head in the room, Lucille pointed him back out. Tina was the first to laugh. It caught on. Vlad and Soren started to snicker, and Brendan couldn’t help but smile.

  “That’s quite the superpower,” Brendan said.

  “Not to be underestimated,” Lucille said. “Right up there with flying, laser eyes, and punching.”

  “Punching is not a superpower,” Tina said.

  “Is too. I’ve seen it.”

  Eventually, Soren was the only one still laughing, and his out-of-control convulsion was turning his face plum purple.

  “Dude, you’re embarrassing yourself,” Vlad said. “If you piss your pants, they’ll make you log into classes from your dorm room.”

  Soren waved an apology. He looked at Lucille and sobered instantly.

  Brendan spoke first. “We’re all in the same boat here. Whatever weirdness is happening is affecting all of us. If something’s going on that hurt Poser, you’re right, we should try to figure it out. I’ve mentioned the danger involved, so there’s not much point in me repeating myself. For all I know, whoever hurt him might have the dorms bugged. We don’t know enough to try and talk to the cops. Campus security is probably in on it, or at least the head guy, Foster, and maybe even the headmaster. Those two were most interested in catching Charlotte, while the other officer was oblivious. If you’re all in, then we need to decide what to do next.”

  “Well, that’s obvious,” Tina said. “We go after the only thing we have. The admin building, top floor. Maybe one of us can make an excuse and try to get in to see the headmaster tomorrow morning. Scope it out. See if there’s anything strange there.”

  “Soren, can you leave the telescope with the infrared set up so it’s trained on the upper floor? Leave it recording? Watch for any changes?”

  Soren thought about it. “If you guys help watch it during the night.”

  “We can do that.”

  “And how about trying to get into the headmaster’s office?” Vlad asked. “That’s where the action is, but we can’t just break in.”

  Lucille raised a finger until she had everyone’s attention. “Leave that to me. I’ll need Brendan’s help with that tomorrow.”

  “What’s your plan?” Tina asked suspiciously.

  Lucille smirked. “I’ll keep that one to myself. Don’t you love surprises?”


  The teachers in Brendan’s morning classes seemed to know he had something else on his mind, as they went out of their way to provide more than the usual amount of schoolwork. So much for keeping things light. Each class had extra homework, extra reading, and extra worry that the following day would bring a pop quiz upon which his very academic future would be determined. All the students were apparently feeling the sudden adjustment to their workload, as Brendan heard more conversations about classwork than he had in weeks.

  He yawned. Spending the night on the rooftop with Soren’s telescopes had been less than restful.

  Brendan decided he would let Lucille reveal her plan when she was ready, but waiting on her grew more frustrating as the day passed. In both English lit and geometry, she appeared unusually preoccupied with what the teacher was saying. She kept her nose in her tablet anytime a textbook was referenced. She even raised her hand and offered a comment during the English lit class discussion.

  That was when it struck him. She had been changed, just like Paul and Poser.

  It had to have happened just the previous night. But hadn’t Henry walked her back to her dorm? And if the dorms weren’t safe, what place was? It was only a matter of days or hours before they got him and anyone else they wanted. He had to leave. Time for a full-blown retreat.

  It took everything he had to force himself to pretend to listen to the final ten minutes
of class. Every time he checked the clock, it was as if time was frozen. But he couldn’t just run. He had to warn Tina, Vlad, and Soren. But that would involve racing around campus, trying to remember where each of their classes were. He would have to wait for the noon break.

  Once the class chime sounded, he sprang from his seat and made a beeline for the door, shouldering past some slower students. In the hallway, he ran.

  “Brendan!” Lucille shouted.

  He had made it to a corner, but stopped. She was walking his way, moving as fast as her tall heels allowed, each knocking footstep on the tile causing an echo. She took him by the elbow, and they went around the corner.

  “Is Paul coming?” she asked.


  She led him to a dead-end hallway where they found two open classrooms. A pair of teachers were talking in one. She pushed him into the other.

  “What’s going on? Stop pushing me.”

  “Just move. I wanted to get out of there before Paul saw where we went. I don’t trust him. Whatever happened, whatever is happening, it’s possible Paul and maybe even Poser are somehow brain possessed or something.”

  “I thought of that. I was worrying about you, actually.”


  “I don’t know. You were actually paying attention and participating.”

  “Don’t be a jerk. I didn’t want Paul to suspect anything.”

  “You paying attention in class was all an act? You should try it more often.”

  Lucille put her hands to her hips. “Do you want to help me or not? I didn’t bring you here to be insulted.”

  “Okay, sorry. I’m just tired and a little freaked out by everything. I want your help.”

  “Good. Lunch break is after the next class. Wait here with me for five minutes, and then we can go. Paul should be gone by then. At the start of lunch, meet me near the security office.”


  They watched the security office from a nearby bench. The sun was bright on the office door, and a parade of students passed along, heading mostly towards the restaurant. Brendan ignored his own hunger. He still wasn’t comfortable with Lucille. She sat too close, was too familiar, with a hand frequently on his arm or leg as they conducted their surveillance. He never thought he’d be creeped out by a pretty girl.

  But no one went into or left the office as the hour passed. Brendan checked the time. Lunch break would be over in five minutes.

  “We’ll have to come back later,” Brendan said.

  Lucille looked straight at him. “No, we won’t. Was that him?”

  When Brendan looked towards the office, she turned his face back to her. “Don’t stare,” she said. “Was that the guard who let your girlfriend go?”

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw who she was talking about. He was walking into the building. “Yes, that’s him. Officer Glenn. He’s a good guy, as far as I can tell.”

  “Okay. That’s all I need to know. I’ll meet you after classes in your electrical room. Get the geeks together that you trust. Don’t be late, Cesar.”

  “Wait, that’s it? What do you want me to do?”

  “Nothing. I can handle this next part alone.”

  She got up, adjusted her outfit, and walked towards the security office. Brendan didn’t know what to do. The chime sounded the end of the lunch break as Lucille went through the door. Sweat began to form on his brow. He wanted to run in and follow her. She might say something that could compromise all of them. Why had he even trusted her? Maybe he had been played, manipulated as if he were one of her simple bully boys. But he dismissed those thoughts. She was committed and mad about what had happened to Paul. She cared in her own weird way and now she was putting her neck on the line. He waited.

  Five minutes later, Officer Glenn and Lucille left the office and walked towards the dorms. Brendan followed. Lucille spotted him and waved him off. He held back, but continued at a distance. They made it to one of the girls’ dorms, where Lucille allowed Officer Glenn to hold the door open for her. She brushed the man’s arm as she walked inside.

  What is she doing? By the time Brendan made it to the door, he couldn’t see them. He entered and checked the central lobby. Both elevators were upstairs, according to the floor number screen above the portal. One was ascending, the other descending. The ascending elevator stopped on the second floor. He tried the door to the stairs, but it was locked.

  “Can I help you?” a woman asked. A dorm monitor. She got up from a desk tucked into an out-of-sight alcove.

  “Uh, no. I was going to ask the student who just went in the elevator a question. I’ll catch her later.”

  Before the woman could say anything, he turned and walked out the front door.

  While Brendan loitered near the entrance, Henry showed up. He scowled when he saw Brendan. “What’re you doing here?”

  “What’s it look like?”

  That seemed to satisfy the larger boy. Henry tucked his hands in his pockets and kept an eye on the front of the dorm. Brendan considered asking Henry about how he and Lucille started hanging out, to gain some sort of insight on her charm, but he didn’t know where to start.

  Finally, Lucille appeared, a bounce in her step and a smile on her face. Officer Glenn came to the door and watched her walking away. The man wore a hurt expression, like someone had just stolen his lunch money, a look Brendan had worn many times in his life before learning how to throw a punch.

  “Let’s go,” Lucille said.

  “I did what you asked,” Henry said.

  “Good. I expected no less. I know you can be resourceful when needed. And Cesar…you weren’t supposed to follow me.”

  Brendan ignored her comment. “What happened? What did you do to Officer Glenn?”

  “I got us a pass card for the admin building.”

  And she said no more.


  They were all together after school in the electronics lab: the A.V. Club, Lucille and Henry, and even Poser, who was working alone at one of the lab stations. A few other groups were there as well, all intent on their own projects. Brendan had kept an eye on Poser throughout the class, but no words were exchanged. His friend stayed intent on the course material and never came over to talk.

  Brendan had missed most of his physics class, but the teacher didn’t comment when he came in late. The rest of the afternoon was a blur, as he had actually concentrated on the school material in an effort to run out the clock. Ms. Hayes had been mercifully brief in her lecture on electronics lab safety. Most of the students were already utilizing her suggestions impeccably, but for the sake of the furthest behind she had repeated herself and then gave the entire class a simple but lengthy quiz that filled out the end of the final period. When the chime sounded, Ms. Hayes and most of the other students had filed out, and Lucille and Henry arrived a few minutes later.

  Now that their group was together, Brendan felt uncomfortable, as everyone was waiting on him.

  “Lucille can get us in the admin building,” he said.

  With a flourish, Lucille produced a key card. Tina rolled her eyes.

  “I’ll bite,” Vlad said. “How’d you do it?”

  “I’ve got a friend in security.”

  “You only just met Officer Glenn,” Brendan said. “That’s his card, isn’t it?”

  “Fine. I had him come up to the laundry room in the dorms and told him I had an earring stuck in one of the machines. I had a pair of panties in there with an earring attached. When he pulled them out, I took a picture. Then I told him that if he didn’t give me the card, I’d show the picture to his boss.”

  They stared at her. Finally, Tina said, “That’s just mean.”

  “And what was Henry up to?” Brendan asked.

  “More insurance,” Lucille said. “He shoved another pair of my panties into the back seat of Officer Glenn’s car. Just in case.”

  “And now you’re cruel,” Tina said.

  “Doing what needs to get done. As lo
ng as the card works, Officer Glenn doesn’t get into any trouble and keeps his job.”

  “That was risky,” Brendan said. “You didn’t know how he would react. If he’s part of this, you put yourself in danger.”

  “I’m flattered you care. And I did know how he would react. They’re all the same.” She patted Henry on the arm. Henry didn’t mind.

  Tina shook her head in disgust. “You’re amazing.” She held her hand out, but Lucille tucked the card away.

  “Sorry, I’m not giving this up. It’s mine, so that means I get to go with whoever is in on this heist.”

  “We’re not robbing anything,” Vlad said. “We just need to take a look inside the headmaster’s office. The problem is we don’t know what we’re looking for.”

  Brendan shrugged. “I’ll go. I’d suggest everyone else just be a lookout. I’m in enough trouble already, and as Officer Foster told me, I’m on their radar. I’ll go up there, see what there is to see, and get out. There’s no point in all of us risking getting caught.”

  “Well then, sounds like it will be the two of us,” Lucille said. The others exchanged looks. Tina was visibly fuming but she said nothing. “That settles it. Let’s meet tonight after supper.”

  As they got up to leave, Brendan looked around for Poser, but he was gone.

  18. The Headmaster’s Office

  The argument over who would go continued throughout the early evening as the group, sans Lucille and Henry, went to the restaurant. Every permutation of pairings was considered, most of which involved relieving Lucille of her key. Tina was the first to throw in the towel and admit that Lucille had to be part of it to avoid other complications.

  Brendan continually checked around him for security guards paying him special attention. He also kept expecting Charlotte to show up.

  When Lucille and Henry came to the restaurant, she collected a neat plate of salad and a flatbread with sautéed vegetables and sat nearby without acknowledging them. Henry pointed to Brendan’s table, but she ignored him as she daintily ate her meal in maddeningly small bites. Finally, she dabbed her mouth, pushed her tray towards Henry, and rose to join the A.V. Club at their table.


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