Cheyenne (The Women of Merryton Book 4)

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Cheyenne (The Women of Merryton Book 4) Page 18

by Jennifer Peel

  “I’ll take the money, Daddy.” I loved Isabelle. She knew how to work the system.

  Shane surprisingly handed her the twenty-dollar bill while he set his sights and hopes on Avery.

  Avery, beautiful Avery who looked like a younger Abby, stood tall, biting her lip, staring at the man she wanted to make it all better all while wishing him to go away. I knew that’s how she felt. I felt the same for my own father once upon a time.

  Shane went for it and pulled his daughter to him. My own father walked away. Shane made his choice with that decision. Watching Avery cling to him had me feeling unsure. I thought I wanted him to walk away, but Avery’s obvious need for her father pricked the part of my heart that Aidan was doing his best to get access to. I didn’t know what would happen between Shane and Abby, but he better not screw this up or his children.

  Shane stroked Avery’s hair in the most loving fashion imaginable. I had never seen him behave in such a way. He found Abby’s eyes and mouthed, “I love you.”

  She wasn’t ready for it. She left my side and started wiping off the counters. That was Abby. Defeat exploded in Shane’s eyes. What did he expect? His marriage was on more than shaky ground. He kissed Avery’s head. “Let’s do pizza tonight to celebrate your first day.” His words were unsure.

  Avery looked to Abby to see what she thought. “Mom?”

  “Okay,” Abby squeaked out.

  Isabelle shouted her excitement about dinner.

  “Come with us, Abs?” Shane begged.

  “I’ll think about it.” She turned right back to cleaning.

  I was going to give her something else to think about too. Herself.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  At lunchtime, I had visitors. Balloons and flowers filled their arms. It went well with their apologetic faces. My best friends stepped into my office.

  “Took you guys long enough.” I smiled.

  “We’re so sorry,” they echoed each other.

  “I suppose I forgive you, but for this you have to promise me a girl’s trip in the very near future. No excuses.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Abby set a mixed bouquet down on my desk before coming around to hug the crap out of me while I propped up my leg. I was really getting sick of the leg routine, but I forgot about it while embracing my friend.

  “I love you, Cheyenne.” Abby’s words were filled with emotion.

  I rarely heard those words, and when I did, they usually fell flat out of a man’s mouth. Never once had I returned the sentiment to any man but my dad. A lot of good that did me. “I love you, too, Abs.”

  “Happy birthday.” Abby squeezed me one more time.

  Jessie was next. “Is the rumor true that you didn’t spend your birthday alone?” She laughed.

  “You’re a brat.” I pushed her away.

  Jessie and Abby both laughed at me and pulled chairs up close to me.

  “Shane,” Abby tried to keep the emotion out of her voice, “mentioned you had words yesterday, and afterward Aidan jumped down his throat. He almost kicked him out.”

  “I don’t need him to defend me.”

  “You’re impressed.” Jessie grinned. “I also heard he baked you a cake.”

  Maybe I was happy he lit into Shane. I rolled my eyes. “It was a cupcake and not a big deal.”

  “Uh-huh.” They both nodded.

  “How many times do I have to tell you I’m done with men?”

  “Until you believe it yourself.” Jessie thought she was clever and right.

  I gave her my best smirk. “Even if I wasn’t, it wouldn’t be with Aidan. Aidan is about to be taken.”

  “By who?” Abby gasped.

  “The highest bidder, I suppose.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jessie asked.

  “I’ve decided to be a good person for a short period of time and help your pastor get a new kitchen.”

  Shock and disbelief etched each of their features.

  “It’s true. I have it all planned out. And as part of it, there’s going to be an epic bachelor auction, starring Aidan and some of my other exes that are still single.”

  “Aidan and Pastor Bates agreed to this?” Abby still wasn’t buying it.

  “They both agreed to whatever I wanted, no questions asked. So, I guess so.”

  “They don’t know yet, do they?” Jessie knew me so well.

  “I’m telling Aidan tonight.” I couldn’t wait to see his reaction.

  “How can you do that? He really likes you.” Abby’s disappointment surprised me.

  “Abs, you should understand more than anyone why getting involved with him isn’t a good idea.”

  “He’s a good guy,” she countered.

  “There’s no such thing.”

  “You know that’s a lie.” Jessie frowned.

  I ignored her. “Aidan wants a nice woman like the two of you, someone like his Mary-had-a-little-lamb first wife. So I’m helping him out. I’m a freaking saint.”

  They both snickered.

  “You’re evil,” Abby cracked a small smile.

  “Hold that thought, because you’re going to be the star of the event.”

  “Cheyenne! I’m married. I’m not bidding on Aidan.”

  “Give me some credit, Abs. That’s not what I was thinking, but now come to think of it, you two would make a nice couple,” I teased her and got smacked by both for it.

  “What do you want me to do?” Abby asked.

  I reached for her hands and held them extra tight. I stared into her eyes that yearned for relief. “I want you to sing.”

  She tried to pull away. “I can’t”

  “Yes, you can,” Jessie and I both said at the same time.

  I grinned at Jessie before turning back to Abby. “It’s time to show yourself what you’re made of.”

  “I haven’t done it in so long. I’m not that good anymore.”

  “That’s bull crap. You have six weeks to practice, which is plenty of time. Aidan will help.”

  “Does he know that?” Jessie wondered.

  “He will tonight.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Abby pulled away her hands.

  “Sorry, Abs, this is a done deal. You don’t have a choice.”


  Aidan kept staring at me over dinner. He made good on his promise to make it worth my wait. He made some fantastic chicken tacos with a margarita for me and a virgin one for himself.

  “Why are you staring at me, and what’s up with the no alcohol? I thought you said Jesus was all for it.”

  He wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I’m admiring you, not staring. And remember when I talked about poor choices? Alcohol was one of them. I thought it would help with my divorce. It didn’t work out so well.”

  “Care to share with the class?”


  That was fine. I didn’t need to know any more of his deep dark secrets, even if I wanted to. “Moving on then. I suppose you want to know what you’ll be doing for the fundraiser.”

  He shrugged uninterested. “First, tell me how your day was.”


  A smile played on his lips. “According to the town, I should be concerned about how the mother of my child is faring.”

  “Are you still letting people believe that?”

  “I don’t see you denying it.”

  “That’s because I’m benevolent and taking one for the team. The town, for some reason, is more fascinated with us than Abby and Shane.”

  His fingertips danced near mine as if they were waiting for mine to make a move. “I am too.”

  “There is no ‘us’.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  I would be. Day and night.

  “You never answered my question. How was your day?”

  “Good until now.” I took a large drink of my margarita.

  He shook his head at me. “At least tell me how your leg is?” He was trying his best to work his way in. I was onto him.r />
  “Better, I think. I see Easton on Friday. I’m hoping to ditch the crutches.”

  “Have you thought any more about the rehabilitation place?”

  “No.” That was a lie.

  He took a deep breath and let it out, thinking as he went. I could see the thoughts in his warring eyes. I hadn’t seen the battle in a while. But it all made sense when he opened his mouth. “You didn’t seem opposed to taking a bath with me? Does that mean you would if someone were with you?”

  I wasn’t expecting that. Now a war raged inside me. “Are you offering?”

  “No, but I had an idea.”

  Disappointment and relief filled me. “And what’s that?”

  “What if we went to the hot springs in Ouray? It’s kind of like a bath, only bigger and in public.”

  I laughed. “Are you afraid of being alone with me?”

  “In what I’m sure is your bikini, yes.”

  A picture of Aidan and me together in the springs popped in my head. Mmm, mmm. The water didn’t seem to terrify me as much when I saw myself in his arms. Maybe because being in his arms scared me more. “It’s probably not a good idea.” I turned back to my food.

  “Probably not, but think about it. I’ll double up on my Bible reading just in case.”

  I snorted into my taco. I never thought I would meet a man that was worried about going too far with me. “I think my one piece would do you in, Bible boy.”

  “You do me in.”

  “I know. I’m going to fix that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This fundraiser is going to accomplish more than one purpose. Your brother will get a new kitchen, Abby will get a new lease on life, and you’re going to get your choice of the perfect church girl. You may even say a match made in heaven.” Not like I believed in such a place, but I knew he did.

  The grimace he was so good at came out in full force. I hadn’t seen it in a while. “Is this a joke?”

  “Not at all. You are going to be the ultimate prize in the bachelor auction.”

  “Bachelor auction? Does Nate know this is what you have planned?”

  “Not yet, but he gave me free reign, and if you remember, you said you would do whatever I asked. So, surprise.”

  He sat stunned for a moment, staring at me like he was hoping this was all a prank. Slowly though, that look turned into something else. Something I wasn’t expecting. He leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head like he didn’t have a care in the world. “I’ll do your bachelor auction, but just so you know, you’re the only woman I’m going home with that night.”

  “Famous last words.”

  “Mark my words, Cheyenne.”

  He was sexy. I hated him for it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The crutches were gone and the word was out about the bachelor auction. I was still under orders to stay off my leg as much as possible. I was actually going to listen to that advice. I had other things to focus on besides getting back to running. I had photoshoots of all my hunky bachelors to plan, and I was helping Abby pick out some sheet music for her debut. She’d already lost five pounds over the stress of it. Not only that, I had decorations and food to think of. I was also talking to local and area restaurants about donating gift certificates for all the couples. I wanted to do an open bar, but the preacher man put his foot down on that. I told him that Jesus drank wine, even though I didn’t know for sure, but I figured Aidan wouldn’t lie about it. But preacher man still wouldn’t get on board. Fine. He also didn’t like my idea for a white t-shirt dunking booth. Do you know how much money that would have brought in? So we were only going to do the bachelor auction, raffle baskets, and a concert starring Abs and Aidan. It would bring in more than enough money, but it wasn’t going to be as fun as I had planned.

  Did I mention I was doing my best to stay away from Aidan? It was harder than I thought it would be. I also wasn’t finding pleasure in finding the right woman for him. I had narrowed my candidates down to three women in town, Danica, Teresa, and Justine. I was going to give each woman a makeover and tips about how to win the bid and the heart of Aidan. It gave me no pleasure. But I had been challenged, and he only wanted me for my body, just like I only wanted him for his. Jessie and Abby weren’t buying it. Neither was Aidan.

  Avoiding Aidan wasn’t a possibility on Saturday when I promised Drew I would go to his football game. I was getting soft. Not on the outside, and okay, probably not on the inside either, but the kid was taken with me and I couldn’t say no. And perhaps, though I would lie if someone asked me, I wanted to see his coach. It had been a few days. Not for his lack of trying. I had a good excuse. I was helping Abby every night and I was busy schmoozing people for this auction. The bachelor lineup included ex-boyfriends, professional athletes from the Stallions and Bears, and of course, Aidan, the most attractive of the bunch. That church was going to have a top-quality gourmet kitchen when this was all said and done.

  Saturday morning was a tad nippy; fall was settling in. The days were still warm, but mornings and evenings were cooling down significantly. It gave me the opportunity to put on some killer jeans since the swelling had gone down markedly in my leg. There was a dull ache still, but it was manageable without any pain medication. Easton was still after me to seek counseling and to try hydrotherapy.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about Aidan and me in the hot springs. The thought of the water terrified me, but being close to him, skin to skin in the warm water, sounded fantastic and worth the angst and the possible trauma.

  The little league football games were held on the high school football field. I showed up to the game in my tight red sweater that left nothing of my figure to the imagination. Drew did ask me to wear red.

  I caused a stir as I walked into the stands. Several of the moms—and church goers, I might add—blatantly stared and talked about me.

  “I guess it’s official since she’s coming to watch him coach.”

  “I’m so disappointed in him. I heard Pastor Bates is furious.”

  “Do you see the pooch she already has? I wonder how far along she is.”

  I looked down at my flat stomach. They were out of their freaking minds. I stretched for their enjoyment and mine. The hem of my shirt lifted, making sure they got a closer look at the stomach they wished they had. I grinned evilly at the wannabe hot moms club. They all looked down at their phones.

  Rachel and Taylor caught the show and were giggling and shaking their heads at me. I took a seat next to Rachel, who looked ready to pop. “Ladies.”

  “I’m glad you came. I needed a good laugh this morning.” Rachel shifted in her padded stadium chair.

  “You look quite fetching this morning.” Taylor grinned.

  “I do what I can.” I set my sights on the field and one Aidan Bates who was already looking my way and waving. I reciprocated and made sure to throw a smirk at the moms who had thrown shade my way. I loved watching their faces turn all sorts of red and pink. Served them right, hypocrites.

  Taylor leaned in with Tessa cuddled on her lap. “How’s Abby?” She used hushed tones in hopes of keeping the vultures from circling.

  I leaned over Rachel. “She’s getting there.” She still had her moments, and I supposed she would for some time to come, but she was finding her strength. And as unhappy as I was about it, I knew she’d been talking to Shane. At least, she told him that if she ever took him back, things were going to be different. She agreed to go on a date with him tonight after she met with Aidan to start practicing. I got roped into that one, too. For some reason, neither thought it was appropriate to be alone together. What? Do you know what fantastic rumors that would have made? They were being selfish, denying the people of Merryton a scandal to knock my fake pregnancy out of the park. And as fun as it had been toying with the townspeople, I needed the single ladies to think Aidan was available. I was going to find him Ms. Right whether he wanted me to or not. My stomach turned at the thought. Or maybe I w
as hungry?

  “And the kids? How are they?” Rachel asked.

  “Depends on the day and time. I think being back in school helps. Gives them something else to focus on.”

  At that moment, our attention shifted. The Rileys showed up, separately obviously. I didn’t know Drew’s team was playing Landon Jr.’s team. And I don’t think that Veronica knew Landon Sr. was bringing his little chick, Lucy. Veronica’s eyes erupted in a vicious flame when she saw them together, but before she let loose, she had the wherewithal to look around her and think twice about it. I’m sure she was trying to be on her best behavior since a judge would be deciding her future soon. It was too bad. I could have gone for a show. And Veronica never disappointed.

  The three of them sat across the aisle but on separate rows. Landon was smart enough to make sure he sat behind Veronica several rows back. I think Lucy insisted on it. She looked frightened. She had valid reasons to be. Veronica was as crazy as she looked. Even if she was looking more like a suburban housewife today in her turtleneck and tight jeans instead of a girl gone wild. You can’t hide the eyes and what lurks under the surface.

  Everyone in the stands was honed in on them. Landon looked a little trepid putting his arm around Lucy, but he was owning the fact he had stepped out on his wife. Pig. Lucy was turned into him, embarrassed. That was a good call on her part. And there sat Veronica, trying to hold it together. That was, until she found something else—or should I say someone else—to keep her occupied. The show had started, but I didn’t like what was playing.

  “Aidan,” Veronica yelled from her seat. “Looking good today. I’m saving my money to bid on you.” Looked like the bachelor auction names had already been leaked. That shouldn’t have surprised me. It was Merryton, after all. I would have to do little in advertising. The grapevine would take care of most of it. But I was not expecting this. And what was she thinking? I at least had enough tact not to shout crap like that out at a little league game. All the boys on the field were sniggering except Landon Jr., who looked like he wanted to die. The only bright side was the tickets for the raffles and event would be sold out.


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