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Vanguard Security_A Military Bodyguard Romance

Page 19

by S. J. Bishop

  He nodded, still hiding behind Cruz’s leg.

  “Do I really look like that bad of a caregiver?” Cruz asked, his expression painted in offense.

  “I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I don’t know you,” Lela said, her tone pointed and stern like she was dealing with one of her university students. “And all I care about is Hunter’s well-being.”

  “I’m okay,” Hunter chimed in. “Cruz is really cool… I like him.”

  A satisfied smirk flashed across his face. “See, what did I tell you? Me and him are going to be best buddies.” He grabbed the little boy and hoisted him onto his shoulders. His movements were fluid and effortless, as if the boy weighed nothing at all. “Anyway, are you two going to the reception?”

  “It’s at my house, so, of course,” Lela answered, still giving him a hard time.

  “Right. I knew that.”

  “Amelia, what about you?” Lela asked.

  “Yeah, I can go.”

  “Why don’t you ride with Cruz, so you can keep an eye on Hunter?”

  “He spent the last two days with me; I don’t understand why you’re so concerned,” Cruz protested. “But I won’t say no to a pretty woman in my car.” He winked, holding out his hand.

  Lela’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t say a word. She knew I could hold my own.

  I bypassed his hand, following the crowd back to the parking lot. There, Cruz walked up to a brand-new BMW. The sleek black finish glimmered even in the pale sunlight. “I hope you don’t mind if he takes the front seat. I haven’t gotten a booster seat for him yet, and I feel safer with him riding with me. Besides, he makes one hell of a co-pilot.”


  Carefully, he picked up Hunter, placing him in the passenger seat. He playfully pretended to miss the buckle, causing Hunter to giggle with glee. Despite what had happened to his mother, he was still able to laugh and smile.


  I settled myself in the backseat, my hands trailing along the soft leather. This was definitely a luxury vehicle.

  Who was this man? How had Heidi never mentioned him? How had he magically materialized in London? The questions buzzed around in my head, making me a little wary. Was it wise of me to be in a car with him?



  Lela lived in a studio apartment in the heart of Whitechapel. It was eerie, driving through a town that was infamous for its mysterious 19th-century serial killer.

  “Have you been in London long?” I asked, glancing in the rearview mirror. Despite the situation, I couldn’t keep myself from admiring her beauty. Her soft caramel hair framed her face to perfection. Her hazel eyes were like two jewels planted carefully beside her button nose.

  “About a week… I’m actually studying Jack the Ripper.”

  “Oh, for what purpose?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Amelia looked like a cute, innocent girl. She didn’t seem like the kind of person who would be investigating a serial killer. Then again, one of the first things I’d learned as a Navy SEAL was to never judge a book by its cover. If something seems safe – it usually isn’t. If a girl seems too good to be true – she usually is.

  I thought back to one of my first recon missions. I had been duped by an enemy spy. She had nearly milked me for sensitive intel. If it hadn’t been for Franklin, my missions partner, I would have died twenty-three days in.

  “I’m writing a book.”

  “What kind of a book?”

  “A novel.”

  “Are you a novelist?”

  “You could say that,” she answered. Her lips twitched slightly, like she was being coy with me.

  “What sort of books have you written? I’d love to read one.”

  “You’ll just have to find that out for yourself.”

  “Hmm… let me guess… you write mystery novels. That’s why you won’t tell me.”

  “Perhaps. Or maybe I just don’t want to tell you everything about myself when I know nothing about you.”

  I grinned, parking in front of Lela’s apartment. We were one of the first ones to arrive.

  “By the way you drive, I might guess you were a racecar driver, but I think you’re much more than that.” She leaned forward, the neckline of her shirt dipping down slightly, teasing me with the subtle exposure of her black lace bra.

  I immediately imagined her wearing a matching set. If I were lucky, she would be wearing a skimpy little thong, one that disappeared between her cheeks. My thoughts were about to venture into uncharted territory, but I snapped out of it when I felt my cock stirring in my pants. The last thing I needed was a boner in front of a five-year-old.

  “Well, I’m a finance manager for VanGuard,” I lied effortlessly.

  “And what do you do as a finance manager?” She leaned closer, the smell of her vanilla-scented perfume wafting up to my nose. She smelled so sweet. A part of me wanted to take her into my arms and taste her right then and there.

  “Cruz is a secret agent, just like James Bond!” Hunter blurted out. “He told me last night!”

  “Shoot, there goes my cover…” I chuckled nervously.

  “A secret agent, huh?” Amelia questioned, obviously intrigued. “What do you do exactly?”

  “Look, it’s not very important. We can talk about it later if you want – at my place.” I sweetened my tone, wondering if she would take the bait. I didn’t really expect her to say yes, especially given the circumstances, but slowly, her lips curled into a sexy little smirk.

  “Hmm, inviting me to your house already? What do you take me for, Cruz? Speaking of which, what’s your first name?”

  “It’s just Cruz.” I got out of the car and opened her door, helping her out. When our hands touched, I felt a surge of electricity run through my body. It jolted me, making me hyper-aware of how close we really were. Our noses nearly touched. Our hips were brushed together. Amelia’s eyes searched mine. For a moment, the world seemed to stop.

  Knock, knock.

  Hunter rapped his knuckles against the window, hoping we hadn’t forgotten about him.

  Reluctantly, I dropped her hand, unbuckling the little boy and pulling him into my arms. “Sorry, little buddy. The first rule about being a gentleman is ladies first.”

  He thought about this for a moment. “My mommy always told me that I had to hold the door for ladies.”

  “Your mommy was a very smart woman.” I tapped his nose with my finger and smiled. “Do you want to hold the door for Amelia?”

  He nodded. As soon as I put him on the ground, he ran up to the door and tugged on the handle. It was a heavier door, so he struggled with it a bit before I came up behind him, pulling it open. He stood in front of it and looked at her expectantly. “After you!” he said, waving his hand toward the entrance.

  I chuckled. Hunter was a cute kid.

  “Why, thank you.” She curtsied in front of him before kissing him on the cheek.

  He blushed crimson.

  “Hey, where’s my kiss?” I asked.

  She just smiled before throwing her hair over her shoulder and disappearing through the doorway.

  “Hehe. She likes me better,” Hunter teased, sticking out his tongue.

  “I know. I’ve got my work cut out for me with you as the competition.” I chuckled, taking his hand as we navigated the hallways together and finally arrived at the right door.

  Inside, there were a few people lingering around the refreshment tables. Most of them were making small talk, trying to pass the time.

  Lela, holding a juice box in her hand, spotted us. “Here you go.”

  Hunter thanked her politely.

  I helped him with the straw.

  “You seem to be handling him pretty well,” Amelia commented, handing me a plate.

  I looked down at the assortment of food. There were small tea cakes, sandwiches, and vegetable platters. I noticed that Amelia had stuck with the healthier options, but in the end, she had snuck herself a few chocolate-covered strawberries
, shooting me a naughty little look, her eyes full of mischief.

  Was she flirting with me? Or was it all just in my head?



  The reception was soon over, and I had to make my decision. Should I go back to my apartment, or should I take Cruz up on his offer and go home with him?

  “What do you make of Heidi’s brother?” Lela asked, coming up behind me. “I don’t like him.”

  “Why not? He doesn’t seem like a bad guy. Hunter likes him.”

  “Don’t you think there was a reason that Heidi never spoke to him?”

  “She also never spoke to her mother,” I pointed out. “She didn’t even go to her funeral. I think there’s something going on here that neither one of us understands.”

  “I think you should figure it out.” Lela sipped her wine.

  “What? Why me?”

  “He’s obviously interested in you. Besides, don’t you think something fishy is going on? You and I both know that Heidi didn’t die of a heart complication.”

  “What are you insinuating?” I picked at the end of my uneaten strawberry, my stomach churning into knots. I had my suspicions that her death wasn’t a mere accident, but I didn’t want to come across as the crazy theorist, especially with my history.

  “That something happened. I don’t know what, but something bad happened.”

  “And what do you want me to do about it?”

  “Oh, come on, don’t be so modest. You’ve hunted down the facts for your novels thousands of times before; why can’t you do it for Heidi’s death?”

  “But that’s different.”

  “How is it different?” she asked, placing her wine glass on the table. “This had to be foul play. Heidi was one of the healthiest people I knew.”

  “I just don’t think we should jump to conclusions…”

  “Do you really want the same thing that happened to you to happen to Hunter? How is he going to feel if he finds out that his mother was murdered but no one tried to get her the justice she deserved?”

  I looked around the studio, the hair on the back of my neck standing on edge. “Not so loud…” I hissed.

  “What are you two girls whispering about?” Cruz materialized in front of us, giving me a start. I accidentally tripped over the edge of the rug and lost my balance. I fell forward, bracing myself for a fall, my arms outstretched.

  To my surprise, Cruz reacted with lightning fast reflexes. His arms wrapped around me tightly. His chest collided with my own. “Whoa, are you okay?” He looked down, his eyes locking with mine. “I know I’m handsome, but I didn’t expect you to fall for me this quickly.” He smirked, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement.

  Quickly, I pulled away. “I just tripped,” I said as I straightened myself out, easing the wrinkles from my dress. The hem had hiked up my thigh, nearly exposing my underwear.

  Cruz’s eyes, however, never left my face.

  “Nothing,” Lela said, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  “I’m starting to think you don’t like me very much.”

  “I don’t.”

  “I don’t really understand what I did to upset you so badly.”

  “If Heidi didn’t talk to you, then I don’t see a reason for me to trust you.”

  Cruz sighed. “I guess that’s fair. I would explain the story to you, but Hunter is getting tired, and I should be getting him home.”

  “Make sure you give him a bath before you put him to bed,” Lela advised.

  “I know. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past two nights. He’s a smart kid. Been putting me in my place.” He chuckled. “He’ll be one hell of a boss when he grows up.”

  “He wants to be an architect.”

  “Does he? I’ll have to buy him a Lego set…”

  “He has some at home. Haven’t you been to Heidi’s house yet?” Lela had her arms crossed over her chest.

  “No. Her lawyer said he was going to send me a key so I could go through her belongings, but I haven’t received it yet.”

  Hunter walked up to us and tugged on Cruz’s pant leg. “Cruz…?” He rubbed his eyes, looking sleepy. “Can we go now?”

  “Of course. I was just making sure Amelia didn’t want to come home with us.”

  Hunter looked up at me with great big eyes. “Cruz is a lot of fun. You’d like his house.”

  Lela nudged me forward. I couldn’t understand her. She didn’t like the guy, yet she wanted me to go home with him. How did that make any sense? But then again, if I wanted to learn more about Heidi, maybe spending some time with her brother was the best avenue for information.

  “Sure, let’s go,” I finally said.

  “Good job, buddy.” Cruz pounded his fist against Hunter’s, the two boys grinning madly.

  “Was that all a ruse to get me to go home with you?” I asked, a little surprised that he had stooped to using a five-year-old to pick me up.

  “Maybe.” He smirked. “The kid is quite the actor, isn’t he?” He affectionately ruffled Hunter’s hair.

  “It’ll be a lot of fun!” Hunter exclaimed. “I can show you all the nice toys Cruz got me.”

  I couldn’t say no to the boy’s cute face, so I nodded, following them out to the car. Once again, Cruz opened the door for me, acting like the perfect gentleman. On the surface, he had a bit of awkwardness about him, but deep down, he seemed like a nice guy. Or the kind of guy who pretended to be nice to get in your pants… I studied Cruz closely, wondering what his angle was.

  “After you.” He helped me to my seat, steadying me by the elbow. Anyone else would have taken the opportunity to lay a hand on my hips, or even my ass, but Cruz seemed different. He wasn’t trying to overstep any personal boundaries, which I appreciated, but still, a part of me felt like he was too good to be true.

  As he started the car, I leaned back into my seat, wondering if I was about to get myself into a night of trouble or one of the best nights of my life.



  When we arrived at my new home, Hunter was already fast asleep. I guess the little tyke had been tired after all. I carefully picked him up, resting his head on my shoulder as we approached the door.

  “Do you mind grabbing the key out of my pocket?” I asked Amelia.

  She raised an eyebrow in question.

  “I’m not trying to be perverted; I just don’t want to wake him,” I said quickly, trying to defend my honor.

  “That’s not what I was implying. I was just going to ask you what pocket.”

  “Oh. Front left.” I said, feeling the heat rising on my cheeks as her hand slithered into my pants. It took every ounce of my will to keep my excitement at bay. I held my breath to keep my cock from twitching. I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. “It’s the one painted red.”

  She nodded, bending over slightly to push the key into the lock. Her hips swayed from side to side. My eyes traveled over her lovely curves, drinking them in. I could already feel myself becoming intoxicated with the sight of her.

  Finally, she opened the door.

  “Light is on the left,” I said, trying to ignore the surge of lust that coiled within me like a snake ready to strike. I had never felt a need so carnal before. I managed to control myself as I crossed the house toward Hunter’s room.

  It was a little bare and depressing, but I had promised to decorate it any way he wanted in the following weeks. It seemed he was leaning toward a Batman theme. Hopefully, he wouldn’t want to paint the walls neon yellow.

  “I’ll just be a few minutes, okay?”

  “Take your time.” Amelia settled herself on the couch.

  I wanted to turn around and join her, but right now, Hunter was my main priority. As slowly as I could, I took off his clothes, changing him into a set of flannel pajamas. I slipped some cozy socks onto his feet before gently placing him on the bed and tucking him in.

  He curled up, his arm reaching out for the bear he had given to his mothe
r. I picked up a stuffed panda I had bought him the day before and placed it beside him. He cuddled it tightly, a smile spreading across his face.

  I eased back his hair and kissed the top of his head. I lingered by his bed for a moment before I turned on his night light. “Good night, Hunter,” I whispered, softly shutting the door behind me.

  To my surprise, Amelia was standing right there, a smile on her face. “I’m impressed.”


  “Most guys don’t know a thing about kids, but you seem like a natural.”

  I shrugged. “Most of it is just common sense.”

  She shook her head. “No. I mean, the way you handle him, there’s clearly a sense of love there. But from what Lela told me, you didn’t meet Hunter until two days ago.”

  “He’s my flesh and blood. Of course I love him.” I moved into the kitchen, pouring two cups of wine. I handed one to my guest before I sat down on the couch.

  “Can you tell me why you and Heidi didn’t speak to each other? It seems strange that she would hate you so much and then leave her son in your custody.”

  “Well, actually, she didn’t have a formal will. I was notified as the next of kin. I had the option of becoming Hunter’s legal guardian or putting him up for adoption.”

  “And you chose to become his legal guardian?”

  “Of course. I couldn’t let him fend for himself when I could easily provide for him. It’ll be hard being a single dad when I’ve been a bachelor for most of my life, but I think I can manage.”

  “A single dad? You know, some girls find that incredibly attractive.” Amelia shimmied closer, narrowing the distance between us.

  Since I was a little taller than she was, I had to look down at her face. Doing so, my eye caught sight of her black lace bra, peeking out from under her shirt. I tried to force myself to look away, but I just couldn’t help myself.

  “Eyes up here,” she said, with her finger under my chin. The sharpness of her nail on my skin sent a shiver through my body.


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