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Vanguard Security_A Military Bodyguard Romance

Page 24

by S. J. Bishop

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh? You don’t know?” He adjusted his glasses, standing in such a way that the light reflected off of the lenses, making it impossible for me to see his eyes, to read what he was planning.

  “Rob…” I growled. “No games.”

  “No. Of course not.” He adjusted his sleeves, bringing to attention the diamond cuff links he was wearing.

  Was he trying to bribe me?

  “You’re looking at the leader of VanGuard.”

  VanGuard. Wasn’t that the company Cruz worked with? Did they know each other? There was still much more to this story…

  “And?” I placed my hand on my hip, trying to look uninterested.

  He chuckled. “Naïve child.”

  My eyes narrowed as my agitation heightened. Rob had always treated me as some little girl he could talk down to. It was one of the reasons I had broken it off with him.

  “How about some dinner? I’d be happy to explain everything over a nice plate of lobster.”

  “I told you five years ago that I never wanted anything to do with you, and I meant it. Now, I don’t care if you’re the Queen of England; I’m not having dinner with you.” I turned on my heels, swaying my hips, trying to taunt him with what he could no longer have.

  I was so focused on getting away from the creep that I didn’t notice how deserted the street had become. The neighborhood had transformed from posh boutiques to run down barber shops with boarded up windows. Unwilling to double back and face Rob once more, I continued forward, clutching my bag tightly against my body. Every alleyway I passed made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge.

  A black cat slinked out of the shadows, making me jump. My heart thumped. “You scared me…” I whispered. The cat looked at me, its yellow eyes glowing. It was still for a moment before it hissed, its claws extending in a defensive position. “Nice kitty…” I backed away slowly, praying that it didn’t attack me. I held my purse to my chest, ready to use it as a shield.

  Suddenly, I bumped into someone.



  I didn’t want to arrive at Franklin’s home empty handed. I needed to bring along a bottle of… sparkling water? What were you supposed to gift someone who didn’t drink alcohol? I racked my brain for answers as I leaned into my bike, heading into town.

  Deciding to take a shortcut, I turned left into a sketchier part of town. Here, the walls were covered in graffiti. Trash cans were abandoned on the side of the streets, filled with needles and rubber bands. Beggars slept in cardboard boxes, picking through their earnings for the day.

  Up ahead, I spotted a couple. They seemed to be embracing one another. In the dying light, I couldn’t quite make out if they were kissing or not, but then again, it wasn’t really my place to stare.

  I adverted my eyes, about to drive by when I heard the girl raise her voice. I couldn’t make out what she was saying over the rumble of my engine. I drove closer.

  “Let go of me!” she screamed, raining her fists down on his chest to no effect. “You’re hurting me!”

  I immediately came to a screeching halt right in front of them. My headlights shone in their direction. My eyes widened in surprise when I realized that it was Amelia trying to fight off my boss.

  Something snapped inside of me. I jumped off my bike, letting it crash to the ground. My hatred for this man consumed me as I marched up to him.

  He dropped Amelia, holding his hands up in innocence. This just pissed me off even further.

  I pulled my fist back, aiming right for his face. I fueled my punch with everything I had, launching it forward.

  He ducked, a grin etched on his face. “Oh, you’ll have to do better than that.”

  I rounded quickly, keeping my eyes locked on his movements and trying to anticipate his actions. This guy wasn’t a typical corporate head. There was something hiding under the surface. Something sinister. I could see it in those cold, cold eyes of his.

  “Amelia… get out of here,” I said, thinking about her safety. He had hurt her already, and I’d be a dead man before he did it again. I would enjoy wiping that smirk off of his face.

  Suddenly, his shoe connected with my side. I hadn’t even seen his leg move. I doubled over in pain. Before I could compose myself, I took a knee to the gut. The air flew from my lungs, leaving me winded.

  “You don’t learn, do you?” Mr. Robison taunted as he grabbed me by the head, ramming me into a nearby wall.

  I blinked, seeing stars.

  “Let go of him!” Amelia charged toward my boss, holding her purse over her head. She slammed it down on top of his head.

  He stumbled forward, giving me the opportunity to tackle him to the ground. He grunted in pain.

  Rage consumed me at this point. My hand tightened into a fist, pummeling his face over and over again. Blood flew from his lips. I kept hitting him, knowing he deserved it.

  As I tried to catch my breath, he grabbed me by the shoulders, tossing me overhead. I rolled out of the way before he could return my fury. We got to our feet, squaring off. I couldn’t help but smirk as I saw the deep gash on his forehead.

  “You don’t know what you’re doing,” he warned.

  “I don’t care. You tried to hurt her. In my book, that makes you a creep worth fighting.”

  “If you were smart, you’d leave while you still have your life.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  He tossed away his broken glasses and smirked, his teeth flashing like tiny daggers. Abruptly, he grabbed me, his hand wrapping around my neck. His fingers tightened, cutting off my airway.

  I jabbed my palm into his nose in response. It cracked under the blow.

  He was momentarily dazed, but then he bashed his head against mine, causing my brain to rattle inside my skull. My temples throbbed.

  Oh, this guy was going down.

  I swept my leg forward, trying to clip him.

  He jumped back, throwing a punch at my face.

  I managed to grab his arm and twist it behind his back.

  He groaned, trying to hold back a cry of pain.

  I twisted it harder, ready to break his arm when I felt Amelia’s delicate hand on my shoulder. Her presence softened my rage.

  She shook her head. “He’s not worth it, Cruz. Let him go.”

  I hesitated. I wanted nothing more than to give this man what he truly deserved, but I couldn’t break his arm in front of Amelia. I pushed him away, spitting in his direction.

  He glared at me before he straightened his posture, adjusting his jacket like he had simply been caught in a bit of wind. “You’ll regret this. Both of you,” he said, his words laced with venom, before he finally turned on his heels and disappeared into the darkness.

  As soon as he’d left, Amelia took my cheeks into her hands. “Are you okay? You’re bleeding.” Her eyes were painted with concern as she looked me over. “We have to get you to a doctor… I think the hospital is that way… or maybe that way… I don’t know…” She ranted, her anxiety apparent in the breathlessness of her words.

  “I’m fine,” I assured her, cupping her face and gently rubbing my thumbs against her cheeks. “I swear.” I smiled, kissing the top of her head. “But what about you? Did he hurt you?”

  “Maybe just a bruise… I’m okay…” She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “But God knows what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up.”

  I shuddered at the thought, holding her close. I thanked my lucky stars for bringing me here. “Come on, you’re coming with me. You’re not leaving my sight again.”

  And until I figured out what the hell was going on, I was determined to keep that promise.



  Where are we going?” I asked when I saw Cruz pick up his bike. “You’re in no condition to drive.”

  “We can’t stay here. There’s no telling if he’ll return with backup. He has a whole company of trained SEALs who will do anythi
ng he says.” There was a grim expression on his face.

  “You just lost your job because of me, didn’t you?” I frowned at the thought.

  He turned and tilted my chin upwards. Our eyes locked, and it seemed like the whole world had come to a standstill. Gently, he kissed me, melting away my worries. It felt like the world could be falling apart at my feet, and I’d still feel safe with him.

  When he pulled away, his hand lingered on my cheek. “It was worth it to protect you. Now, come on. We have to get somewhere safe.”

  “But where?”

  “An old friend of mine will take us in. Besides, Hunter is already there.”

  I nodded. “At least let me wipe the blood from your face.” I grabbed a few napkins and wet them with the water bottle I always carried with me.

  Cruz winced slightly.

  “I’m sorry; does it hurt?”

  “A little. Maybe you could kiss it better.”

  I chuckled, kissing the top of his head. “We will need to clean that properly when we get a chance. I don’t want it to get infected.”

  “I’m sure Franklin has a first aid kit we could borrow. But we really must hurry.” Cruz kept looking around as if expecting Rob to return at any moment.

  Knowing time was of the essence, I helped him pick up his bike before I jumped behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso. The second he felt my firm grasp around him, he sped off.

  Every black car I saw caused goosebumps to rise on my skin. What if someone was following us? Would we really be safe at this friend’s house? What was truly going on, and how had I been sucked into this mess?

  Soon, we arrived at a quaint little house. It was painted a light blue color with flower boxes in every window. A vibrant garden colored the front of the house. Pillars covered in Christmas lights framed the doorway.

  Cruz parked his bike behind the lime green Ford Fiesta, hiding it from view.

  The window blinds swayed as someone looked out the main window. A second later, Hunter came rushing out the door and hugged Cruz’s leg. “You’re back!”

  “Hey, kiddo. Did you miss me?” He ruffled the little boy’s hair and smiled. “Sorry I was gone so long… I got stuck doing some things.”

  “It’s okay… I had a lot of fun with Gina.” He nodded his head toward the girl standing in the doorway. “Isn’t she pretty?” he whispered, his cheeks turning red.

  Cruz chuckled. “Yes, she’s very pretty. But don’t be getting any funny ideas.”

  Hunter cocked his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “Never mind.” He ushered the little boy inside.

  I followed them, smiling at the way he handled his nephew. It was clear that he had a natural knack for kids. He would make a great father.

  For a split second, I imagined us starting a family. We would have a nice little house by the water so that I could sit on my hammock and write to the sound of the ocean. We would have two children – a boy and a girl. It would be perfect…

  “You coming?” Cruz asked, breaking me out of my fantasy.

  “Oh! Yes…”

  “What was that about?” he asked once he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders.


  “You had this dreamy look in your eyes. Could it be that you were daydreaming about me?”

  My cheeks burned at his comment.

  “Oh… you brought a guest.” A large, well-built man emerged from the kitchen with an apron tied around his waist. He looked like someone who belonged on an Old Spice commercial. Slicked back hair. Thick beard. Fair skin.

  “Yes. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll explain everything once we’ve had dinner and put the kids to bed.” The two men shared a silent wave of communication.

  “Well, I hope you like shepherd’s pie!” he exclaimed. “It’s my own special recipe. I use sweet potato.”

  “It’s to die for,” Cruz added. “Or at least it was.”

  “It still is,” he stated proudly, sticking out his chest. He then wiped his hands on his apron. “I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is Franklin. It’s nice to meet you. Cruz has told me so much about you.”

  “No, I haven’t,” Cruz interjected quickly. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh yes, he’s told me everything.”

  My eyes widened. “You have?” My face was the color of a tomato by now. Had he told his friend about our night of passion?

  “Don’t listen to him. He’s just trying to make my life difficult.”

  He laughed. “Alright. Alright. You’ve got me there. He hasn’t actually told me anything. I just like to tease him sometimes.”

  “Oh… I see…” I fidgeted on my feet, feeling a little awkward. “Well, I’m Amelia.”

  “Ah, such a pretty name.” He smiled brightly before swinging his arm in the direction of the living room. “Please, make yourself at home. The friend of a friend is always welcome in my home.”

  Cruz placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me toward the dining room. “Seriously, don’t believe a word he says. He likes to make jokes.”

  I nodded.

  Inside the dining room, the children were busy setting the table, forming a nice little team.

  “Did you bring the laptop?” Franklin asked as he placed a large casserole dish of shepherd’s pie on the table.

  “Fuck… I must have left it behind when I ran into Mr. Robison…”

  The little kids gasped. “He said a bad word…”



  Shit… sorry.”

  Franklin glared at me.

  “Oh… right… that’s a bad word too. You aren’t going to wash my mouth with soap, are you?”

  “I should.” Franklin shook his head. I had never once heard him swear. Hell, I hadn’t even seen him truly angry. He was someone who knew how to control his emotions well. I, on the other hand, not so much. If so, I wouldn’t have dragged Amelia into this mess.

  “Sorry,” I said again. “Won’t you please forgive me?” I got down on my knees and begged, causing an eruption of giggles from the children. I smirked, grabbing Hunter and tickling him all over. His laugh bubbled out of his chest, filling the entire room. It was good to know that even with all hell breaking out around me, the child’s innocence had remained untouched. I hoped to keep it that way. After his mother’s death, he didn’t need any more sorrow in his life.

  “Alright. Alright. Get back on your feet,” Franklin ordered, pointing the spatula at one of the chairs. “Everyone is hungry.”

  I did as he said but not before pulling out a chair for Amelia. Her cheeks flushed crimson. It felt good to treat her like a princess.

  I sat beside her, grabbing her hand under the table and squeezing it. There was just something about her that made it difficult to keep my hands to myself. Even now, I wanted to fold her into my arms and hold her all night long… among other things…

  Franklin served the children first before he handed us both a plate. We ate quietly, for the most part, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I was just trying to connect the dots. Something was going on, and I had to find out what.

  Once the children were done, they placed their dishes in the sink and headed upstairs to brush their teeth. “I’ll put them to bed. Do you mind getting started on what we talked about?”

  Franklin sighed. “If this costs me my job, you’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “After what I tell you tonight, you might want to reconsider your job.”

  Franklin screwed together his eyebrows in confusion. “What?”

  “After the kids are in bed.” I climbed the stairs slowly, holding onto the banister so I wouldn’t lose my balance. My head was still throbbing from the beating I’d taken. I felt frustrated that I had allowed such a low-life to catch me off guard. I should have knocked him out from the beginning. Was I losing my touch?

  I reached the bathroom and peeked through the doorway. There, Hunter was helping Gina onto a small ste
p stool so she could reach the sink. He treated her with care, making sure he was very gentle. I smiled to myself, knowing he would grow up to be the perfect little gentleman. Patiently, he waited his turn.

  While he was brushing his teeth, I helped Gina into her pajamas and got her into bed. She snuggled up with an oversized bear, looking at me expectantly. “You’ll read us a bedtime story, won’t you?”

  I nodded. “Of course. Why don’t you pick one out for me to read while I take care of Hunter?”

  She nodded, springing out of bed and toward her bookcase.

  Hunter was already waiting for me in the bathroom. “Why are we sleeping here tonight?” he asked.

  “Do you not want to?”

  “No… I like it here. I was just… curious,” he said, popping his head through the hole of his shirt.

  “I just thought you and Gina might want to have a sleep over.”

  “Oh! Okay! Thank you!” He hugged me tightly.

  I picked him up and carried him to the bedroom, laying him down on the air mattress beside Gina’s bed.

  Gina tugged on my pant leg, holding out a pink-colored book. “Can you read this one?”

  “Of course,” I smiled, grabbing the book.

  “Mind if I help?” Amelia appeared in the doorway. She crossed the room and sat down beside me, her hand on my shoulder. “The Plum Princess… this used to be one of my favorites when I was a little girl.”

  Gina giggled. “It’s my favorite, too! Can you be the princess?”

  “What am I supposed to be?” I asked.

  “You, my dear Cruz, will have to be the ugly toad!” Amelia snickered a bit, poking me on the nose.

  “I’m a much better frog.” I took a deep breath, holding it in my lungs before I let out a very realistic sounding ribbit. The kids looked at me in wonder.

  “How did you do that?” Hunter asked, sitting up in his bed. He even placed a hand on my throat, as if there was a frog hiding in my windpipe.


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