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Boss Of Her Heart

Page 12

by Shanna Handel

  Still slightly miffed by his joke I sighed, rolling my eyes into the back of my head. “Well… seeing as I literally have no other place to go…”

  “Not true, you could room with Mr. McAllister.”

  “Is there no end to your teasing?”

  “I’m serious. He’d make a great roommate. He can take you to the early bird special. You can get the senior discount at The Grill. You’d both be in bed by eight o’clock.”

  I couldn’t laugh at the joke. I couldn’t even smile.

  Looking me over, Garrett must have read my expression because his arms were suddenly around me holding me tightly and murmuring, “You have to come live with me, Bella baby. I can’t have it any other way. Please?” His dark eyes locked on mine and there he was again, kissing me, touching me, holding me.


  “Yes?” Pulling away from me his gaze locked on mine. There was lightness to his face and he looked years younger and not so serious, as his shining eyes flashed. “You mean it?”


  “Let’s get your stuff—today.”

  “I’ve been evicted. They changed the locks. Everything in the house belongs to the landlord now. It said so in my eviction notice.”

  “I’ll call your landlord and offer to pay the rent you owe and pay until he can find a tenant. I’m sure he will let us in this afternoon to get your stuff. It would be a hassle for him to have to empty it himself.”

  “What about when Oliver wants to visit?”

  “I’ll stay in the guest room of the big house with Wes and Carrie when he comes. I think Oliver will get a real kick out of spending a weekend a month at Lonestar. And I’d love to get to know him better.”

  Staring at the handsome face of the ex-playboy, bad boy turned good, but still sexy as hell Wall Street cowboy, rancher, boss and boyfriend, I could barely believe that my life had changed so much so quickly. I went from Bella with no job, no love, not even sure if I owned a vacuum, to what had to be the most well cared for woman in Texas.

  Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, I gave a sob, throwing my arms tightly around Garrett’s neck.

  “Oh, Garrett. I just love you. Thank you… for everything.”

  His hands tangled in my hair. I could feel his breath as his mouth moved to my ear, whispering, “And I love you, Bella baby. I have from the moment you stepped onto this ranch. And I look forward to the day you live here with me as my wife.”


  Moving Bella’s stuff into my house was a cinch. Moving Bella in—that was another story. Bella had barely any belongings. Honestly, most of her furniture belonged at the dump—it wasn’t nice enough to take to the thrift shop—but she was already emotionally drained from the eviction. Instead, I put all of her belongings, sans clothing and toiletries, in the old shed on the back of the property. Out of kindness, or just stupidity, I covered it all up with old sheets to keep the fabric of her couch from getting any worse—if that was possible.

  Her clothing fit neatly into the extra dresser and the half empty closet in the bedroom. There was even an empty drawer in the bathroom for her toothbrush and girl stuff.

  But Bella, as petite as she was, seemed to take up the whole house. She was like a little tornado leaving a trail of mess behind her as she blew through the house. The first three days, I said nothing. Not only was she dealing with the emotions of her eviction and sudden move, her ankle was still healing. I just went behind her picking up and putting away things, quietly, patiently. It was the fourth day that broke me.

  Walking through the living room, cleaning up as I went, I found yet another light sweater—cardigan she called it—discarded over the back of the couch. I went back into the bedroom to hang it up. As I was stepping past her side of the bed to get to the closet door, the bare heel of my foot pressed down into something soft, squishy and wet.

  “Damn it, Bella,” I roared as I peeled a mayonnaise oozing, flattened, half of a left-over sandwich from my heel. “Get in here.”

  Hopping on one foot to the bathroom, I grabbed a washcloth and wiped the condiments from my foot.

  “Yes?” the sweet little voice tinkled as the flushed face of Bella appeared in the doorway. Half my anger instantly melted away just at the sight of her adorableness. The half that was left was ready to lay down the law.

  “I just stepped on a sandwich.”

  Her brow creased in confusion. “Why weren’t you eating at the table?”

  “Why weren’t you eating at the table? It was your sandwich and it was in the bedroom, on the floor.”

  “Oh… that. I got a little hungry last night around midnight but didn’t want to wake you—you are even more handsome when you’re sleeping by the way—and I went out to the kitchen and made a sandwich. But then as I was eating it, I got tired again, so I went to bed to eat it and just as I was nodding off, I made sure to put the plate on the ground, so we didn’t wake up with a sandwich pressed into the bed covers.”

  “No more food in the bedroom.”


  “And you have got to start cleaning up after yourself. You leave a trail…” I held the mayo mustard covered washcloth out gesturing around me, “everywhere you go. I’ve been picking up after you for three days. I didn’t mind at first, but it looks like it’s time to set some boundaries.”

  As always when any type of discipline or rein on her freedom was mentioned, her eyes widened. That was first. Second, if she didn’t like what I said, her temper would flare. Which always lead to number three—I’m nothing if not consistent—a spanking.

  “Now, the first thing we are going to do is establish some chores. I wanted you to feel comfortable and let your ankle heal and so I spoiled you a little bit but vacation’s over, little miss.”

  “I’m happy to help out,” she said perkily, taking the plate from the countertop and rushing towards the kitchen to dispose of the offensive leftovers. When she returned, she had my vacuum. “See, I can clean.” With gusto, she was plugging it in and turning it on. With the fury of a storm, she was swiping it all over the place making a star pattern in the center of the room.

  “Is your ankle up for that?”

  “Good as new,” she said, twirling it daintily for me.

  “Here, let me show you.” I took the vacuum from her hands and beginning in one corner of the room, I slowly vacuumed, up and back over about a foot-long strip of carpet. Moving beside that line, I pushed the vacuum up and back, creating another stripe.

  Her little nose wrinkled in distaste. “But that’s boring. And takes forever. I prefer the star method.”

  “But this is the right way. It gets every inch of the carpet clean—not just the center. Give it a try.” I handed the vacuum over to her.

  Her face straining in concentration, she pulled the vacuum over and back over the carpeting. After doing a few more stripes, she looked over her work with a satisfied look. “Perfect,” she said.

  “I’m going to take a shower.” Even after the washcloth I couldn’t shake the gross feeling of the mayo squeezing through the bread and squishing between my toes. The only thing that would help was a hot shower.

  “I’ll finish in here, then do the living room, ‘k?”

  “All right.” Giving her a kiss on her forehead, I said, “I love you, Bella.”

  “Love you too.”

  Her face settled back into concentration mode as she went back to work.

  Closing the bathroom door behind me, I turned the shower as hot as it would go. I needed the hot water beating on the back of my neck and shoulders, I needed to breathe in the clean steam. Pulling my shirt over the back of my neck and stepping out of my jeans, I pulled the curtain back, stepping over the tub and closing the curtain behind me.

  I leaned my head back, letting the water run over me. My eyes closed, and Bella filled my mind. I could see she was trying so hard to please me. And I could see that I was going to have to let go of some of my rigid ways that I had accrued over the past ten y
ears. I was going to have to come her way some—not too far though—I would always be the dominant one in the relationship, and I would always be in charge. But maybe I could let a little messiness into my life.

  Shutting down the shower, I toweled off and got dressed in a clean pair of jeans and white tee.

  Leaving the bedroom, I smiled to myself at the neat little rows of vacuum lines laying one beside the other like little soldiers.

  Walking into the living room, I paused at the threshold, staring at the rear view of Bella Buchanan as her little waist turned and her bottom shimmied as she vacuumed and sang at the top of her lungs. Sneaking up behind her, she jumped as I wrapped my arms around her from behind. Taking the vacuum from her, I moved to the center of the room.

  With gentle sweeping strokes, I guided it out and back. Satisfied with my work, I turned it off, stepping back to admire my artwork.

  Bella laughed when she saw what I had done.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I murmured into her ear, “You were right—stars are much prettier.”

  She giggled as I nibbled at her neck.

  “So, your ankle is fully healed.”

  “Mmm… yes.”

  “One hundred percent better?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Then it’s time for your spanking.”

  Pulling back from me, she looked at me incredulously. “What? Why?”

  “You should have told me about the first eviction notice. Though I’m glad it turned out the way it did. Also, I want you to know where you are going to be if you keep up with these nasty messy habits of yours—right over my knee.”

  Giving a delicious little shudder, her eyes widened as she looked up at me, squeaking, “Right now?”

  “Good a time as any.”

  She began to inch away from me. “But if I had told you about it, I wouldn’t be here now. Aren’t you glad I’m here?”

  “Mmmm hmmm.”

  “Then no need to spank me, right? All’s well that ends well,” she laughed nervously as she continued to put space between us, tiptoeing around the edge of the couch, she placed in between our bodies.

  Chasing her around the couch, I grabbed her around her tiny waist, pulling her towards me as I fell onto the couch. Laughing and screaming, she tried to push her hand behind her, protecting her derriere as I flipped her over my lap, playfully slapping at her bottom.

  “You gonna keep this house clean, girlie?” I asked, pinning her hand and continuing to lightly smack her round curves.

  “Yes, sir,” she giggled, squirming underneath me.

  “And cook my meals, and wash my clothes and iron my shirts?”

  That had her really laughing. We both knew domestic duties were not her strong suit. I knew even when we were married I wouldn’t let her touch my button-down shirts.

  Flipping her over and sliding her torso up further on the couch, I lay over her. Pulling her smiling mouth towards mine, I pressed my lips to hers. “I am going to spank you for real, later. But right now, I want other things.”

  Ripping her jeans from her waist, I did the things I wanted. And judging by her moans and the way she whimpered my name she wanted it just as badly.

  I had let things go on too long. After a surprise proposal as romantic as they came, an excited ‘yes’, and a sparkling ring on Bella’s finger, I had spoiled the heck out of her. And lightened my firm hand. Moving towards her way of thinking, her way of life. And we were happy.

  But she lacked discipline, and discipline she needed. A man can only live in chaos so long before he sees that his chaotic woman needs his strict ways.

  Things finally came to a head after Oliver had gone home after a successful weekend visit to the ranch. We had taken him riding, fishing, had a cookout with the other kids in the family, it was great. When he left he asked if he could come back soon and maybe bring his brothers. It was the best weekend we could have hoped for. His father picked him up, and as the door shut behind him, Bella fell into a depression.

  Eating ice cream straight out of the carton, surrounded by empty, green, mineral water bottles, I tried to be understanding. I tried to get her to talk about her feelings. I tried distracting her with fun things to do. That was when it hit me. She needed a good old-fashioned ‘we aren’t going to sit around and feel sorry for ourselves’ spanking.

  The Garrett that I had developed over the ten years before I met her came back to me in a hurry. The no nonsense man who was always in charge, who had kept a tight rein on his wild girl—the one who had won Bella’s heart in the first place—was back with tenacity.

  “Bella Buchanan soon to be Bella Love, get up and put that ice cream in the freezer right now.”

  Looking up at me from her spot on the couch, she raised a brow to me, mumbling, “No way.”

  Oh, hell no. Things had really gone too far in the post engagement bliss I had been reveling in.

  In only two strides, I was by her side, pulling her up by her arm. “In the freezer, now.”

  Considering my face, she looked from me to the half empty pint in her hand, as if deciding who she loved more. I gave her arm a tight squeeze and she made her decision, scurrying off to the freezer to put the ice cream back.

  Returning, she stood in the frame of the doorway, hands behind her back, looking up at me shyly. “What?”

  “No more feeling sorry for yourself. No more beating yourself up about the past. And no more ice cream.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest, fury flashed in her eyes. “I am not feeling sorry for myself. And I will eat what I want when I want it.”

  She was testing me. She was begging me. She needed what I could give her, but she couldn’t ask for it. And so, she would brat her way right into it. Fine. She could have it her way. I didn’t care how we got there as long as this scenario ended with her rear over my knee.

  “Is that so?” I asked, crossing my arms over my own chest.


  “Let me ask you this, Bella. Who makes the rules around here?” Her lips clamped shut, her jaw tightening and her eyes narrowing.

  “Answer me right now, young lady.”

  My demand was met with the silence that I expected. It was time for the question. The one that she would never ever be able to answer honestly, but the one that would solve the problem that was right before her—making her feel better in the process.

  “Do you need a spanking?”

  A shy look flashed in her eyes. I caught it just as her gaze turned towards the ground submissively.

  I had my answer.

  “I want you to go to our room. I want you to take off your jeans. I want you waiting for me on the bed. Understood?”

  No answer.

  Uncrossing my arms, I pointed to the cream couch she had been slumped on just a few minutes ago. “Or I will bend you over the back of that couch and whip your behind with my belt and then you can go wait for me in our room. Your choice.”

  With a little huff, she made her way to our bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  I knew what she needed. And what she needed more than anything right now was loving discipline.

  I picked up the house for a bit, giving her time to wait it out. I pictured her sitting on the bed in her panties, her knee bouncing up and down nervously as she shook her leg in anticipation of what was to come.

  The bulge in my pants tightened as I pictured her waiting. Waiting for me to open the door. Waiting for me to punish her. Shaking my head, I finished picking up the living room, then went to the bedroom.

  When I turned the knob to open the door, the vision before me was just as I had pictured it. There sat Bella on the bed, wearing her shirt and panties, seated on the edge of the bed nervously. Her big blue eyes turned up towards me, her bottom lip pouting just a bit.

  Walking over to her, I grabbed her hands, pulling her up off the bed towards me. Wrapping my arms around her, I asked quietly, “You need this, don’t you?”

  Without looking up at me, she gave a
small nod. The movement was so slight I almost missed it though I already knew the answer.

  I sat down on the bed, turning her towards me, her hands still in mine. Her shy little face was adorable, her teeth sunk down into the flesh of her bottom lip.

  “Over my lap, young lady.”

  Hesitating for a moment, she made the decision. Slowly and with a great sigh, she lay over my lap, her elbows resting on the bed.

  Her curvy bottom was covered in a pair of pale yellow panties. The sight of her soft skin under those delicate underthings hardened me as I ran my hands over the curve of her bottom. She shivered as I touched her skin.

  Time for a nice long lecture to get her into the submissive mindset that she needed and wanted so badly.

  “That was naughty when you told me ‘no’ earlier, wasn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “I can’t hear your words, Bella.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You don’t tell me ‘no’. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And when we get upset in this house, we talk about our feelings. Not act grumpy and eat copious amounts of ice cream. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And we certainly don’t hold our past mistakes over our heads, never forgiving ourselves and moving on, right?”


  “Now, I’m going to ask you one more question, and I want an honest answer. Do you need a spanking?”

  I counted to three in my head as I waited through the silence. One, two—

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Atta girl.”

  It wasn’t a sexy spanking. It wasn’t really a punishment spanking—though she had earned one telling me ‘no’—we could focus on that another day. It was the kind of spanking you give a woman when she needs to truly let go of something. Unable to do so on her own, but able to do so with a man taking charge of her and disciplining her under his firm loving hand. Almost therapeutic, this type of spanking can heal.

  And it was just what Bella needed from me now.


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