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Monroe, Marla - Long, Lonely Nights [The Protectors 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 14

by Marla Monroe

  Logan left her at the kitchen table drinking another cup of coffee. Once he arrived at his house, Logan headed straight for the bathroom and a shower. After the shower and a change of clothes, he fried up eggs, bacon, and fixed toast. He mulled over all the events of the last forty-eight hours while he ate.

  Nothing jumped out at him as a clue to who was behind her stalking. Everything he knew pointed to someone from either the locksmith or the security company, but the police were pursuing those leads. There was nothing he could do, other than watch over her. That, and try to keep his hands off of her. He sighed and put down his fork. He was fast losing the battle though. Even now he was hard just thinking about her.

  * * * *

  Tina hadn’t slept well. Something about having her hunky neighbor downstairs in her living room all night probably had something to do with it. Just the thought of him sleeping on her couch set her hormones burning. She actually walked into the living room and sat on the couch. She even laid down on it in an attempt to catch his scent. She was pathetic. How long before she walked down the stairs and threw herself at him? They had to catch the stalker soon, or she was going to make a complete fool of herself were Logan was concerned.

  Twice she nearly went out on her balcony to catch a glimpse of him working outside. She was sure, as hot as it was, he would have taken off his shirt. Finally, she gave in and compromised.

  Tina made some lemonade and took a glass and the pitcher outside on the deck to sit and read. Naturally, with Logan outside, she didn’t get a lot of reading done, but enjoyed the view instead. Sipping on lemonade and watching eye candy was a good way to spend her Sunday afternoon.

  “Care to share?”

  She jerked back from her musing and looked up. Logan stood on the other side of the fence wearing gloves, shorts, and sandals. She smiled and after refilling her glass, carried it over to him. He pulled off one of the gloves and took the glass from her. Their fingers touched and a spark snapped. Tina nearly let go of the glass too soon. He threw back his head and drank the entire glass.

  “You were thirsty. Want some more?” she asked.

  “No thanks. I might later though. How do you feel today?”

  “I’m fine. What about you? How did you manage to sleep on my couch? It really isn’t the most comfortable one in the world. Plus, you’re a lot taller than it is long.”

  “I managed. I learned to sleep just about anywhere in the army.”

  Tina nodded her head and held out her hand for the glass. He held the glass just out of her reach, so she had to take a step forward to reach it. When she did, he let her take the glass, but grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her closer to the fence. Before she knew it, he had kissed her. Nothing earth shattering. Just a light kiss on her lips, and then he let go and turned away. She watched him put his glove back on and pick up the shears.

  The entire episode felt surreal. She licked her lips and could taste lemonade. But was it from her glass or his lips? She took the glass back to the table and refilled it before sitting back down and picking up her book. Concentrating on the book proved to be nearly impossible after that. She heard every snip from his shears now. Knew where he was in the yard at any given moment.

  Finally, after nearly twenty minutes of suffering, Tina managed to focus on plot and what she was reading. She actually made progress into the book when Logan sat down in the chair next to her.

  “You’re getting red again. Did you forget your sunscreen?”

  “No, I put it on. I’m just sensitive. I have probably been out here long enough.” She swallowed around the lump in her throat at how close he sat to her.

  “Would you like some more lemonade before I go inside?”

  Logan picked up the pitcher and poured. He drained the glass in seconds.

  “Thanks, it’s good.” He smiled and stood up. “I’ll carry the pitcher inside for you.”

  Tina could only nod. Without his shirt, he was entirely too virile, and she could still remember what it felt like to be wrapped around him when he was nearly naked. It made it difficult to think around him. He opened the door for her.

  “Do you like Italian food?” he asked out of the blue.

  “What? Oh, yeah. I love it.”

  “Good. I’m cooking spaghetti tonight,” he said.

  “You don’t have to go to any trouble. I have plenty to eat here.”

  “It’s no trouble. I like to cook.”

  “Okay.” Tina didn’t know what to say now.

  He stood so close that she could smell the male sweat covering his body. It, along with his aftershave, was an aphrodisiac to her libido. Her breath came in quick pants. She took a step back from him, but he didn’t seem to notice. Logan set the now nearly empty pitcher of lemonade down on the kitchen counter.

  “I’m hot and sweaty. Think I’ll go take a shower. I’ll be over around six. Is that okay with you?” he asked.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Whenever you feel like it.” Tina licked her lips and fought to keep her breathing even as he walked by her.

  “Morgan is out there watching while I’m in the shower. If anything scares you. Scream like you did the other night. He’ll hear you and be inside in a few seconds. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’m sure no one is going to try anything with you guys watching. I’ll be fine.”

  He stared into her eyes and smiled. “Yep, you’re fine.” He turned and tapped out the code to disarm the alarm system and opened the door to leave. He turned back.

  “Lock up behind me.” Then he closed the door behind him.

  Tina hurriedly locked up and reset the alarm. She resisted the temptation to watch him through the window as he walked next door. Instead, she thought about some stranger she had never met watching out for her somewhere out there. Why would he do it? Well, he was doing it as a favor to Logan of course. Just like Riley. The big why, was why was Logan doing it?

  Jenna called around four to check on her.

  “How did you sleep with lover boy downstairs? Or did he sleep downstairs?” she asked.

  “Yes, he slept downstairs, and I slept okay. Well, not great. I can’t get comfortable with everything going on. I’m not used to someone ordering me around.”

  “He and his friend are entirely too controlling. I guess that would bother me. He did sort of just take over and tell you what to do,” Jenna said.

  “Yeah, I’m not going to feel comfortable with him downstairs every night either. Not just because it’s someone in my house, but because I’m attracted to him. It’s dangerous.” Tina changed hands with the phone.

  “Only because you are trying to resist him. I still think you can have an affair with him and move on. It would be good for you. It shouldn’t affect your being neighbors at all. You and Matthew are still friends,” Jenna pointed out.

  “That’s been nearly three years ago too.”

  “So, that just proves my point.”

  “Jenna, this is different. He’s different than Matthew was,” Tina said.

  “Different, how?” Jenna asked.

  “I don’t know. I can’t explain it. Just different.”

  “You’re move involved with him. It isn’t just sexual attraction, is it?”

  “No, I guess not. I want him on a deeper level, and that frightens me,” Tina admitted.

  “Maybe he is the one for you? Have you considered that?”

  “Be serious, Jenna. He is way out of my league. I told you that. I’m nothing like what he is use to. I could never hope to keep him interested in me.”

  “I don’t buy that. I think you are perfect for him.” Jenna laughed over the phone. “Besides, if he’s serious about you, I don’t think you’re going to have a chance. He strikes me as a man who gets what he wants, one way or another.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t want to be railroaded into a relationship I’m not sure about. Especially a sexual one,” Tina replied.

  “Give it a chance, Tina. That’s all I’m saying. Don’t figh
t it so hard. See what happens.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Tina glanced at the clock. It wouldn’t be long before Logan was knocking at her door. “I better go and get things ready for work. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow.”

  “Be careful.” Jenna said and hung up.

  Tina sat the phone back in the cradle and thought about it. Was she being a fool to fight her attraction to Logan? Somehow, she didn’t think so. She knew it would be easy to fall for him. There was just something about him that called to her. If she let herself fall in love and he drifted away in a few weeks or months, she would be devastated. She didn’t want to deal with that. No, she wasn’t a fool for keeping him at arm’s length. He had the ability to crush her heart, and maybe her soul.

  She settled down in the office and began to work. She wanted to have her new client set up for work tomorrow. It didn’t really take a long time, but her thoughts kept straying to Logan and what he wanted from her. If it were just about sex, maybe she could handle it, but she didn’t think so. He would want all of her. In fact, he would probably demand all of her. She wasn’t okay with that. He would have too much control over her and how she felt.

  The doorbell rang. She jumped and knocked a book off the desk. She bent and picked it up as the doorbell rang again.

  “I’m coming,” she yelled as she ran to the garage door.

  Tina looked out the window and verified it was Logan before she turned off the alarm and unlocked the door. He had his hands full. She took a loaf of French bread off the top and a package of spaghetti from under his arm. He carried a covered pot in one hand and a bottle of wine under one arm.

  “Goodness, the wine wasn’t necessary,” she said.

  “I figure you could use it to help you sleep. You need to rest if you are going to go to work tomorrow.” Logan set the pot on the stove and turned it on low. Then he began rummaging through her cabinets.

  “What are you looking for?” she asked.

  “Another pot for the noodles and a cooking sheet for the bread.” He pulled out the pot and set it on the stove.

  Tina found the cooking sheet and set it on the counter. “This what you want?”

  He looked and nodded. “I’ve already buttered the bread, so all you need to do is pop it in the oven.

  Tina set the oven and put the bread inside. Then she watched as Logan filled the pot with water, added salt and a teaspoon of oil. Once it began to boil, he dropped the noodles in it. He checked the bread, and then turned off the oven, but left the bread inside. He stirred the sauce and checked the noodles before setting the spoon down and turned to her.

  “Hi. How was your afternoon?”

  “Okay, I guess. I worked some.” Tina wasn’t sure where he was going with this. It felt odd.

  “Do you bring home work every night?”

  “Not every night, no. Why?” she asked.

  “Just wondering. Once we catch this guy, you can breathe easier and do more. You won’t be confined to your house as much. You should enjoy being able to go out again.”

  “I can’t even imagine going out much anymore. I’ve done without it so long. I figure I will some, because Jenna likes to, but I’m just not much of a party person anymore.”

  “You’ll have the choice though,” he said.

  “Having a choice will be great.” She bit her bottom lip. “Do you really think you will catch him?”

  “I plan to,” he said.

  “I don’t want anyone to get hurt, Logan. Not you or your friends. Not for me.”

  “No one is going to get hurt, except maybe the bastard that is stalking you. He, I can’t guarantee won’t get hurt,” Logan said. There was a growl in his voice.

  The water began to boil for the noodles. Logan added them to the water and stirred the sauce again as Tina got out plates and silverware. She set the bar for two and got out wine glasses.

  “Want me to open the wine?” she asked.

  “Here, I’ll do it.” He held out his hand for the bottle and corkscrew.

  Tina watched as he opened the bottle and poured. She took a glass and sipped. It was good. She smiled.

  “Glad you like it.” He went back to check the noodles and declared them ready.

  Tina produced at strainer for him. He finished setting everything up and then pulled the bread out of the oven and opened it up. They served themselves from the stove and sat at the bar to eat. He sat so close, that she could feel the heat from his body seep into hers. She fiddled with her meal. She had to admit, it was delicious, but she wasn’t very hungry. She made an effort anyway. He kept her glass full of wine, and it began to go to her head. She needed to eat to offset the wine she decided and redoubled her effort.

  When he moved to add more wine to her glass, she protested.

  “I think I’ve had enough. I’m already a little tipsy.”

  “I’m hoping you will sleep better,” he said.

  “I’ll be fine. No more wine.”

  He replaced the cork in the bottle and set it aside. He finished what was on his plate and then dipped some more. It amazed her to see how much he could eat. She shook her head and laughed.


  “Where do you put it all?”

  “Put what?” he asked with a confused look on his face.

  “All the food you eat.”

  He laughed. “I burn it off as fast as I eat it, I guess. Keeping that yard up keeps me busy.”

  “I’m smart. I hire mine done.” Tina sipped her wine.

  “You’re lucky. You don’t have as much upkeep as my place has. The previous owners liked gardening it looks like.”

  “They did. They spent all their time outside in the yard. I always had fresh flowers in the house with them next door,” she said.

  “You are welcome to any of the ones I have. I don’t cut them for my house. I’ll be glad to keep you in flowers.” He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Um, that’s okay.” Tina got up and carried her plate to the sink to scrape out the excess into the garbage. Then she rinsed the plate before putting it in the dishwasher.

  Logan followed her and did the same thing. Looking through the cabinets, Tina started hunting for something to store the leftovers in, but he stopped her.

  “I’ll do that. You go relax for a while, and finish your wine. I’ll take care of it.”

  Tina shrugged and left him to it. She settled on the sofa with her feet curled under her. The wine had made her sleepy. She could probably go to sleep now without any trouble. She would be up at dawn if she went to bed this early. Still she found herself nodding when Logan sat down on the other end of the couch and turned on the TV.

  “How about watching something on The Discovery Channel,” he said.

  “Sure.” Was all she could manage.

  Sometime later, Logan woke her up.

  “Time for bed I think.” He nudged her arm

  Tina yawned and stretched her legs out in front of her before standing up. She was a bit unbalanced. He caught her when she nearly fell. His arms felt so warm and safe she decided. Logan held her for a minute, then pushed her back to a standing position.

  “Upstairs. You need to get ready for bed.” He marched her to the foot of the stairs and popped her on the rear. “Up you go.”

  “Ouch. I’m awake already.” She pouted and climbed the stairs. It did take some effort on her part though.

  “I’m down here if you need anything. No one is going to get through me to you.” Logan assured her.

  “Okay.” Tina yawned again and continued up the stairs.

  “Oh, Riley will probably come inside in a little bit. If you hear the alarm deactivate, it will be me letting him in,” he called up after her.

  “Fine. Good night.”

  “Good night.”

  Tina checked the French doors and the windows again before she even began undressing. Then she took her shower and dressed for bed. Tonight, she wore a baby blue camisole with matching panties to bed.
She left the light on in the bathroom with the door cracked to allow some light to spill into her room. She wasn’t normally afraid of the dark, but lately, everything frightened her.

  The clock on the bedside table said nine fifteen. It seemed so much later than that, she remembered thinking as she climbed into bed. It was the last thing she remembered until the dream started.

  She knew it was a dream. She never had it before, but this time she knew she was dreaming. It didn’t make it any less frightening though. She heard the creak of the stairs as the intruder climbed them. She wanted to move, wanted to cry out but couldn’t. She could only lay and wait for him to open her bedroom door. She stared at the door willing it to remain closed.

  Another sound from outside it, and then the doorknob turned. She felt her heart pound inside her chest as the door swung open. There he stood at the door. He had no face, just a black empty place where it should have been. He walked towards her, while laughter came from the black hole.

  “You belong to me. I told you I would come for you, but you didn’t believe me.”

  He stood over her now, looking down. Now she could make out green eyes and smell the subtle scent of Old Spice on him. She had smelled it somewhere else, too. Where was it? Why did it matter? He was there now. He was going to kill her.

  “Not right away though. We are going to have so much fun first.” He reached for her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Logan let Riley in about thirty minutes after Tina went upstairs. He’d heard the shower shut off just a few minutes before.

  “How is she holding up?” Riley asked.

  “I had her drink wine for dinner. She should sleep fine tonight. She needs the rest.” Logan poured a cup of coffee for Riley.

  “I haven’t seen anything. He seems to have only attacked on Friday nights so far. We may have a long week ahead of us.”

  “Yeah, I thought of that,” he said. “I don’t want to take the chance that we are wrong though.”

  “Neither do I. Morgan said other than the mail man, a UPS guy, and the other residents, no one drove around the area while he was here yesterday.” Riley sipped the coffee while he leaned back against the bar. “Oh and did you know your neighbor on the other side of you is stealing your paper?”


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