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X-Treme Measure

Page 11

by S. N. Garza

  "Love my touch, don't you?" His mouth was against my neck and his fingers fucked into me with fast drives. "I love how you looked at me up on that stage. You couldn’t take your eyes off me. I couldn’t keep my dick from reacting. It’s so fucking hard for you, Moriah."

  "You dance so very well and I don’t know how to respond to that."

  A chuckle ran out, his kisses landing on my neck and chest, light and easy before he leaned up and over me. His free hand grabbed my hair again and held me still as his fingers became quick thrusts inside. A barely audible squelching noise came from his ministrations and my wet core.

  "Come for me, Moriah. Your body needs this. Just let go, baby. I'm going to take such good care of you. That’s it, honey. I can feel your walls fluttering around my fingers. Let go, Moriah. Let me have it. Give me your pleasure, baby."

  My voice came out as a whimper as I called his name over and over.

  "My name is so beautiful coming from your lips. Say it as you come for me, Moriah. Now."

  Then my walls were clenching, contracting and then releasing around his fingers and I couldn’t control the trembling and tremors that passed through me as I hit my peak. My eyes shut tight as I let go, and my teeth captured my bottom lip as I pushed through my orgasm. It rocked my body as he continued to drag out the pleasure. The hand in my hair tightened and cupped my neck before he sucked the soft skin at the grove making me cry out.

  His name a mantra flying past my lips.

  One thing I learned...I could honestly say I’ve never felt a release like that. The few times I had sex, I faked it so it would be over and I had no idea how to please myself. And here I was, with a master of seduction. Experiencing release for the first time overwhelmed me and my hands found his neck and I pulled him upward, my mouth colliding with his as I did what he did to my mouth. My hands pulled hard on his head and my legs trapped him and his hand as I gyrated against him against my own volition and I wanted him. Right now. A tear slid down my cheek from finally knowing what sexual gratification was all about. It felt amazing. I wanted more. I wanted him. So badly. I wanted him to take me. His lips broke from mine and his labored breath came in short, quick pants.

  "Moriah? Fuck, baby. You are so fucking hot, baby. No. We can't do this right now, I'm at work. Fuck!" His hand ripped at the lace material, rendering it useless. "Fuck, you feel so good against my hand." I looked up to see him pocketing my panties into the tightening leather at his waist. Then he let my hair go and sat back on his knees.

  His hands skirted up my thighs and flipped the rest of my skirt up, exposing myself to his gaze. "Damn. Such a pretty, little pussy." His hands massaged my inner thigh, before taunting the wet slit. Gathering my juices on the tips of his fingers, he brought them to his own mouth and sucking them clean. "Cannot wait to taste this against my mouth."


  Daniel's face whipped over to the hard knocking on the door, a harsh, "What?" growled past his lips.

  My body was thrumming, desperate for more. But I knew it was in vain. He was right. He was at work and I don’t know what they allow here but having sex here in this bed, where God knows how many women have been pleasured here...ugh. That is not a thought I wanted.

  Has Daniel ever done this before? Here? Oh, god. This was messed up. My body felt depleted. I grabbed the edge of my skirt and tried covering myself but his hands tightened and held onto my hips, not allowing me my modesty.

  "Daniel." I whispered, a hint of embarrassment coloring the sound of my voice.

  "Duke, we have a set in ten, you coming?"

  "Yes. Now, leave." The growling demand passing his lips and he looked back down to me. His body radiating need and lust and now I wasn’t going to find out.

  And maybe I shouldn’t have. The adrenaline was fading. I didn’t regret it, because let’s face it, I got off. I feel great.

  "Oh, God. I need to go. This was—

  "What? This was what, Moriah?"

  "Not supposed to happen."

  "Maybe not, but I sure as fuck don't regret it. Do you?" His eyes gentled, his soft brown eyes looking over my body as he brought my skirt over my lap, shielding my privates.

  I shook my head slowly. Because I didn't regret it. I knew a sexual tension lied between us, but I never imagined we'd ever act on it.

  "There's no going back, Moriah. I only had a small taste and I sure as hell want more."

  He scooted off the bed, his hands cupping the back of my knees and dragging me towards the edge of the edge of the bed, my skirt rushing back over my hips. Looking up at him, Daniel looked right at the apex of my thighs and licked his lips.

  "Just one small taste. I have just enough time."

  "I'm sorry?"

  The next thing I knew, his hands spread me wide enough for his head to nestle right between my thighs, his tongue licking a warm path over my opening and clit, making my body jerk as I felt the sensitivity from my previous orgasm. Then I felt his lips suck at my clit, before flicking over my entrance, pushing his tongue as far as he could go.

  "Daniel! Please."

  He sucked at the soft lips before going back over my clit and giving it his full attention. His hands fell away, but I didn't pay enough attention as the sensations were running back up and down my body.

  Another peak was building. Bringing me right to the edge. My hands clawed at the bed, his name a prayer on my lips. His mouth feverishly licking, biting, nipping, sipping. You name it he was doing it to my vagina like a man drunk on lust.

  "Daniel. Daniel! Yes! Oh, yes-yes-yes!" I felt the tension build until I couldn’t hold it in anymore and it was simple euphoria. A rush like I’ve never felt before ran over my skin, goose bumps breaking out over my skin, a bright, white light momentarily blinding my vision. Then I heard him groan, his mouth no longer on me but on the inner side of my thigh, where he clamped down, making me cry out with the painful love bite but it was like a shot of pleasure that shot straight to my girl parts and I whimpered out in helpless abandon.

  He was breathing wildly and panting hard, quick breaths that I felt skate over my sensitive flesh. I was totally done for.

  Daniel was standing, and when I leaned up on my elbows, he was tucking himself into the jeans. My eyes flew to his and a sated smile came over his lips. He helped me off the bed but I could barely keep myself up, so Daniel caught me, keeping me standing.

  "You okay?"

  "I probably can't even walk. How am I supposed to go back out there? With no panties, no less?"

  "Hmmm...You haven't seen not barely walking yet. The feeling will come back in your legs. They just feel like jelly right now. And you won't be staying here. You’re going to go home."

  "This wasn't our last stop. They are probably looking for me right now."

  "Hell no you're not going anywhere else. I know the clubs that are around here. What are your friends thinking? A bunch of women trying to get you in serious trouble. And you aren’t even wearing any fucking panties. I don’t want other men even looking at you. I can fucking smell the sated arousal on your pussy. Get your ass home.”

  "Hey. No one is the boss of me. Least of all you, buster."

  "That has changed."

  He was completely serious. And seriously delusional. "No. It hasn't."

  "Once you took me as your lover, you gave me that right." I almost flinched at the growl in his voice but hell if I was going to back down.

  "Uh, excuse you? Lover? Your dick came nowhere near my vagina. Therefore you don't have any right. And even if we did, it still wouldn’t give you any right. That belongs to the man I will marry. And maybe not even then. I am not someone’s property." My finger was poking his chest with each point I was making. "And with that kind of attitude, you surely as hell won't ever get this again." I gestured to my body. I walked around him, furious as all get out. Mostly at myself for playing right into a trap.

  His arm snatched my upper arm then slowly and gently slid to the small of my back, bringing me closer to h
im. His nose bent and nuzzled mine before tickling a path over to my ear.

  "You're already mine, Moriah."

  "Fuck you."

  "I promise you that I will. And soon."

  "Ugh." I slapped at his chest before folding my arms. "Let me go. Don't you have a show to do?"

  "Don't go to other clubs, Moriah. I want you safe."

  "I was safe before you and I’ll be just fine now." I pushed him, hard and he turned to open the door, one of his dancer friends hand was already raised, ready to knock on the door once again.

  "Oh, uh…sorry, just seeing if everything was okay?" the guy was half naked, hot just like the others as he got a good look on both our faces. Which were similar as how we both looked ready to spit nails. “Need boxing gloves?”

  I heard a tight growl behind me, but I ignored it. Asshat.

  "Everything’s just great. Jackass over here needs a cold shower." I turned to look at Daniel and said, "Have a good night, Duke." Then I turned and walked out, going back to the group of girls who sounded excited and were begging for deets on the hot leader of the X-Treme Measure group of men dancers.

  I heard him call out my name, but I didn't listen. No one was my boss. Least of all him. One thing was sure though. I would never forget this night. Like ever.

  The girls weren't upset that we left when we did, only noticing the flush that had overtaken the parts of my body they could see. They saw exactly what they went in there for. Hot guys dancing and taking off clothing.

  "You missed the best part. There was a cowboy that came on stage and he stripped down to his—what are they? Thongs? Do guys where thongs?" Mayra asked but she had this look of delight on her face like it was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

  "These guys do, and thank God their asses weren't ugly looking. I bet they get vetted before working in a place like that. I mean, all of them were hot. Even the guy with long hair. He looked like an Indian." Brina said and the other girls sighed.

  "They were all hot. But let's go to one more dance club and get our drink on."

  We all agreed with Rosa and since we had a designated driver, who was picking us up at two a.m., we went to the next club and our drinks never stopped. I wasn't a drinker, but I felt pushed into it. Daniel's high handedness got under my skin, provoking me to do the exact opposite. No one told me what to do.

  "Riri, what did you do with that guy from X-Treme Measure? Did you fuck him?" Mayra was outspoken and that's what I liked best about her. She usually said what she was thinking and it was her honesty that I appreciated. Except now. I didn't want to go into what happened back at XM. I didn’t want to tell them what happened. It wasn’t as if we were close friends.

  Hell, I didn't even have panties on. It didn't stop me from dancing my heart out, but I didn't shake it like some of the girls here did. I was not about to show off my lady bits and my ass. Mayra was dancing close to me as she fired off questions about what happened between Daniel and me.

  "No, I didn't fuck him."

  Courtney, her best friend, rolled her eyes before she said, "But you totally wanted to right? Do you know him?"

  "Yeah. He actually lives in my apartment building. But I had no idea he worked there. I just knew he worked nights. Dancing had never occurred to me. Except he did walk with this predatorial grace. Like stalking but he was subtle about it, ya know?"

  "If he lives by you, you should totally hit that."

  "Y'all are crazy. Besides, he's bossy, over protective, chauvinistic, stubborn, demanding, way too tall and big for me."

  Brina floated over, hearing the last of that sentence. "That's the best kind. I say hit that."

  "No way. He is controlling."

  "Like in a bad way? Like you think he might hurt you?" Brina asked, almost sobering at the thought of me being hurt.

  "Oh, no. Not like that. He has a daughter who has him wrapped around her pretty little finger. He would never hurt a woman. Why are we talking about men? Shouldn’t we be drinking and having a good time?"

  I had to change the subject. I didn't want to talk about Daniel. It only made me think about what happened earlier and how much I really wanted to do it again. But without all that 'he-man' attitude.

  "We are. Oh! Hey! I LOVE THIS SONG!"

  Taylor Swift’s new song, Bad Blood, bounced over the speakers and we all danced and sang along. Before we knew it, we were sweating and heading off the stage towards an empty table. We all took shots then ordered drinks. One drink I had no problem with was the Long Island Tea with Chambord. I didn't drink much, but when I did, I stayed with the LIT. Mixing multiple liquors was no good.

  I let the conversation flit around me. Work, life, guys, kids. Dancing in between. Drinking. By two o’clock in the morning I was wobbly, my contacts clearly not even working anymore. It took me a while, but I got them out and into the container before dropping it into my clutch. I had my glasses in there but I was too buzzed to see clearly with them on so I’d wait until I got to the apartment to put them on. It was a forty-five minute drive back to the other side of the city, after dropping off Courtney and Mayra. Brina was next.

  "Bye ladies! Remember, Moriah. Hit. That." She winked before unlocking her house and shuffling inside.

  I shook my head and looked forward. Rosa's little sister, Mari looked to me, then her sister before raising an eyebrow back to me. "I don't even want to know, do I?"


  "Ha. I'll tell you later. When I'm more sober." Rosa told her sister.

  "Ugh. Too much alcohol."

  My stomach rolled a little and I had to close my eyes to keep myself from spinning into dizziness.

  "Don't puke, we're pulling up."

  "I'm not. I don't puke. I just need some sleep."

  " might not be getting that. Look whose waiting up for you."

  I looked forward out of the windshield, knowing full well I couldn’t see anyway. "Crap. I can't see."

  I opened my clutch and dragged out my glasses. Fitting them on my nose, I looked back up and a gasp rang from my lips at the dark, brooding figure leaning against the railing.

  Oh, fuck. Up on the fourth floor with this look of absolute male fury on his face, was Daniel. Shirtless, every muscle tightly corded and his black hair hanging over his brow. He almost looked like an avenging Viking.


  "Yeah, I can see how a hot guy would be a problem for you."

  The sisters laughed and I playfully punched their shoulders as I dragged myself out of the truck. Rosa rolled down her window, making me stop and turn towards her.

  "Will everything be okay? I mean, with him? We won't leave you if you're scared."

  I let a small smile lift on my lips. "Yes, everything will be fine. He's not my boss. He's just a neighbor. I'll see you ladies at work. Thanks for a great night."

  I waved to them and headed for the elevator. There was no way I was taking the stairs in this drunken state. I was sobering now that I saw him, but I still felt wobbly. It took me a minute to get inside the elevator, feeling all of a sudden drained of energy. I tried looking to see what number I was pressing, but my eyes were still a little blurry from the alcohol so whatever number I pressed must have been the wrong one. My head leaned on the wall and after a minute of continuously moving, my eyes jerked open.

  Crap. I was still in the elevator. I looked to the floor number and I was on the tenth floor, and the door opened and double crap, a couple came in.

  "Hello." They looked over me and I could feel the superiority radiating off of them. I kept my eyes opened enough to jam my finger on the four as they pressed the ground floor.

  I kept myself against the wall, not wanting to get too close to them. When the door dinged, the man had come closer, his mouth opening to speak when I heard my name being called, harsh and demanding. Daniel practically shoved his way into the small room. There just wasn't enough room in here.

  "Moriah, honey. It’s time for bed now. Enough playing in the elevator. Excuse us."
br />   Daniel slipped his hand around my waist and when I tried moving away (hey, I was still irritated at being talked to like an infant). His hand clamped down on my hip and he squeezed with just enough pressure I kept my body flush against him as we exited the elevator.

  A heavy sigh fell from his lips and when I heard the elevator shut behind us. I pushed him away, marching over to my own apartment.

  "Where the hell are you going?"

  "Going to my apartment. Taking a shower, and then going to bed."

  "I don't think so." He came to me, knelt and lifted me over his shoulder.

  "Hey! Put me down! Daniel!"

  Then a hard sound echoed in my ears and then my ass began burning with fire. What. The. Fu—did he?

  "You mother—

  Another hard smack landed on my behind.

  "AH! I am naked under there. That hurts, asshole."

  He landed another blow before he walked through his door. I heard a faint click and it was like I knew whatever tonight brought, it would change everything.

  "No name calling."

  "Asshat." AH! Daniel!" Another smack rang out but he kept his hand on the spot, lightly caressing over the burn he spanked on my behind.

  I was vaguely aware of him walking through the hall to his bedroom and then into a dimly lit bathroom. When I thought he might just swing me around like a ragdoll, he was surprisingly gentle as he maneuvered me down onto the counter, the cool tile sparking through my skin, cooling the abrasive smacks that burned through my skin.

  His hand went to my head, slowly leaning me against the wall where my eyes closed. I felt my glasses being pulled from behind my ears and laid down on the counter next to me.

  "No sleeping right now, Moriah. You need to sober up for me."

  I let out a wary sigh before I spoke. "Don'wanna."

  "My poor Moriah. You will already have a headache in the morning. By the smell of you, you smell like a brewery. Let me take care of you now, baby. You won't like feeling what you will in the morning if I don't."


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