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The Christmas Guest

Page 2

by Becky Harmon

  Regan’s phone vibrated again. She checked the alley to make sure the woman and her friends were gone. She pulled out her phone and read Nate’s message.

  Regan where are u.

  She could tell he was starting to worry that she wasn’t texting him back. She quickly typed a response. Woman from department store brought blankets and food.

  Great. Guess u don’t need lunch then.

  Regan smiled. Get lunch. I’m going to move in about 30. I’ll make the usual loop.

  Ok text before u move.

  Regan wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and pulled it over her head making a tent. The chicken coating was extra crunchy and she slowly pulled each piece from the bone, savoring the taste. She had been living on granola bars and peanut butter crackers for the last several days except when Nate could slip her something. The food was still warm and she thought about how much the women sharing her alley must be appreciating the executive’s thoughtfulness. She didn’t know what they managed to eat each day. Once she had tried to follow them, but they had chased her away not wanting to share their meager finds.

  When the food was gone, Regan texted Nate that she was moving. She didn’t wait for a response. Nate knew the path she would make through the streets surrounding this alley. She squinted her eyes in the bright sunlight as she made her way down the sidewalk toward the next alley. This alley contained a woman and three men. She would ask the same questions today that she asked yesterday and the day before but today she could ask another one about accomplices. Maybe they would get lucky.

  Chapter Three

  Jenny danced down the hall, leading the way back to their office. “That was fun.”

  “Oh, Jenny.” Sarah looked at her young employee. “Those women have nowhere to go home to tonight.”

  “I didn’t think of that.” Jenny’s face took on a dejected look. “I just enjoyed giving someone something they can use.”

  Sarah gave her a one-armed hug. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. I just wish there was more we could do for them.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  Sarah returned to her desk and finished her salad. She had left quickly when the food boxes had arrived because she wanted to get it out to the women before it got cold. Tossing her container into the trash, she pulled the spreadsheet in front of her again. She needed to come up with something clever before the board meeting in an hour. She studied the numbers but her mind kept returning to the women on the street. Was there something more she could do for them? It was Christmas Eve after all.

  Time passed quickly and Sarah realized she hadn’t thought of the sales numbers once in the hour she had sat staring at the spreadsheet. She pushed back from her desk and walked down the hall to the conference room. Most of the board members had arrived so she poured a glass of water from the refreshment stand and made her way across the room. She took her seat at the head of the table and sipped her water as she listened to the disjointed conversations around her.

  “Who cares if it’s a holiday?”

  “I couldn’t believe that’s what he wanted to get me for Christmas. I mean, really.”

  “We’re working today too so why should they complain.”

  “There isn’t going to be any extra money for bonuses. That’s for sure.”

  Sarah glanced up recognizing Trevor’s voice as he spoke to one of the board members. She’d been told everyone would get their normal Christmas bonus today. She stood interrupting Trevor’s conversation. “I’m sorry but what did you say?”

  He turned to include her in their circle and repeated what he was saying. “I was just telling Tom that our employees are going to be unhappy this year since we may not have any extra money for bonuses.”

  “Trevor, we always give bonuses at Christmas,” Sarah said firmly.

  “I know but this year they’re making more money because they’re working Christmas.”

  Sarah shook her head. Taking her seat again, she called the meeting to order and nodded at Trevor to go over the sales numbers. She sat silently while the board members grilled him about projected sales. When she couldn’t take the complaining any longer she stood and addressed the room.

  “Yes, sales are down for the last two months but we are up twenty percent for the year.” She began to pace around the table. “At first I, too, was unhappy but I think we need to get some perspective. It’s Christmas Eve and we are scheduled to be open until eight tonight. Our employees have worked hard this year.” She saw a few nods around the table and took a deep breath before continuing. She knew there would be a few members that balked at her next statement but she was the president and she had the right to make this decision. “I’m giving everyone the day off tomorrow. Whitman’s will not be open on Christmas Day.” Sarah turned and walked from the room. She could hear everyone talking behind her and she paused to allow Trevor to catch up to her. She turned to face him, holding up her hand before he could speak. “Go right now and have accounting write out the bonus checks. Increase every check by ten percent from what they received last year.”

  She had to smile as she turned away from Trevor and headed for her office. There was something more she could do for the homeless women beside her store. She could offer them shelter for the night. They may not agree to it but she could still offer. It was Christmas after all.

  * * *

  Regan turned the corner into her alley and was surprised to see her neighbor’s cardboard box gone. It’s not like the three women welcomed her but they did speak to her occasionally. They had not given any indication that they ever changed locations. Regan had spent the last week with them and she had the impression that this alley was home to them. She circled through the four closet alleys to see if they had relocated and when she didn’t see them she asked around. No one seemed to know where they had gone but the general consensus was that maybe they had returned to the local homeless shelter for Christmas.

  Regan slowed her hobble as she passed in front of Whitman’s. Looking through the window she saw only the three people that had visited the alley earlier. She stopped to watch the beautiful woman hug the man and the young woman before they hurried out of the store. Regan looked at her watch. It was only seven p.m. and the sign said they were open until eight p.m. tonight. Regan stepped out of their way as they crossed in front of her.

  “Do you think she’ll be okay?” the young woman asked.

  “She’ll be fine. I just hope she doesn’t give away everything in the store,” the man replied.

  Regan stood at the corner of the glass window and watched the woman inside. Her hair seemed to have relaxed into more curls and she constantly pushed the sides back out of her face. She had taken off her suit jacket and through the white silk shirt she wore Regan could see the outline of her camisole. Instead of having her shirt tucked tightly into her pants she had pulled it out giving her a more casual appearance. The stress lines Regan had observed in her face this morning had given way to a relaxed look. A smile was hanging at the edge of her lips as she wandered around the clothing racks straightening and cleaning. Regan wondered what had happened during the day to change her this much.

  Regan stepped back out of the glow from the street light as a customer hurried past her making the chimes on the door ring. She couldn’t look away and she watched their interaction with amazement. The customer was clearly in a hurry and her arms flew as she talked. The woman Regan had come to admire nodded, and they disappeared into the depths of the store. Regan knew she should return to her alley but she wanted to see what would happened.

  In a few minutes, they returned and Regan watched the customer attempt to pay for her selection. Her money was refused and she was shooed out the door. Regan shook her head in surprise as she watched the woman lean a hip on the cashier’s counter. Her line of sight was directly toward Regan and she still held the hint of a smile on her lips. Regan was sure she couldn’t see her on the dark sidewalk outside the window but she smiled back anyway. Her phone vibrated
, pulling her from her dream state.

  Meet me in the alley.

  Regan frowned. Nate had always avoided the other homeless people to keep Regan’s cover and she hadn’t had a chance to tell him her alley was empty. She couldn’t imagine what might have changed but she texted him back.


  Regan hobbled into the alley and slid down the wall beside the Dumpster taking her normal spot. A few minutes later, Nate hurried into the alley and sat down beside her. He had pulled an old coat over his leather jacket and if he didn’t smell so good he might have passed as a homeless person too.

  “What’s going on?” Regan asked.

  “The lab identified the unconnected fiber. It came from a woman’s coat. A very expensive camel hair coat.”

  Regan grimaced. “Are they saying the accomplice is a rich woman?”

  “Or a man dressed as a woman?”

  Regan thought of the elegantly dressed woman inside Whitman’s Department Store. “Someone like that would stand out in an alley.”

  “Maybe. But they wouldn’t be out of place on the street. If they lure the victim out of the alley before they grab her.” Nate looked around and frowned. “Where are your neighbors?”

  “I’m not sure. When I came back earlier they were gone. I walked several blocks in both directions and looked for them but I didn’t see them and no one admitted they knew where they went.”

  “I’ll check around and see if I can find them. I’ll let you know if I do.”

  Regan watched him exit the alley before pulling the new blanket from under the Dumpster and wrapping it around herself. There were still a few snow flurries falling and it was going to be a long night.

  She thought about a potential accomplice luring homeless woman from the security of their alley. It didn’t seem likely that could happen. As she had already experienced, homeless people were not very trusting and would not go willingly. When Nate came back she would send him home for the night so he could spend Christmas morning with his family. Maybe being alone in the alley would be good and her killer would make an appearance.

  * * *

  Sarah laughed softly. Ethan was going to be furious with her. She had given away several blouses and a scarf. She tucked the list of items into his register so he would see it when he returned to work on Friday. It was Christmas Eve and she was in a giving mood. She turned off the main lights, set the alarm, and locked the glass doors behind her.

  She was having second thoughts about her idea to invite the women in the alley home with her tonight and if she was honest it was mostly because she was a little bit scared. She lived alone and what if one of them was a psychopath. She smiled to herself. Tonight she wanted to give and she wouldn’t worry about the consequences.

  The muted glow from the streetlight barely reached the alley but she could see the cardboard house that had been their earlier was gone. With a sigh of disappointment, she turned to leave but movement caught her eye. She took a step closer toward the Dumpster and noticed the mound covered in a Whitman’s snowman blanket.

  “Excuse me,” Sarah said softly.

  “What?” A harsh reply.

  Sarah hesitated. Was that a woman’s voice? What if she made the offer and it was a man? She quickly spoke before she could change her mind. “Do you…I mean…would you like to come home with me for the night?”

  Sarah’s heart raced as the silence stretched between them. “I don’t have a lot to offer but a warm bed and some food.” The body began to move and Sarah felt relief flood through her when she saw the woman she was hoping to find. “I’m Sarah.” She held out her hand as the woman got to her feet.


  Sarah grasped her hand and shook it. “It’s nice to meet you, Regan. I know it sounds weird but I promise it’s nothing hinky. I only want to offer you somewhere warm to spend the night.”

  Sarah watched Regan nod and begin to hobble toward the end of the alley. She wasn’t sure the woman would be able to make it to the parking garage a block away. “Why don’t you wait here and I’ll pick you up?”

  Regan hesitated as a man came into view. He was dressed in a ratty coat and he paused at the end of the alley as if to walk in. Sarah watched Regan step in front of her and she felt protected by her actions. She wondered again about this woman who didn’t seem to fit into the homeless world around her.

  “I’ll wait here,” Regan said after the man had passed.

  Sarah nodded and hurried off for the parking garage. She wondered if Regan would still be waiting when she returned or if she had just given her a means to escape.

  * * *

  As soon as Sarah was out of sight, Regan stepped out of the alley and looked for Nate. She could see his coat sticking out of a doorway about a half block away so she shuffled toward him. “What’s up?” she asked.

  “I was just going to tell you I hadn’t seen your neighbors anywhere.” He pulled a bag from his coat. “And I brought you dinner.”

  “Thanks but I just had the weirdest offer. That woman wants to take me home with her.”

  Nate grinned. “Well, that’s probably not the first time you got that offer.”

  Regan didn’t mind his teasing but she knew her next statement would bring his focus back to the investigation. “What if she’s the accomplice?”

  He remained silent.

  “The blankets and food were nice but isn’t it weird that she’s inviting a homeless person to her house.”

  Nate nodded. “Yeah. It’s weird.” He started down the street. “I’ll try to follow but if you can, text me the house number.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Regan called back to him. She hobbled back to her spot at the end of the alley and watched the passing cars. She had forgotten she wanted to tell him to go home tonight and now she was glad he wasn’t. Sarah didn’t look like a killer but Regan knew not all murderers looked like criminals. She didn’t like to think that Sarah might be involved. She wanted to go home with this beautiful woman and enjoy getting to know her.

  When Sarah pulled her black Mercedes to the curb, Regan began shuffling toward it. Sarah pushed the passenger door open and Regan slid in beside her. She watched the street signs as they left downtown behind and headed for an upper-class suburb north of town. She wanted to ask questions but she knew she needed to maintain her homeless persona or she would blow her cover.

  * * *

  Sarah wasn’t sure if the woman would answer any questions so she tried to think of general topics of conversation. “I don’t have any big dinner plans for tonight. Normally I just have tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on Christmas Eve.”

  Sarah waited but the woman didn’t respond. “Does that sound okay to you?”


  “Would you like to take a shower before dinner?”


  Maybe conversation wasn’t a good idea so she remained silent for the rest of the drive. Pulling into her garage, she felt Regan tense in the seat beside her as she hit the button to close the overhead door behind them. She went around the car and unlocked the kitchen door but when she turned Regan still sat in the car. Sarah walked back to the car and held the door open for her. She wanted to offer to help her but she didn’t want to offend her so she kept her hands on the door, letting Regan struggle to her feet on her own. Then she closed the car door and led the way into the house.

  She tossed her car keys on the kitchen counter and crossed into the hallway. “The guest room is just down the hall here.” She slowed her pace to allow Regan to keep up with her. “It will take me about twenty minutes or so to make dinner so take your time. I’ll just grab you some clean clothes.”

  Sarah crossed to the laundry room and grabbed sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and a tank top. When she returned to the guest room, she found Regan standing in the middle of the room staring straight ahead. Her behavior did nothing to settle Sarah’s nerves but she continued to attempt to make her guest comfortable. She entered the attached bathroom and made s
ure there was soap and shampoo in the shower. She took the liberty of turning on the shower before stepping back into the bedroom. “Towels and washcloths are on the shelf beside the shower and I think you’ll find everything else you need as well. Feel free to use anything you find.”

  Sarah walked out of the room, hesitating outside the door. What if Regan needed help getting out of her clothes? Maybe she should offer assistance. Sarah pushed the door open and gasped in surprise. Regan was already naked and disappearing into the bathroom. She quickly shut the door and leaned against the wall. Her mind couldn’t find the words to describe the body she had just seen. The muscles in Regan’s legs had rippled as she walked. Rippled!

  Sarah gasped again. The woman was as close to perfect as she had ever seen. She closed her eyes as her heart beat wildly. She couldn’t remember the last time a woman had taken her breath away and here she was playing teenager with a woman who lived on the street. She pushed off the wall and sprinted up the stairs to her own room. She quickly changed into comfortable sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt. The house was cool and it would take a while for it to warm up. She headed for the kitchen to start dinner.

  Chapter Four

  Regan leaned against the wall of the shower, the warm water cascading down her back. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to pull this off. Sarah’s openness was endearing and Regan found it a little bit sexy. She couldn’t help wishing she had met her under different circumstances and not when she was undercover. She couldn’t believe for a minute that this woman was any type of participant in the murders. She knew she should just tell her the truth and leave but what if she was reading things all wrong? What if her attraction was blocking her instincts? She really had not had the best luck with women lately. Normally confident in her work, she could feel the lines blurring with Sarah. She gave a sigh and pushed off the wall. She needed to hold her position and make sure Sarah was not involved. Then she could work on convincing Sarah she wasn’t a shit for fooling her.


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