Bad Day for a Killing (Book Three of the Western Serial Killer Series)

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Bad Day for a Killing (Book Three of the Western Serial Killer Series) Page 13

by Hestand, Rita

  In some ways, Sadie could see how they were in the same situation. Both of them had men that had run off. Both had a child. But now, everything could work out.

  Chapter Fourteen

  John glanced up at the treetops swaying with a warm breeze. Jays fought for territorial rights in those treetops. A squirrel scurried up a distance pecan tree. John breathed in the fresh country air, and smiled to himself. He had come to like his new home. Hard Tack was a town that knew nothing of Elmer, and he wanted to keep it that way.

  His life had taken on a an upward turn, as his eyes held a lazy luster, as his slow smile spread across his face.

  He was thinking of Penelope and their wonderful honeymoon. Nothing could disturb his rapture this morning. He whispered a prayer of thanks on his lips to God for changing his life so.

  The world took on a rosey glow in his eyes.

  He returned to work with enthusiasm for his day. Even his work was blessed, for the ranchers had come from far and near to have their meat prepared by him.

  And then Rusty Peters came galloping up into the yard. John saw him but paid little attention as his mind was on more peaceable things.

  Rusty went up on the porch, then came out to the shed and smokehouse where John was working.

  John smiled as he looked up. Rusty's face was set grimly, his hat pulled over his eyes as though he had no time to enjoy the day as John had.

  "John…how are you?"

  "Just fine, Rusty, nice to see ya." John voice mellowed, but Rusty's frown hadn't.

  Rusty didn't make too many house calls. John wondered what he wanted. It didn't take him long to find out, as Rusty was good at coming to the point.

  "John, how's married life?" Rusty shook his hand and watched him work.

  John washed his hands again at the bowl and pitcher that Penelope left for him every day. Then he took his knife out and began to work his magic.

  "Couldn't be better Rusty. I am a happy man…" The sincerity in his voice had Rusty nodding.

  Rusty watched him for a few minutes, not saying a word. Not many men had the opportunity of watching a butcher work, but John did it with such flare, his knife always sure.

  "Well John, I'll get to the point of my visit. How come you quit and moved your work out here. I thought you and Mr. Stanley were getting along fine."

  John paused to glance at him. There was accusations in Rusty's voice now that alerted John to trouble. "Oh yeah…we were. But…well, Penelope's father insisted I come to work for him. He said now that Stanley is enlarging the café, that he'd be hiring a lot of new employees. He said the ranchers around here could keep me busy a long time. Besides, I'd be around Penelope too."

  Rusty nodded. "I guess that's true enough. And I can see why you'd want to move out here well enough. It's just you were doing so well in town."

  "George is getting along alright, isn't he?" John asked with moderate concern.

  "I don't know."

  John twisted his head in question. "You don't know?"

  "No one has seen George in days. The café's been closed. I thought maybe you might know where he went?" Rusty stared into John's surprised eyes. "Maybe he might have told you he was going out of town or visiting someone."

  "Well, I don't know." John paused his knife to think. "He never said anything to me about goin' anywhere. But could be he did. He didn't tell me everything he was about to do, anyway. George was kind of quiet about his plans." John explained. "Does seem kind of funny he'd run off from the business like that, though. Have you asked around town?"

  "Yes, a few people at least. That's why I'm asking you. I thought if anyone might know where he went, it would be you. Did he mention any relatives he planned on visiting, or business he might have had out of town?" Rusty questioned.

  John shook his head. "Not to me he didn't."

  "Was he sore about you leavin'?"

  John stopped what he was doing and turned to Rusty. Knowing Rusty as he did, he realized that he was just doing his job, and so he withheld his anger. "He didn't like it. I didn't expect him to. But he had his plans, and I had mine. And I didn't blame him for that, it was kind of sudden. But he didn't raise no ruckus about it. We shook hands and we both went about our business. When I explained I was going to work for Mr. Carver, he seemed to expect it even. But I can't honestly say he was happy about it. I did promise to supply him with ample cuts of meat for his café though. So I didn't feel bad about not stayin', you see."

  "That was generous of you."

  "Like I said, it was sort of sudden." John smiled and went back to working with his meat.

  "How long you been a butcher?" Rusty asked out of the blue.

  "Most of my life, I guess. Why?"

  "I've never seen a man faster with a knife, or make such perfect cuts before. It is fascinating." Rusty's demeanor changed. John took note.

  There was a long silence and then John looked up at Rusty. "He did say once he had a sister up in Dodge he wanted to get around to visiting, but that's all I know. I'm sure he wouldn't be tellin' me what he planned to do. Even when I worked with him, he'd surprise me every day with some new idea of his. But it could be since he's plannin' on expanding the café that he wanted to talk some professional builders of sorts."

  "I guess that is a possibility. Only he didn't tell anyone he was leaving. And he shut down the café. That had me stumped." Rusty seemed to relax now.

  "It is a might peculiar. But if he had to go out of town to find someone to do the work, then he'd have to close the place up until he returned. Stanley didn't trust many people. How long has he been gone"

  "Yes, you are right about that too. This week."

  "Don't get me wrong. I find it very strange that he closed up. But then Stanley was a strange fella."

  Rusty eyed him again, John could see his Sheriff thoughts in his mind.

  "You think something has happened to him?"

  "I don't know…but when someone disappears so easily, and for some time, you have to ask yourself and everyone else what is going on." Rusty affirmed. "I'm investigating it."

  There was a long silence. John didn't want to spend his perfect day talking about Stanley. He didn't want to think about Stanley. He wanted to enjoy his work, and then retire to his sweet Penelope.

  "I thought you and him were doing rather well together?" Rusty didn't seem satisfied with John's answers.

  John stopped his work, devoting some time to the questions Rusty was asking, then he looked sharply into his eyes. "We were. But like I said, Mr. Carver came along and offered me work out here. And I naturally took it. Little hard to say no to your expectant father-in-law, if you know what I mean. Besides, he promised me all the work I could handle and he's hard to turn down. Since he was Penelope's father. I've been plenty busy out here, you can ask anyone."

  "Oh I believe you John. I just can't imagine what is going on with Stanley and no one seems to have any idea. If you hear of anything, would you get a hold of me?"

  John shrugged. "Of course I will. I'm just as curious as you about him, Rusty."

  Rusty glanced at him with surprise.

  John chuckled, "Well you did introduce me to him. I did make a lot of money and meet a lot of people because of it. I contribute my success to you, partly."

  When Rusty turned to stare out the doorway John glanced at him. The compliment seemed to go unheard.

  "Has he ever gone off before?"

  "No…that's why I'm concerned. You know as well as I that George put that café first in his life. That's why I'm puzzled as to why he closed it down and run off."

  "Have you talked to the waitresses or the cook?"

  "Yes, and they know nothing either. He worked last Monday, that was the last day you worked for him, wasn't it?"

  John nodded, not liking the way Rusty's questions were going and beginning to wonder himself what might have happened to Stanley. Because he would be the first suspect if Stanley were harmed in any way.

  "Maybe something came up."<
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  "If you hear from him, or hear any word of him, get back to me, will ya?" Rusty cast him a look over his shoulder.

  "Sure I will. I owe you that much…"

  Rusty glanced at him. "You don't owe me, John."

  John watched Rusty glance about the ranch curiously and ride out slowly.

  Penelope came up to him, as she had finished feeding the chickens. "Was that the Sheriff I just saw ride off?"

  "Yeah honey, it was." John declared bending to kiss her cheek.

  "What did he want? Why didn't he stay. I could have offered him coffee at least."

  "He wanted to know if I knew where George Stanley was. It seems he's run off and left his business closed down. It's not like George to do something like that. He's worried, that's all."

  "Well that is pretty strange. I haven't seen Mr. Stanley since just before the wedding. George always puts business first." Penelope chuckled. "He was a pretty private man. You know…it's funny, I never seen him court a girl. Not once."

  "That is peculiar, isn't it."

  "I find it right peculiar." John admitted.

  "Well, don't fret over it. I'm sure whatever George is doing, or where ever he is, it probably has to do with business. Maybe he's making arrangement to enlarge the café now." Penelope said watching John cut up the steaks.

  "You're right about that." John nodded. "Never even thought about it. With me gone, I'm sure he has a lot of plans to make."

  "Well don't let that ruin your day, darling. Lunch will be ready soon, are you hungry?" She asked reaching to hold his arm.

  "For you especially…" he murmured and kissed her proper.

  She laughed when she pulled away. "Good. I sure like you workin' out here better than in town."

  She went off and John paused to think about what he and Rusty had talked about. It wasn't at all like George to go off, and close the café. It worried him. For some reason his discussion with Mr. Carver drifted into his mind. Could Mr. Carver have scared George off? Surely not. He had to quit thinking such things. Mr. Carver wouldn't do something like that. But it niggled for a long time. Old worries and uncertainties crowded his better judgment.

  It stayed in the back of his mind all day, and it had ruined his happy day. He resolved to talk to Mr. Carver about it when he finished for the day.

  At lunch Mr. Carver came in and smiled that Penelope had made herself to home again and cooked a fine meal. Obviously he hadn't expected his daughter to keep up with her chores and make lunch.

  "You know you are getting to be a great little cook," He gathered his daughter to him and hugged her.

  "Thanks daddy. John has a healthy appetite and I must do all I can to please him. Now that he's working here, I can cook lunch for you both every day and ride home with him." Penelope smiled. "In fact, I did my regular chores for you too. I fed the chickens, slopped the hogs and gathered the eggs. I even managed to clean out one stall for you in the barn. I don't see why I can't keep doin' my chores out here, since John is working here every day."

  "But my dear, you have a house of your own to clean." Her father objected. "I don't want you neglecting that for my sake. I'll have one of the boys do it."

  "Nonsense. I enjoy it."

  "But your John's wife now, don't you think you should stay home and fix up the place for him?"

  "I can do both. John and I are not exactly dirty people. In fact, I'll have you know, John is one of the cleanest people I know. He picks up after himself, unlike someone I know."

  "I'm glad. It is nice to see you here in the kitchen again."

  "Mr. Carver, I was wondering." John buttered a biscuit and stopped to look at him. His expression held question. "Rusty Peters came out to see me this morning. I guess it was me, he was lookin' for. He said George had closed the café and no one has seen him all week. Doesn't that strike you as odd?"

  Mr. Carver's smile faded and he grabbed a couple of pork chops off the platter that Penelope passed to him. He cut his meat up and ate then looked at John.

  "I heard something about that my last trip into town. But don't you fret about Rusty Peters. He's just doin' his job. And maybe George took a little vacation or something. Or maybe he's putting his plans into actions for the café."

  "I certainly hope nothing has happened to George, as I might be the first suspect." John announced.

  "Don't be silly, darling. We just got back from our honeymoon. Everyone knows you haven't been to town in over a week. Besides, nothing has happened to Mr. Stanley. He's probably just hiring new folk for his café or builders for it. He can't run it and take care of all the business all the time…Why I venture to say George hasn't taken off a week in all his life from that place. Maybe he felt it was time. Sometimes when a friend marries, it makes others think about it too, and how much they are missing."

  John glanced at Penelope, letting his uneasiness fade. "I suppose you are right. I was just asking. I found it rather curious."

  "You fret too much, John. If Rusty Peters wants any more information, tell him to come to me…" Mr. Carver told him.

  "You don't know anything about it…" John puzzled over the remark.

  "That's true, but I know about you." Mr. Carver smiled. "I know where you've been and how long. You will find I am rather loyal to my family John. I do not let things happen to them, if I can help it in any way."

  "Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm sure, like you said Rusty was just doing his job and investigating it. After all, that's his job, isn't it? He didn't say, but maybe he should check out his house."

  "Stanley will turn up, eventually, I'm sure." The old man said and smiled at his daughter.

  "I hope so…" John muttered under his breath.

  "Why are you so worried?" Penelope asked.

  "I'm not, really. But it did sort of ruin my day." John smiled back. "Perhaps it was the way Rusty was asking questions, as though I should know George's every move."

  "Now enough is enough. Don't you worry yourself another minute over George. Besides, I'll be sure and brighten it soon." She cooed and reached for his hand at the table.

  John wasn't shy, even around her father. He loved Penelope and he never wanted her to doubt it, or him.

  Mr. Carver didn't seem to mind the affection that John showed his daughter. Perhaps he was glad of it, John decided.

  "You two keep this up and there will be babies under my feet, before long." Mr. Carver laughed.

  "We hope so, daddy." Penelope squeezed John's hand and smiled again.

  "I'm glad you two are thinking along those lines. I've always wanted grandchildren, and I will tell you something John. You have made a lot of my hopes and dreams come true. Penelope deserves a good man, and I think she's found one. Well listen at me gush, that was a great lunch, dear. But I've got to check on the branding and castrating out in the south pasture. I'll see you two later…" He nodded as he put his hat on and headed out the door. "Oh John, Mr. Swanson said he'd stop off and pick up that meat you did up for him."

  "Alright, it's already wrapped and ready." John smiled.

  "Good. I'm glad you are working out here. I get to see my daughter more often and we get to talk." Mr. Carver smiled.

  "Bye daddy…" Penelope called. "You know he's right. We just might have some little ones before you know it."

  "I hope so. I love children. And I love you…"

  "Don't you go flirtin' with me, you'll never finish all that work, if you do…" she threatened and he pulled her into his lap to kiss her sweet lips.

  "Our honeymoon was the most wonderful time of my life. I'll never forget it." John whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck.

  "Oh…John…I want you so…" Penelope sighed into his arms. "I'll never forget either. It was more than I dreamed for, and I'm not talking about St. Louis."

  His eyes swept over her, a smile tugged at his lips, as he captured her attention. He pulled her out of the chair and moved her against the wall ever so gently. "Then you shall have more, my sweet."

He pulled up her skirt and pleasured her for long lingering moments with his hands. He felt the heat from them rising, as she spread her hands inside his shirt and touched. He growled with pleasure, she moaned aloud. His hands fondled her breast through her dress, her nipples puckered, he bent his head and caressed them through her dress, making her dress wet. The erotic action made her relax, as her eyes shined into his. She squirmed against the wall, "Oh John, I never dreamed being married would be so much…pleasure…"

  "I hope it always will be…I intend to see that it is." He whispered just before he unbuckled his belt and pants. She swooned, as his lips caressed her and his tongue delighted in the inner recesses of her mouth. He felt her hips join his easily as he entered her, their passion building. They panted, as sweat and heat fused them exploding simultaneously. She sighed and then smiled at him. "I never dreamed…of such delights."

  "Then dream my darling. I aim to please you every day…" He smiled into her shining eyes.

  "You take my breath away," she whispered hotly as he kissed her into submission. Her lips felt like hot butter, her body moved erotically against him. "It's perfectly sinful the way you make love to me in broad daylight."

  "I can't help myself. I want to do more than that my darling, I want to plant life inside of you…" He whispered as his mouth tasted her ear-lobe. She smelled sweet, and the musk of her body blended with his.

  "Oh yes…yes…" she cried clinging to him.

  "Again?" He smiled into her flushed face.

  "Again…" she murmured.

  He hoisted her so he fit inside her and for dizzying moments there was no sound but the murmurings of love and the heated moans, as he took her once more. This time she cried out when he took her to the dizzying heights of their love. Her fingernails dug into his chest as she spread his shirt wide and kneaded his hot skin. Her teeth nipped him as he held her in that haven for a long moment. She was climbing against him, clawing his skin, kissing his hot mouth and she heard him moan raggedly.

  When he finally released her, he put her skirt down and smiled. "There will be more of that later." He winked, kissing her until they both came down off the high they created.


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