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Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance

Page 18

by Gayle Riley

  Emma’s phone rings as she is gathering the food to cook on the patio grill. It’s Damien and she ignores it. As she and Beverly sit down to eat, it rings again. This time it’s Jonas. Emma shakes her head and asks Beverly, “Why can’t they let me have this time alone? They have lives too and I allow them to enjoy them without interference. I know that Jonas is dating and having sex. Damien might also be seeing other people for all I know. That’s their business. I would like to be given the same courtesy.”

  Beverly answers, “I’m not sure why they can’t allow you a few moments of peace. I’ve always thought that men are like dogs. They have to mark their territory and if another dog comes along trying to take it over they have a pissing contest and the winner takes all. Maybe that’s what Damien and Jonas are doing. Since Damien has declared you his territory, Jonas is trying to mark you as his and Damien is worried it will work. I wish you luck with the pair of them.”

  Emma isn’t so sure that either man wants anything permanent. She isn’t even ready for that. The lake house is proof of that. Everywhere she looks is something that her husband bought or that they decorated together. His clothes are still in the closet. His fishing boots are on the patio. There are wedding pictures on the fireplace mantle, reminding her of their love. Emma needs to bring Jonas and clear out the house. He can keep whatever he wants and she can redecorate, making the house her own. She refuses to sell this house. She is the one who picked it out and she loves it. Brushing tears from her eyes, Emma pushes the past from her mind and declares it time to get drunk, make fun of old movies, and battle it out in a long game of monopoly. Tomorrow is soon enough to come back to reality and deal with her men, both past and present.

  Beverly chooses to sleep in while Emma takes one last dip in the lake before they head home. Emma notices there is someone at the house next door. She is surprised, since it has remained empty the entire time she has been coming to the lake. Emma waves at her new neighbor and he waves back. She walks over to say hello and introduce herself. His name is Mike. He appears to be about 45 and has a kind and friendly face. Emma asks to meet his wife and is saddened to learn that he is a widower. It seems he is selling his home in the city and moving permanently to the lake. He is a writer and enjoys being on the water. Emma gets his attention when she tells him she is an editor. They continue to talk until Emma hears Beverly calling out to her. She shakes Mike’s hand and walks away. This is the type of man she wanted to find at the singles bar.

  Beverly drives them home while Emma dozes off. Her dreams have a new addition. She is sailing off into the sunset with Mike. Emma sits up, turns on the radio, and wipes Mike from her mind. Her life is confused enough.

  Chapter 7

  As Emma pulls up to her house, she is frustrated to see Jonas’ car in the driveway and Damien sitting on the steps. She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, praying for the patience to deal with the two young men at once. To her shock, the front door opens and Jonas walks out bringing Damien a beer. Both men come to help Emma get her things out of the car. They welcome her home with hugs and kisses without fighting. In fact, they are very polite to each other, as if they bonded while Emma was away.

  Damien walks a bouncing Patches while Jonas leads Emma into the dining room where the table is set for three. Delicious smells come from the kitchen. At Emma’s questioning look, Jonas announces, “Damien and I made supper. We’re having spaghetti, garlic bread, salad and chocolate cake. I made my famous pasta sauce.”

  Damien steps in and declares, “I made the cake. We wanted to welcome you home and let you know you were missed.” He pulls out a chair and motions for Emma to sit down. Jonas puts a plate of food in front of her and Damien pours her a glass of wine. Emma is beginning to think she is in an alternate universe. This is so surreal.

  Dinner conversation revolves around Emma’s time away. The men want to know where she went. Emma gives in and tells them all about going to the lake house with Beverly. She tells Jonas, “We need to go back there and pack up your dad’s things. I want to spend more time there, but it hurts to see the life we shared everywhere I look. You can keep any of his things that you would like, even some of the furniture. I need to redecorate and make it mine.”

  Jonas replies, “I guess it is time to take care of that. It’s the last of dad’s properties. It sounds like you want to keep it. Dad would have liked that. We can go anytime you want.”

  Damien asks, “Can I help pack things up, or is it too personal for outsiders?”

  Jonas answers before Emma can. He says Damien is welcome to join them. Emma is more surprised as the evening goes on. Whether the guys are getting along for her sake or they are genuinely friends, she doesn’t know, but it’s nice to enjoy a quiet night with them both.

  After dinner, the group head to the living room to make plans for going to the lake house. Jonas reminds Emma that his college graduation is on the upcoming Saturday. She is happy and excited for him and of course she is attending. Damien asks what Jonas’s degree is in and becomes intensely excited to learn it is in sports medicine. He asks, “Would you consider working with my fitness centers? I have thirty spread out over the U.S. and I am going to open two here. The first is in the planning stages now.” Jonas is thrilled with the offer. Damien is leaving on a business trip on Tuesday, but will be back on Friday. They can discuss it more on his return.

  Emma crawls into bed with her mind whirling. This is by far the strangest evening she has ever had. She isn’t feeling overwhelmed by the men fighting for her attention. Instead, Emma is relaxed and content. Maybe her life is smoothing out. She has great hopes for the future. Emma falls asleep and dreams of happiness.

  Emma spends Monday night at Damien’s home. It is lovely, though masculine. He woos Emma with flowers, wine and caresses. During dinner, his hand slides up her leg to set the tone for the rest of the night. Emma awakens sated and gives Damien a kiss goodbye that reminds him of what will be waiting when he returns from his trip.

  Tuesday, Jonas calls and asks Emma out on a date. She hesitates before replying. Is it wrong to date your stepson? It’s not like she raised him. He’s an adult. She isn’t in an exclusive relationship with Damien, so why not. Emma tells Jonas yes. He tells her to dress very casual.

  Emma is glad she took Jonas’ advice to dress very casual. She fits right in at the college bonfire wearing jeans, a tank top and flats. The bonfire is a last blowout celebration for those graduating. The music is loud, beer kegs are in abundance, and dancing is a must. Emma loves it. Young men flirt with her and the girls act as if she is one of them. Jonas shows her a good time. They dance, drink, and kiss the night away. Emma likes the feeling of being in Jonas’s arms. Her misgivings about dating him are gone. Making out with a handsome young man in the shadows of a blazing bonfire brings back fun memories. Emma definitely isn’t feeling old tonight.

  Thankfully, Jonas doesn’t ask to come home with her. Emma isn’t quite ready for sex with him yet, although she is considering it. Damien and Jonas are awakening a part of Emma she never knew existed. It is a powerful and heady feeling. Being a cougar is great for the sex drive.

  Jonas’s graduation is held in the college football stadium. Emma is seated high in the stands. She cheers loudly when Jonas’ name is called. She is so proud of him for switching colleges to be near her after his dad’s death and for finishing his education despite grieving. Emma is treating Jonas to a celebratory lunch because he is spending the evening with his fellow graduates. She is saving her gift, a trip to the Bahamas, for tomorrow. Hopefully, the gift is a welcome distraction from the sad act of sorting through his dad’s belongings.

  Chapter 8

  Jonas is driving a small moving truck when he pulls up to Emma’s house on Sunday. He explains that it is for any furniture he wants to keep. It can also be used to take unwanted old furniture to the dump. Emma praises Jonas for thinking ahead. Damien arrives and decides to ride in the truck with Jonas. They can discuss Jonas working for the fi
tness centers on the way to the lake house. Emma takes her car which is loaded with boxes to pack stuff in.

  The group starts work immediately upon arrival at the house. Clothes are packed for donation except for a sweatshirt from Jonas’ dad’s college. This he wants to keep. Books are separated into boxes for keeping or giving to the library. A few of Emma’s favorites are left on the shelves. At lunch, they take a break for sandwiches and sodas. Emma chooses this time to present Jonas with his gift. He loves it, picking Emma up, swinging her around, and planting a kiss on her lips in thanks.

  After their break, Damien and Jonas begin loading furniture into the truck. The things Jonas plans to keep go on first, then the one’s destined for the trash are put on the back for easy access. Emma is packing pictures and tossing outdated canned food. Everyone is hot and sweaty. A swim in the lake sounds amazing. The guys jump in wearing the shorts they came in. Emma keeps a bikini in the lake house for these occasions. She joins the men after changing.

  Laughter abounds as the trio conduct races and a game of hide and seek under the water. Only Jonas notices when Emma climbs onto the dock holding her leg. He leaves Damien in the water and pulls himself up next to Emma. She is crying and in pain. Jonas can see a muscle bunched up in her calf. He picks her up and carries her into the house. Jonas carefully lays her on the couch and draws her leg into his lap. He uses his knowledge in sports medicine to work out the knot gently. As Emma’s leg relaxes, the massages turn to caresses and Jonas’s hand roams up her leg. She doesn’t protest when his fingers push aside the bikini bottoms and touch the prize underneath. Jonas takes more liberties and allows his finger to enter Emma. She is hot and wet. Her legs spread further, offering better access. Jonas takes the hint, unties the sides of the bikini and replaces his fingers with his tongue. One handed, he reaches down and pulls off his shorts. Damien enters the room and is instantly turned on by the scene. He takes one of Emma’s breasts in each hand, lifting them out of the tiny bikini top. Emma moans and writhes on the sofa. She holds Jonas’s head in place as she climaxes.

  Emma becomes aware that both men are fondling her and starts to protest. Her words turn to sighs when Damien drops his pants and there are two largely endowed nude men standing at attention before her. The men’s eyes briefly caress each other’s bodies with lust, then turn their attention back to Emma. Emma surprises herself by drawing Jonas into her arms and guiding him into her body. She shyly asks for Damien to pleasure himself while he watches. The men oblige Emma’s wishes. Jonas groans in ecstasy as Emma squeezes his manhood with a powerful climax causing him to explode inside her. Their pleasure brings Damien to his own ending and he spills his seed on the two of them.

  The men are surprisingly comfortable with the aftermath of the encounter. Emma, however, is embarrassed. She hides in the shower, washing off all evidence of the joining. The guys go back to the lake to cool their ardor.

  The packing is completed without mention of the afternoon’s sexcapade. Damien and Jonas do everything they can to make Emma feel less awkward. They tell her jokes and stories of their college days, sing silly songs with off key voices, and coax her into eating a few bites of their leftover lunch.

  Emma drives Damien home so that Jonas can put his furniture in a storage unit where it is to stay until he gets a larger place. Damien respects Emma’s silence. This is a new experience for her though not for Damien or Jonas as it turns out. Emma drops him off and he kisses her cheek before she drives away.

  Emma refuses to answer all calls from Damien or Jonas for several days. She is trying to come to terms with this new, shockingly aggressive version of herself. Damien sends roses to her office and Jonas sends tulips. Emma’s coworkers tease her about having two suitors. She is so glad to return home to peace and Patches each day. Emma slowly lets go of her embarrassment and decides to embrace the new woman she has become. She contemplates her feelings for Damien and Jonas and discovers she isn’t in love with either one. She is sure that neither of them loves her or they wouldn’t have been willing to share. That knowledge is freeing and allows Emma to look back at the threesome and glory in her sexuality.

  Damien is happy to see Emma walking Patches along his jogging route. It means she is no longer hiding from him. He stops to pat a bouncy Patches and caress Emma’s face. She smiles and he knows everything between them is okay. But something is different. There is less sexual tension in the air. It feels more like friendship. Emma invites Damien to have dinner at her house and watch a movie. He accepts, although he feels sure he will not be asked to share her bed.

  Emma calls Jonas and thanks him for helping her pack up the cabin. She is glad he found some keepsakes to remind him of his dad. Jonas asks Emma to look at apartments with him and she is happy to oblige. Emma feels that her life is changing once again. But, that’s okay. She’s prepared for that now. She is stronger, more confident, and proud of the woman she is becoming. Her future is bright and promising.

  Chapter 9

  Emma and Jonas look at a beautiful apartment in the center of the city. It is in an older building, but it is remodeled. It is a spacious two bedrooms, two bath, with a balcony overlooking a park. Emma asks, “Are you sure that you can afford this place?”

  Jonas is quick to reply, “I took the job with Damien. He pays really well. The center here isn’t open yet, but he is paying me to oversee some added rehab equipment for injured athletes. I will be traveling to the other centers to integrate the new equipment in those too. Our hope is to bring in professional athletes for rehab or fitness training.”

  Emma is glad to hear that Damien’s offer of a job was sincere. She is sure the two men will work well together and bring Damien’s empire to new heights. She also realizes the sexual tension between Jonas and her is gone. They are back to being comfortable companions. Maybe there is a new girlfriend in the picture. If so, she better treat him right. Emma just wants the best for Jonas. He is a huge part of the reason she is now content with her life.

  Jonas checks out the apartments’ pool and clubhouse, then signs a lease. He celebrates by treating Emma to hot dogs and ice cream in the park. She can tell there is something he’s not telling her, but she allows him to keep his secret, secure in the knowledge that he will confide in her when he is ready.

  Emma and Patches return to the lake house alone. She paints the walls with bright colors that make her happy. The new furniture is being delivered in the morning. Mike spies her putting a new coat of stain on the patio and brings her a cold glass of tea. Emma is glad to see his friendly face. He offers to repair the railing on the patio. He claims to be handy at home repair. Emma states, “I don’t want to inconvenience you, but if you have the time that would be great. I’ll pay you.”

  Mike laughs and replies, “I won’t accept money, but some decorating advice would be nice. You help me pick out decor and I’ll repair anything that’s broken.”

  Emma agrees, “It’s a deal. I’m about to grill a steak. I could make it two, if you want to stay for supper.” Mike is pleased and starts up the grill while Emma gets the steaks and some vegetables. They share a very pleasant evening discussing books, the one’s he has written and the one’s she has edited. Their conversation flows much easier than Emma expected. Spending time with someone her own age is a nice change of pace.

  Mike is hard at work repairing the railing when Emma’s furniture arrives. The blue couch and white chairs bring an airy feel to the house. The reclaimed wood dining table is perfect for a casual dinner at the lake. Emma’s retreat is coming together just like her life.

  Mike offers to cook tonight if she will look at his house and give him some ideas. Emma makes him rearrange his furniture and put his writing desk facing a window. The results are astonishing. The rooms appear bigger and brighter. Mike is pleased with her changes and with their friendship. His home still needs a woman’s touch. He misses the comfort that a woman can bring to a house. Maybe Emma is the one meant for the task.

  With Mike’s phone
number programed into her cell, Emma heads home. She intends to spend some of her off time during the week to shop for pillows, rugs and other decor for both herself and Mike. She plans on spending a lot of time at the lake and wants it to feel like a happy healthy place to be.

  Emma sees very little of Damien and Jonas during the week. She misses them and wonders if they are avoiding her. Quick waves from Damien as he runs by her house and short phone conversations with Jonas are all she gets. According to Jonas, the club is almost ready to open and he and Damien are extremely busy. Emma is once again sure he is leaving out an important detail. She promises herself that she will discover what it is Jonas is hiding. If either man is angry at Emma, she needs to know. She is unwilling to let them disappear from her life.

  Her shopping spree complete, Emma decides to drop in on the new club. Maybe she can corner either Jonas or Damien and pry out some information. If she takes one or both of them to lunch and plies them with wine, she just might get an explanation for their aloof behavior. Emma wanders through the fitness club, avoiding the men who are setting up equipment. She admires the choice of colors on the walls as well as the very modern floors and counters. The dressing rooms are gorgeous and the snack bar is perfect. It’s no wonder that Damien’s fitness clubs are so popular. They appeal to a wide range of clients. To Emma’s disappointment, neither Damien nor Jonas is present.

  Emma takes a short walk down the street to her favorite lunch spot. What she spies through the window answers all of her burning questions. Damien and Jonas are having lunch together. Their plates are empty already, but they linger at the table. As Emma watches, she sees Jonas clasp Damien’s hand under the table. Damien shakes his head and pulls their hands into plain sight on the tabletop. He puts his other hand behind Jonas’ head and pulls him forward for a very public kiss. Emma can see the blush on Jonas’s cheeks from where she stands. She guesses that finding himself to be bisexual is something quite new to Jonas. Emma smiles. She knows that Jonas is going to be fine. Damien is a wonderful lover. She takes a deep breath, enters the cafe, and surprises the men saying, “Hello boys, nice to finally see why you’ve been ignoring me. Tell me all about it.”


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