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Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance

Page 27

by Gayle Riley

  When he saw her breasts still confined in the bra, his eyes lit up. Back when they messed around a bit when they were younger, she didn’t have a large bosom. She was a late bloomer, but she did bloom beautifully. Her larger, D-cup breasts were right there, mere inches from his hands, and when he looked at them, he felt his body almost go rigid with shock at the sight of them.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “They’re not bad. Right?” she asked. She had always been self-conscious of her breasts, ever since she was younger, but he pulled her hands away, allowing him to touch them.

  “No. They’re beautiful. I don’t remember you having those the last time we had fun,” he said with a smirk.

  The redness on her face was adorable, but before she could respond, he took off the rest of the dress, unclasping the bra with a bit of awkwardness. He wasn’t that great at that, but the hard work paid off as he watched her large, needy orbs tumble out of the garment.

  “Holy shit,” he said, looking at the large mounts in front of him. They were like a dream come true, a treasure that he wanted to just touch and tease. He let his hands move towards them, cupping them slightly and moving about. She let out a small whine as he pressed his palms against them, waiting but a moment before he started to move his fingers so he could pinch her nipples.

  She let out a very low, guttural sound, feeling her body tense up at the sudden motions the man indulged on her body. She could feel the nerves immediately heighten in feelings, causing her to let out a series of grunts and groans of both pleasure, and of shock as well. It surprised him, that’s for sure. He didn’t think that she would be into playing there, but at this point, he definitely was happy with the results he got from his movements.

  Of course, his cock ached for something more. His hands moved down to her panties, which were black cotton ones. Even with the color, he could see a small stain of wetness there. He let his fingers brush against there, a small squeak of shock emitting from her lips.

  “You like this, don’t you?” he said.

  “Yes,” she breathed out, already losing her mind from the actions he took.

  He decided to tease her. It had been a long time since he touched her there. He never had sex with her, but he did get pretty far. He started to rub against the edge of the panties, teasing her clit from outside. She whimpered, feeling her body move closer and almost rutting against his fingertips. Seeing her coming undone like this was a dream come true, and for him, he started to wonder just how much more of this he was about to get. He continued to indulge in this, teasing her folds with small touches, moving his hands to each side of her panties, slipping them off without any second thoughts.

  Her shaven pussy was right there, and soon, he started to let a finger sink in. When he did, she cried out, holding her body against him and muffling her cries into the sheets and his gown. He grinned, seeing her like this as he continued to press his hands deeper and deeper into there. She was tight. He wondered if she was a virgin. He wanted to ask. He hadn’t had time to be with another woman either, mostly because of duty and school.

  “Have you ever… done this?” he asked.

  She pulled back, shaking her head.

  “I always said I wanted to wait for the right moment,” she said.

  “Well I guess, this is the right moment for both of us,” he said to her.

  She began to flush, realizing what he was going to do. He added another finger, teasing her down there and making her start to shiver, feeling the force of her body start to push her against the hand, almost making him fuck her even more. She then pulled away, looking at him with a serious glance, before she started to move.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I want to do this on top of you. I know that you can’t really get on top of me. So I’ll take it slow, control the pace and everything,” she said.

  He smiled knowing that she cared about how he felt. He flipped over onto his back, allowing her to climb up on top of him, slipping her body right against there.

  She knew it was going to be tight, that it would hurt, but she didn’t expect the sudden sting. Her eyes widened shock settling in as she felt her body press down, letting the cock pierce into her. She let out a low, guttural sound, loving the feeling of it, but also feeling the pain of the sudden motion. It did hurt, that’s for sure, but at the same time, she indulged in this, wanting nothing more than for this to continue on. She began to push further and further downward, and after the initial breach, which hurt like hell, she started to get used to it.

  When she was all the way in, she looked at him, seeing the glance on his face.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “I’ve been better, but I think I’ve got this,” she told him.

  He began to smile, letting his hands move up to her backside, touching her butt. She began to let out a small squeak of pleasure, enjoying the sudden fondling.

  “You feel good,” she said.

  “So do you. Do you want to try moving now?” he asked.

  She nodded, excited about this. She didn’t believe she would last very long, so she wanted to take the chance that she was given. She began to move up and down, feeling her body immediately melt against his own. He started to groan, holding onto her butt as she continued to move up and down with a bit of force. He started to use his hands to help control the pace too, and soon, they were both breathing hard, feeling the pleasure seep through every crevice of their bodies.

  She loved this. She wanted nothing more than for this to just continue on. She knew that this was the moment she’d been waiting for all her life, the pleasures that she’s sought from him. She continued to move at a lightning pace, and soon, before she knew it, he hit that spot.

  She cried out, trying her best to bite her lip, but it proved to be almost useless. She then came hard, pushing herself down onto his cock. The tightness was enough for him, and soon, he thrust up into her, holding her butt as he started to cry out, coming hard against her as well. He released deep into her, and she relished in the feeling of his cock emptying himself into her, loving the way that it felt, and encouraging more of this.

  For a long time, neither of them said anything, but then, she pulled off of him, curling up next to the man. The two of them started to look at one another, realizing they would need to discuss what this meant.

  “That was… wow,” he said.

  “Everything you imagined?” she asked.

  “More than that. I want to do that again. That was magical,” he said.

  “I agree. It truly was,” she said.

  The two of them lay there, but the realization of the situation was still there. They knew they’d have to talk about what this meant for them, including where to go next.

  “We can’t do this forever. You’re going to leave soon,” she told him. That was the reality of it. They probably would never see one another again.

  “I know. I actually got word on my condition. They wanted to keep me away from the battlefield. Apparently my spine being knocked out does worry them, and they don’t want me to see direct combat. So I can’t go back to fighting. However, they gave me another option; I can go work at one of the local bases. They already gave me housing, and if you want, you can come live with me,” he told her.

  She began to realize what this meant. He wanted her to change her life.

  “But this is all I’ve known. I don’t know if I can get a job at the local hospital,” she said.

  “I know. Which is why I’m offering it to you now. I have several weeks left here, at least six, maybe closer to eight. I was in a bad situation, but I’m almost all better. If you want, you can come live with me. I’d love that, and honestly, I insist upon it. Even if you don’t get a job right away, I can take care of you. The military is giving me a stipend, which should be more than enough to cover us until you find a hospital to work at. People always need practitioners, so I’m sure it won’t be that long,” he said.

  It was a tempti
ng offer, and she wanted to take it. In her heart, she felt that this was right, but what about the status quo. She only knew of life in the hospital here, seeing people die, death every single day, people coming in with injuries that made her stomach burble.

  “I don’t know,” I said.

  “You might end up seeing less death here. I think we both need to see less death, and we need to do what’s right for both of us,” he said.

  He did have a point. “I’ll think about it. but don’t think I’ll forget about you,” she said.

  “I know that you won’t babe. I’m sure that even after all these years, you won’t forget about me. Just… take your time, but don’t leave me hanging,” he said.

  She nodded. She didn’t want to. But of course, this meant she’d have to make a few calls. Could she really find a job that could cater to her wishes? She didn’t even know anymore, but all she could do was hope.

  Chapter 6

  About six weeks had passed, and while Kayley spent a lot of time with Norman, she felt a bit of regret. She might not come with him once he leaves. She might stay here. She did speak to her boss about transferring, and while they said that they would miss her, they did seem to understand. They gave her the okay, it was a matter of if she should transfer or not.

  She found another hospital that was near where Norman said their temporary home would be. It was a nice place, but the pay was slightly less. Did she want to take a pay cut for this? Would she even be able to handle it? then again, if Norman was helping with the bills and the like, she might have a better chance at taking this.

  Then, it happened. She started getting sick day in and day out, and for Kayley, she never got sick. But the idea of waking up in the morning made her want to vomit, and more often than not, she ended up puking. However, she thought at first maybe it was a stomach bug. She did call out a couple of times, but as she continued, she realized the problem was getting worse.

  It happened about four weeks after she confessed her feelings to Norman, which made her wonder—did she get knocked up? Was this his baby? If so, that would prove to make everything so much messier than she cared to make them.

  Even with her worries and doubts, she continued forward. However, she stopped craving the foods she normally did, settling for bizarre foods she normally wouldn’t touch in a million years. When that happened, she knew something was up, and surreptitiously, she went over to the military store, getting a pregnancy test. Luckily, nobody said anything, but she did soon go to the bathroom, praying it was nothing.

  She used it, hoping that this was just her thoughts getting the best of her, but then, when she pulled the test out, she saw the indicator mark, immediately blanching in shock.

  “Oh fuck,” she muttered to herself.

  Sure enough, she was pregnant, and it was his baby. She knew that she couldn’t hide this forever, and with all that was going on, she knew that this would just make everything worse.

  During her visit with Norman that day, he could tell something was wrong.

  “Hey uh, do you want to talk?” he asked.

  She shook her head. The last thing she wanted to tell him was she was pregnant with his baby.

  “No. I’m just going through some tough times. Got to make some big decisions,” she told him.

  “You don’t have to make them alone you know,” he told her.

  She paused. She didn’t want to hold this back. She felt he should know, but she shook her head.

  “It’s fine. It’s about job stuff. I found a job, but it’s with a different hospital and I have to take a small pay cut,” she said.

  “If you take it, I’ll assist with the bills,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. She did want to, but she wanted to make sure it was cool with him first.

  “Of course. I mean, we’re in this together. I’m not letting you go,” he said.

  She nodded. That made her want to tell him, but she pulled those thoughts back. She wasn’t ready, and while it bothered her to hide this sort of thing, she felt it was for the best.

  “Thank you. I’ll consider it,” she said.

  “Well you have about two weeks to do so. That’s when they’re discharging me,” he told her.

  Great. no pressure, right? She began to shiver, knowing that everything resided on her decision.

  About a week passed, and she put in the transfer papers. She sat there, listening to a few of the people, when her boss came on by.

  “Hey there Kayley. Listen, I have some great news,” he told her.

  She looked at him, wondering what it was.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Well, I told them your qualms about the pay cut. They seem to understand, and they’re looking to match it. We did find a replacement for you, so you can leave whenever you desire. I mean, I’ll miss you. We all will, but it happens. It’s hard out there, and being a military hospital, you see death right before your eyes. You’ve served us for a long time, so I’m sure that this will make your life much easier,” he said to her.

  She couldn’t believe this. She wanted to tell him right away. But she sat there, smiling at her boss.

  “Thank you. I’ll probably leave sometime next week. I’ll finish up the final housekeeping points and such,” she said.

  “Very good. Good luck,” he said.

  “Thank you. I’ll need it,” she said.

  After that was over, Kayley prepared the last of her transfer papers, getting everything squared away. She wanted to have it done by the time Norman left, so that there wouldn’t be any problems. She worked hard, not seeing him much, but then, as it all started to get easier, she knew what she had to do.

  It was the day before she would be leaving, and he would be leaving too. She headed over there, knowing what she must do. Even if he refused, she did have a job, but she hoped that he would take care of her. She knocked on the door, and when she heard his words, she stepped in.

  When she got there, she saw him there, looking at her with a smile.

  “There you are,” he said.

  “Hey. There’s something I want to tell you. I’m sorry for hiding it, and I feel a bit ashamed that I did. I’m just scared,” she said.

  He looked at her with concern, moving closer with a bit of hesitancy.

  “You can tell me. I promise I won’t be mad.”

  She prepared her mind for whatever was about to happen next. Would he accept her even with this bun in the oven? Or would he leave her before she had a chance to explain herself? She could only hope it would be the former.

  Chapter 7

  She took a deep breath, composing herself as she got the words ready. She looked at him, seeing that he hadn’t broken eye contact.

  “I’m pregnant,” she told him.

  His eyes widened looking at her with complete shock.

  “Oh wow,” he said.

  “Yeah. I confirmed it the other day. Which was why I was quiet. I’m just… nervous,” she said.

  “I imagine. I mean, I would’ve loved to have known sooner rather than later, but I guess it’s better to know now than after we leave, right?” he said.

  She looked at him with an incredulous glance. “You’re not mad or anything?” she asked.

  “Course not. It’s our future. I’ll tell you right now, that I had a feeling that was what’s up. I mean, I remember telling you back when we were in high school that I wanted to have kids eventually. Truthfully, I wanted to have them with you,” he said.

  The shock that was on her face made him smile. He moved forward, capturing her lips with his own. He pulled back, smiling.

  “You don’t have to worry about me backing out. I made the decision a while ago that if I ever did get a girl pregnant, I’d take care of the kid. I mean, I am happy it’s you because I’ve had feelings for you for a long time,” he told her with a smile.

  “Same. I’m glad it’s you as well,” she said.

  There was an awkward pause, and then, he sighed on
ce again.

  “Can I tell you something else Kayley? It’s a bit embarrassing, but I think it needs to be said,” he told her.

  She looked at him with slight concern, unsure of what he was about to say. He then took a deep breath, his face embarrassed from the words he was about to form.

  “I love you Kayley. I know I probably made that fucking obvious when we did it, but this is different. I’ve thought long and hard about it. I’m a military guy. I’ve always been worried about what my father thought of me, but I remember the one time he told me that he was proud of me, was when I was with you. He said that you were a good woman, that you would be a great girlfriend. I thought the guy was damn crazy, but I guess he was right. I wanted you to be my girlfriend for a long time Kayley, and now that we finally found one another again, I just…I feel happy. I feel like I can finally express these feelings,” he said.

  She looked at the man, the one that she nursed back to health, the one who had seen struggle after struggle, time and time again. He seemed so natural, and the confession felt so real. She was happy to see his eyes widen with every single word, the way he seemed almost determined to say that.

  “I guess that makes two of us. I love you too,” she said.

  “Good. Because honestly, if I heard that you didn’t, I’d be pretty upset. I mean, I know I shouldn’t hold out too much, especially with how people are, but I always saw you as someone I admired Kayley. Even in high school you were perfect to talk to. We always had the best conversations,” he said.

  “We sure did,” she told him.

  “Yeah, and I want to have more conversations like that with you. I actually got a job working in the technology department at the military base. I don’t have to see combat, and it’s what I went to school for. And now that I have you, I feel like I’m finally getting a jumpstart on life,” he said.

  The way he said those words, the way they seemed to naturally come off his tongue, made her heart flutter. She saw that he was serious too, which made her smile.


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