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Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance

Page 46

by Gayle Riley

  “Thank you, I came in here to make sure I could lock up for the night,” Jill explained her reasoning for being there as her smirk turned into a smile.

  “Well, if you come in here that’s what I’ll be doing. I find it easier to work out without clothing on. Why ruin a good pair of clothing when you’re soaked in sweat when you’re done?” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

  “That’s a good point to make, maybe I will try it,” Jill stated, watching as Mike blushed at what she had said.

  Mike didn’t know what to say to that comment. If he had replied it would’ve sounded as if he was hitting on her. He thought breaking one rule a night would be enough.

  “Why can’t you look at me?” Jill asked him, talking to him as a person instead of someone she was instructing.

  “I don’t look at anyone. I mean if I have to I will but as far as my daily life I’ve always had a hard time,” Mike muttered.

  “You’ll overcome that while you’re here. I like to know your weaknesses so that when you leave, they will no longer be that way,” Jill told him as they walked out of the gym together.

  “Yeah? I have another weakness,” Mike smirked as he watched her lock the gym up before they headed outside.

  “What’s that?” She asked.

  “Talking to beautiful women.” He winked at her and saw a grin come to her face. He couldn’t help himself. He had to say something, anything to see if she was attracted to him. It wasn’t breaking the rules talking about it.

  “We will work on that as much as we can.” Jill nodded her head, this time she was the one who looked down at the floor.

  “Sounds good.” He laughed and parted as they walked outside. He went back to the fire while she walked over toward the other side where the women’s cabins were.

  Mike had a grin on his face when he went back to the fire, he saw that Brandon was looking around for him.

  “Where did you disappear to?” Brandon asked once he caught sight of him.

  “I was working out until I was ordered to get dressed and leave because the gym was closing up for the night.” Mike held his head high.

  “Who kicked you out?” Brandon asked him, giving him a questioning look.

  “Jill. I was working out naked like I always have. Something I do all the time because it’s better and she walks in and tells me to get my clothes on.” Mike couldn’t help but laugh when he explained what had happened.

  “She saw you?” Brandon’s eyes grew wide.

  “Yeah, I didn’t get into trouble or anything.” Mike shrugged his shoulders.

  “I told you she liked you.” Brandon chuckled, shaking his head.

  “When you’re right you’re right.” Mike laughed as they walked away from the fire and headed to the cabin so they could go to sleep.

  Brandon was on the top bunk and Mike went to the lower bunk he had picked. Both were quiet as they had their own thoughts in their heads about what they missed about back home. Both were home sick and there was nothing they could do about it. Both signed up to go to boot camp and now they would start it and finish it together.

  “What would you be doing right now if you were home?” Brandon asked him.

  “I’d be at the bar hitting on a woman, buy her a few drinks and by the end of the night we’d go back to her place.” Mike shrugged his shoulders, he tried staying away from home as much as possible.

  “I would hang out with friends, we always played basketball in the summer time. It would be one of those nights we would stay out all night,” Brandon told him without being asked

  In no time at all they were both sleeping. Brandon had fallen asleep before Mike had because Mike could hear his light snoring. He rolled over and closed his eyes, the next thing he knew it was morning.

  Chapter 3

  They heard a whistle before the sun was even up, everyone got up and got dressed, made their beds and stood by their beds with their heads held high and their bodies standing straight.

  “I see you are all ready for the day,” Jill’s voice rang out loud and clear. She had the light turned on as she was looking to make sure all the beds had been made the way she had wanted them.

  “Yes ma’am!” Everyone shouted together.

  “That’s good. Now it’s time to run the trails out back before we go get breakfast. We are to run for a half hour, no stopping,” she instructed them.

  The group said nothing as they fell in line but she could see in their eyes they were complaining about the time frame.

  “Are you going to be complaining about running when you’re running for your lives? Are you going to complain about getting the hell out of danger when you see gun fire, trying to out run bullets and grenades and whatever else the enemy has to throw at you?” Jill asked in a harsh voice.

  “No ma’am!” The group once again called out to her.

  “Then don’t start now, let’s get it done,” Jill told them, setting the pace as they ran out of the cabin.

  The women were waiting outside for them and fell in line when the boys came out of their cabin running at Jill’s pace.

  “This will be the easiest part of your day!” Jill shouted so that everyone could hear her.

  “Yes ma’am!” They two groups shouted together.

  Jill had a tight smile on her face when she saw that Mike was running beside her keeping the line in check. She glanced over at him and could see that sweat was already forming on his tight, white, shirt.

  She was shocked that her team made it through the first drill, they were huffing and puffing but they had made it through and she was proud of them.

  “All right, now for chow. Don’t worry about going to take a shower because we don’t have time for that. We will be out all day, we will be working so hard that you will not want to do anything but sleep after dinner,” she explained to them when they got back to camp and they headed for the dining hall.

  “You must’ve impressed her keeping up with her the way you did,” Brandon whispered to him as they took their spots in line.

  “You two glued to the hips I see. I don’t mind teaching the both of you.” Jill winked at Mike and it shocked him she was listening in on their conversation.

  Mike looked at Brandon who didn’t know what to say, he was always the talkative one and now he couldn’t think of anything to say to her. He was shocked.

  He watched Jill walk away from them before he said anything to Brandon who had thoughts of Jill with the two men and he couldn’t stop smiling.

  “I think she’s interested in the both of us. Maybe we had it wrong all along.” Brandon grunted and saw Mike’s face grow red.

  “There’s nothing wrong with having a threesome. I’ve done it a few times man.” Brandon assured him it would be all right.

  “I’ve never had one, I don’t even know why we’re talking about this right now. We both know it will never happen.” Mike shrugged his shoulders and faced forward because the line was now moving.

  All day Mike couldn’t stop thinking about what Jill had said to them, during drills he could see that Jill was looking at them as if she was sizing them up and thinking about a wonderful time with them. It was clear to Mike that she didn’t want to obey the rules.

  Midday, they took a water break. Jill handed out iced bottles with water.

  “Now I don’t want you guys chugging them, your body needs coolness but not to where you freeze the inside of your body. Trust me, it won’t feel good if you drink it all down,” Jill warned everyone who was standing in front of her in a line.

  “You may take a seat, we will take a fifteen-minute break and get back to it. Another hour and I will let you guys rest your tired bones. Just know we need to give you a rest at boot camp. They don’t have to give you a rest at any point if they don’t want to out in the real world. It’s not like they can just pause the war and say okay we’re tired let’s take a nap,” she explained and heard a few of them chuckle under their breath.

  She watched as everyone sat dow
n, focusing her eyes on Brandon and Mike. Jill bit down on her lip and watched as the sweat rolled down their bodies, seeing they were getting tanned already from the hot, summer sun.

  Mike and Brandon were both looking at her, her tank top was wet with sweat, her hair was in a neat ponytail still but they weren’t focused on that. They were hypnotized by her tits that were begging to be massaged. They didn’t care if she was sweaty or not, they wanted her the more they looked at it.

  Mike looked around to see if anyone noticed what was going on but it didn’t seem like anyone had a clue, nor did they care what was going on as they talked to the person beside them. They were all working hard and it was hard to talk with the drill Sargent around.

  Mike looked back at Jill just in time to see her give them a wink, he knew what she wanted now. It would be up to her to find the time for the three of them if she wanted it. Mike wanted to take the day and just be with her, no rushing at all.

  “We will have fun, she will not stay away from us forever.” Brandon laughed, shaking his head back and forth.

  “All right, ladies and gentlemen it’s time to get back to work.” Jill’s tough voice had them on their feet in seconds.

  For an hour and a half, they did more drills, they did more running and they did more sweating. She had pushed them as far as she could. With her hands on her hips she noticed that no one complained and she would reward them for that.

  “Since no one asked when we would take our next break and no one complained about pulling that extra half an hour, we will take the rest of the day off. This is the only day we will do this so use your time. I want to make sure you’re well rested and that you have a good night before we go back at it tomorrow.” Jill nodded her head and looked at her watch as she gave them permission to leave.

  It was two in the afternoon and as she looked up from her watch she noticed the only two that hadn’t left yet was Mike and Brandon. They were both standing there with their hands on their hips and looking at her.

  “Can I help you?” Jill asked, smirking at them as her heart raced inside her chest. She knew they had caught her watching them.

  “Yeah I think you can.” Brandon cleared his throat and looked at her, checking her body out and she couldn’t deny that they were interested in her.

  “I want you two to meet me in the gym tonight around seven o’clock. I think the three of us should work out together. I think Mike needs to be fit, not that he isn’t now but a few hours a night wouldn’t hurt.” Jill raised her eyebrows at them, daring them to show up.

  “We’ll be there.” Brandon winked at her, then settled his eyes on her tits to let her know he knew what she wanted from them.

  “Great, we will learn a few things tonight. I hope you remember them well.” Jill nodded her head and turned away from them.

  Jill needed a shower and to dress in something that would show off her figure. She turned her head and saw that the men were still standing there watching her as she walked away.

  “This is it, we will find out if she will break the rules. We will find out if she wants us,” Brandon whispered to Mike as they walked away and headed down to the lake to take a quick swim.

  “Maybe she just wants to work out. If I were you I would let her make the first move.” Mike wanted no problems with Jill, he didn’t want to get kicked out of camp and then explain to his parents why he had to leave.

  “I’m telling you she’s hot for us. You’ll see when we get there. I can feel these things out, I’m not dumb.” Brandon laughed as he took his shirt off and walked toward the dock where the water was deep.

  Mike followed him without a word, taking his shirt off and wanting to take off his shorts but he knew he couldn’t. If anyone showed up, they would be in major trouble and that was the last thing he wanted. Mike knew in the back of his mind they would get into trouble, more than enough so there was no point in looking for more.

  They both jumped off the dock together and hollered when their bodies hit the cold water. When they came up for air they were both laughing as the sun kissed their bodies.

  “Everyone had me scared, thinking it would be hard here. Telling me I would work harder than I ever had in my life when I was boarding the bus. Boy, were they wrong,” Brandon laughed, shaking his head back and forth.

  “If she likes us she will take it easy on us. You know, she will make sure we can get through everything to get to where we need to be. Even if she works us hard she’s only doing it for our own good. You know and I know deep down.” Mike pointed out to him as he floated on his back and looked up at the blue sky. Letting the sun warm his face.

  “I know, but what a story it would make to friends back home that the drill sergeant liked us. That she wanted us, they would be jealous.” Brandon laughed.

  He knew his friends back home would be envious of him, letting them know even at boot camp he was a wanted man by women wherever he went.

  “We don’t know for sure that’s what will happen so don’t get your hopes up, not only that but if she does anything with us we can’t say a word. What would happen if someone came back here and told on her? She would lose her job, are you looking to ruin her career because of something like this?” Mike asked, knowing there were consequences for things like this. It would be good at the time but so horrible after.

  “I never thought of that, I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. I will tell the story just use a different name.” Brandon shrugged his shoulders, it didn’t matter who it was about.

  “Well for your sake I hope this happens because you’re looking forward to it.” Mike laughed at him, turning over and treading water so he could look at Brandon.

  “Don’t tell me you wouldn’t do it if she came onto you.” Brandon grinned at him and rolled his eyes.

  “I didn’t say I would deny her. I wouldn’t get my hopes up in case she does just want to work out,” Mike stated.

  Mike knew he wouldn’t turn Jill down if she offered herself to them, it would be his first time and he’d be a little nervous but he wouldn’t mind pleasing her. He would love to, in fact he had thought about it on his own just the two of them but it made it better she could be interested in them both. It would excite if she would just show them she wanted them. He knew she couldn’t in front of everyone but maybe just maybe she wanted them like Brandon had said. The comment she had made earlier in the day clarified that if she could, if it wasn’t against the rules she would take them without a problem.

  “You’re thinking about her, aren’t you?” Brandon teased him.

  “Maybe.” Mike smirked at him but Brandon knew he was right. He couldn’t wait to see what she offered when it was just the three of them.

  Chapter 4

  The day went and they took a nap just to have the time pass. When they woke up the sun was going down and they realized that they had missed dinner. Brandon had to wake up Mike so they could see if there was any food left.

  “If you guys want something to eat you should hurry on over. I think they’re putting away what’s left right now.” One of their fellow bunkmates told them as he came through the door.

  “Thanks man.” Mike nodded his head as they walked toward the dining hall.

  When they showed up no one was there, everyone they worked side by side with was out doing their own thing.

  “It’s a shame I missed you guys at dinner time but there’s more food back there in the kitchen if you’re hungry. Don’t forget seven o’clock, don’t keep me waiting. I hate waiting.” Jill came out from the kitchen and winked at them before she left the dining hall.

  “I told you this isn’t about staying in shape,” Brandon whispered to Mike as they walked into the kitchen and explained that Jill had told them to go back there to see what they could find to eat.

  Mike knew what his mind was telling him was true. Jill wanted them and he couldn’t wait for seven to come around. Everyone would be out doing their own thing or getting ready for bed. He could see the group they worked w
ith didn’t want to do anymore work unless they had to. The gym would be empty.

  “I think we are in the for the night of our lives. Who knows maybe it could be a thing.” Brandon chuckled as they ate as much as they could and threw their trays away.

  “Thanks for setting food aside for us.” Mike looked at the kitchen staff who were now doing the dishes.

  “You’re welcome. We understand that there may be times when a few people miss out on dinner and we like to do the right thing.” A short, heavy set woman told him as she wrapped up the food sitting on the counter.

  Mike nodded his head and the two men left the kitchen with huge smiles on their faces. They knew what was coming but they didn’t know how she would start it out. She would have to make the first move.

  Brandon and Mike hung out with each other at the basketball court. They were looking ways to make the time go by. Two hours and they would meet her at the gym to see what she offered them.

  They were playing basketball and getting sweaty, they were having fun and seeing a small crowd gather round to watch them play Mike felt like a superstar on the court. He was great at basketball and made long shots that some of their fans clapped about when he made the shots without touching the rim.

  “I guess maybe you should’ve gone into the sports field instead of coming here.” Brandon wiped the sweat off his face but he had a smile on his face to show he was having a good time.

  “Nah, I would rather fight for my country than to collect a paycheck playing a game that isn’t helping our country. I want to help and protect.” Mike shook his head as the ball went out of bounds.

  “What time is it?” Brandon asked, curious on the time.

  “It’s time to go.” Mike saw it was ten minutes to seven and he didn’t want to be late.

  Mike threw the ball to one guy that was waiting to take the court. Then three more guys came out when Mike and Brandon got off the court.

  A girl was trying to talk to them but they were in a hurry and rushed off before she could finish talking to them. Brandon wanted nothing impeding them being late. He knew a woman would make him late every time.


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