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Love in Troubled Times: MFM Alien Romance

Page 62

by Gayle Riley

  “I told you I would tell you, just not yet.”

  They continued to discuss keeping his identity a secret when he asked Rory something else. “I know I’ve known for several hours, but would you want to get dinner later?”


  “There’s a lot of things I’d like to catch you up on,” he explained. “You ever wanted to eat at a restaurant in London?”

  Rory could have told him no, she could have reminded him that she was only working so that she could go to college, but something told her to just go with it. “Sure,” she answered, “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 4

  They went by private jet to a five-star restaurant that had a private room just for them waiting with champagne on ice. Michael explained that the owners knew him from when he worked and lived in the city.

  “What if there is crime in New York tonight?” Rory questioned after she ordered lobster ravioli and he ordered the best cut of steak on the menu.

  “I’m really there to fight the monsters and I haven’t seen any activity in the last several days,” Michael explained. “They are also not from Earth. They want to take the planet as their own. They use humans for energy.”

  “How do you possibly do it alone? Isn’t there just more than you can handle?”

  “I have many years of experience,” he answered. “That and I have something that guides me when things get rough.”

  “What’s that?” Rory asked him

  Michael smiled at her. “I have hope.” Then he put his large hand on top of hers and Rory could have sworn that she’d experienced this same moment before. “You said you have powers,” she said, trying to control her breathing. “I saw you use your umbrella and it looked like you stopped that man from using his gun. What else can you do?”

  “I can live forever as long as I’m not fatally injured. I can sense when bad things are about to happen.” He took her hand into his and squeezed her gently. “I am able to share memories with others.”

  Rory gasped as she saw memories through Michael’s eyes. The worlds around him changed, the time periods shifting. The one thing that didn’t change how he always seemed to be following a girl. Sometimes she was brunette, other times she was a redhead or blonde, but her brown eyes were always the same and her smile made Rory feel scared because it reminded her so much of her own.

  She found herself blushing as she watched visions of this girl loving him and kissing him. Before things could get anymore risque, Michael was bringing her back to the private room in the restaurant. Rory stared at the man as he looked at her in a way that didn’t make sense. It was almost wistful.

  “Who was that girl?”

  Michael looked conflicted. “I promised I wouldn’t tell you until you worked for me more.”

  Rory felt the panic setting in; that if he told her the truth she would be trapped here in London. “This keeps on getting weirder and weirder. I don’t know if I can wait.”

  “Remember you said that,” he warned. “There’s another reason why I knew where you’d be last night. I’d been looking for you. It’s what I do. I’ve been doing it for almost 500 years. All those girls in those memories, are previous versions of you.”

  Rory tried to process everything that Michael said, and couldn’t speak as her mouth was agape. Instead, her brain felt like it was full of static.

  “You are Aurora Cummings in this life. In your last life your name was Maria Valencia. I could keep going until I get to the version of you I met when I first reached this Earth, but I’m sure that I’m already overwhelming you. Just know that every time I changed forms it was because I lost you or you reached the end of your life. Everything I do, I do it for you. This enemy I fight is not only to protect the people of various planets but to protect and serve you. I will continue to watch over you and this life and your next.”

  Rory was frozen in place as Michael rose from his spot and closed the space between them. He kissed her gently on the lips as if he was willing her to remember. She felt fear, she felt confusion, and even though she didn’t see various memories of a man following her or loving her, deep in her heart she knew what he said was true. Michael Venture was her soulmate and that was why she had this strange urge to trust him.

  They broke apart and Rory continued to look at him, trying to understand this strange story that she was now thrust into. “There are so many things I don’t understand,” she explained. “But I want to know everything.”

  “Come back to my apartment,” he pleaded.

  Rory was brought back to what she had said to him the night before, of having sex with him for money. Things had turned around so quickly. Now she felt like being that way with him would be the only way that she could discover all his secrets and learn who she was. Maybe there was a reason she’d been struggling in the city after all.

  Chapter 5

  Rory felt anxious as they took the jet back to New York and even more as they made their way back into his lavish apartment. Was she really going to do this? Hadn’t she just met him? But the more time she spent around Michael Venture, the more she knew deep in her heart that she knew him from somewhere before. Maybe it wasn’t for five hundred years, but she knew that in a past life or in a chance moment that had been connected.

  “I want to do this right,” he said to her once they were standing in his living room. “I want you to enjoy this.”

  Rory let him guide her into his bedroom and had to pause when she took in how it seemed bigger than her whole apartment. The bed was a California king with luxurious sheets. The rest of the room was equally as nice with modern furniture made of dark wood and a wall completely made of glass that looked out at the New York City skyline.

  “Wow,” she marveled, “The life you live is unbelievable.”

  “Come here,” Michael replied with open arms.

  Rory let him envelope her in his arms and stepped on her tiptoes to kiss him. Michael grabbed onto her face and ran his fingers through her hair before he began to undo his tie and take off his suit. Rory followed suit and unbuttoned her shirt and took off her pants. She looked at Michael confidently before she sat on the edge of the bed, beckoning him to join her.

  They continued to kiss until Michael laid her down on the mattress. “I’m so sorry that things have moved so quickly.”

  Rory smiled at him as her stomach tumbled with nerves. “It’s strange, but something tells me that I’ll know everything soon.”

  Michael rolled so that he was on top of her and caressed her so slowly and gently it was as though he was retracing his steps through something that he’d touched ages ago. It was like he was relishing the moment. Rory found herself closing her eyes and feeling strangely at peace as he kissed her neck, breasts, and stomach. She ran her hands over his back and bare shoulders, wanting desperately to remember being in this exact situation before. The memories didn’t rush back to her, but she did have the uncanny sense of ‘déjà vu’, so she decided she would go with it.

  She arched her body so that she could whisper into his ear. “I’m ready,” she told him. She spread her legs wider as made his way to her entrance. He locked eyes with her one last time, to make sure that she was really okay with what he was about to do before he slowly entered her.

  Rory wasn’t innocent. She’d run off to the city as soon as she was old enough. She’d been with plenty of boys in the five years she’d been living here. A few were boyfriends, but she’d also had her share of flings. This wasn’t her first time having sex with someone on a whim, but it was totally different than anything she’d ever felt before. It wasn’t carnal or sloppy, it was tender and gentle. Rory found herself filling slowly with pleasure, but at the same time, she found herself feeling very full, almost like emotions were making her chest swell. It was the sort of feeling that she always thought she would associate with making love with her soul mate. With everything that Michael had told her, was it possible that she was remembering something?

  With each thrust
, Rory found herself becoming unhinged. She found herself fighting the moans that wanted to slip from her throat, as if the whole city could see what she was doing. Michael’s hands ran all over her body, making her tingle. When he moved one of his hands down to her womanhood and began to rub while he continued to take her Rory finally reached her climax, screaming and pulsing as she rode the wave. Just like this wasn’t her first time doing something like this, it wasn’t her first orgasm either. But everything with Michael venture was so different so she wasn’t surprised when she felt light headed as she slowly came back down to earth.

  Michael had more stamina than she did and she passed the point of no return once more before he began to grunt and thrust into her so hard that she moved up the bed with each stroke. He kissed her fervently before he pulled himself out of her, spilling his seed onto her flat stomach.

  Rory still tried to control her breathing as he rolled onto the bed beside her. She still couldn’t believe that just yesterday she’d been watching Michael Venture on the diner’s television.

  “I hope that was good for you,” he murmured while staring at his ceiling.

  “What do you think?” Rory asked him.

  “It seemed like you enjoyed it.”

  Rory got up and walked into the bathroom to clean herself up. She took in the mosaic tile floor and huge shower before she noticed there was also a jacuzzi bathtub tucked in a corner. She wondered what other wonders were in the penthouse apartment she currently stood in.

  “May I say something that might make you feel uncomfortable?” Michael asked behind her.

  “We just had sex and I’m standing naked in your bathroom,” Rory reasoned, “How much weirder could it get?”

  She almost jumped when she felt his arms wrap around her from behind. “I wanted to tell you that I think you're beautiful.”

  Rory found herself nuzzling into him despite how quickly everything was happening. “Is that what you’ve told all the previous versions of me?” she teased. “I think I want to stay here. Not because I’m getting attached or anything,” she added, “I want you to tell me everything.”

  “You better get some rest,” he replied. “There is a lot to tell.”

  Chapter 6

  Because of their impromptu trip to London and the events that had followed afterward, Michael canceled all of his appointments and meetings for the following day. After they had utilized that shower in multiple ways and finally got some sleep, Rory found herself waking up to the smell of something delicious. She opened her eyes to find herself alone in Michael’s bedroom, the glass wall streaming in lots of light. She rose to find that a white silk robe was draped over a chair in the corner of the room.

  “Did he have someone buy this for me?” Rory asked herself, running her fingers over the smooth fabric. She put it on before she followed the scent coming from the kitchen.

  “Good morning!” he called from the stove as she entered. Just like the rest of the apartment, the kitchen had stainless steel, state of the art appliances and gadgets. Michael was already dressed as he moved things around in a frying pan. He didn’t wear a suit, but the sweater and nice jeans he wore were still nice than anything Rory had in her closet.

  “What are you making?”

  Michael smiled at her. “I’m making you crepes with that chocolate hazelnut spread inside.”

  Rory’s heart pounded as she took in how he was staring at her and then at the food. “How did you know that Nutella crepes are my favorite.”

  “I’ve been telling you and will continue to tell you that I’ve known you most of my life. This has been your favorite food for as long as the spread has been in stores.”

  Rory sat at the breakfast bar so she could watch him finish cooking. “Thank you. Have you really been watching me all this time? Figuring out who I am?”

  Michael started at the beginning, recounting how his alien race was in charge of watching over the universe or controlling time to keep the various planets and galaxies from fighting with one another. He explained how some planets were aware of these guardians, while others like Earth lived their lives in the dark. “For a while, you work as part of a team. You watch these planets that know of our existence and step in if things start to get crazy. When you are old enough and they think you are worthy, they send you to one of the smaller ones that are oblivious, or they’ll make you watch another race of alien that might not be following the rules,” Michael explained. “That’s how I ended up with Earth. They said the Dark Society of Nebula Six was sending warriors to Earth and that I was to look into it.”

  “Dark Society of Nebula Six?” Rory repeated, never hearing the words before.

  Michael ignored her as he continued his story, putting her crepe on a plate and placing it in front of her. “When I arrived, it was during your Middle Ages. I have the ability to change my form so I can blend into my surroundings so I became David Baker. I made the baker believe I was his apprentice so I was able to watch and see what the Dark Society would do. I also have the ability to be pulled toward trouble. That night I saved you, I would have known where you were even if I was following you. I would have felt the disturbance in the night and come to your rescue regardless.”

  Rory tried to keep track of all of Michael’s names and various powers in case she would need to remember them later. She nodded a few times before he continued his story. He described the day he met her for the first time. She was a daughter of a noble named Rosetta who was slated to be someone important if the King took notice. “Just like I feel a pull whenever the Dark Society is around and whenever there is trouble, the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew where you were at every moment. At first, I thought it was because you were part of their people but I could find no darkness in you. It was the opposite. You were human, but you were of the light. You were my destiny.”

  “Of the light?” Rory found that everything he told her was making her have more questions than answers.

  “There is one person in every world,” Michael said seriously. “They are the chosen savior of their people. It is their destiny to work with the guardian of their planet to bring peace. It was your destiny to save Earth from the Dark Society of Nebula Six. No one told me that I would fall in love with you, but once I saw you and then I talked to you I knew that I had to be with you. I’d follow you for the rest of my days.”

  Rory remembered the visions he’d shared with her; of a beautiful girl in various forms. But one thing was always the same, the girl always looked at him like she had never loved anyone more. She had felt it a few times when she looked at him without his mask, when he had made love to her. “What happened to me? Why do I feel like I remember you, but it’s still not crystal clear?”

  “You have always awakened when you are about to face members of the Dark Society. That first time, when you were Rosetta, you were able to assist me in sealing them away temporarily. But then it backfired. The people were supposed to be thankful but instead they accused you of witchcraft. They were going to burn you, but your father was so ashamed that he strangled you before I had the chance to rescue you.”

  Rory stared at him dumbfounded as he explained how after several years of being alone and distraught over losing her he’d feel the pull of the Dark Society rising again. Not long after that, he felt her presence in another country. She was a child somewhere else and he decided that they would start fresh. It would throw off the enemy if they didn’t recognize his face so he’d become someone else. When the Dark Society would continue to terrorize the human race, he’d find her and they would fall in love all over again. Sometimes they had happy lifetimes together; she lived long enough for them to be married and have children. Other times they weren’t so lucky. There were times when the Dark Society would fatally wound her, or the human race would strike back because they were scared of the power she and her alien guardian possessed. He would change his identity and begin to search for her all over again.

  “I felt the pull that you were in the
United States probably around the time you were born, but I didn’t come here until about five years ago,” Michael explained. “That was when the enemy made their move. I followed the feeling until I saw you leaving your apartment one day. You had been reincarnated in a variety of ways, but you’d never been in such horrible conditions before. I felt responsible for not coming here sooner.” He looked at her sadly but his eyes shined with hope. “I promise to make up for all of it. If you believe me of course.”

  Rory tried to process everything he had told her and how she had her own part in this strange tale. “We’re soul mates,” she mused aloud.

  “You could call it that.”

  “You’ll keep looking for me even if something happens in this life?”

  Michael walked around the breakfast nook and cupped her face in his hands. “I will never stop. Even if I have to tell you this story a million times.”

  Rory felt tears welling in her eyes. Even though she couldn’t see the memories from her point of view, that feeling of nostalgia was filling her chest. “Where is the Dark Society. I want to find them so I can regain my memories. So I can remember our past.”

  Michael looked at her sadly. “It’s dangerous. Are you ready for that already?”

  Rory nodded. “I’m sick of being bitter and cynical. If this is my destiny, don’t you think it’s time that I remember?”

  “Then we go tonight,” he assured her, “I promise.”

  Chapter 7

  Rory felt weird as she sat in Michael’s car wearing her own mask. She truly felt like a sidekick as he drove around the city, telling her that he could feel the enemy’s presence somewhere on the Upper East Side. All the while, her pulse was racing because she might have powers just like Michael did. Wasn’t she just making fun of people for having conspiracy theories and reading too many comic books? It sounded like she had been a strange sort of superhero for nearly half a millennium.


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