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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

Page 2

by C. M. Owens

  I wasn't struggling; I was just casting a spell to keep dark entities out of Kane's home when they were all dark. My spells were thought to be malfunctioning, when it was merely my messed up love life that was the problem.

  Gage's vague explanation about chanters does answer some of my questions, but not all of them. I follow him in only to be nearly deafened by the music. For a centuries-old being, this chanter's taste in music is terribly obnoxious.

  "What's the game plan?" I ask while clutching him a little tighter as a stray hand from one of the drunken fools lands on my ass.

  He quickly draws me to him and eyes the guy who crossed the line. The guy backs down promptly, and turns away to rejoin his group of laughing friends who are amused by his silent scolding.

  "Your magic is growing, and your aura is channeling all the wrong vibes. You're going to be fighting with all sorts of unwanted attention if you don't figure out a way to cap it off."

  "Cap what off exactly? I'm angry, tired, frustrated... well, every form of calling me cranky to be exact. What can I possibly be putting off?"

  He smirks, and then I see a blushing hue form in his perfectly defined cheekbones.

  "You really don't know, do you?"

  I narrow my eyes, not feeling like playing twenty questions tonight.

  "Witches can't see their own auras, jackass. What am I putting off?"

  He lets a laugh free and then shakes his head while pulling me away from the next groping idiot before he has a chance to make contact. My back is suddenly against Gage's front as he holds me to him, shielding me.

  "Sexual energy," he says while leaning down to my ear, making me shiver.

  My whole face burns, and I'm so frigging happy he's not in front of me right now. He pulls me closer as we stop in the doorway of a crowded room.

  He holds me to him the way a lover would as he protectively keeps me safe from any unwanted attention - well, unwanted physical attention. He can't stop the gawking. I haven't gone out in a while. Now I'm glad I haven't.

  "How?" I finally manage to squeak out. "I'm not... I mean... it shouldn't-"

  "You just had your heart broken, Alyssa. It leaves the doorway open to so many dropped emotions. One of your strongest connections to Kane was the fact he was your first."

  I look up with wide eyes taking over my face. "How the hell did you know that?"

  He smirks as he scans the room, avoiding meeting my gaping gawk. "It's obvious. When a mortal loses their virginity to an immortal, they're tied to them in some way. You're still mortal right now, making you no different from a human. Until you... find someone else to fill that void, your aura will wreak of wanton desire. Sorry, babe. That's just how things are. So, find someone to kill the connection, and you'll be free of all the excess attention."

  I cross my arms in a huff, suddenly feeling violated in even more ways, thanks to Kane. I can't just screw some random guy in an effort to stop the excessive drooling from the mindless humans.

  "I'm glad it isn't affecting immortals."

  He lets a loud burst of laughter free, and I start to tilt my head up when a guy bumps into him from the back. It forces Gage into me a little harder, and I realize that I am affecting immortals.

  I swallow hard as his firmness presses up against me more to let others pass. He laughs again when he sees my expression.

  "I think you just learned otherwise," he murmurs against my ear, making me shiver all over again.

  I never knew this, and now I feel like an absolute idiot. His hand slides around my waist as he moves out from behind me, and we start heading away from the crowded spot that is forcing us to share too much intimacy.

  "Sorry," I mumble, forcing him to laugh even harder.

  "I can deal. Just be careful. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming and it could start affecting you physically."


  "Care to elaborate?" I ask, looking anywhere but at him.

  It would have been really, really nice to know this sort of thing. I'll add it to the list of things to ream my mother out over once she's fully recuperated.

  "Well, it could either make you foolishly throw yourself into the arms of someone really dangerous in a desperate desire to kill the urge you only think you're dealing with, or it could drive you back to the arms of the one who hurt you. I'm sure you see why it'd be a bad idea to risk going back to Kane."

  "Yeah. Considering he'd fucking kill me."

  Gage frowns, his humorous fun gone as reality of my dire situation arises.

  "I won't let that happen." Then his eyes perk up with mischief as he leans down to be inches from my face. My eyes fall on his sexy lip ring as his breath falls between my lips from the shiver-worthy closeness. "Let me know if you need any help. I'm a sucker for a damsel in distress."

  I swallow hard, uncertain about whether he's joking or being serious, but then I'm distracted as a familiar, gut-wrenching, and beautiful face comes into view.

  "Fuck," I blurt out, and Gage chuckles.

  "Well that was easy enough."

  I roll my eyes at the obvious misunderstanding, and my eyes point to the devil walking around the party as though nothing has happened. Gage straightens up, standing taller than usual, as he glares across the room.

  "I hadn't thought about them showing up here. We should go."

  He starts tugging at my hand, but I pull away. "No. We need answers, and you said this guy might have them. Just talk to him and find out what he knows."

  He presses his lips into a thin line, and then he nods. "Fine, but stay where I can see you. If he approaches you, just say my name. You know I'll get you out of here within a blink. I don't care who sees us."

  I shudder at the thought of Kane hurting me. Three weeks ago, I wouldn't have thought it possible. Now, it's a startling reality and a question of when he tries rather than if he tries.

  Gage's hand finds my cheek for a second, and then he rustles through the crowd to join a guy with more piercings than skin on his face. Holy crap.

  I hear Kane laughing with a random girl, probably a victim he's lining up, no doubt. Knowing I can't watch, I turn away only to run smack into Zee's chest.

  I back away quickly, my whole body lightly shaking as I stare into the false copper eyes I once thought of as friendly.

  "Don't be so scared, Alyssa. You've been called hands-off territory, even though you obviously deserve death more than anyone here," he says so coldly.

  My eyes narrow as I glare at him, steeling myself with false courage.

  "I don't deserve a fucking thing. I'm sick of Kane and all of you pretending as though I'm the one who planned out some elaborate plot, when it was him all along. If I had known he was a fucking night stalker, I would never have trusted him with my blood or my life, you dumbass. I'm not stupid enough to believe you really think I schemed up this suicide mission to do... what exactly? Lure out a bitch I've never even heard of? Go after a night stalker I can't possibly kill? You forgot to factor in anything I would have to gain from this. Go fuck yourselves! All of you!"

  His eyes grow colder, but his head tilts in confusion as he tries to process what I'm saying. I'm sure he's planning out his next line of attack, but then he surprises me.

  "You're claiming you didn't know who or what Kane was?"

  The tone of bemusement almost sounds authentic, but I know how his kind works. They love a good game.

  "Don't pretend like you really think I had any ulterior motives. Leave me out of your elaborate, well-calculated, twisted plan for you guys to kill Kane's ex-bloodthirsty mistress. Stop playing your games on me, because they'll get you nowhere. You have no idea what I grew up with."

  A father who used mind games as a fun pastime hobby. I watched more than one man fold before him with nothing but a few words of taunting.

  Zee takes a step back, his whole posture changing.

  "I find it hard to believe you didn't know you were with a night stalker for all that time."

  I laugh at the contradictory
argument he places. "Then you understand why I fail to believe he never knew I was a witch, since he tasted my fucking blood... Twice."

  Again, he seems so confused, but I barge by him before he can try to fuck with my head anymore. Kane is perched up beside his latest victim, and she touches his chest as he flashes her his award-winning smile.

  Though I know I shouldn't, I strain my mortal ears to immortally hone in on the conversation.

  "So, tomorrow?" she asks. "How about we meet up and I'll give you as much as you need."

  "Actually, Zee's the one who needs it. I'm just here on his behalf because he's shy."

  I breathe out in relief to know he hasn't just been hitting on a girl right in front of me. I'm so fucked-up right now. If what Gage is saying about this connection is true, I definitely need to figure out a way to get Kane out of my system.

  "Well, I don't want Zee as much as I want you," she seduces, her finger trailing over his chest.

  He laughs as his hand closes over hers, stopping her descent before she reaches the top of his jeans. He shakes his head as he whispers something in her ear that makes her laugh.

  The taste of jealousy has a lot in common with the taste of bile. My eyes scan the room in search of Gage who has moved from his previous spot. I can't tune out the pretty blond flashing her extra white teeth as she continues to tempt death's dealer.

  "I think we should make a deal. I'll let Zee take what he needs as long as you promise to take all of me later."

  Yep. It's official. Jealousy definitely tastes like bile.

  I want to do something, say something... hell, I want to knock the bitch out. But I can't. He's the devil, and I'm just the girl he used for his game.

  Kane laughs more, obviously amused by her desire for him, and then I feel a shiver up the back of my neck as I turn to meet Amy's looming figure.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" she growls, her eyes seeping venom.

  I hold it together, pretending to be unafraid.

  "I have every right to be here. The people here aren't at risk because of my presence, unlike you and your coven."

  I don't back down. I'm not running from them no matter how skilled at killing they all are.

  "You have no idea the lengths we go to in order to keep these people safe. We drink donor's blood all day, every day. When Zee itches for the feel of the bite, we fetch him a willing victim that leaves with her life the next day - her memory completely dusted. Nothing we do can result in calling us evil, you judgmental little bitch."

  Why have a willing donor if they are just going to dust her memory? To keep her from screaming? To keep from accidentally killing her when she does scream? Surely this can't be-

  I never see Amy's aura warning me of what's to come before she uses her inhuman strength to slam me against the wall, brutally ripping me out of my stupid, silent inquiry. I can't believe I just let my guard down in front of a lycan that hates me with a passion.

  A few gasps rattle out as her hands grip my throat, squeezing me just tight enough to make me strain for air. I don't care if I risk exposure or not, I'm not dealing with this.

  Just before I decide to shock the fuck out of her, Kane is suddenly breaking us apart, hauling Amy off me.

  "Damn it, Kane! Let me handle this. She deserves to have her ass kicked one good time for fucking with us," she growls while squirming against his hold.

  He pins her arms to her sides as all the eyes of the party fall to us.

  "Stop it now," he warns, keeping his voice low enough to escape the normal hearing register of the humans. "She's not worth risking all we've fought to build here. If you out us, we'll have to move before the council finds out."

  "Do whatever you want to me," I scoff while walking away. "There's not a whole lot worse than what you've already done."

  I push past Zee who seems more curious than angered this time. He follows me out, and I prepare myself for anything as I start heading down the steps.

  "Alyssa, can I ask what you were doing with Kane if you weren't after Cas-"

  He stops when he realizes there are too many people outside for this conversation. I whirl around to answer anyway.

  "Because I cared about him. Because he made me feel excited, happily terrified, and safe all at once. I fell in love with him, but you all already know this. It's just in your nature to toy with my kind. You love the mind-fucking games that make us shiver and leave us in tears moments before there's nothing left to give - if you know what I mean."

  I take a step toward him as I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one can see what I'm about to reveal to him. I'm ready to show him I know exactly what they're all capable of.

  Waving my hand over my shoulder, I peel back the fabric to reveal my nasty little secret. Zee's eyes widen as his mouth falls open.

  "This happened the night of the botched trap?" he asks while seeing the two bites run together.

  "One of them did. The other happened a long time ago."

  My eyes fall down to my horrid scars and marred flesh. It looks more like a bear attack than a vampire bite on the first one. Isolis's bite wasn't quite as dramatic, but it still left the proof of his presence. The smaller wound is barely noticeable anymore compared to the monstrosity beside it.

  "Who did this?" he asks, feigning concern.

  I roll my eyes at his insincere gesture, and then I cover the proof while slipping my shirt back into place.

  "It doesn't matter. The point is you don't have to keep waving your veiled threats around. I know perfectly well what you're all capable of doing."

  He frowns as if he's mulling over all the facts. I'm sick of the games.

  "Zee!" Kane yells, his voice less than thrilled when he sees us talking and mistakes it for light conversation. He stalks toward us, and my blood boils. "One fucking simple request. I told you all to just avoid her, and yet, you and Amy have to speak to her the first time we run into each other. Un-fucking-believable."

  "Kane, I-"

  "Don't, Zee. Just leave the trash outside and head back in. I struck up a deal with the blond in there that I can assure you is much more appealing than the blond right here."

  My stomach slaps my throat almost as hard as his tart retort slaps my heart. I walk away, refusing to look behind me as I hurry back to find Gage. Just as I reach the top of the stairs, Heath is waiting.

  He looks completely healed. His body doesn't show any signs of the brutal beating he received just a few weeks ago. How is that even possible? I saw his face distorted in ways a plastic surgeon couldn't have possibly repaired so quickly.

  "Well I'll be damned. You look so good tonight, and now I hear you're single."

  Stupid drunks. Stupid aura. Stupid, stupid party!

  "Single, but still not interested. Touch me and I'll break your face for good this time."

  His laughter proves to me his memory has been wiped. He has no idea what Kane did to him that night. Reflexively, I turn around to look for the man I once considered my human hero.

  I'm surprised to find him actually staring back, seeming to be seething as he stares at us. He hated Heath long before he knew me, so there's no point in assuming this has anything to do with any lingering feelings. He's too cold to feel anything but dark. He's a night stalker. A bloodthirsty, sadistic bastard.

  I turn back around, trying to find Gage now.

  "I thought about swinging by your place later. How about I hit you up in about an hour?" he says while glancing down at his watch.

  "You know where I live?" I ask, my voice louder than I intended. "Hell no. I've got a roommate that will kick your ass if you even think-"

  His lips are on mine as he forces me to the wall behind us. I squeal and fight against him, but it's pointless. After all the threats Kane has made... He's just going to watch as this guy tries to haul me out caveman style.

  Before I know it, Heath is being ripped off me and tossed over the railing to land five feet below. He grunts as the wind is knocked out of him, and a f
amiliar face is awaiting my breath of relief as Thad comes into view.

  "I knew I shouldn't leave you alone for too long. Too many pervy assholes around here."

  I laugh as I launch myself into his arms and he holds me to him as he kisses the top of my head, making me feel so much better now that I have two people here.

  "Easy, pretty girl. You'll mess up all that lovely makeup, and now that I'm here, the fun's just getting started."

  I laugh again and look down to see Heath is already gone. Kane is missing as well, and I start to worry what might be going on. I banish the thought. Kane can do whatever low-level thing he wants and I can't touch him without risking my own hide with the council.

  "I'm glad you showed up when you did."

  He smiles as he pulls my hand in his, and I laugh as he adjusts his pants.

  "Didn't realize the dirty trickster was your first," he grumbles.

  My laughter instantly ceases as my face floods crimson. What the hell? Does everyone know?

  "I really hate this flashing neon sign that is apparently beaming from me."

  A devious smile covers his face, warning me I'm about to become more embarrassed.

  "I can fix that for you. One night with me, and you'll forget his name."

  I laugh ridiculously hard, but I don't fight the sweet kiss he places on my lips. He does taste good, but he's not really my type. I do love the attention right now though. Not to mention, his presence and touch might deter the other fools from rushing in.

  "See, I'm good at a lot of things," he says while pulling back.

  I roll my eyes at the cocky changer, but I'm happy to lean into him.

  "You're the only one who gets away with that, you know."

  "I know. That's why you should consider the possibility of pushing the boundaries. That kiss could turn into-"

  "Don't push your luck," I mutter in interruption, grinning.


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